r/NuclearRevenge - Psycho Landlord Sets My Home On FIRE! [My Nuclear Revenge]

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hello my friends I hope you're having a wonderful day today and welcome back to another episode of our slash nuclear revenge where you'll get to hear stories about people's lives getting absolutely nuked into oblivion guys in today's episode you'll hear two stories the first one was sent to me by a subscriber who doesn't have a reddit account where he gets revenge on a landlord who sets a freaking apartment on fire and the second story is Opie getting revenge on a conman who steals her life savings guys before we get into the stories please hit that like button if you enjoy hearing nuclear revenge stories and do hit that subscribe button for future stories this first story was sent to me by Adam and it's titled the destruction of my landlord I regretfully got an apartment with what is my opinion the worst landlord ever this man who I'll call in titled dick for Edie has the audacity to call himself a good person in court let me fill you in I got an apartment shortly after being released from prison I was happy that someone was gonna give me a chance to improve my life and this was clearly not the case all was well for the first few months and then winter hits and the heat went out it took three days to get Edie to even answer his phone by that time his voicemail was full of complaints from his freezing cold tenants he told me the law gave him a reasonable timeframe to fix it we went 2 more weeks with no heat using our stoves and camping in the kitchen in our respective apartments when Edie got his electricity bill he attempted to raise the rent on the apartments this was obviously not allowed by the city so he refused to pay his electricity bill thus denying all of us heat at all and this is where my OCD kicked in and I went full research mode I studied every law in regards to the federal state and city landlord tenant laws and rights I found so many violations that it was no longer funny but scary I studied the building code I studied the condition of all of his apartments this was easier due to the fact that I was either good friends with his tenants or had gone there to repair damages caused by frozen pipes and electrical outlets failing due to shoddy wiring and so forth Edie had pissed off all of his tenants every last one was pissed to the point where they wanted to testify against him in cords but couldn't due to the financial hardships the living conditions were in had been causing I formulated a plan to get him to repair the buildings that he owned but Edie had his own plan On January 2nd at 2:00 a.m. I was awoken by the smoke detectors in the whole building going off I quickly ran to the back hall because no smoke was in my apartment yet but I was on the top floor I opened the door and was greeted by a thick wall of smoke I quickly ran downstairs after shouting for my girlfriend at the time to get out of the house quick I pounded on every door and screamed fire as the smoke was quickly filling the hallways I got as many people as possible to evacuate but the floor that the fire was on no one was answering and to my knowledge contained children so I panicked at this point the fire department was there and began breaking in doors the fire in the building was quickly spreading two weeks later the results were released arson it turns out a tenant had used hairspray to start the fire and hid the evidence in a hole that she punched into the wall I suspect that he paid her off for doing that ironically she was the only tenant who had paid rent in the whole building because she had started moving in two days prior I had not known that she was now a tenant and her sister and kids had moved out the day before I looked at Edie and I told him I knew what he had done and was not going to rest until he lost all of his buildings I then began asking his tenants for their stories about their interactions with Edie and this is where things got real he had been accused of everything from ripping off employees theft grand theft auto bank fraud and so much more I formulated a new plan I sucked up to him and made it known that I'm a computer tech Edie had quite a few broken computers and some printer and network issues and I was in we worked a deal on payment for back rent and he was not good for his word but it was all part of the plan once I got his password and logins I copied his entire hard drive to my portable one I copied all the emails in his business account and printed his financial records after I fixed his computers and network I then went home to review my newfound evidence it was enough more than enough I contacted code of enforcement with all of the violations of code for every building including the illegal electrical installation in his new office without permits or even an electrician he was immediately investigated and that night I found a seven day notice to quit on my door my roommate was worried but I filled him in on the plan remember that I studied all those laws and rights well we get to court and I open with Your Honor I have proof of a clear violation of the warranty of the habitability Act the eviction was thrown out and he was forced to repair my apartment with me still in it immediately the next month I was given another eviction notice he was still losing money due to the fact that I was teaching his tenants landlord rights and the laws associated with it he kept losing his court dates and kept being told to fix his stuff and was continuously fined by the courts and the code enforcement he was sinking fast I wasn't done yet we went to court again for my non-payment of rent I won again based on the landlord retaliation act because I had contacted code enforcement and can prove this blatant retaliation and the judge didn't even listen to Eadie needless to say spending the winter without heat took a toll on his tenants we want electric heaters and inform the power company that the landlord had shut off all the power to his building and was requiring tenants to pay for their own power well apparently his illegal wiring caught up to him he had wired the apartments to run off each other and the common areas were now attached to wiring in every apartment this put Eadie in a rough position as local law says it's the landlord's responsibility to supply power to all the common areas this means his shoddy workmanship and illegal wiring prevents him from legally disconnecting the power the power company turned on all the power and locked his ability to shut it off until all the wiring in the common areas was repaired and separated from the apartments and this would cost thousands of dollars thousands that we knew he didn't have he was panicking he kept losing cords people were illegally withholding rent and he couldn't shut off services and the fines were debilitating he kept blaming his tenants and refused to repair things one by one the buildings were condemned and Edie was required to pay for relocation of his tenants by law and he didn't he couldn't he was arrested for attempting to sell three buildings that the city confiscated from him and for selling one that was condemned he wanted to get a lawyer but he couldn't afford it Edie got what he deserved he lost every building that he owned got charged with all kinds of fraud and was investigated for other crimes that I'm still unaware of but I wasn't done he caused a lot of suffering I gave his financial records to the IRS with all of the internal memos and everything I got from his computers I also provided the local authorities and code enforcement with the same things Edie was so screwed I've since gotten a new apartment and everything he owned has been taken by the city state and IRS I have not seen Edie in three years and all of his properties have been bought by someone new and all the new tenants are happy with their landlords oh and about Edie and the lady who started the fire the woman living there who started the fire was arrested for first-degree arson and charged with two counts due to the fire that turned out to be intentional and she ratted him out saying that he was the one who paid her to set the fire so she could get less jail time in the end he's serving multiple sentences for crimes that he's committed and he's not getting out for at least five to ten years since they also charged him with first-degree arson as an accomplice Edie is somewhere in some prison regretting meeting this tenant oh my goodness Opie was the wrong person to mess with in the story Edie does really take the cake on being a horrendous landlord who the heck starts a fire in an apartment building with people still inside sleeping a freaking psychopath that's who he deserves all those years in prison no doubt about it let me know your opinions on the story by voting in this poll this next story is by user elixir underscore MTL and it's titled someone stole twenty five thousand dollars from me and it ended up costing him half a million dollars a preamble I was married to a very OCD and pragmatic man for example for him a big romantic gesture had been to leave me alone for 24 hours at the hospital right after I had our son so he could go pay the bills and mow the lawn I was in dire need of physical contact because he never touched me unless he wanted sex and he also never kissed me but this story is not about him it's only a preamble so I divorce him not just for what's above mind you I felt alone and unloved in this relationship I just wrote about it to explain the state of mind I was in when I met this other person that will call PS PS was the total opposite he was very in tune with his emotions he was very very intense and this will be important later he really showed me love like I thought I needed on our first dates the waitress asked how long we'd been together since he was so into me and touching me he made me feel amazing he had this huge house and a rather flashy lifestyle so I assumed he was really well-off he told me he owned a car wash and a phone marketing company fast forward a bit at this point we had been dating for about a year and he had just asked me and my son to move in with him I wasn't a hundred percent sure but he prepared the room for my son nonetheless as I started spending more time in his house I started to see strange behavior he'd be up all night but sleep all day I also overheard a few phone calls where he was telling people they owed money and needed to pay but the conversations didn't fit with a carwash or a phone marketing business at some points he told me he was having money problems and said huge clients were late in paying and that it was jeopardizing his house payments so I stupid me offered to help it ended up with me lending him $25,000 and I cannot for the life of me remember that progression the loan was supposed to be for three weeks he said I'd have it all back in three weeks three weeks that $25,000 was basically my life savings it came from our retirement savings and my son's college money so I had to pay a fine to access it it also took me ten years to put aside that money was very important to me during those three weeks I went out to have drinks with my friends and I found him on a date with another woman I saw him touching and kissing another woman I said nothing I went to his house packed my stuff and I left so anyway I thought he'd be an adult and would reimburse the twenty five thousand dollars at the end of the three weeks which was a big mistake someone I knew told me he was glad I left and proceeded to tell me about him they told me that PS was a con man a specialist in defrauding older people by phone and that was this so-called phone marketing company I wasn't sure I believed it but then bits of what I overheard in the last year started to make sense and I realized it was all true I tried getting my money back in many different ways none of which worked I was at the end of my rope and since it was in my year post-divorce I basically used my life savings I was poor as hell so this is what I did first he had given me access to pay bills online not to his bank accounts but to his emails so I was able to investigate all of his accounts with the same password and I printed and screenshots every little bit of information relating to money I found proof that he was indeed scamming people and found the people he worked with and even the name of the person at Western Union who facilitated the money transfer I found out that he was an organized criminal I also found out that he did this between US and Canada I started preparing for nuclear strike one so for strike one I printed his face and the face of everyone working for him and with him that were defrauding people and left hundreds of flyers in the neighborhood I also called the hotline for financial crime prevention in both Canada and the US and gave very specific details and names strike two I was dumb in lending him money but at least I did it the right way I was smart enough to write a check I didn't do cash because I wanted a paper trail and it turns out it was a great idea on the cheque I had written that it was alone Thank You Judge Judy for the tip since he didn't pay me back I prepared an invoice and sent it to me from his hacked email when the time came to do my taxes I filed the twenty-five thousand dollars as an expense using his invoice and it passed strike three don't ask me how I got a social security number but I ended up having access to it so I ratted him out to the IRS for hiding income I found out later on through friends that the IRS started investigating him for unpaid taxes I heard he had to pay 38% in taxes on that twenty five thousand dollars plus pay a twenty percent fine for not declaring income at this point I was satisfied I figured nine thousand five hundred dollars in taxes plus five thousand dollars in fines was 50% of what he owed me at least he didn't get away with it all remember that I told you on the cheque that I had written that it was alone so I decided to take him to court and I won since he didn't even show up he had to reimburse the full twenty five thousand dollars plus court fees plus what he owes to the IRS so it's thirty nine thousand five hundred dollars that he was to pay for not reimbursing the twenty five thousand to this day I still haven't seen a cent but the rest of the story makes it worthwhile at first I thought the financial crime call I made had no effect well now it's the cherry on top what I didn't know at the time was that the IRS would team up with the wire fraud division and look at everything he did they were not able to catch him on wire fraud but since the house he had did not fit with the money he was declaring they got him on tax evasion and gave him a certain delay to pay back taxes I heard it was only three months but I don't know if it was accurate they got him so good that they ended up freezing his accounts and he lost his house and his debt to the IRS is still open my twenty five thousand dollars that he didn't want to repay me ended up costing him over half a million dollars and since you cannot go bankrupt for a debt you owe to the government I'm happy to tell you that at 40 years old he had to move back with his parents and asked for welfare and will probably be paying this for the rest of his life the story is not finished however I just learned now that he has a job as a concierge in the apartment building of his parents so I'll be contacting the court to have money he owes me taken directly from his pay the last thing is he has no idea that I'm the culprit of all of his bad fortune and he recently sent me a message telling me that he misses me that I was an angel for him and he regrets what he did well not me loser not me well done Opie I hope you end up getting that $25,000 back from him and unfortunately this post has been up for a year and there's still no updates and that my friends is the end of another episode of our / nuclear revenge if you guys enjoyed the stories please be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future stories I upload every day and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 126,534
Rating: 4.9424834 out of 5
Keywords: nuclear revenge, r/nuclearrevenge, r/, revenge stories, nuclear revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, nuclear, nuclear stories, reddit nuclear revenge, reddit nuclear, r//, reddit top posts, best reddit revenge stories, r/nuclear, nuclear revenge darkfluff, dark fluff nuclearrevenge, top nuclear revenge, bad landlord, landlord, landlord stories, scary landlord stories, fire, set house on fire, house on fire, fire house, reddit funny stories, reddit funny posts
Id: aVsEqKIIeEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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