r/EntitledPeople - Karen Gets ARRESTED During a 4th of July Celebration!

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hello my wonderful beautiful friends welcome back to another episode of our slash entitled people where people seem to think they can do no wrong just by being their lovely selves my friends i hope you're having a lovely day today and before we get into the stories check this out so i don't know if this is real or not but it's the most ridiculous thing i've read in a really really long time so this person asked can i sue my beekeeper neighbor every day i see my neighbor's bees flying around my garden stealing the pollen and nectar from my flowers then the bees go back to my neighbor and creates honey my neighbor then harvests the honey and sells it at the farmers market for a profit i have never received so much as a jar of honey as compensation and every day my neighbor's bees trespass and steal my flowers i was stung once when i was a child so i know how dangerous bees can be the way i see it this is equivalent to a person's dog coming into my yard to steal balls or tools and then giving it back to his owner who then sells it for profit do i have legal ground to sue what type of thing should i be documenting in order to prepare for a legal battle what would be a fair settlement amount if my neighbor doesn't want to take this to court thanks for the help guys this cannot be real i really really hope that this is a troll post but then again with all the ridiculous things that i've read on the internet this might be a real question you know why because this has happened a vegan woman sues her neighbors for barbecuing in their backyard a vegan woman has filed a lawsuit against her neighbors in the australian supreme court after complaining about the smell of meat and fish emanating from their barbecues she accused her neighbors of intentionally setting up these nuisances saying it's deliberate all i can smell is fish and i can't even enjoy my backyard see now the bee thing sounds less crazy right my friends if you think those are absurd wait until you hear the stories in today's episode so the first story a karen ruins her family's 4th of july celebration the second story a karen throws a fit over mini donuts and will finish off with a story where a woman uses her toddler as an excuse to not want to pay for groceries my friends i do hope you enjoy the stories today and if you're not subscribed do hit that subscribe button so you don't miss these wild wild tales let's dive in so i joined the army right out of high school during basic training i volunteered for a unit within the army known as the old guard the old guard is responsible for ceremonies in the dc area and funerals in arlington national cemetery amongst other duties the old guard consists of units you might not have heard of such as the us army drill team and the sentinels of the tomb of the unknowns as well as lesser known platoons such as the presidential gun salute battery and the us army continental color guard and is the oldest active unit in the army so there we were it's the 4th of july in dc it's a big celebration all kinds of stuff going on i'm sure you guys can picture it most of the celebration goes on in front of the capital on the national mall as part of the festivities my unit the presidential gun salute battery fires the baseline for the performance of the 1812 overture only the more seasoned guys in the platoon get picked to do it so the rest of us are given a cordoned off area at the very front we bring some food some chairs our families and we have a cookout during the day and watch the show when it starts during the earlier parts of the day it isn't too crowded but as evening draws near it becomes packed nearly shoulder to shoulder fortunately as i mentioned before we had our own area at the front roped off from the general public giving us ample room to have our cookout throughout the day we would have people politely ask us if they can join us but we said no but we were always respectful we weren't in uniform but we had our t-shirts on so we were still representing the army and then enters karen now it's midway through the afternoon still a few hours before the show we're enjoying the weather and the time off i happen to be near the edge of our area when i hear somebody behind me i turn around and there she is pinched face and a haircut that says i want to speak with your manager's manager karen says excuse me young man could you ask your father to take the rope down this is supposed to be a public area for everybody and my kids can't see the capital mind you there's signs hanging on the rope every five feet explaining the purpose of the rope me with my best pr smile set i'm sorry ma'am this area is reserved for members of the old guard and their families if you'd like to come back a little closer to dusk we'll be taking the rope down around then karen says the old guard i've never heard of that before me always happy to drop some knowledge said ma'am the old guard is the primary ceremonial unit for the us army and escort to the president karen says i don't see the president shouldn't you be escorting him or something then she rolls her eyes now i had no idea how to respond to that and fortunately i was saved the platoon sergeant comes places his hand on my shoulder and says good afternoon ma'am i'm sergeant first class guy in charge what seems to be the problem as i knew this was my cue to get out i went back to my chair and observed their interaction i couldn't hear anything but the interaction concluded with karen walking away looking annoyed i did not think anything else of it until two hours later we are cleaning up our trash breaking down the chairs and tables and such and out of the corner of my eye i see karen approaching again this time with two capital police officers in tow the sergeant must have noticed too as i heard him matter what in the heck as he walked to intercept the trio now i didn't hear all of the conversation but we all heard about it later sergeant says officers what seems to be the problem the cops obviously exasperated by the situation says sergeant we received a report that your soldiers were making loot gestures and comments towards this woman's family is there any truth to this sergeant laughs and says absolutely not i've been supervising them all day nothing even close to that has happened today the cops nodding as though this is what they expected said we had assumed that but we had to follow up sorry to bother you karen screams you mean you're just gonna let them sit there and hog up all the space i drove my kids nine hours to see this the cops told her ma'am these men are here with the express permission of the capitol police and the district of columbia there are signs that explicitly state that the sergeant trying to defuse the situation says ma'am we're cleaning up the area right now as soon as we're done we'll be moving the rope to let everybody in if you can be patient and wait we can get you and your family right up there in about 20 minutes karen proceeded to stare at them much like a cow stairs at an incoming train she then spins around walks away without another word we think that it's all over go back to what we're doing but boy we were wrong so we're just finishing up taking the ropes off of the pylons and stacking the pylons in the arms of another dude when out of nowhere here comes karen trailed by her four kids and obviously stressed spouse i'm assuming spouse it could have been her boyfriend or baby daddy she says it's about time get out of my way karen albert screams as she goes barreling right through a private so i want to note to be in the old guard you have to be between 5 foot 10 and 6 foot 4 and maintain the army standard of physical fitness to add to that the old guard is an infantry unit if you aren't aware infantry are generally the front line soldiers in combat and we are trained for just that so suffice to say none of us were small or weak i say this because karen barrels through the guy and when i say she barrels through the guy i mean it she freaking body checks him she puts some force into it the private goes sprawling to the ground steel pylons flying in every direction a couple hit him in the face chipped a tooth and split his eyebrow open one pylon bounces off the ground and hits one of karen's kids in the leg and the kid who's probably 12 or 13 years old starts wailing like he lost a limb as we're helping the private to his feet karen is losing every last ounce of her cool red-faced screaming about how she's gonna sue us for assault and how we probably aren't even real soldiers and how we've ruined her family vacation blah blah blah at this point the sergeant is done with her if karen thought she was being loud she quickly learned that there are few things louder than a pissed off senior nco without a single word he quiets everybody within 50 feet of us and says stop that is enough you have been harassing me and my soldiers all afternoon we've tried to be nice we've tried to be respectful but you have been nothing but rude now you've injured one of my soldiers and this stops now i think karen might have had a small stroke right then she stood mouth of gabe not being able to utter a single word and then as if right on cue here comes those two capital policemen they hadn't been far away and had seen the entire incident i didn't think karen's eyes could get any wider until the first officer pulls a pair of handcuffs and says ma'am turn around and put your hands behind your back you are under arrest for assault and harassment karen tries every excuse she could think of but the cops were having exactly none of it they talked to the private and he wanted to press charges so they carted her off i don't know what the father did with the kids but they disappeared when the cops took karen come to find out after the private comes back from his court hearing that karen had been carrying three bottles of pills that weren't hers and two stolen credit cards when the cop searched her no idea what kind of time she got but that wasn't enough after all was said and done we watched the 1812 overture and laughed about karen for weeks afterwards the private was fine a chipped tooth and a little bit of bruising nothing major fortunately my friends i will never understand the thought process of entitled people like yeah the woman drove nine hours to see the celebration yada yada yada and she was clearly told that if she waited 20 more minutes she would get what she wants and she almost got it she almost got it listen i want to personally thank that lady for body checking that soldier and getting arrested or else the story would have been kind of boring guys who's ruined the vacation now karen who's ruined the vacation now so this story reminds me of the one that i read where karen yells at a drill sergeant's wife and gets an earful i will link the story right here if you've missed it it's absolutely absurd [Music] when i was 15 i got my first paid job working for the fair it was a pretty big pharaoh that traveled across canada and along the east coast of the us ending in florida for christmas i loved the summer job because it was short only a week is i didn't travel and gave me enough cash to get me through the summer i worked for the privately owned donut vendor so fast forward four years when i decided to travel with the show i was 19 and it was easier to travel at this point because i could sign my own forums and being 19 i needed more money for school and the like now the travel crew is pretty small and we hire our bagging and cashier locally i along with senior crew members are in charge of training the baggers re-oiling the machines switching out the dough canisters and making sure they're running and putting out donuts in a consistent manner as i'm checking the dough levels and teaching a bagger how to efficiently fill bags for the evening i hear a commotion behind me cue the entitled woman karen i hear no i want the fresh ones the bagger says ma'am these are fresh i just made them no i want them to be fresh make me new ones i didn't see you make those they could be very old now it was 9 o'clock in the morning at this point in the day most donuts are made to order so those donuts wouldn't have been older than 5 minutes the bagger calls me to turn on his machine to start the donuts i start the machine and scoop out the first few rejects and make 15 donuts the donuts fall off the belt into the glass caves and the bagger slots them into the sugar and into a bag he hands them to her and she dramatically sighs and says ugh no i want the fresh ones and those have touched the old ones how do i know you didn't mix them up i don't believe they're fresh i want fresh donuts the bagger tells her ma'am those are fresh i made sure to pick only the new ones out again she huffs and puffs so i fire up the machine again and make 15 donuts this time i grabbed a new bag and placed the bag right under the chute so the donuts have no choice but to fall into my bag they do and i hand it to the bagger and walk away just to have to turn around again karen says no i want the ones directly out of the oil that way i know they're fresh these ones have cooled down and they're not fresh anymore i told her i'm sorry ma'am but that's against policy the oil is 400 degrees and besides they're not done cooking karen then tells me again that she wants the fresh ones and to get me your supervisor my supervisor's off doing supervisor things and i don't feel like calling her so i said i am the supervisor on duty and the policy states that we can't give you donuts from the oil now there is no policy but that's common sense and karen says i've been a patron of this community for so many plus years i have never been denied a fresh donut this is so unprofessional i want to talk to the owner right now now at this point i'm on day 5 of the show and we work an hour before open to an hour after close i am tired of her and in general and that's when i get a brilliant idea i smile and said ma'am there's no need for that i will get you your fresh donuts i start the machine up again and discard the rejects i then grab a bag and let the donuts plop into the oil for half a second and scoop them out immediately not long enough to get hot but also not long enough to hold a shape i then take the bag of dough and sprinkle in some cinnamon sugar and say as sugary as i can muster here you go sorry for the inconvenience enjoy the rest of your day karen's smile smugly having thought she got her way about 10 seconds later she stuck her hand into the bag and i hear a squeal a snarl and then some swearing and that's when greg not his real name one of the senior machine guys returned from his break now greg was a legend when it comes to dealing with karen's he makes it a hobby to seek them out for fun on his breaks so he can tear into them he can be quite savage i don't condone his behavior and sometimes he scares me but this is also why i like working under him because it means karen's never get away with her crap the woman comes storming back and demands a refund and demand i be fired he asked why and she screamed that idiot sold me a bag of dough greg asked me if that was true and i smiled sheepishly and said yes and explained that she didn't want the donuts off the belt and she wanted the fresh donuts from the oil and would not leave until i gave them to her greg then turned to her and said sorry for that but we don't issue refunds so take your fresh donuts and leave she tried to huff and puff at which point he took the bag of donuts she didn't want and began pelting her with them so after she left he told me he was proud of me and would let my boss know i got an extra 100 bucks in my per diem for that week guys i want to say this though i'm not a fan of greg pelting her with raw donuts that is such a waste of good donuts my friends mini donuts at carnivals are my weakness i don't care if they're sitting there for hours or days they'd still be absolutely delicious so a little context i live on a monthly income so when i do my grocery shopping i sort of bulk shop for the month it's not easy and not fun not to mention i'm making a lower mid class income i'm a widowed mother with two sons which makes for an incredibly tight budget i do my primary shopping between two stores that sound very similar to walmart and haldi why because they have decent products for very cheap so i'm at walmart having done my main shopping for the month lots of boxes of pasta cans of tomato sauce and let's just say for the lack of repeating ninety percent of what i buy there is great value brand or some other no name affordable brand i will however get the occasional name brand if on sale so as i'm finished i head up to get into line and my cart is very full in front of me there's a woman not a typical karen she looked pretty normal with a toddler in the child seat and her card's about half full we were about third or fourth in line now she eyed my cards more than once and i won't lie i eid hers a few times more or less noting some of the name rounds she had and recalling a time where i actually had been in a financial position to be able to afford such items as we move up the entitled mother ahead of me has her stuff on the belt i place that little barrier stick on it and begin to place my own groceries on it i hear the cashier informing the woman the total i'm half turned around getting my things from the cards when i get the dreaded tap on the shoulder almost immediately after her total was announced the conversation begins as follows she says excuse me can you spot me a bit to help me with this it came to be a lot more than i thought and the hubby has not worked as many hours and money has been really tight and we have a child to feed now she initially asked that very nicely me looking to her cart and then back at her said i'm sorry but i'm on a very fixed budget i really wish that i could help now at this point she cuts me off huffs and all the pleasantness is gone yeah it was that quick she says come on your cart is overflowing surely you can afford to spare a bit if you can buy all that me sighing inwardly and not wanting to deal with this right now said okay so i'm gonna stop this right now no i cannot and not that i owe you any explanation now she tried to cut me off but i don't stop and said i live on a monthly income and i'm on a very tight budget i practically count every penny and i do not have the luxury of shopping weekly because it's a waste of gas and so i shop for the month she tries to cut me off again now the mother crumbles but she makes one last attempt motioning to her toddler and says but look we have a child i immediately said to her and i'm a widow i have two sons to feed and that effectively thankfully shut her up her mouth snapped shut and she turned around i'm not sure if she was mad or mortified but nothing more was said she paid for her groceries and she left she took her card out and swiped it and the transaction was approved she had enough to pay the whole time but i guess she jumped on the chance to get somebody else to pay the cashier was just shaking her head the man behind me in line said wow some people and then very kindly when my total was sad as you got that okay i smiled and told them thank you it's nice to know there's still awesome people out there now here's an added note her total cost with half the cartful that i had came to nearly but not quite two times the total of mine now i'll admit if she had not been gone i would have been tempted to point out to her that had she not picked out all name brand items she would be spending half as much money what in the world guys just because you have a baby and a husband that doesn't work as much hours as he used to doesn't mean you can expect people to pay for you she had the money the whole time and still asked op to cover i'm glad op shut her down by stating the fact that she's a widow with two mouths to feed i really really dislike the fact that people use their kids as an excuse to act entitled so i remember this one story that i read where a mother used her daughter's cancer to get a discount for her own hair extensions guys the story was absolutely absurd and that my friends brings us to another end of our slash entitled people guys we made it if you enjoyed the episode do hit that thumbs up and if you missed the last one a karen walks into a funeral and ruins it yikes check it out if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one i love you
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 366,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, entitled people, r/entitledpeople, entitled people's stories, r/entitledparents rslash, entitled, reddit funny stories, reddit fail, fail, entitled parents reddit, entitled parents reddit dark fluff, r//, rslash entitled people, crazy stories, crazy reddit stories, crazy reddit posts, entitled people top post, funny karen stories, karen story, entitled stories, best revenge stories, Karen ruins celebration, 4th of July ruined
Id: dqjj11VMCMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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