r/ProRevenge - Guy Tries to EXTORT Me For $50,000! I'm a Cop! [My Revenge]

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hello my friends I hope you're doing well today and welcome back to another episode of our slash Pro revenge where you guys come to hear stories of people getting what they deserve guys there's gonna be two stories in this one the first story is a sweet revenge on a choosing beggar couple and the second is a guy who tries to extort two ex cops my goodness I hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future videos this first story is titled I want the one in the picture damn it this happened about five years ago when I was selling cars on a Saturday just before lunch I sold a car to my first customer of the day which any car guy will tell you that if you can get one out by 11:00 on a Saturday you should almost be mad if you don't get a hat-trick which is $150 bonus I had already gotten some free money in the morning meeting for a couple of perfect surveys and my sale was the first of the day for the store which happened to be a spife that day so I'm riding high having already put five hundred bucks in my pocket before noon with a real shot at doubling it before they turned out the lights it's gonna be a good day I thought I just finished stocking my fresh trade and collecting my first sale sniff when the receptionist comes to my desk and says hey Opie you're really good with weird angry and weirdly angry customers yeah I replied yeah I guess that's me what have we got that couple over there that looks like it's taking too long for the guy at Jimmy John's to make their sandwiches is looking for a new car I sighed and put on my sunny customer service face and greet the couple they're older but not old mid-50s they're aloof and condescending as I bring them to an empty desk as my desk was on the use side and offer coffee they scoff and decline until they see the big fancy cappuccino machine the wife looks at me expectantly as I sit down inviting her to help herself reassuring her that it's a very intuitive machine with several options but I'll be happy to help if she has any problems hubby choosing beggar one for dialogue hands me a folder inside is a printout from the website and he says I'd like to purchase this truck please at the advertised price I say excellent before we discuss rebates let me double check that we still have the vehicle in stock it'll only take a min he interrupts me and says you don't know your own inventory this is very unprofessional hey honey he says he probably doesn't even have it in stock looks like we might have come all the way down here for nothing I told you we should have gone across town to the other one I can tell this is gonna be fun i mindlessly apologized and explained that we have 18 salespeople and over 650 cars on the lot at any given time and we've sold many cars today so I need to make sure it's not sold he scoffed and told me to hurry up with it with luck I checked the key track and see that the keys checked in and politely excused myself to pull the truck around in retrospect I wish I'd have paid more attention to the listing as it would have saved some pain but I just pulled the stock number and verified availability and pulled it around all right let's take a look they follow me outside and I start my walk around the husband says this is the wrong truck I asked well what do you mean this is the truck from the listing you gave me Christ no it's not the listing I gave you was for a white long bed King Ranch this is a silver XLT I get that reading is hard but you'd think even a domestic car salesman would know his colors I replied first of all there is no such thing as a $30,000 King Ranch and you clearly know that and second I don't appreciate being insulted clearly there's been a mistake let's go back inside and figure it out the husband then tells me you have to honor your advertised price it's the law my wife is a lawyer his wife chimes in and says I'm a lawyer and I'll eat you alive and you have to honor what you advertise I told them look there is no need to get hostile I don't get paid unless you buy so it's in my interest to work this out I assume our web developer made a mistake with the pictures but let me investigate and we'll go from there as I suspected every word of text on the listing pointed to an XLT as did the window sticker link the web guy mixed up the pictures I found the pictured truck which had a sticker price more than $20,000 higher with fewer rebates I printed both stickers and the fine print disclaimer at the bottom of every listing and spent 20 minutes explaining trying to talk sense and fielding a myriad of threats and insults things have gotten nasty and I was ready to fire them but when I went to grab the stickers the last thing I heard from the desk was don't you dare cut them loose sell them a truck I take it straight to the GM at this point who comes out takes one look at these people and decides it's not worth it and personally delivers a pencil showing a real money $6,000 loss with the invoice backing it up we're still like 17,000 dollars apart and they're holding ground still threatening litigation despite knowing that they have no leg to stand on they basically knew that they were practically stealing the truck they wanted at the advertised price due to the advertising mistake our store is part of the third largest group in the world at the time so we had lawyers too we happen to have the exact truck they were trying to buy on the you slot one model year older 21,000 - miles certified pre-owned listed at 36 999 I flipped them to that one and we moved to the use side and the husband says used do we look poor to you sir I can assure you this used one is in great condition and you can save a lot of money on the truck I show them the truck and hubby is failing miserably at hiding his excitement by the end of the test-drive my GM had told me to call him before I presented a pencil so I did and to my chagrin he cut the nuts off it and had me present at 30 $2,999 to see if they'll bite they're still fixated on $30,000 and here we pick up the conversation the husband says I don't care what the price you're selling it at is I want to know what you paid for it and then we'll negotiate an offset from there I told them no that's not something you get to know you don't demand to know cost on anything else you buy even if you weren't stealing this truck and you absolutely are my time isn't free I his chimes in and says oh I'm sorry I forgot that people come to a dealership to make it all about you I forgot it's all about you crooks and how you want to maximize profit we want a great price and we're not there yet so do better I told her that you absolutely are at a great price and given the abuse that I've endured you're out of your mind if you think I'm gonna budge a cent off this price I have a baby at home and I need this commission I know this next comment is gonna sound embellished but I swear to Jebus it's verbatim the husband says I couldn't care less if your baby lives or dies take a thousand off for me holding back my rage says we're done here what you heard me we're done take your stuff and go no I'm buying a truck I told him that no you're not I've been patient and you've crossed the line by being so disrespectful towards me and my child so get out right now his wife then says Oh typical they stood up and I have herded half shoved them out of my regular office and out of the building I immediately got lit up by the desk managers and I let them speak their piece I told them what was said and suddenly we were a united front I was shaking I was so angry so I was given a shot of desk whiskey and told to remain in the tower until the whiskey worked and I calmed down I was still there when the husband called about 20 minutes later to [ __ ] about how he was treated and he caught an earful from my manager he still wanted the truck and my manager still wanted to sell it so he put the guy on hold and asked me hey Opie I've got to sell this truck what do you want me to do I'll do the paperwork if you want but you're still gonna have to deliver I told him sure just tell him his price expired when he got himself tossed and there's no negotiations when he comes back if he wants the truck he'll pay what we asked don't tell him the price and Mark it up $2,500 he laughed nodded and set it up the husband comes back and I got the deal jacket ready brushed off his face apology and made him fill out the credit app in silence before I showed him the buyers order he said this is way higher than it was before I replied yes sir it is sign here but why sign or go home he glared at me I stared into his eyes and didn't say a word for a good 30 seconds and then he picked up the pen and signed I remained cold a professional through delivery he remained crude and disrespectful every time I spoke with him but he ended up being my biggest source of referrals evidently he told everybody he knew about me charging him an inflated price on this amazing deal of a truck and that made his circle want to buy from me over the next year I sold seven cars to people he knew if anyone's interested I did make my hat-trick that day but it didn't come until shortly after closed yeah so this story reminds me of my first job at a car dealership right out of high school I used to work at Honda and I have so much respect for car salesmen and people that work in retail who deal with crappy people on a regular basis so I'll never forget this one stupid old man who basically told me to my face that I needed him he was like listen kid I know you're young you have no money and you need my money and do you know how you're gonna get this money by selling me this car he was a total asshat about it he was so condescending and arrogant trying to get a fifteen thousand dollar Honda Civic tell down to nine thousand dollars what commission am I gonna get if you try to get a fifteen thousand dollar Honda Civic down to nine thousand dollars like am I gonna get ten bucks or what like there's gonna be no Commission out of that sir and he went to another Honda dealership because apparently we had horrible salespeople that wouldn't give him a $6,000 discount this next story is titled if you're gonna try your hand at extortion be smarter than on the ex cops you're trying it on to start with my family owns a construction company we develop tracks and build nice homes for low-income families but anyone in construction knows there are some great people who work construction and some that are pretty shifty so one day my father was in his office when one of the secretaries came in and told him that there was a really strange call for him he answers and is immediately told by the voice on the other end of the line that if he doesn't pay $50,000 the voice would tell the authorities there were dead bodies hidden in the tracks trenches so a couple of things my dad is ex law enforcement and so is his brother our site foreman both are even tempered but shrewd men so my father who smells the BS right away calmly says you'll have to call back and hangs up the phone he then pulls out a tape recorder from his desk and calls both the secretary and the accountant in with pens and notepads the phone rings again and my dad puts it on speaker as the guy threatens my father to never hang up on him again my father hits record and mimes writing so the staff will transcribe everything the guy says over the course of the conversation the voice lays everything out the amount the drop-off point and the proof that the bodies weren't there my father tells him to call back in an hour as the money will take some time to get the voice agrees and hangs up then my father calls the police he plays the tape from them shows them the matching transcripts and tells the cops the time and place for the pickup the cops apparently have better things to do so they blow it off as a prank this doesn't sit well with my father so he calls my uncle and the two of them get to work after the hours up the call comes in my father has a pretty good idea of who it is that's making the calls it's the backhoe operator that we had a pretty good working relationship with so my father just addresses him by name we'll call him Donny so he tells Donny there's been a snag and that they need to meet in 10 minutes in the parking lot near his office you know someplace public and Donnie agrees so my father and uncle both with CC permits grab their pistols and head out I got to hear what happened next because my father brought the tape recorder to ensure they could clear their names when the guy who picked up the money inevitably said they were innocent this tape was hilarious the voice on it says are you jack dad replies yeah how do you know Donnie you know a friend of a friend of a friend so you know you're basically an accomplice in a felony right the voice demands the package and my dad says move in at this point my uncle draws his gun we hear the voice screaming and the car turns on and my uncle says get him there's a sound of a scuffle followed by swearing and the honking of the horn as my father bounces the guy's head three times off the steering wheel so my father and uncle bring this bloody guy into the police station in cuffs the cops are gobsmacked but listen to the recording and decide to do their job my father points out that Donnie still out there but again the cops have an easy slam-dunk on the guy so they don't want to go out again fine but once again this didn't sit well with my father so the next day he and my uncle go for a little Drive it turns out that Donnie lived 45 minutes away from the drop-off site and my father was a hundred percent sure that Donnie wouldn't trust his partner in crime with fifty thousand dollars so they figured he was nearby sure enough after driving by the parking lot of the hotels in a five mile radius they find Donnie's truck they go in and find out what room it was in and then call the cops to update them then ask if they're gonna come out and get him or should they bring him in like they did yesterday this time the police decide to come out after everything was said and done Donnie admitted to everything and he ended up spending some time in prison my father and uncle still relished the story and to this day will chuckle when they remember bouncing that guy's head off the steering wheel Donnie's definitely an idiot seriously who asks for fifty thousand dollars in cash and actually has somebody pick up the money in broad daylight guys I've watched a lot of movies I'm pretty sure 100% of the time in movies when you come pick up large amounts of money oh you're gonna get screwed over you always get screwed over I'd love to hear the recording that Opie said they got and that's it for this episode of our slash pro revenge if you guys enjoyed that story hit the thumbs up if you want subscribed be sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on future revenge stories and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 213,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: R/prorevenge, Reddit revenge, Reddit revenge stories, DarkFluff revenge, reddit pro revenge stories, best pro revenge stories, petty revenge stories, reddit pro revenge, darkfluff revenge, r/, reddit posts funny, reddit posts revenge, funny revenge stories, pro revenge, best of reddit, subreddit, r///, reddit, reddit top posts, best reddit stories, fail, blackmail stories, extortion everywhere
Id: uy8o7fFtP4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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