ROLLING Act 3 As A LONEWOLF Bard On TACTICIAN! - Baldur's Gate 3

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becoming a prominent member of the local cult getting shanked in the sewers and practicing hit singles are just some of the ways Bartholomew our lone wolf B from the last two videos will take on act three on tactician difficulty can he make it to the end well we got one way to find out but first if you haven't watch the last two videos make sure to do so here and if you want to see more don't forget to like And subscribe without other the way on to the video our journey continues as our weary hero gets some much needed rest on the road to balder's gate he does have a show to prepare for after all but some clinging stands find out where he's sleeping and jump him in the middle of the night thankfully they left the portal they arrived from open as a convenient way for us to escape so as the fight starts we just Dash and Misty step and completely ignore all the gith who showed up to try and gank us and we wind up in a veritable acid trip with our Dream visitor calling for help as we rush to save our handsome short King we first have to fight through some of the GI who are getting ganged up on by a group of friendly intellect devourers who very quickly get blown up by the invading astral monks though on on our turn we get some wild couple of crits to take out the first of them and the remaining one takes out our last intellect devouring pal before getting likewise destroyed by Bartholomew we jump down to the Giant floating God skull while questioning if this isn't one big fever dream and meet a friendly mind flare getting trounced by a whole bunch of gith trying to free one of their fellows who is imprisoned to make matters worse this mind flare who calls himself the emperor is actually our Dream visitor which is just uh I miss our short King already anyways we decide to help him out and jump into action to defeat the gith the fight starts off and after one of our Brainiac Pals goes down we learn the hard way just how tough these guys are as they bully the beesus out of us and our first attempt goes down fast for attempts two we prepare a little bit more by Downing an elixir of Hill giant strength and pre-c casting Guidance with the idea of just yeting the gith into the abyss and we start off the fight only problem is when we press the throw button we have disadvantage on throwing them because we're too close which is an interesting problem to have when throwing someone so we settle for a defensive flourish followed by a regular stab to deal some damage and boost our AC by four then the enemies Shad through the devourers before landing a couple hits on us breaking our concentration and lowering our damage since the thorn blade and strange conduit ring will no longer be active thankfully the emperor lands a nice stun and this time we seiz the opportunity to take out one of the GI and heroically hide behind him while using a potion to heal up our feers really don't want to see the next Bartholomew album though and with a series of blows take us down to next to no Health hold person us and then Fireball us triggering our half work feature which strangely enough breaks us out of the hold person realizing things are desperate we blast a couple of them back with Thunder Wave to this obviously open Edge before Downing a speed pot to finish them off with another before the game reveals just kidding there actually is a wall here as such we can't get both but we do manage to get one and by some small miracle the next couple attacks miss us and we make it to the next round we then hit the enemy next to us with an offhand attack to top off our Arcane Acuity stacks and then cast blindness followed by throwing a healing potion and an invisibility pot so we don't have to deal with all this nonsense for at least one round our former dream visitor stuns one of them during this time and we break our invisibility by finishing him off with a couple slashing flourishes and a defensive flourish we also take another speed pot so we don't lose our next turn the emperor is really proving his worth though with yet another stun leaving room for us on our next turn to drop a sick cloud of daggers and finish off the last GI our reward is a whole bunch of exposition that basically amounts to the emperor telling us he's super justified in manipulating Us by pretending to be our Dream visitor and the gift he has imprisoned is orfus a prince who is the source of our protection from the tadpole in our heads he also offers us another tadpole but we don't even want the one we do have so we ye it off a cliff and move along to our real reward upon hitting level eight we get a fifth Bic inspiration charge which is phenomenal and we also gain access to another spell for which we choose invisibility to help us in any stealth missions and as a desperate ghetto to jail free card alongside another fourth level spell slot we also take the war cter feat which gives us advantage on any concentration saving throws and lets us cast shock and grasp in place of our normal opportunity attack absolutely huge for us going forward as we're much less likely to drop spells the next morning we continue on the road the Ballers gate where we end up in Rivington a small town just on the outskirts and are immediately beset upon by a young fan who complains about a dead mother or something I don't know we give her our signature to make her day and continue on as it turns out the circus is in town so naturally we Mander inside and when we stumble upon a meet don't worry not the magma kind who offers to make a statue of us how could we refuse and only for the measly price of 5,000 gold when we get back to Camp our statue is already there te- posing in old it's bir Thal mu Glory an extremely worthwhile purchase just for the Aesthetics not to mention it gives us the sweet Stone features permanent buff a buff which grants us an extra 1 D4 to all of our saving throws and attack rolls forever kind of wild and well worth the Doh then we're back to the circus where we see a wheel of chance game with a slimy looking Jin running the show to make sure he can't pull one over on us first we steal his Mage hand ring and then chat with him to give the game a shot we find out the poor bloke is obviously hard of seeeing before giving the wheel a go and winning the jackpot on our first try unfortunately this results in him getting pretty heated and accusing us of cheating resulting in us getting teleported to a dinosaur filled jungle however we're not too stressed since we can just turn invisible loot the jungle for all its worth throw ourselves into the dinosaurs just a little and get out through a conveniently placed portal at the far end of the area one such piece of loot we managed to get was the band of the Mystic scoundrel this bad boy makes it so whenever we hit a creature with a weapon into back we can then cast any illusion or enchantment spell as a bonus action this of course Works crazily well in conjunction with our Arcane Acuity allowing us to cast spells that will disable whole groups of enemies as a bonus action a long-term stable that'll be replacing our costic band and before we leave the circus we also paint our faces with clown makeup cuz well why not though it uh really doesn't show up well continuing our journey we follow the road to the city proper and find out its closed since gorach is in the midst of getting coronated as Arch Duke we do our best to convince the guard we belong but it doesn't go well so we do what any Rockstar would do in this situation we down a potion of flying and simply phas through the drawbridge now that we're inside the Fortress we meet Lord Enver gorash who looks like he's still stuck in his MCR phase and despite being surrounded by people he openly talks of his villainous plans and offers to team up with us if we take out Orin for him we of course have no problem with at least pretending to be buds for now but if we're to throw the concert of a lifetime we'll still have to take him and his steel watch out at some point point to ensure the authorities don't stop us from partying like the world is ending but for now we've earned entry into the city at last and we head straight to everyone's second favorite armor vendor gloomy Fenton who sells us the armor of agility the armor of agility is medium armor with a 17 base AC that lets us add our full Dex mod to our Armor class which means with our cloak of protection and our Dex mod at plus five our base AC is now 23 in addition it doesn't impose disadvantage on stealth checks and it gives a plus two to every single saving throw we make for a crazy allaround boost to our survivability unfortunately we end up a little short on money so we look for the most expensive building nearby to Rob and wind up meeting this bozo from act one in front of sorcerer Sundries and even though we're the one with the clown makeup on he still manages to make a bigger fool out of himself by demanding to know where the Night song is all well refusing to look Us in the eye but we tell him we never even found the Night song and he kind of just buggers off leaving behind a whole mountain of experience now that he out of the way we head to the top of the tower where we meet the head hono loakin who is absolutely Star Struck by us and let's us just wander about his Tower freely which is very poorly thought out by him since this results in US stealing every single thing that isn't bolted down and oh boy is this man just rolling in the dough we're talking magical artifacts and super powerful spells out the Wazoo one of the books that we steal the thiate Codex does curse us but after casting remove curse that turns into a permanent but that gives us 20 temp HP after each long rest so not really a curse and after having our fill of gold and valuable artifacts we walk out the front door and head straight to everyone's first favorite armor vendor Damon who sells us the legacy of the Masters and the boots of persistence the legacy of the Masters is a pair of gloves that gives us a plus two bonus to attack and damage rules with weapons and a plus one to our strength saves basically just giving us more reliable damage in general and the boots of persistence are boots that gives us a permanent freedom of movement and long Strider meaning we can't be slowed by difficult terrain can't be magically paralyzed or restrained and gain an extra 3 m of move speed and we gain a plus one to Our Deck saves to boot pun intended but we can't be a rock star without having a memorable look so we get our clothes nice and dyed to match our Vibe and then head to a local Salon to get our hair cleaned up and dye that too and now we're really ready to take on the city with that it's time to go out on the town and show off what we got naturally that means we're going to go down to some hidden docks and interrupt a gang fight to test out our new magical gear Bartholomew finds a couple of gangs easily enough and after getting called mean names we get into the fight now I'm not going to lie most of this fight gets pretty well solved when we drop a fourth level cloud of daggers on five whole enemies but we do also get to do some pretty cool other stuff like attacking an enemy and bonus actioning out a vicious mockery this fight is pretty easy though especially when we realize just how useful it is to be able to hold person multiple enemies as a bonus action even if some of them manage to make the save and after we learn that the fight gets cleaned up nice and quickly we do some other Meandering about too we solve a murder mystery by murdering some mysterious folks get the moves put on us by the emperor head to the sewers and definitely did not die to random angry homeless people and meet a mud wizard who we convince we mean no harm which is just enough to bump us up to level 9 level 9 bumps our proficiency bonus up to plus4 increasing most of our roles by one and we also get our first fifth level spell dominate person we also swap out long strider for hold monster at the same time since both of these spells can be cast as a bonus action thanks to our newest ring and long Strider is made redundant by our boots we also of course get one fifth level spell slot to go along with our newest spells and another fourth level one too during our gallivanting of the city we find good old vola who thanks to all your comments I now know is not a Bard but a wizard and he's all tied up and strapped to a bunch of explosive barrels that are about to be set on fire by an Angry Crowd naturally we decide to rescue our homie and the fight starts and uh what the heck I uh okay anyways the fight starts and we break the chair Volo is tied to freeing him in the process then we whack one of the dudes with a defensive flourish to boost up our AC and bonus action HIIT his laughter another person to take them out of the fight most of the enemies miss us but one gets a nasty crit taking out about half of our HP on Bartholomew's turn we use our bonus action to hit an enemy to stack up Arcane Acuity and drop a sick Thunder Wave on three of the enemies sending all of them to the Briney deep next round a defensive flourish gets used to make sure we survive and an upcast at hold person takes out two more enemies out of the fight and from here we're pretty much in the clear although one does manage to break out pretty quickly still it's nothing that we can't clean up with a good few stabs and as we're learning with the helmet of Arcane Acuity and the band of the Mystic scoundrel we're kind of a crowd control machine with Volo nice and safe we have a quick chat before he tells us he'll meet us at our Camp later after we know our homie is sequestered away we get a little silly and head to the local bank where as it turns out the head clerk is a big balam muan and gives us a temporary Vault pass to let us in so we abuse his good faith and rob the bank for all its worth I mean honestly though what are these people expecting like there's not a single guard in this place and most of the security measures can be turned off by shooting a button it would be rude of us not to Rob them it does make a bit more sense when we find out the guards are being occupied by other robbers but we take care of all the them quickly enough and prove that Bartholomew is the superior Thief elsewhere in the city we stumble upon Marina from act one who's taken it upon herself to hunt down Ethel once and for all since this will net us a great reward we offer to help her out along the way we get into yet another bar fight which is becoming a bad habit and also find Ethel's secret hideout and uh free some of her stands from their poor decision-making skills a moment later we get enough experience to hit Level 10 which gives us quite a hefty power Spike our B inspiration dice go up to a d10 instead of a d8 we gain expertise in two skills slight of hand and performance about time for the latter we also get a new can trip for which we take minor illusion to help distract folks if need be a new spell learned in the form of hypnotic pattern for some massive CC as a bonus action alongside another fifth level spell slot to go with it and to top it all off we take blur and counter spell from our magical Secrets feature which allows us to take two spells from any class list both of which will be insanely valuable Tools in our kit for keeping ourselves alive making most fights significantly easier now that we're nice and powered up we go into the athl fight with the protection from evil and good active as well as a poison resistance Elixir to make sure this fight is a breeze there is a gimmick to this fight but before that don't worry I did Brew the potion to make Ethel throw up the child who has been living inside of her stomach which yeah she's not a fan of go figure anyways we got to take out the mushrooms scattered throughout this room otherwise Ethel will keep coming back to life whenever we kill her and we've also got to take them out in one turn each since they fully heal each round the fight doesn't stress us out too much though with protection from EV and good all of her attacks have disadvantage against us and for most of them even if they do land we have resistance thanks to our Elixir the only thing we need to watch out for is insect plague which shreds through chunks of our HP but it's nothing a healing potion can't fix either way we take out the mushrooms decently easy with the help of some slashing flourishes stop some insect plagues with our brand new counter spell find out there's some specific vicious mockery lines and send Ethel the same way as the dodo we get a reward once we talk to Marina in the form of the phas semblance amulet this amulet is pretty straightforward in that it gives advantage on all mental saving throws that's wisdom Charisma and intelligence we won't be using this for the rest of the game but it will be a staple of our build for most of what remains still in search of the best place for our Big Show we swing by the SAR Palace and I um I don't think this is going to be it guys there's just a little bit too many bats but I've heard it's a great space for hosting big parties so let's take a look around oh my God it's the Furry Convention but my goodness this place is rather roomy either way we pre-cast blur and on our first turn we go for a defensive Flur to make ourselves nigh and killable with an AC of 27 and all enemies have disadvantage on attacking us and we just kind of watch as the convention goers spend an eternity missing us that's pretty much how the whole fight goes but with a few well-placed spells and a couple good wax we wrap this all up so we can take a proper Gander at the rest of the venue as we look around the place we find has got quite the spacious basement and who should be waiting down here but the man of the house kazador SAR who is more than a little peeved that were interrupting his own show the first attempt of this fight goes extremely poorly since I had forgotten to turn counter spell back on after turning it off earlier which means Bartholomew ended up taking a full force blight to the face which got rid of most of our HP and broke our concentration on our pre-cast blur and then a couple of healing potions decided not to work since we were standing on stairs leaving as nice and low for a ghoul to come in with a crit to finish us off not a good time all around our next go around starts much better since we're able to counter spell the blight that got us last time now that we're actually in the fight it's worth mentioning cazador's gimmick that being his ritual sources who are all being drained around the arena he starts with seven of them and for each one he gets additional temp HP and extra necrotic damage on every source of pain he inflicts upon us not to mention some of the ritual sources Grant extra Boons like plus 5 the AC or health regen each round so on our turn we move over top of one of these sigils which gives us the benefits of that one ritual Source instead of him and we shoot a bat to trigger our elixir of blood lust before we use a defensive flourish as well as a few more shots on one of the fellas being drained to hopefully interrupt the ritual most of the goons spend their turns dashing on up to us with the exception of chatter teeth who uses eyebite in an attempt to knock us out if that goes through the fight is instantly over so we try and counter spell which fails but but luckily we still succeed the saving throw this does mean that Cazador gets to cast blight on us again which we really can't do much about and that also breaks our blur as always balamu starts by sacrificing a bat to the bloodlust Elixir and then we use our bonus action to drop a fat confusion on the majority of the Arena followed up with a beautiful Thunder Wave taking two werewolves off the edge being confused however is apparently just code for acting completely normally since most of the enemies just run up to us and attack us anyways which is very cool and papar continues to be little more than a drain on our spell slots not wanting to have to deal with chatter teeth at the same time we use the majority of our turn and a couple of slashing flourishes to take him out afterwards oh oh no I uh I forgot about this cador becomes the vampire ascendant since we didn't take out any of the ritual sources in time which gives him a permanent 710 extra necrotic damage on every attack massively increased move speed AC boosted by five and he heals 7010 at the start of old of his turns oh yeah and a permanent legendary resistance which means plus 10 to pretty much every saving throw well nothing to do for it now we continue forward with a defensive flourish using up our last baric inspiration and after gaining an extra action thanks to blood lust we Thunder Wave a good majority of the enemies off the edge and we sprinkle in some healing since we will really need it another blight gets sent our way but it doesn't really matter how much damage SAR can do so long as we keep counter spelling back to us and we send yet another ghoul off the edge leaving just a werewolf and the vampire ascended himself as the main threats here despite legendary resistance being a thing we managed to get a blindness off on the head honcho too which honestly isn't really that great since he can still just move up to us and cast a spell anyways but we at least get advantage on attack roles as long as it's active either way next turn a final Thunder Wave is used to take care of the werewolf and we are now awfully low on spell slots we also run up to Cazador and give him a quick little whack before you using a scroll of hideous laughter to preserve our spell slots for more meaningful uses he does save unfortunately another round goes by meaning another counter spell gets used just to stay alive and since hideous laughter had a 70% chance to succeed according to the game which in retrospect I don't think it was counting legendary resistance we decide to give it another go on our next turn anyways it doesn't work so we vent by burning away most of the bats since they've been pecking away at us Papa blood sucker uses one more call lightning and we say good riddance to our final spell slot to counter spell it bartholomy really has had enough of these bats though and blows the last of them up with an alchemist fire now it's just us and the big man himself so we decide to change that never too late in the game to bring in the groupies using a scroll we summon a diva to help whoop this Undead booty from here on out the fight is pretty straightforward cador drops a big spell on us then we use whatever potions we can to heal up and after summoning another Ally in the form of a flame Elemental we just Whittle away at his health it takes a long time but we mix in some more spell Scrolls here and there to speed things up and we managed to outpace his healing enough to finally take him out after what feels like ages now that's how you put on a show Cazador though we ultimately do decide against using this venue for any future concerts our real reward for this encounter is Rap City rap city is a plus one dagger that gives an extra plus one bonus to attack rolls damage and spell save DCS for each foe killed with a Max of plus three this does reset on a long rest but during the time of recording this you could stack this up by destroying anything with a health bar even boxes which is what we usually did and you can consume these Stacks to use an extra special move of your choice though we never used any of them since they're really not worth it plus as an extra bonus if we hit an enemy while hiding or invisible we have a chance to inflict the bleeding condition not that this was useful either regardless this item is worth it for the plus three to everything alone since it makes our spells even harder for enemies to resist and we'll be replacing our Thorn Blade with it since our search for event venue was a bit of a bust we decided to turn our attention to the problem of the police we can't have them showing up and ruining everyone's fun after all so we head to the steel watch Foundry in search of a way to disable them once inside we meet gandan zanner tubin a gnome who helps build and maintain the steel wash from him we learn the Gnomes that are keeping this place going are being held against their will if they try and Break Free the explosive collars around their necks will detonate killing them all and to make matters worse their families are being held prisoner in an underwater prison called The Iron Throne if we save them Mr tubin and his Pals here will help us tear down the popo so it's off to the watery depths with us we managed to find the submarine that they used to transport prisoners to and from the Iron Throne pretty quickly and use it to head there ourselves along the way gorach lets us know he's been pirating our music this whole time using lime wire and we're no longer besties naturally this enrages Bartholomew not the besti thing the pirating thing and once inside he gets to freeing as many people as he can which as it turns out is not very many people we do get a couple here and there freeing some from their C with a bow shot and others just by running up and pulling the lever including some guy called the Grand Duke I don't know he sounds important but he can't be that important since he gets merked in like 6 seconds regardless we manag to free a decent chunk of Gans and get out of Dodge before the whole place gets blown Skyhigh high or ocean deep I guess now that we've gained some more devout groupies we head back to zanner to tell him the good news and find he's in the middle of getting yelled at so we start our Revolution right then and there we start raging Against the Machine with a good couple Flacks to one of the baddies and then cast blur on ourselves to stay nice and safe and as the NPCs start beating each other up we quickly realize that the gundian we just worked so hard to get on our side are really not that great the main thing we're afraid of in this fight is the enemy spellcasters who can cause us to take unavoidable damage and some of them also have an aura of Terror which gives us disadvantage on attack a and saving throws so on our next turn we hit one of them breaking their concentration on Spirit Guardians and find out the hard way that we are not immune to our own hypnotic pattern which makes a lot of sense honestly but either way it still breaks the concentration of all the goons so it's not all bad unfortunately all of our allies get got during the next round and in the middle of all of it one of the baddies initiates the destruction sequence of their bomb necklaces now we could try and stop it to save the gandan downstairs and have them join us in the next fight but if they're anything like these guys it's probably better to focus on saving our own Hide And since we don't have to focus on saving the little guys anymore the fight gets way easier we drop a big old hypnotic pattern which takes most of the enemies out of the fight for a couple turns followed by a cloud of daggers which shreds away at a large group of them and then a good few melee stabs to finish the job before we head to the basement we make sure to uh speak with zanner one more time to figure out how to disable the steel watch for good once we make it downstairs a fight starts with the rest of the foundry who are thankfully all injured from their tussle with the gandan that were working down here Bartholomew does what he always does when overwhelmed Cas blur and he stands in the corner our biggest concern the spellcasters is largely mitigated when one of them cast silence in a massive area surrounding us which means this fight is just a matter of us defensive flourishing keeping blur up and slowly whittling away at the enemies it takes a long while but it is sped up with the help of a bloodlust Elixir until eventually it's just us and two Hellfire Watchers left the only problem is these guys as the name suggests spew Hellfire at us which steals a boatload of unmitigable damage even resistance and Immunity has no effect which is a little scary for us and at one point we get brought quite low because of it realizing we need to reposition and find a safe spot we prepare an arrow of transposition to shoot ourselves up to safety and despite the preview saying it will land Us in the rafters when we fire it this happens I was more than a little upset so we downed a potion of of speed to cast invisibility which broke initiative allowing us to leave and rest up as well as cash in our newest level up upon hitting level 11 we get a six level spell in the form of Autos irresistible dance for some high-end crowd control that buys us at least one guaranteed turn of safety and we also swap out confusion for Glyph of warding since confusion has been ridiculously lackluster and we could really use some more reliable AOE damage especially with varied damage types and of course we get a six level spell slot to go with our new spells now that we're feeling more powerful we walk back downstairs and finish off the remaining Hellfire Watchers who blow up when we bring them even moderately low which seems like a bit of an overreaction if you ask me after resting up Downing an elixir of bloodlust and pre-c casting blur on ourselves to make sure we don't get hit we head to the final room of The Foundry where we Face three Hellfire Watchers and a steel Watcher Titan we spend our first turn just building up our Arcane Acuity and boosting our AC with a defensive flourish as well as a few other hits and the ti tries to cast Hellfire curse on us which would give us disadvantage on any physical saves since that's not something we want to deal with and we don't have any other uses for a counter spell we'll pretty much be using our reaction on this every time once it gets back to Bartholomew we cast chain lightning using a scroll since all of these enemies are vulnerable to lightning and it deals an absurd amount of damage so much damage that one of them starts to self-destruct on their next turn and we get the chance to mobile flourish another one into the self-destruction radius barely but it works also worth mentioning just how great warcasters opportunity attack is in this fight because of the lightning vulnerability anyways the Hellfire Watcher blows up which causes the other Hellfire Watcher to start blowing up while the Titan cowers for its life and initiates the world's most telegraphed attack with only one Hellfire Watcher left we just cast a couple lightning Glyph of wngs on it until it decides to end it all too then we just rinse and repeat with the Titan itself for quite a few turns I'd even go so far as to say quite a many turns until it to initiates the self-destruct sequence whereupon we heroically run into the other room and shut the door behind us before hitting the end turn button and watching The Experience roll in we also make sure to pick up gter male before we leave which is a really good bow that we can't really use since we don't have proficiency but it is still a surprise tool that will help us later then we do our best heroic run to escape The Foundry before it blows up all in a day's work now that the popo is out of the way we still got to take out gourash to make sure they can't rebuild so we head to the top of his keep pre-cast blur and go into the fight with an elixir of bloodlust active to boot this fight shows off just how dominant we've become the goons are more of the same from the steel foundry and we can take them out nice and quick and with a bonus action upcast at hold person the whole fight becomes easy mode and we get to pick up some grenades here and there for later use as an added bonus although one gets blasted right into some fire and instantly blows up almost one-shotting us but other than that the fight goes down without a cinch Gort doesn't even get to phase 2 after he goes down we steal his cool rock to show our adoring fans later and we take the chance to head back to camp and party hard once back in Camp we realize that Orton has been neatly stacking letters on the floor and buried in these letters is an invitation to join a record label naturally we jump on the opportunity and all it takes is killing a Celestial and bathing in the blood of Innocence which for the music industry is actually surprisingly tame well here we also buy the vicious short bow a plus two short bow that makes it so when we crit we deal an extra seven damage nothing too wild but it'll be our main bow for the rest of the Run since it works nicely with hold person and hold monster which we can cast as a bonus action unfortunately once we get to the scene of orin's celebration party the mood is kind of in the dumps and we find out Orin has kidnapped one of our groupies and is holding them hostage naturally this cannot stand so she turns into a giant uh thing and we draw our blades this fight has quite the obnoxious gimmick Orin herself has 12 stacks of Unstoppable which reduce all damage she takes to one and prevents her from being moved against her will and she gets all of these stacks back each round so long as the goons around her are casting this ritual the main problem with that is all of these goons also have Sanctuary on them which means you can only take them out with AOE this combined with the fact that Orin herself is a monster that can attack something ridiculous like five times in a round and she starts with two thugs helping her out regularly result in us getting got over and over and over again on our sixth attempt we finally figured out a strategy that might work so we give it a go before the fight we cat our bow with crawler mucus a poison that requires the target to make a dc-13 constitution save or become poisoned and paralyzed we also go in with an elixir of heroism active too to help with saving throws mainly since we keep getting knocked prone or stunned by the enemies but Bartholomew gets first in initiative and starts with an arrow of many targets to max out our Arcane Acuity and we get Orin as well as a couple of goons Afflicted with the crawler mucus then we drop at Tasha's hideous laughter on Orin which completely lays her out making sure she stays out of the fight even if the poison wears off finally we fire off a slashing flourish on the last goon that can still move about and start chipping away at her Unstoppable she tries to stun us which thankfully fails and then runs up to get nice and close which gives us the chance to bonus action stab her to bump of Arcane Acuity followed by a Thunder Wave sending both her and an unfortunate ritual Caster off the edge we rinse and repeat for literally everyone else in the arena sending them off the cliff and taking our time since or just cannot break out of our hideous laughter due to our high spell save DC from Arcane Acuity and rap city after that we spend another small eternity blasting down orin's Unstoppable Stacks using the odd spell scroll here and there to make it go a little bit faster and when every stack is dealt with we perform a rendition of everyone's favorite Thunder Wave to finish the job our reward is another Shiny Rock to add to our collection the freedom of our groupy and her unending adoration as well as blood thirst blood thirst is a plus two dagger that reduces our critical threshold by one allows us to cast true strike once per long rest as a bonus action and when wielded in the main hand gives any enemy we stab with it vulnerability to piercing damage this is an extremely good weapon and we will use it at some point but but not just yet before we wrap up our tour of the city we've got a few more things to do to start we unveil a hidden passage in the prison of worms Rock then we solve some puzzles and after that we hit Level 12 level 12 is our final level and with it we get our final feat we end up taking resilient which is a feat that gives us plus one to any ability and Proficiency in that corresponding saving throw since we're struggling with wisdom saves mostly we select that we also learn one final spell in the form of of dissonant Whispers it's nothing fancy but it does have a chance to fear enemies and Deals a decent bit of damage plus we can cast it as a bonus action which is the main reason why we took it with that out of the way we head to the final portion of this hidden passage where we find a big old dead dragon and just behind it the Helm of balerin we yoink the helmet and for quite a while consider putting it on as our main helmet obviously we don't want to get rid of our helmet of arcan Acuity but in between sessions larion actually changed the way the condition works now now Arcane Acuity Stacks up to 10 instead of seven however when we take damage from anything we lose two stacks of it this makes it a lot harder to keep our Acuity up in fights against spellcasters or large groups of enemies in general so we consider swapping it out but ultimately decide to use our helmet of arcan Acuity for the majority of the rest of the game then Bartholomew goes to investigate the dragon corpse which as it turns out is not as dead as we would hope from this Dragon we learned the emperor was once his friend back when he was known by his mortal name balerin as in the founder of the city balerin but now there's some bad blood between the two and the dragon tries to take their rage out on us I'll spare you the Gory details of this fight since it really is just rather tedious none of our CC spells work on this dragon and he only has two attacks which never do enough damage to seriously hurt us once we down an elixir of lightning resistance unless you count his super AOE attack which we can just avoid by hiding in this building so the fight turns into an hour long slog of us shooting him for barely any damage well he does the same to us until we finally take him out next up we end up going to a self-help Clinic to help us deal with our record label contract falling out and all the emotions that follow where yet another cult resides in their basement like this is just getting out of hand who is building all of these cavernous underground spaces anyways a fight breaks out because we don't have some girl named shadowart with us I don't I don't even know who that is so we get to defend ing ourselves from these wacka Doodles the first time goes pretty poorly since they can just blind Us by casting darkness and then stop us healing with a bone chill so we can't do much when they eventually take us out luckily for us we picked up a steel Watcher helmet from The Foundry before blowing it up which grants us immunity to being blinded amongst other things and with the help of that helmet blur and an elixir of blood lust the second attempt goes way smoother after we clear up the cultist we get to raiding their basement for anything good and find a mirror of LA which allows us to after a few successful checks Trade A minus two in one stat for a plus two in another we trade in our intelligence for a boost to our dexterity bumping it up to 22 and increasing our modifier to a plus six regardless of what we chose to trade in we can still just take a long rest to get rid of the debuff while keeping the buff remember if you're feeling cursed just take a nap since the record label deal fell out and so did our attempts to learn how to deal with our tangle of emotions we meet up with Raphael who has been teasing us with the idea of making us famous this whole playthrough this time he actually follows through though and as a signing bonus he offers up the hammer of Orphus to free the fellow being held prisoner by the emperor so we don't have to deal with his creepy tentacled butt anymore and oh my God we just signed our soul away uh time to go to hell and get our contract back and as it turns out hell is actually pretty easy to get into so long as you've got a book telling you how to do it and a pouch full of all the ingredients needed for the ritual once inside the House of Hope We Meet the titular hope who asks us to free her from Raphael's abuse and gives us a nice disguise to meander about the place without getting caught bartholomy puts the disguise to work and gains access to Raphael's private budo where we meet harap an uh Entertainer who happens to look a lot like rafhael himself things get a little bit frisky but we get cold feet and the fight ends up breaking out instead it's not a very hard fight even though we start off just a little bit naked but it does result in pretty much everybody in the House's main floor except for us getting killed and after the fight we just heal up using the fountains and the budo which gives all the benefits of a long rest now that the path is clear we're free to loot the house including grabbing our contract you know if it's this easy to break a deal with the devil everyone should do it we also grab the Amulet of Greater Health which sets our constitution to 23 massively increasing our Max HP and giving us advantage on all Constitution saves as well making work Caster a little bit redundant but still this amulet is extremely worth it also worth mentioning at this point we swap over to using bloodthirst on our main hand and the knife of the under Mountain King on our off hand since the changes to Arcane Acuity make wielding raps City a little bit Overkill as well a really big bummer happened here though and my recording audio ended up breaking so we'll just have to jam out to the soundtrack for the rest of this video either way we jump down to the basement where we get into a tozzle with hopes guards but they go down nice and quick and we free her using the oric hammer before we start heading out of the house on our way out the master of the house returns just before we manage to escape and he is a little less than pleased with all the hij Jinks that we've been up to so a fight breaks out and this fight's got a doozy of a gimmick scattered throughout the room is four Soul pillars and for each one active rafy gets a bonus 1 D2 fire damage on all his attacks and a plus three to all dexterity checks and saves and he can also use an action to heal from them each turn while they also give Soul charges which fuel his extremely powerful spells and on top of oh oh my God no no we're not doing this again Raphael no no no no this is Bartholomew show okay fine but keep it in the background anyways we really have to deal with these pillars but first we got to deal with these goons so we start off the fight with an arrow of many targets to boost our spell safe DC and then cast hypnotic pattern to disable half the room including Raphael himself on Hop's turn we use her revoke guest status ability to guaranteed banish your gear out of the fight permanently and on our next turn we do a bit of a repeat of last one with another arrow of many targets to boost up our Arcane Acuity before finishing off Cilla and casting a hypnotic pattern to stall the fight a little bit longer delaying Rafi yet again the remaining goons blast hope down pretty low so on her turn she makes the ultimate sacrifice stepping into the middle of the room and using divine intervention to blast the enemies with a bunch of radiant damage unfortunately for her all the enemies reflect radiant damage then we shoot a smoke PW Arrow at an enemy which blows up the soul pillar behind them and unfortunately doesn't trigger our Mystic scoundrel ring for some reason which we were really counting on so we down a potion of speed and decide to go for triggering our elixir of blood lust to max out our action economy we fire two sets of slashing flourishes off at one of the goons and despite a 95% chance to hit we missed two times just not our day then this donkey face comes around and disarms US causing us to drop our bow Raphael finally gets a turn and blasts us off the screen well dealing tons of damage and a couple of of the other enemies land some more hits too things are looking extremely dire for us so we go full defense mode with a defensive flourish and a blur to make sure nobody can hit us we also use a Thunder Wave to try and fling them off the edge but they've got wings so they just teleport right back up though we do take out one in the process just from damage with our remaining action we heal up and get ready to weather the storm and with all this rep we managed to make it to next turn but now we're even more surrounded so our last bartic inspiration gets used on a to flourish and we scadaddle out of the way and cast a glyph of warding to take out one of them and chip away at the rest as it turns out though this doesn't trigger elixir of blood Lust For some reason we've still got our extra attack though so we stab one of the goons to finish them off and while it does trigger our elixir of blood lust it also bugs out and consumes our bonus action for some reason which means we have to run away throw down a healing potion to top up and then throw down a speed potion using our last action so we don't lose our next turn on Rafael L's turn he walks outside the room and cast a spell on us which we counter spell so we don't have to worry about healing up the next go around and on our turn a plan starts to form as this golden opportunity presents itself this turn though we just Thunder Wave most of the enemies away to buy us some breathing room and throw a couple smoke powder bombs at the nearby pillar next turn however we shut the door leaving just two fish fellas in the room with us then we use the only Scroll of Arcane lock we have to seal off the room for 10 whole turns we use the rest of our turn to finish off the two goons locked in here with us and get to destroying the pillars once that's done we down a potion of angelic Slumber which knocks us unconscious for two turns in return for giving us the benefits of a full long rest obviously not something you'd normally use in a fight but this is not a normal fight then we equip gter male the bow we got from the steel Watcher Titan earlier like I said we can't really use it but we can use the celestial haste ability from it which is just like a potion of speed but we don't get lethargic after we swap out our bloodlust Elixir for an elixir of heroism too at this point since bloodlust is no longer necessary and once we cast the celestial haste on ourselves the fight resumes it picks up again with us defensive flourishing and finishing off the remaining Campion and stabbing Raphael just a little bit too as a treat our devilish host tries his best to ravaging Inferno us for a few turns while we keep whittling him away but it really doesn't work out for him as we use counter spell after counter spell eventually our is about to run out so we go for a hideous laughter on Raphael and it actually works and it doesn't just work it pretty much takes him out of the fight for the entire rest of it we go out of the way to finish off the last imp and then it's not hard to take out Raphael over the course of a few turns with of course everyone's favorite Bartholomew hit single cloud of daggers and just like that we finished our last major challenge of the run on our very first try and have freed ourselves from our end of the contract now we're off to the nether brain so so we can finally be free of it and our tadp so we can finally practice in peace Before Our Big Concert we try and destroy it with our cool rock collection but it doesn't work out and now the nether brain is free and it's going to make sure no one ever listens to our music again by destroying the whole city thankfully the emperor shows up to save the day and whisks us to safety unth thankfully the emperor showed up and he keeps acting like he owns us so we tell him to bug her off and he dips to join the nether brain as a Bartholomew hater so we free orus who turns into a mind flayer to help us deal with the losers wrecking the city along our way to the nether brain we encounter an army and slaughter them really quick and I know I know don't worry it's okay they didn't listen to our music anyways then we climb up the nether brains brain stock where we encounter the emperor once and for all and he summons this dude who is 100% not our Dream visitor I have no idea who this man is but I don't like him anyways the the fight starts and we get orus to use a dimension door scroll to teleport us to the ground and get channeling our cool rocks to create a portal into the psyche of the brain then we down a potion of speed to give us an extra action which we use to summon some groupies as distractions before moving on and casting globe of invulnerability to keep us protected well channeling the plan doesn't work out perfectly it gets a little bit interrupted but eventually we get it back on track and the portal opens up once it's open Bartholomew jumps inside and regroups with orus who cast Fierce perilous Stakes on us which gives us 15 extra psychic damage on each hit we heal 2 d8 on each hit too and we score a crit on a 15 or higher at the cost of becoming vulnerable to all damage for the next three turns so we ZIP down the melee range and stab the brain with our dagger giving it vulnerability to piercing before flying back up with the help of a previously taken potion of flying to get some high ground and we simply rain down a few slashing flourishes which deal a um a decent amount of damage if I do say so myself we could ing the brain enough to decide its fate once and for all with the brain vulnerable there's a terrible moment where Bartholomew contemplates using his power to enthrall everyone in the world to become an avid groupy of his but he decides to earn his Fame instead I mean who wouldn't want to be a Bartholomew fan after this instead we take out the Elder brain once and for all crashing it into the ground freeing ourselves of our parasites so we can at last practice in peace and creating if not the world's most memorable concert at least its most memorable light show goodbye Bartholomew party hard my dude wherever you end up with that Bartholomew's journey is complete here's the stats for this act thank you all so much for watching sorry about the in-game audio issues near the end if you want to help decide what I play for my next run check out the poll on my channel and give it a vote and if you want to see more make sure to subscribe and join our Discord server too there's a link in the description below a special thanks to our Storyteller tier members here on YouTube who helped the story be told bunny Warren and player five
Channel: TheTruant
Views: 54,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, DnD, Dungeons and Dragons, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Lonewolf, Solo, Tactician, Hardest difficulty, fighter, eldritch knight, throwing, throwing weapon, larian, larian studios, twitch, youtube, live, hardest, difficulty, act 2, act, act 3, bard, swords, college, can you beat, beating, winning, destroying
Id: VLgAodFtFU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 1sec (2701 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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