I analyse the ENTIRE Elden Ring DLC Trailer | Shadow of the Erdtree Lore

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let's review what happened in the official Gameplay trailer that just released for the shadow of the earth tree DLC I can't believe this day is finally here um so I will talk about what we saw what we can speculate story-wise and just break down what on Earth is happening so if you haven't seen the trailer I would recommend doing that right now to get the full experience and return here when you're done now while I was sitting in the waiting room for the trailer to drop I was trying to get any hints um from what little was on the screen in the font used for the word Shadow the o had quite an exciting flare around it it looks like the symbol for oroborus which is a snake eating its own tail and that's meant to symbolize many things uh usually Unity eternity and rebirth so it could be alluding to that or it could just be snake imagery and as soon as I thought that I thought oh my God are we going to get something rard related well let's see the trail begins with what many people theorized as the starting place to to access the DLC which is moog's boss room precisely because that is where micha's cocoon is and we get a shot of that outstretched long bloody arm which was theorized to be michas and we hear the narrator or an NPC uh say this pure and radiant he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men pure and radiant he wields love now this sounds precisely like one is describing Mika we know that Mika is cursed with eternal youth he has a childlike appearance that could be described as pure in the few depictions that we had of him he's shown to have long Golden Hair often wearing wh which one could describe as radiant wielding love is appropriate because in many item descriptions that mention Micha they talk about how good he was or good he is at Charming people the bewitching branch description says he is loved by many people indeed he has learned very well how to compel such affection the second part implies that he is aware of how Charming he is he knows what he's doing with his ability this explains why this voice line describes him as wielding love he's using it he wields love to strive clean the hearts of men he goes on to say he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men shrive is an archaic word which means to absolve a priest will shrive a sinner for example give them Penance so in this context it's saying that Micha will absolve these men of their sinful hearts and cleanse them moving on there is nothing more terrifying so we're left with quite a contradiction from the previous lines Micha helps these people do that but it is terrifying it's scary to be so compelled so open and have your heart exposed to Micha whether these people are aware that they are so Charmed by him while it was happening we don't know but this character this narrator does comment that it's terrifying this is actually backed up by a quote from melenia in her armor it actually references Mika um it says her brother possesses the wisdom the allw of a God he is the most fearsome imperion of all this is quite a statement um it's possible that she's saying because of his power to charm anyone that's why he is so powerful for reference an imperion is a mighty demigod and probably from what we understand someone who is eligible to become the next Godlike being like America an heir to her godhood and we know that because Ronnie says I was once an imperion of the demigods only I Mika and melenia could claim that title each of us was chosen by our own two fingers as a candidate to succeed Queen America to become the new god of the coming age so if Melania is telling theu truth and not embellishing her statement about her brother Mika is the most imposing of the three siblings out of Ronnie melenia and himself but that might be a subjective statement U melenia does say she has never known defeat and then you do beat her so take that with a grain of salt let's move on so we get this sweeping shot of a landscape uh with you the tarnished riding torrent racing towards wherever this is and I won't lie I don't know if this is landal or something like it really not that good with um building significance I would leave that up to someone like the tarnished archaeologist but for the most part I'm going to say that where this DLC takes place is not within the lands between as we know it I think we're going to go to some Shadow Dimension um it's a similar version of the world with a tree at its Center but the places around it are slightly different so we see the tarnished moving across a field with all of these which look like spectral gravestones and there are a lot of them and in the background you can see these naughty pale what looks like tree roots very interesting perhaps these are from this so-called shadow of the earth [Music] tree then the tarnished moves out to the Cliff's Edge and looks out and we get this close up of the tree first of all what is going on here there is this bizarre lighting effect going on it looks almost like curtains draping down from the sky it's strange like a literal Veil is hanging above the world and you've got this red orange light source behind the tree and on top of the branches here you have this fading gold light coming off the tree itself or slightly behind it and above I will say this whole imagery reminds me a lot of the shadowlands reveal for World of Warcraft a break that causes a rift Between Two Worlds the living and the dead and I can't help but think with this weird fabric like blanket and light from above like the name of the DLC is called that it is some kind of mirror world but we're in the evil and dark kind now we get a sneak peek at some new fashion this is a new helmet I believe and armor set with this classic Elden ring Cape style and in the foreground there's this beam of light in a distinctive shape at first I thought it was melania's Rune it looks kind of similar apart from this bit sticking out so it could be one of the other runes maybe a combination of them does appear to be impaled in the ground maybe it's a wieldable weapon spell or some kind of marker also in the far back here can see what looks like a closeup of the base of this Shadow tree you can see this golden sap spilling out here so it looks like we can get pretty close to this thing and it is dark down here then cut to this Majestic fit right here Full Metal Face helmet full Spartan armor massive two-hander sword I love it I actually wonder if this is an enemy because of their pose with the sword resting in the ground like this with their two hands I'm not sure if there is a player emote like that or maybe there will either way love this design then we get what looks like um a giant based on their helmet and armor with an equally giant pots and these really unique spiraly pillars this is followed by one of my favorite shots from The Whole Trailer um you have this individual lying on the ground here with all of these uh new flower types a lovely purple white color schemes going on here um you have this porcelain face with long white plattered hair um I would love for all of this to be an obtainable headpiece and this could all be a reference to Cina Cina is a mysterious character often referenced with a purple color scheme and associated with sleep so this individual could be sleeping in that forsaken Place blood must spill blood of your fellows all the while we hear a different character speaking these words lot of our fellows and I how is this person sitting on a throne with this fanned neck piece which I believe is called a rough uh collar from the 16th uh 17th century sitting watching us approach it could be a boss or the one who is saying these words we're hearing right now and then here we are we've got it guys we've got what looks like a swamp it's it's horrible um it's very bog like very witchy um Dreadful I hate it I love it they are truly faithful then we get a painting of two unknown characters here um an older man giving us that thousand foot lead poisoning stair quite unsettling he's got a pretty distinctive roach in the middle here and I don't know what it is about this but it just strikes me as quite omy like The Omen fetishes and even the cloak that wraps around him is very similar to the one that we see more got wearing especially when he's transformed into his more humanoid size this is just a gut feeling though and then you have this other figure standing up right next to them hand resting on their shoulder and the other hand uh on their abdomen or possibly gesturing towards them some traces of dark hair up here coming up from under their head covering possibly a lady and possibly close or related to whoever this is very mysterious cut to uh Portland pot cave um are these are jar friends I hope not because they seem to be hanging quite uncomfortably in this area maybe some kind of jumping puzzle for us more lava stages here like volcano mana and all of that fun navigating those hallways so what is this character holding kind of looks like I'm kind of cross let me get this nice shot of what looks like um the main city probably not land like I said earlier and you've got the same distinctive toily pillars going on here you can see the withering crumbling tree to the side here and those weird veils in the light here and there is a new voice uh narrating this segment they were never Saints they just happen to be on the losing side of a wall this voice is addressing someone or a group of individuals as not Saints and on the wrong or losing side of a war who exactly could they be referring to and what war as well one of the past Wars we know there have been a couple like the first or second leonian war the giant War perhaps as the narrator is saying this we are getting the shot of a colossal enemy which is incredible design it's like a massive burning brazia with this sun face at the center however on closer inspection it does look like tentacles or horns rather than sun rays that are usually depicted in such iconography a couple of people have already informed me that this is a wickerman reference whether it be to the old Celtic myth or inspiration drawn from the berserk depiction regardless it's awesome to behold this guy oh my if we see what I first thought was one of those elongated snake enemies you find at volcano Mana but it doesn't have the same facial Anatomy um and if you look a bit closer it appears to have multiple eyes or orifices is going down its tube head and from what I can see no teeth like the snakes do I can't tell if it has legs either from this shot it might just be a long body long arms just a big big tube then we have this fascinating enemy design you can see what looks like a lion's head at first but looking closer there are two sets of teeth the outer ones are more Kine like fangs but the inner layer of teeth is quite blunt and uniform closer to human teeth but perfectly rounded you have this human hand come out and shove at the Lion's outer jaw presumably it's quite weighty and they're trying to lift it up we then get this whole shot of this fascinating enemy design um you can see what looks like the lion's head you can see a clearer look of the two layers of teeth here and the whole thing is just strangely shaped it looks like those costumes where you have two people inside one is operating The Head and the front legs and the second one is in the back on all fours controlling the back segment along here we can see horns and antler like offshoots which is very reminiscent of the lion Guardians in places like Stormville castle castle Soul redm Castle um I do have a Q&A video exploring why these Lions have um these offshoots but it is possibly something Crucible or Omen related either way something is really off here when you look at this face it's strangely humanoid strangely lying haunting blue eyes the two layers of teeth it is really quite uncanny and in these shots of it moving it's it's clumsy it's barreling around uncoordinated and at some points you can see see the humanoid feet and legs underneath it's staggering around almost like someone is carrying the top heavy lion part of it and then you get lightning on top of it all um this Beast can apparently wield lightning which is most commonly seen with Dragons so this is a really cool change um this creature is most likely some kind of Primal Crucible woman likee fight which is going to be awesome mother would thou truly lordship s in one so bereth of life this is the poster character of the DLC here they are and here's the snake that was hinted at in the title later in this trailer someone called mesma is referenced to when talking about fire and and using shots of this character so we can probably assume that this is this character's name mesma and if mesma is speaking these words directing them at his mother possibly America he's questioning how someone is Elden Lord would thou truly lordship sanction in other words would you really endorse someone like this to be a lord or maybe this isn't mesma talking but another character referencing mesma when they say mother why is this guy of Lord's quality when he is so far from Radiance I mean look at him that's what bereft of light is referring to however I'm pretty sure this is mesma talking they have quite a distinct almost snobby voice that would fit this kind of aesthetic and speaking of Aesthetics let's look more at this you have these snakes curling around them maybe multiple snakes or this could be oros sometimes the symbol is depicted as having two heads so this could be one snake with no tail you have This brilliant red cape and this red fire and this little wing sticking out here um and it does resemble the Drake set as it has the same distinct silhouette and this is very well timed as I just released a video the other day where I was looking at this specific set and Dragons this armor that mesma wears may be some kind of mega version of the Drake set and another reason why this character might have something to do with Dragons is when we get this close up shot we can see that mesma has golden eyes and slitted pupils which you can get through learning multiple Dragon incantations because it's a side effect of consuming dragon hearts however Dragon Eyes also look like Snake Eyes you have the snake detailing on the top of their helmet and of course his snake buddies we saw earlier so could be snakes could be dragons he could like both God forbid someone have a hobby and of course another exciting thing to note is the red hair red hair is a massive symbol throughout the game connected to Cursed beings and connections to rigan in the dialogue this character is referenced someone called a mother so could we be seeing another child of America and Radigan very very interesting we cut away from now to another fight with new enemies these are fighting with some kind of Candlestick which I love um they possibly look like some kind of enemies we would find in the swamp this might also be a new weapon how the tarnish is holding this weapon looks quite unique um I can't quite tell but this is the Gameplay trailer so I would expect that they're only going to show new mechanics and animations speaking of which we have throwing knives and some kind of Ghost spirit hit what what can I say about this one Haye pink manic pixie dream girl butterfly magic levitation explosion yeah I'm I'm so pleased right now this too that that is the coldest thing I've seen all day um it looks like some kind of skill that lets you do a spinning flying kick or maybe support for doing um unarmed builds throwing big pots rapid fire crossbow and is this a new armor as well I don't really recognize this helmet this looks like a bear specifically a bear shout as you can see some humanoid legs underneath we already have a couple of Roars like Beast raw and gry rolls raw so this one appears to give you a bare themed Skilling hello Sako this is this is beautiful um a brand new enemy type brand new armor and swords that they're using in this beautiful white flowered blue glowing Meadow and whoever captured this segment by the way um did absolutely amazing it's this is literally art in the background here the narrator or character is referencing Micha saying I'm sure you want to know what michler is doing here presume you too are came to know just what kind Micha is doing here presume you two are Keen to know what kind Micha is doing here just what kind Mika is doing here so kind is being used as an adjective to describe Mika that is interesting yes I am wondering what he's doing this is probably um our tree Sentinel equivalent for the DLC now with war Bor look at look at this guy whoever this is is amazing look at this purple Lance um and headpiece yeah I absolutely love it and here we have the lobster equivalent so instead of the giant crayfish jumping up on you in Leonia you now have this openmouth um porcupine enemy type now do you see what I see here very Oran of course from bloodborne um the body shape and weapon that is creepy okay I'm gonna I'm going to stop the comparisons now but this design I love you have this bone Boomerang here the exposed spine um that turns into this blueeyed blob head all are riding this poor poor horse dragging itself and its Master along unable to use its hind legs as a side note can we please give horses a poor break I can't tell if this creature is fused to the horse um or possibly has no legs or the short legs it looks like the horse's skin is melting away here so maybe this area melts skin and this is why the creature is riding the horse so it doesn't touch the floor although it appears maybe a bit too late for this guy this is hands down one of my favorite shots from the whole trailer I mean it's excellent so viseral and look here a very familiar symbol this is the same old guy we saw in the portrait earlier and he appears to have been impaled with this pronged device or or could it be part of his Anatomy um this instantly reminds me of a weapon called The Sword of Milos um which is a great sword made up of a spine the dung eater uses that weapon um presumably from one of his victims Milos who is an undersized giant he appears quite emaciated you can barely see the outline of his legs um and body all he has is this big spine thing um and if this is a boss um I just can't wait to see him pull it out and see how he fights and while we're seeing this we hear the narrator say those stripped of the gra of gold shall all need death in the Embrace of MMA FL those stripped of the grace of gold shall all meet death in the Embrace of mesmer's flame so this is the part where we can assume that this is mesma here as he is the one using Flames um dragon fire possibly um and this sentence appears to be saying that anyone who loses sight of Grace will face the wrath of mesma and I believe everyone lost the ability to see grace um as part of America's plan when everyone was banished they went away they got stronger um so they would have the strength to free her um so mesma possibly wasn't stripped of this in this other weird Universe could there possibly be an alternate America here who knows it's clearly leading up to mesma being the final or main boss of the DLC come now touch the r arm and travel to the realm of Shadow I will not be far behind may we meet again so that was what sounded like Micha speaking here we know who micha's voice actor is um that is credited to Naomi McDonald and this sounds a lot like her voice it sounds like Micha is instructing us to go to the withered hand in the Cocoon which will then transport us to the realm of Shadow convincing us to touch it and saying he won't be far behind implies that Micha is not actually in the Cocoon could he have tricked us this whole time cocoon was just a diversion maybe michar is saying this to us from the Cocoon either way he seems to know something that we don't he wants us to go there and is going to help us with our journey he will likely be our new guide like how melanina is our guide for most of the base game [Music] and at the end here we see a glimpse of him glowing radiant outstretching a hand to the tree which seems to be glowing even brighter the tops of which look silver now and that light is definitely coming from behind the tree so what is the tree what does it mean well it looks like the her tree as we knew it but broken halfway down almost like it's been felled it has this black dark Aura surrounding it like something that has been burned post us burning it or could this be an her tree that has failed to grow like micholas halic tree he actually tried to make his own her tree watered it with his own blood but it failed to turn into an her tree it might be something like that hence why it is called shadow of the earth tree to be in someone's Shadow means to receive less attention than another one is in the spotlight or the other is cast in Shadow that might be what this world is a world with America's forgotten unwanted children and mesma might be one of those that's why the dialogue Ponders who is worthy of lordship hinting that he was not chosen as a side note Mesmer sounds like the word mesmerizing the source of the word being from Fran mesma a physician a physician who used hypnosis to try and treat treat diseases this posits a really intriguing theory that mesma has this ability which is similar to Micha who uses his bewitching nature it would also fit really nicely with snakes and snake charming very reminiscent of the hypnotizing Snake Eyes from The Jungle Book anyway these are my initial thoughts from watching the trailer I really hope you enjoyed this it was much more spontaneous than my usual LW content but I really just wanted to get my thoughts out there so let me know what you think of the trailer um and I hope you all as excited as I am we will have to wait until nearly the end of June before we can play the DLC so in the meantime um I will be cooking up some more lore thank you all so much for listening and see you later in the shadow of the earth tree
Channel: Miss Chalice
Views: 135,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring dlc, elden ring shadow of the erdtree, elden ring lore, lore, elden ring ending, miss chalice, chalice, asmr storytelling, elden ring lore cosplay, chalice lore, loreplay, who is mesmer, messmer elden ring, mesmer lore, miquella lore, miquella quest, miquella elden ring, shadows of erdtree elden ring, elden ring trailer, elden ring trailer explained, elden ring dlc trailer breakdown, shadow of erdtree explain, elden ring dlc reaction, elden ring react
Id: xfFwLTp-ubI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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