Baldur's Gate 3 by maeeeeee in 33:21 - Awesome Games Done Quick 2024

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all right we live all right hi Pittsburgh hi twitch chat my name is May my name is May um I am a speedrunner for balers Gate 3 um I currently hold the world record for the any% category um as of yesterday the all act category because uh we actually just got a record in practice yesterday uh which was pretty cool and absolutely no other category there is no secret third category if anyone tells you there is they're lying um how about we start introducing our coach we'll start from left to right with Kronos yep so hi everyone I'm Kronos and I speedrun quite a lot of games Elder schools Halo and now balers Gate 3 and yeah I've done so many runs of any% all X formerly held the record until May broke it you know but yeah do lots of the run so it's really nice really cool run so yeah hi my name is Ste um I do a lot of glitch hunting and routing for this game I actually helped a lot with getting this route off the ground uh before gdq um I'm also the world record holder of the bare percent category um and this is my bare plush hson named after the Druid in the game is my turn y y um I'm tomato Angus um I ran this game for a week for clout um I I truly don't really know what we're about to watch all right so we'll get into character creation a little bit here um CU this is uh pretty important to the run first important thing to the run is we're going to be playing as a light foot halfling um this is for a few reasons um number one they have uh faster animations for a few things we're going to be doing um they have really nice race features for uh dice rolls and stuff like that um and their size is small which we need for a few glitches are going to be doing throughout the Run um we're be playing as a wizard just because they have access to um all the Spells we'll need throughout the Run um and we'll explain those spells as we go on uh throughout uh the run as they come up um urchin is the background backgrounds don't really matter um stealth sometimes can um but for the most part not too important our ability scores are a little odd for a wizard um we are jacking up our strength as high as it will go uh because we are going to have a very Orthodox method of transportation throughout this run um and it just so happens that our uh jump distance happens to scale with our strength stat um dexterity also going to be backing out for better initiative roles um and then everything else is going into intelligence just so we can have um as many prepared spells as we need at once um there's also one other really important detail I need to figure out here um okay there we go oh my go you turned yourself into a pickle we turned into a pickle and funni I've ever seen all right and what is the winner of the bid War for the name it looks like Tom from my space is our winner let's go that guy's my friend oh my goodness all right um so time won't start on this cut scene time will start after I skip this one uh ready to count down from five five 4 3 2 1 you got this may so right off the bat we're going to load into the tutorial nautiloid here which is where you meet all your companions um you get introduced into the uh games combat um all that fun stuff you'll notice right off the bat we are hopping around like the Incredible Hulk um as we are just going to blast through everything with this ridiculous jump speed um there's also this really cool wall here and if you believe hard enough and mash your mouse hard enough on this one particular spot we perform RNG manipulation and fail the clip it's okay so that's actually U that was really practic that a lot though we practiced that a lot that's one of the hardest tricks for newer Runners um to learn actually um it's right at the start of the Run um so we end up with a lot of people joining Discord um with questions about that clip um just because there's a lot of really weird factors like your positioning um your camera angle um all that good stuff so flee try there there we go so now we are through the wall um and we are in the uh final fight of the tutorial area um so we're also stacking our dashes so we have enough movement to just jump through here um tutorial ends when we interact with this transponder which uh Pilots the ship we interact with that um just match through these cut scenes and we are all through the tutorial in uh normally that would be about like 35 seconds real time uh real time if we didn't fill the clip so this takes us into sorry go ahead I going to add there if you're worried about spoilers there's only the major bosses are spoiled in this run there's practically no spoilers throughout the entire thing I forgot to mention um if you're worried about spoilers watching do not be worried we will not uh go through anything too too crazy um so now we're into the game's First Act konos how about you explain what we're about to perform here yep so right here this is a big trick called Shadow Boxing that we're about to perform so right here may is setting up a node at a very precise spot it's like a pixel where you can set this lineup for and that's the spot where we're going to teleport to by using our character and recruiting shadowart and we're going to put her in a box so um I saw l i was watching the donation bids for this game um as uh while we were waiting and I saw a lot of donations said a shadow heart best girl um and I I really I yeah I know I I don't mind her either um I truly apologize for what we're about to do though she deserved it she does I'm sorry sorry I'm sorry it's part of the glitch Cronos how you continue yep so now that shadow heart is dead once again as I said we're going to put her in a box and specific we're going to put a wall of ball of fire on the ground we're putting Shadow heart in the Box in the fire and we're flinging the box to that location and she's gone what is what is that accomplish like what just happened by her doing that yeah well when we exit Camp we'll find we're at the end of act one so what's what's happening there is we are launching Shadow heart towards a cut scene all she's she's going to get revenge here now by the way this another um we're going to beat up on Tom from Myspace um the reason we're doing this is so we can set up for uh some infinite status glitch um but basically what we did there to get Shadow art there um and get to the end of act one is we're launching her towards a cut scene trigger um and breaking the Box uh which dumps her her off at the end of Act One um the game kind of realizes that uh we can't cut trigger a cut scene with a dead Shadow heart um so we sort of just uh pop her out of the box um we force a long rest and then as soon as we're done long resting um she is alive at the trigger yep and something you'll also notice is uh our character's status effects are no longer ticking down even though we're not in turn base mode and that's because of something called infinite status glitch by killing our character picking them up in turn base mode and then Reviving them so it makes all your turn base effects permanent ring them out of turn base mode also that's the entire Mountain Pass we're just done with that yep and that's act one that's act one done in I don't know what like where we at like 4 minutes yeah got time for a donation got time for one yeah awesome okay first of all we are over we let's say less than $30,000 away from $2 million which is amazing we're also over $82,000 to the 100,000 that we need for the developer room showcase so that means over 82% which is incredible and we have uh sadly there's a $50 donation from Adder har who says please don't kill shadowart or last rail absolutely not carlac I promise not carlik I love her um so now we're going to go into um this is the uh the Shadow Cur lands um and first thing we're going to do is pick up Shadow heart who we disguised as a I think it's a halfling um because if you disguise self of course um logic would have it that your actual body becomes lighter and so we can use a glitch called kidnapping to pick her up and just bring her wherever we want um okay thank God you can not one that check and it actually kills runs um so thank goodness that did not happen here so we're going to drop shadow heart off and swap a few spells around we're going to get uh command on Shadow heart and the reason for that is we need this dude to uh politely hand over his uhoh uh we're going to pray for the r come okay so um we ask him politely to hand over his Lantern for some reason that does not uh make these dudes hostile we're going to say hey I need protection for this curse she's going to say sure um and we're going to now I'm sorry again to all the shadow heart fans um she's got to go um the reason for this is that we are going to pretty much send one character off to haul it towards cck as fast as possible who is the boss for this area um lasel Meanwhile we're going to send on a great journey to the last Light in um that's because there is an item over there that we need uh we need an invisibility potion um for some we'll say we're going to perform some Shenanigans we'll leave it at that um I don't want to spoil um so for now we're just making our way over to Krick uh with our main character this would be a good time for some donations awesome yes I have plenty of donations I was just going through some more so we have $836 40 from Wisa thank you so much for that who says balers Gate 3 was my favorite multiplayer game of last year so here's a dollar for each hour I've played of it wow and also a dollar for each uh hour of the other three people I've played with can't wait to see this game broken and finished in one tenth of the time it would take my group to finish it we've also got uh a a $100 donation from 2 million Who says let's get that 2 million chat we can do [Applause] it all right so now um we're so now we're in um the prison at moonrise Towers that's because we went to approach the Army um and they throw you in jail if you get too close um we're now going to do a glitch called a brain cat jump you'll see these uh intellect devours on the right side of your screen if we kind of just jump onto where they're pathing we just warp onto the side of the screen that is really hard by the way it's decently hard yeah um that was found by tail a while ago um shout outs to tail may he come back one day um and L out meanwhile has just arrived at last Light in um so we're we're mashing through some dialogue here while this black screen is loading through um and with our main character we're going to path over here to this purge area where we're going to um find a bunch of citizens trapped in these pods and we're is going to immediately kill all of them um that gives a whole bunch of experience for some reason um and that's perfect for us as speed Runners CU we're going to need that in a minute here so LEL grabs that potion of invisibility which we can in a minute transfer over to our main character here's that Purge by the way um so we can transfer over to our main character in a moment here um for a upcoming fight um and now we're pretty much you'll recognize that we're in an area that you would not normally be in um before uh fighting cck's first phas um the game doesn't actually check if you fought Krick here um it just kind of accepts that if you're here you must have fought Krick um so now we're going to bring Shadow har back and we're also going to use that same infinite status glitch we used earlier on her uh we'll drop her off every time you pull up the inventory screen for the party and Shard is just laying there in her underw de oh yeah aw she tells us to sharpen up her we're done um I fortunately uh she's not gonna she's she's not going to have a good time this run shark just kind of gets the the brunt of the end of the stick the entire game here um we're also going to do a little bit of uh level up here uh we're going to take Misty step and enlarge on our main character and then Shadow heart you'll notice was specked into a circle of the Moon Druid um and if you're wondering at this point how this party can fight cathc man oh man uh let's just say we got some magic um tomato what's up do you happen to know the average weight of the North American grizzly bear I don't know like 30 lb it's about 700 lb oh okay that's more so we're going to do we're going to take advantage of that real quick um first things first we got uh we're going to cast in llarge on our friend Shadow heart and we're going to Shadow heart into a bear I love bears and you'll remember that 700 lb figure I mentioned well we're looking at about 5,5 kg right now that's a big girl so we're going to buff up our party now uh with enhanced sleep and feather fall on all of our guys and we're going to drink the invisibility potion I mentioned earlier on Shadow heart uh and that lets her just jump up here with zero punishment I'm I'm going to quick save because this can go a little dicey depending on our dice rolls we're going to cast a minor illusion down here which gets Krick down into this Zone um he is immune to all damage until Shadow until uh Night song over here is freed so we're going to warp over there with our main character should be fun see how this goes you'll be fine here okay we're good all right you can have your concentration broken and sometimes that goes di so now we've got this bear but this is 5,5 kg and we've got cck down here and what happens when you put 5,5 Kg on top of Krick Thor's head level 12 Necromancer well you get 116 bludgeoning damage to the head and now you get phase two so normally here I'll show this off too so normally you get this scene where it's it's the big reveal so we you get see the Avatar of Merkel right um he gets all spooked and he and scares your party um frightens everyone and shadowart swears because she's so frightened by this um good news though uh she's a bear so we got her censored for gdq um so now how are we going to jump on this guy from this angle well it turns out the jump key is pretty magical if you just press it enough times um and so if we kind of just line this up [Applause] here we just kill K that's the ACT we boss down in 12 minutes that's the A to B so now we got Krick thorm here we're going to loot him and regroup our party um and we're going to do a little bit of housekeeping um what we're going to do um this kind of breaks the game in terms of like the scripting first of all Menara is here but you can't actually talk to her um she you can talk to however if you give her a punch in the face oh no that's never happened okay is mad you said the thing you said the thing okay we'll reload for a cic we we'll have time for some donations in a second um she has okay she's never gotten um upset before with that um normally she so what's supposed to happen is she kind of just takes like a champ and then the next time you talk she's like thank you so much for saving me I could not I I can't believe um people would rescue me from my captors um and all that stuff um so we got time for some donations while we do c again awesome I'll try to speed through a few because we are only $122,000 away from J million so let's keep that up oh my goodness and only 7,000 from less than 7,000 from the developer room showcase which I know we all want to see so here we go $5 from June Who says let's go may we also have $250 from am Jen and Skyler saying hi May it's being amazing for all of us getting to see with agdq we're all so proud of you for getting here much love from the back C back couch you got this we have we have $25 from the man with the plan who says once you see agdq you'll never want to leave that one Boulders gate three lady I think we also have $25 from zel Z menel dos Loos who says where is this gate and how is it bald we have $100 from the emperor who says you feel a strong sense wash over you to donate until 2 million is reached all right so I won't do the the funny showoff thing this time um so this time we're actually going to recruit jira who shows up here because of the weird scripting thing I mentioned earlier um so she's going to join our party U and our main character is going to go through here um enen and Isabelle are going to try to join our party and we're just basically going to say no please don't um they're like we'll make B pref we promise um we're just going to say no thank you uh for now um so over here we have wurn bongle I love gnome names by the way um we just kind of mash three he gives us gold um I've never done his quest so I actually have no idea why he gives you gold and now we're going to go to the road road to balers gate um since we're almost done act to um we're going to do a little bit of housekeeping first with jira and that we're going to take a long rest um which brings Withers over to our camp um if we move over to here and wait a minute does he usually look like that I don't know I don't think so he's looking good though he's looking is that a Stan shirt good what what does that say art thou [Music] nasty Sil fun all right well can we romance Withers so deir is going to be specking into a wh I she'll be here in my oh he really wants he does what is this give him my phone number man we're going to try to roll with this uh this is a new one um twice in one go wow um so we're going to be giving Chira uh some wizard spells the same pretty much the same setup we had on our main character um except we're going to be Max in Constitution [Applause] um so most of our spells we're taking on to her don't really matter um our only goal here is really to get her to a uh a level eight conjuration Wizard and that's for a feature that they have that we'll be using later um I won't spoil it but it gets pretty magical um uh other than that we're just kind of loveling our character so it would be a good time for some donations here as well perfect because I have gotten a $5,000 donation from uranium anchor woo okay here we go and less than 10,000 so keep going oh my goodness uranium anchor here another event in the books another set of wonderful experiments to make the show better than ever and I dare say it's been a wild success even if I did mean I was having to constantly wrangled the tracker into dealing with the new schedule and the Glorious checkpoints the rest of the team that's been working on these features has been an amazing collaboration both technically and organizationally already excited to work on making them even better for next time but I'm also looking forward to getting some sleep only after Final Fantasy 5 is over of course and after that I'll be looking forward to our next event in the meantime stay comfy and game on and let's get to that 2 [Music] million all right so that wraps up uh act two so now we're on to act three uh sort of like act 2.5 I guess there we go um so this brings us into a camp scene where we're going to be attacked by some gith Yankee um this normally is the big reveal of the game um I which we said no spoilers so I won't spoil but it's it's it's the biger reveal you go to the astral plane all that those who know you know um but that takes a really long time there's a lot of exposition there's a lot of combat um so instead we're going to have um some rather unique ways of handling this um so as soon as we spawn in we are going to mash through their cut scenes and with our main character Tom from Myspace uh if we go over here you'll notice that balder's gate is over in the distance and if we it turns out it's actually loaded in so if we jump over there right now uhoh always nice to be one all right well maybe if we just go to nap uh it'll resolve itself uhoh all right so we're under attack and we have lelle leveled up for this reason um she's going to go first because she has the alert feet and what we're going to have her do is use her action sear she gets from being a fighter we're going to have her cast a mage hand over there and we're going to have her use a uh jump spell so that she has a whole bunch more movement um we're going to jump her over here she's right next to the portal and as soon as she's there we're going to mash the tar out of this hopefully this works all right so now all of our characters are in this cut scene where normally this portal would close behind us um but we're we've just broken it so we have control of our magean who is not in this cut scene and with this cut scene it's bad news for shadow heart um cuz we're going to launch her off the edge once again and what this does she deserved it this breaks our characters out of that cut scene and now we can grab jira um we can cast invisibility on oursel and we can just walk right back out where we came into our uh into our camp which still has all these hostiles but we can just take a nap naps all everything are we going to nap away that F the last $5,000 we need for 2 million let's get it all right so we're over here in Camp um and we're in combat but fortunately there's a button to leave camp we press our fire um so now now we load into the proper start of act three this is Rivington um this is where so in this part of the game um The Story summary for those who haven't played at this point is basically it's uh collect the Infinity Stones deal with the big bads go collect your Infinity Stones um so the big bad in this area is Enver Gort um who is basically trying to start like a coup for this Zone um they're cheering because you're going to be doing that developer room show okay wow all right it's pretty magical I cannot wait for that one um so we're going to jump over here to our boy Gort um normally this whole area is super restricted um you have to sneak past everyone here um but if you kind of just go Assassin's Creed on it um this is just totally valid we can just sneak our way past through all of this um so we're going to jump over here uh we're going to rebuff our character with our jump spells and our feathers ball spells and after we do that we are going to cast invisibility on oursel U this lets us get up through here just completely undetected um we're basically just going to bust in on this dude's coronation um while he's basically trying to seize power from everybody um so we're going to walk through here and here he is the big bad of this area um and it turns out fighting him in this room is a really bad idea the game lets you do it if you try but he's got all these ridiculously stacked steel Watchers who will just smoke you um fortunately if you try to so laran Studios um they once said at the one bear reveal they're a studio that believes in player choice and I love that because improvised melee weapon allows you to use uh characters as your melee weapon in question and if we use that on Gort and try to use him as a weapon against the floor Gentle Way we'll pick him up and oh you might think we're about to attack the floor but no cuz we cancel it and so now he's over here away from his coronation and if we use that kidnap thing I did earlier at the start of act two we can see that now he's ready to come with this on our grand adventure and he does not get hostile from this at all so fortunately so we can kind of just take him to a quiet Corner out back uh and do what we need to do with him and fortunately for us if we walk right over here uh there's very conveniently this bridge right here and so if we kind of just go right over here to the edge we can drop him off and bye-bye and that's Gage so we'll grab his infinity stone and that's it that's it for goros and now we load into act three let's go twit chat let's go we so close to two million let's get [Applause] it it's happening it's happening $2 million let's go wow wow [Applause] wow we love you twin chat saving lives for the prevent Cancer Foundation let's go woo that was so [Applause] exciting absolutely insane during an amazing run okay keep going so now we're in act three um and we have so we've got two two of the three Infinity Stones that we need down we got Krick and we got uh gachas now we need Orin um and the way we're going to do that is by beating our character to death to start rip Tom rip yeah may my space live on um so we got so we got Tom and now we're going to drag him into the sewers um normally people who play this game is will know that the sewers is how you get to um the spot where Orin is but we're going to get there through rather unconventional means um so what we're going to do is go through here into this spot and up here is Orin in Disguise Orin is a shape shifter um and she has several points in the game where she kind of jumps out at you um in Disguise um to try and spook you so if we go up here and well in midair in our jump use the artifact that we have in our inventory this starts a cut scene at the same time that she tries to start a cut scene with us so here she is this is Orin disguised the child a level 12 child with a whole bunch of rather suspicious features but now she's stuck here um she cannot escape this child form until we interact with her so we're going to do is summon a mage hand that we're going to sneak with we're going to switch to jira and with that character in our inventory that we got earlier uh we're just going to sneak him over in here via a reverse pickpocket and now our character is in orin's inventory um so with our we going to save here just in case um so now with our Mand we have summoned we're going to go to shove Orin and with J here we're going to use that ation feature I mentioned earlier to teleport to our our main character and now we're here in a Dev room how does this work like on a technical level how do you actually get to the dev room like what happened behind the scenes we're shoving Orin at the same time that Orin is basically being teleported to the dev room um and because our main character is in orin's Pocket the main character also gets sent to the dev room um so we're then teleporting to uh the main character um who is in the dev room and thus we get ported in there too so now we're going to go back to the sewers because we have so we we found orange nether Stone there on the ground we've got all the three Infinity Stones we're ready to finish the game um so we have to go to the morphic pools and the fastest way to do that is to do exactly the same thing we just did um but do it again um so what we're going to do is we're going to M up here since this recharges our ability uh we're going to jump over here we find Tom from Myspace lying on the ground and we're going to put him back into orin's inventory um quick save here and and we're going to restart this so mchan is in our conversation with Orin because orin's like wow you hit me um come to my Temple we'll fight um and we're going to use an audio queue here to get the timing on this find my temple there it will be set free oh oh what happened oh we did it all right so now so Orin goes to her Temple as she mentions and now we are at the temple um so we're going to jump pretty much right to the end of the game with this because this is uh the reason we go to the temple is because this just kind of happens to be the uh quickest area we can get to the temple by the way this door is locked um behind a quest but it kind of turns out that if you activate tacle camera and just look around here with your Misty stuff uh and believe hard enough you kind of can just go through it um if you don't have Misty step that's a soft luck your character is trapped in there forever bad news for you um so now we're right next to the morphic pool which is basically the Prelude to the final area of the game um and we have time for probably one or two donations while we make our way over there all right awesome let's just do get this out of the way $50 from Super spicy tur who says $2 million hype awesome and we have a $50 donation from lony SC lony carp who says a penny for almost every kilogram of shadow bear I'm so happy to catch this friend live thanks for the fun May thank you good job so far [Applause] may all right so this starts the final area of the game pretty much um you start so this this is kind of like the fake out scene where you go to defeat excuse me defeat the big bad also Shadow heart's jumping in the water sorry um the reason she does that is that we can skip a cut scene later on for some reason if one of your party members are dead um then a cut scene doesn't play on this patch um so we're going to line this up uh all right so that's a jump we line up and this takes us to this kind of hidden back Al Cove where we can skip a whole bunch of this section um a whole bunch of combat just kind of jumping straight through here um I need to wait to see if I get stunned here because if I spam jump while I'm stunned then I can get a soft lock um so we're kind of just wait on this jump through here uh and up here is where normally you'd see that cut scene that I mentioned earlier that we killed Shadow heart for um so as we jump through here there's normally this big cut scene about you doing this big confrontation but as we jump through here we'll see that we kind of just warp into the astral plane so you remember earlier we were in here and we kind of just turned around and went out back that portal we had um well problem is uh all those enemies that were here that were there earlier are still here uh cuz we did not deal with them um so we're going to pick up our character first and do that same infinite status glitch turn on turn based mode put them on the ground and use the revive from L's inventory to get them back up we're going to do some level up on them um to get invisibility as well as uh the athlete feat um we're going to prepare invisibility the reason we need to do this is cuz we're going to have to get um a level three invisibility spell for what we're going to do in just a second here in the final area um as well as we need invisibility going down there CU otherwise there's a ton of angry GI who will just absolutely smoke us um so jumping down here with Tom uh we've got all these Bad Dudes up here and we've got the final like big like decision of the game um minor spoilers you can't turn into a mine flare um so we're basic going to go through here and there's a story thing where the dude's like hey we need a mine flare to do this thing um or else uh you know or else we won't be able to we we won't be able to use the stones that we collected earlier um so we're going to say okay do it make me a mind player and so now we go through here and we go to the portal to the final um like long area of the game um by the way goodbye lasel uh she takes a while to carry up so we're just not going to do that at all um jira is our 20 strength Warrior and so she is our easiest way to get up here into this final Zone um we're going to give her invisibility just cuz we'd rather not deal with all the enemies up here um and we're going to do some more Assassin's Creed parkour on the RS of the upper city as we go um into this final fight um so there's also some enemies in here that can see invisibility so I'm being really careful with where I'm pathing here um in an attempt to make sure that they don't have any lines of sight on me and we're all good there no detection so we're going to go through here at this door this is the final climb pretty much where you climb up to um the final boss um but it turns out if you pan your camera in this really weird spot and use a misty step on this brain stem you kind of just warp up to this final spot where you can go to the boss um problem is that's a fight we're really underleveled we really don't like fighting um so what we're going to do instead is cast invisibility onira and swap to our main character who has this magical ability called vicious perilous stri Fierce perilous strikes Fierce barless strikes gives you a um flat bonus 15 psychic damage on every single hit you have um that is literally everything whether it's a multi-attack whether it's you throw something whatever um so we're going to stack that up to three times and that'll mean that every single thing we do does flat 45 bonus damage after we stack that we're going to cast our level three invisibility and now all of our characters are invisible as we go into this final fight so we'll have this fight start but nobody actually can see us every single one of our characters is invisible so we're going to go with our main character and kind of just fly cuz of Vine flare Powers through this uh-oh yeah don't go to the okay we're chilling um so we're going to go up here and this is where we have to use the stones um and basically oh you hear his invisibility are we good oh we got it okay so we use the stones and that's basically that this is it we're going to we're going to defeat the brain um whole thing and we have all these stacks of uh parous strikes that I mentioned earlier and it deals flat 45 bonus damage on every single thing we do well it turns out if you cast a level three magic Missile that thing is hitting six times for 45 bonus damage flat on every single one of those missiles and if we kind of just launch six of them at the brain that does a lot of damage so we got six missiles so I figure my couch would you all like to come up and launch one missile each oh yeah bronos I'm going to mess this jelly here he goes and there we go that deals a ton of damage we got we do all that where are we okay we're chilling and we're going to go for the evil ending because it's faster we match through this and time isn't [Music] now you k awesome awesome all right so that's all apps how are we doing on to oh we actually came pretty close all right so we are um what are we doing are we doing the glitchman are we doing the any% first they're shrugging and pointing to me so we're going to go for we're going to go for the glitch one first I think cuz that one's a little that one's a little more chill than what we just went through we'll we'll we'll smooth it out a bit um let's take it so we'll we'll start from um we'll start from where is my safe there's some fantastic names in there oh yeah we got some some real good ones I had to delete a few they wouldn't have invited me back if I had those ones out here but don't worry about [Laughter] it so thing with the start of act three remember that we kind of we we we grabbed Gort we took him to the bridge we took him out back we tossed him off um and you'll know you'll notice that with Orin we had those stones kind of just lying around um it turns out Gort has those two um if we kind of just go over here so the exact same method as we were doing earlier oh I forgot to pick up my tab one second so we need to pick up our character that we had earlier and we will send him over to jira so now jir can go over down here and there are multiple disguised Orin in this city so we can kind of take our pick um but the easiest one happens to be this uh journalist up here at the end of the bridge and I'll go through this and also show I'll show you how to do this at home this also this um I'm playing on patch four of the game just mostly for personal Comfort because there's a little there's a few weird camera changes that happen in patch 5 um but you can do this on any version of the game um this still works right now so you can go home and do this yourself so we're going to do that same kidnap glitch uh to get uh Orin definitely not Orin in Disguise and drag her over here we're we're going to bring her up over here and drop her down here so that nobody gets super mad at that's what we're about to do um oh we fell down it's okay um really wait for us to get back up all right so we got Orin we'll do a quick save just cuz this is a little precise in terms of your sequence of events um and we are going to do the same pick pocket that we did earlier this is dc0 by the way uh you can just pickpocket this dude who is um 35 k gr and you can just do it for free without a check so now he's in there um and we are going to cast our Mage hand again detach our Mage hand so that it isn't following us we're going to do we cast um we start sneaking with our Mage hand just so we have more time to line up the shove um what basically is happening here is as soon as Orin has any hostile action taken against her she leaves her disguise and gets thrown to the dev room which is basically how this happens the the spell on you here that we're using is benign transposition position and that teleports you to an ally so if we if we cue that up um during that shove such that we're teleporting to that Ally who is in orin's Pocket at the same time that Orin is being teleported to the dev room we thus teleport to that Ally who is being being taken to the dev room um so now if we queue up our shove um we can shove on there and into the dev room we go um so this is an alternate way of doing um the start of act 32 thank you thank you so this is an alternate way of doing the start of act three technically this is faster we just kind of wanted to do the Gort off the bridge for the meme if I'm being honest um and now we're in this area um what's that sheep doing here what's that sheep that's a good question there's a lot of things here that I don't know what they're doing here I have a list of notes Here I got to pull up cuz there's a whole bunch of stuff we can do here um the first thing that you'll notice is we have gort's nether Stones just sitting on the ground here if we pick one of them up we'll at the exact same cut scene that we normally do we'll get the experience we normally do um we get this veins chosen is Fallen blah blah blah BL blah also here's Bane by the way this is just one of the Gods in uh D and D Canon and this is what he looks like he is a level one human with 10 in every stat um just an average joeo um what else do we got here we have uh traveler's chest over here um there's a few items in here um not really anything particularly special um we got a ladder over here too this is my favorite ladder um because this ladder really takes you places you'll wonder where a Dev room ladder can take you takes you right back to the dev room naturally naturally can I ask why there were three Orin standing there no okay so the way the way it works is Orin has a whole bunch of different um like States and like for her shape shifting is what I believe is what how it works um so each of these will will will be pulled in depending on you know which shape shifter Orin you hurt or um or or which shape shifter Orin is being changed around um depending on what's going on with the dialogue um we also have fist jar over here and she has a cut scene where she gets corrupted by the absolute she gets turned into a m so if we start a dialogue with her we can see that dialogue over here um we say you aren't safe she goes ah your face the absolute has shown me and she turns into a mind FL there it's this super spooky scene um I won't play it cuz it's kind of body horror but if we turn if we skip through this and look back and what's happening here we're chilling being chilling so the reason oh sorry for the reason that happens is that cut scene is happening over in the actual spot where it would happen in game but our character is over here so over where that is there actually is a mind flare um but here we're fine um because that is we're safe we're safe all the way over here um we've also got a whole bunch of good stuff over here um we've got the emperor and if we look over here we have dribbles the clown next to the surprise based teddy bear um and this is my favorite because if we Firebolt the surprise based teddy bear kind of just demolish dribbles the clown um again we can also use this uh this is my personal favorite part of this room improvised melee dribbles the clown over this way um and if we do that um we'll get him in range for a throw and if we throw him at our emperor over [Music] here we'll see we're going to pick a fight and outcome all the Emperors every single dream Guardian all the Emperors and they get super upset so now they they would start a fight and uh we'll see if we can uh get our way out of we'll see if we can win this one it's not looking too good I got to say um I'm a mobile all right well maybe if we end turn I got to say it's not it's not looking good for jir here oh the dream visitor even is going uhoh well that's it for jira all right um so that's that one we can also take a look at the other Dev from we entered earlier um we call this a rogueport um which is a nod um to a trick used in in Divinity original sin 2 speedr running a lot of the tricks we use from uh in bgus Gate 3 actually stem from Divinity speedruns which makes sense because they're on the same engine they're made by the same Dev um and so a lot of their work ends up being carried into um what we use in speed today um stuff like the shadow box that uses what we call a node fling um that comes from uh that originates at least from Divinity a whole bunch of stuff like that so now if we jump over here we're going to do the exact same um Rogue Port we did earlier and we'll be able to get a good look at the dev room earlier uh since we're now not actually speedr running we put Lord backup of oops because this was my backup character for something really one spicy during the Run we just did um we'll summon our Mage hand again and we're going to do the same shove that we just did earlier so now we're in the death room so see we have all the same or in the Reds over here um we've got our nether Stone on the ground um we've even got some test missions with Gort um I don't know if this book actually comes up anywhere in the game um but uh yeah just some um short descriptive text of what a quest would look like um over here we've got ghost of murders pass we got a whole bunch of heart leaps um and my favorite character from bers G three we have human um continuing on we've got uh a whole bunch of paintings we've got this wall um these are actually solid you can kind of walk through this like a hallway I believe excuse me and over here we've got the same Emperor stack um we learned from last time though we are not going to mess with him this time and we've have Gail level one in act three kind of bringing the party down um also over here you remember Bane from we were in the last step room well here sh a level one 4hp human um also over here walking is a vars humbl tude we've got a tender honk Hanah beefing and my favorite the strange ax who we can even talk to same same obviously me too man um what else do we got in here we got uh is where the Angus comes from yep where the we've got um oh oh for uh where is the voice The Voice the app so there's this NPC in here um that is there's of all these NPCs in here most of them are neutral aligned but there's one that's friendly aligned and we'll see if we can get an appearance from them real quick by attacking the strange ax I think it was the other room that had it yeah I've seen it in this room um let's see if we can see if we can get it here oh where is he where is he there he is so if we go over here we see the one friendly lined NPC we have in this room the voice of the absolute what the reason yeah what if nobody got me voice the absolutes got me I've been saying that for years so basically the reason this is here we believe is um you need an NPC in cutcenes like if you're in a cut scene with an NPC or a dialogue with an NPC you need to have somebody that you're talking to and so this is that somebody is the voice of the absolute who's a level one um no type apparently um and that's that um even if I'm not really in agre position to show it off but if you uh if you trigger a fight more over um towards uh where the voice of the absolute actually is they'll get super pissed and they'll run over to the voice of the absolute and they'll just start wailing on them for you um yeah that's about it for the dev room um I'll the stuff oh you just barely missed that estimate man you got to speed time you want like a quick donation while you're swapping over I go for it okay I have two really fast ones so one is a $50 donation from Magic 13 who says I hate it when I find a person in my pocket the other one was $50 from dietary fiber who says throw that bear also just letting you know we do have a new Milestone uh to hit if um so keep getting donations in tonight it is for the Final Fantasy 5 Omega super boss that is at $2.5 million total so donations like keep them coming in support the prevent cancer foundation and uh thank you for all your support so far all right back to you mate all right so now we'll roll straight into our any% run um and this one um those who know know we're going to be doing it with Gail um it's a shame honestly I hate this dude I hate this dude what have you got against Gail what did Gail what has Gail got going for him be honest with me man look at that Maine that's not enough that's not enough okay hear you my my my Gil enjoyers in the crowd um so we're going to do a I like him too he's awesome um so we're going to be doing a very similar setup to what we had last time and we're going to be taking enhanced sleap chromatic orb magic Missile um and where is the last one and fog Cloud the other ones don't matter um in terms of our spells we're going doing the same setup where we're kind of just maxing our strength um this time though we're going to Swip change up a little bit and that we're going to be um uh getting 16 or 17 intelligence um instead of our previous 15 intelligence that's because we want to have four prepared Spells at once oops we want to have four prepared Spells at once um so that we can just go through the whole game without having to swap our Spells at all um we're going to be using magic Missile and and chromatic orb for the same shadow box setup using fog club for the same um skip that we did in the mountain pass um but the the the way deal with um it's really not in the Spells the way that we get this this estimate so low um it's all in the beauty of the shadow box and you'll see what I mean here uh as we start um constitution of bonus oh that's where that is okay all right so we're good to start as soon as we skip this cut scene in Three 2 1 go let's go May so not only only it's largely the same um hopefully we're aren't going to need to do that same RNG manipulation we did at the start of the last run um I think we got pretty good RNG looking at how things are going here we'll see how I feel once I I uh once I post up here all right so RNG is looking pretty good so we got to skip that time and you'll notice I only use one dash there uh compared to the two dashes previously um that's because shorter races have less movement speed so they need to dash more uh in order to make this jump and walk over to the transponder so same deal we're going to interact with the transponder that takes us out the tutorial and we're going to start on the beach the same way that we did um in the all X Road um up until the end of this act everything's larg at the same um in terms of how we're just kind of blasting through everything as fast as possible um by just teleporting at the end of the ACT um so you have time for a donation here will we do that awesome because we have $250 from May mom who says may I am so proud of you kiddo have so much fun we're all watching at home love you Mom love you too so cute let me know when I have time for more oh you have time you can go ahead okay because we have $10,000 from the yeti that's amazing all right they say hey all Yeti here 2 million hype we've got a milestone too we've officially hit $100,000 from orders from the agdq 2024 collection thank you to everyone who has placed an order so far 100% of the profits go to prevent Cancer Foundation let's go thank you to the [Applause] yeti so I'm going to go for a bit of a safer route uh because we're on a marathon uh here um normally you kind of just YOLO this um because the way Shadow Boxing works you kind of want specific damage to be done to your box such that it breaks at the end of your throw without it breaking immediately as you place it down um so because of because that's entirely RNG based on your dice rolls um it's usually about a 50% chance you'll actually get a run that'll um be viable by the time you get to act two um so we're going to go for the exact same setup we did earlier and we're good all right so we' made it to the end of act two with that we're also going to talk to K's cat who basically shows up and says hey you have nuclear IBS I need you to eat this ring things are going to go real bad for us so she shows up and delivers this ring so we're going to we're going to listen to her and real quick consume the Ring of evasion um and now we have switch to Shadow her who's at the end of the act as per usual so over here and we're just going to enter the mountain pass this is where things are going to diverge a little little bit in that we have to um we have NPCs we have to talk to we can't do the same skipping thing we did earlier where we'd normally skip all those cut scenes um so it turns out that with NPCs you have to talk to if you kind of hit them with a spell that will often just trigger the dialogue instead of a combat so we can just smack Withers twice and smack Raphael once we start the dialogue with with Withers at the same time we start the dialogue with Raphael and that's good enough um we do not have to talk to Raphael because we talk to Withers who has a much shorter dialogue um we also have this dialogue dream Guardian you will not we kind of just match through this as fast as possible so we can get to the end of the act so now that we here we're going to pre-buff our jump as we leave the act and we'll load into the mountain pass which is the second final area of the game because we are going to be finishing this run in act two um the reason the way that works is that Gil has an early ending exclusive to his origin in um in act two which is why we pick him for this uh speedrun um so we're basically going to jump through here the exact same way that we did before um so probably time for another three donations uh as we do the exact same thing absolutely we do have $2500 from fan gamer yo what's up fan gamer all right fan gamer says hey everybody fan gamer here congrats on hitting that amazing $2 million Milestone hype I accidentally lied so we don't actually do the exact same thing um we have to talk to elminster here um who is a story NPC for um he basically shows up and says listen I just got off the phone with the goddess of magic and she needs you to blow up there's this really big enemy uh in the next ACT you're about to go to and I need you to activate nuclear IPS to go handle that for us um so we're going to say I IAP because that's the fastest way for us to just be done and roll the credits so we say absolutely sounds great we'll do it um so now we'll load into here and you might be wondering in the last one if we have shadow boxes I can just take us to cut scenes Why Don't We Just Launch our way there to the same cut scene that we had um at the boss and that's a great idea and that's exactly what we're going to do um so as we load in here we have Shadow heart we have Gil we're going to demolish Shadow heart again oh what a nice Ru all right destroy Shadow heart um we pick up uh her body we're going to create our fire surface on the ground turn on turn based mode and launch our box down oh I don't like that one um there's some very angry audience members right now I'm sorry listen I promise the thing is this is legitimately optimal like you think this is like a meme route this is legitimately the fastest way you can speedrun this game I'm not even trolling um so we're going to go for this this is kind of risky um just in that um our role kind of sucked we got a one so we're only going to get this trick to work if we roll a three um which is a little sus but we're going to see what we can do um I'm trying right now to get a camera angle for where I'm going to set my node from earlier um think you need to zoom out one yeah I not zoom oh there we go all right so have um you also notice and my hot part this new fancy ability nees or blast this will immediately get you a game over in your own game um because it's Gail detonating the nuclear IBS so now if we go over here um and we look we're looking for a Chasm if we put our pixel one to the right of that Chasm we drop off that sets our node as well if we launch the Box oh we got the three all right perfect we got the good RNG so now we're all the way to the end of the of the game if we can get the cut scene all right so now we're here and this is where Gail finds the absolute Mr told him he needs to blowups we're going to say absolutely obey our goddess detonate the orb destroy the absolute and off he goes I'm going to let this cut scene play out cuz I think it's amazing just how confused everyone looks at this this is me the morning after I eat hot wings so like hey what's going on and boom that's it that's the game and if we skip here uh time is as soon as the X appears in the top right of my screen time awesome job May awesome that's all I've got for you um this has been balers Gate 3 um what a journey to get here honestly um I really only got started into speedr running um properly I would say five months ago um I did a little bit of dappling with speed Runing undertale in 2020 but really only came back to it when bers Gate 3 launched um I have such a love and appreciation for this game and to everyone at laran Studios CU I know you guys are watching cuz Tom messaged me on Twitter seriously seriously seriously thank you so much for making it such an amazing game please keep this up I really really hope that other Developers in the industry follow after your footsteps and make us these giant games with all this these this massive budget poured into it that are just it's just such incredible fan service to us as players that we really enjoy um so thank you to laran um absolutely I have an extensive of shout out and thank you list I'm just going to keep going until they kick me off first of all number one thank you to Jen um my friend who drove me here um she had to go back early and couldn't make it um so I this run would not have been possible if she didn't take me here thank you to Del thank you to Kronos thank you to Tomato you guys are a fantastic coach even if I kind of accidentally pick up the entire airspace the whole time this was your R thank you to ogam um at the CFG speed writing Discord server he is the most insane man any of us have ever met he did almost all of the glitch hunting for this he did a ton of routing along with Del um so seriously thank you to him um thank you to uh CJ thank you to grace thank you to Brado thank you to Sandy thank you to all the 18th floor dwellers at this event um for helping getting me so welcomed um at this event it's my first time at a con it's my first time at a gdq um and I had no idea what I was doing I didn't know anyone and they got me very very nicely settled um thank you to Skyler and Amilia on my back couch uh my best friends thank you so so much to them for supporting me here um thank you to the crpg speedring Discord server that's where we speedrun uh we uh discuss about speed running baller Skate 3 um if you're interested in joining we are more than happy to help you and help you learn the run you can find the link on the page for Ballers Gate 3 um and thank you thank you thank you to my mom my grandma and my family at home who are currently having a watch party um so cute it is insane it's it's so insane that we're here I'm so happy to have a family that supports me in what I'm doing um you guys are awesome thank you so much for all your support that's all I have take care oh
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 273,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 gdq, Baldur's Gate 3 agdq, Baldur's Gate 3 speedrun, Baldur's Gate 3 gameplay, baldur's Gate 3, AGDQ, AGDQ 2024, Awesome Games Done Quick, Awesome Games Done Quick 2024, GDQ, Games Done Quick, SDA, SGDQ Competitive Gaming, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Speedrun Gameplay, Speedrunning, Speedruns, Summer Games Done Quick, Twitch, Recorder
Id: seXnImnUrvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 56sec (3656 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2024
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