Rogan & Burr Tell Old Boston Fight Stories

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the Joe Rogan experience I remember because I was joking with a member of a long time ago the grill 93 this old dick Doherty room I remember that joint so two guys were about ready to go at it in the club and the bouncer gets him outside okay and this guy's trying to say his point of view and he put his hand and shoulder he goes he goes uh he does know all I was trying to he barely barely went like that on his shirt and he goes okay first of all don't touch me that's what the bouncer said and just immediately it was here and then if he went to here and then those two guys started yelling at each other and then but then I don't what the [ __ ] he just twisted the guy up and took him out and I forget who the [ __ ] I was with we will [ __ ] die and laugh and it just became a catchphrase between us he would come on hey bill you were you working this weekend okay first of all don't touch me just immediately just escalate it where it just becomes a what the [ __ ] and then first of all don't touch me from 90% of guys is immediately gonna put you in your ego or it's like I'll [ __ ] now now he's on top of me and I'm the [ __ ] I got a I got a at least get you know little get at his eyebrow level I have to come back with something else it was inevitable the second he said that first of all don't touch me I did like the three slide steps down because I learned that young watching fights you know you don't want to have a really good seat cuz it's like a tornado you don't know where it's gonna go and you think you think you like 20 feet away I at a Bruins game the old Boston Garden and it was like one of those you know just everybody smoke you probably couldn't smoke in garden at that point but remember like smoky bars it's just we went in there and everybody was hammered I was hammered drinking like [ __ ] half and referees remember the green death right like dude this is like six percent alcohol so some like one of those two rows of fans fighting which is always great because like the people that are a row up or just throw-in down [ __ ] there's always a loafer lay in there right Mike Milbury picking it up so I remember the cops ran up there and I ran up to to watch the fight and they started grabbing guys and coming down the stairs and it was the Boston guard and there was nowhere to go and I remembered this big cop bounding down the stairs he literally had a handful of this guy's neck it was like his whole neck and his Yulin this guy was too I just remember he was going trying to try to push me downstairs but I push me down the stairs and he came down like and I was trying to get out of the way and I forget I think the guy who he had grabbed like his knee [ __ ] hit me in the back you know I just I just got caught by the debris of this guy running by and that's when I kind of learned like you know when to how to watch your fight which you watch a fight and you're looking at your exits because like I said it's like you don't know where it's gonna [ __ ] go and I've learned that lesson so when I saw that guy say that uh first of all don't touch me I was just like okay sliding over here but some other people settle in in front of me I can do that I like them win that yeah that's the same as if yeah you want to be above slightly above looking down at all the altercations get a better view point there anyone yeah I suck at it too it I I stopped fighting in like junior high that was it I just I knew I I mean I just know I was like this is not my thing I can't slip a punch I am slow as [ __ ] this is not gonna go three rounds it's just not I fought up until like six around sixth grade I think I probably have my last one and then all of a sudden kids started to get one hundred twenty hundred thirty hundred forty pounds and they started being blood and [ __ ] people missing a couple days of school after it beatdown I was just like you know I don't kick I think I'll be the funny guy it's weird how things go sideways like that when there's a there's a feeling in the air when whenever chaos breaks out like that and it's a real melee there's a feeling in the air like this it's like you feel it it's like oh this is nuts like this is this is really dangerous yeah there's a mob mentality feeling that you get that's real weird when things go crazy I remember it took me having to leave Boston for about seven years I was gone for seven years before I finally walked into a bar and just felt the normal energy I think the city's changed a lot but like that sort of that tail end of the the craziness I walked into a bar and you could just feel it it's like somebody's got to get suckered like yeah not now it's about 90 minutes away you could just feel the level of drunkness the the energy well guys would go out looking for fights some guys would go out looking for fights yeah I knew there's a guy used to train with Mike Blythe he's to work at The Rathskeller he was a bouncer he would go where he would wrap his hands he'd wrap his hands on this way to work I knew a guy I know a guy I knew I was a bouncer and he used to bring a mouthpiece yeah to to work but he used to carry it all the time and I remember when he would get to him when he would get in a fight he would [ __ ] him it was it was something he would it was a mouth can bite down it wasn't like what you guys wear but it was totally psyched the other guy out like he would come out and he would just put this thing in and the guy be like this guy brought equipment and I remember one time he got he got suckered he knew is gonna be a fighting I figure well some dumb reason he sat down on the stairs and the guy was standing above him and one of his friends jumped down and just punched him and I saw the mouthpiece it was like [ __ ] Buster Douglas Tyson I saw his mouthpiece fly towards us and then just I shouldn't tell these stories cuz I I don't know cuz I you know it's my version of what it was a long long like they're even names I was like thirty years ago and what happened was we were in an off-campus apartment and I can't believe want to tell this story I'm gonna tell the quick version no two of my buddies left to go upstairs it was one of those you know those old [ __ ] Boston it looked almost like a three family house but it wasn't one of those big ones that has all apartments in it right so they left up the party we were on in the first floor and then they went upstairs and like 20 minutes they came back one of my buddy's shoulders was separated the other guy flat lip and he had flat top to her memory of this big [ __ ] gash coming right down here blood coming down his face and we were like what the [ __ ] happened what the [ __ ] happened is I we just asked this guy for drinking the whole party started beating on us so this whole mob goes up the stairs to go fight the party right and I'm going upstairs like what the [ __ ] am i doing my big [ __ ] hit I'm gonna get knocked out here but I have to go because of my front so we [ __ ] go up there and uh we hear the party so my buddy the mouthpiece guy like the most innocent boy ever knocks on the door he goes hey he's like he's here party going on in there right and the [ __ ] door opens up and it was like a [ __ ] west Wild West movie like a saloon fight just [ __ ] haymakers I remember I didn't want to go in I was so scared cuz I was like oh my god this is gonna be [ __ ] nuts and just the mob just sent me in and it was just like everybody's just throwing I remember this dude jumping over my back punching and the smoke [ __ ] clears and it all settles you know it was all like [ __ ] 15-second melee and it all [ __ ] settles and we look at the party and there's like six or seven guys six or seven girls and there's like a board game that's tipped over and we had gone to the wrong party swear to god I know this sounds like a joke the real party where they got hit was upstairs and I don't know I remember what happened but they they were actually rich kids and they sued my friends for going in whatever the dumb [ __ ] they did well no we all went in to the wrong party and they were in there having like a couple's thing and they were playing like [ __ ] monopoly or something and all of a sudden there was a knock on the door hey is there a party and then everybody just came [ __ ] running in that's what I'm saying no I fell that's why I didn't want to tell cuz I felt I felt really like yeah I felt bad when I was in high school the first real brawl that I ever saw was when I was like 17 I think I was a senior in high school and there was a rich kid that moved into the neighborhood he wanted to make friends so he put on this crazy party he just invited everybody so kids from all kinds of different high schools we're coming now that's good yeah Newton North Newton South a bunch of kids from all sorts of other places and I happened to be at the right place at the right time when I saw it pop off people were already robbing this guy I saw people taking stuff out of bedrooms and running down the stairs with it it was real sketchy because there was way too many people for this guy's part but then this girl I still to this day don't remember what she did she either slapped this kind of phase or she threw a drink in his face I don't remember I think she slapped him but I what I remember is he uncorked a perfect right hand on her he know how to punch like I remember thinking wow this guy's trained because he's he's snapped Joe always the commentator listen I've been doing for a long time but whatever she did I'm pretty sure she slapped him but he went left yeah I mean it was a perfect right hand hit her right in the face her head goes back this guy behind her catches her she's totally unconscious and then chaos chairs flying bodies piling it up and I'm on the stairs so I'm watching this through the railings I see the guy punched the girl as I'm coming up the stairs I see it all play out of my holy [ __ ] and I'm like I gotta get out of here and it would there was payal I didn't I didn't hit anybody and nobody hit me I [ __ ] it was like a movie like excuse me paint crawling out everything meanwhile I was fighting at the time I was travelling to tournaments all over the country and fighting so my friends were looking for me they're like you know go get Joe and there's piles of people brawling and I'm just ducking the piles and then I ran into my friend Jimmy and I'm like where is everybody we grabbed they're our friends and got in the car drove off we were laughing our asses off but it was like when we left the cops are just starting to arrive there was piles of her kids beating the [ __ ] out of each other on the lawn dude forget it my friend who separated his shoulder in that fight we popped it back in and he went back up threw a punch with the same arm and missed it came out again and I remember him flopping on the ground like a fish out of water and afterwards we sent him like dude why didn't you throw the other hand and he goes cuz I wanted this hand to get its revenge but it made his part of his body like a karate movie and I have to tell you something when people talk about you know you're a funny comedian and blah blah the characters that I grew up with and what I loved about what they did and what they said was they weren't trying to be funny like he was dead serious yeah and then we would driving home hammered and we would three abreast in in the [ __ ] the the pickup truck was this guy's dad's truck and he had the flattop so he's got dried blood on his forehead and we're just driving home and nobody's saying anything and the dude in the middle has got these sunglasses on and he's just sitting there like this and then all of a sudden out of nowhere he just [ __ ] it was like that scared the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of me and I did I was like dude what the [ __ ] are you doing and he goes uh sorry goes because I took a little acid he goes I was looking at this bug he could cuz I thought it was on the windshield he goes it turned out it was on the inside of my glasses now I don't know if that was true but dude there's only like there's no way you could ever reenact how much he flipped it like how much you would freak out on acid if you thought a bug was over there but then your mind told you that it was on the inside of your [ __ ] glasses and I just remember all three of us just crying laughing driving home at this just just the whole [ __ ] situation that was like that was like every weekend of my life for like probably two and a half three years every single [ __ ] weekend and we used to go in to this there was this club in this bar and Chelsea oh boy yeah well I got to it I was such a baby face that was the only place where he conserved right sounds a rough place yeah well yeah it was it was yeah and they were like selling [ __ ] blow out of there so they didn't give a [ __ ] if you look like you were 12 years old like I was when I go up to our my my vodka Collins it was like a little you I wasn't of age like 19 or 20 probably 20 and I would go in there and I just remember one time standing outside that bar and there was this [ __ ] dude who look like Rob Halford from [ __ ] Judas Priest just [ __ ] totally gackt out of his [ __ ] mind standing in front of his motorcycle and he was telling this story about riding his bike and his this drug thing he got stuck he just kept saying I go around the apex go around the apex I'm go around the apex right now [ __ ] hammered and I'm like making fun of the guy in front of him to my buddy I'm looking at my buddy and I'm so shit-faced I was going around the apex I'm going on the apex and he's hitting me cuz the guy staring at me oh yeah it was it was a and I didn't understood coke so I didn't understand what was going on I'm gonna leave it at that I didn't understand what's going on but all I know is I just seemed to be the guy that wanted to go home first that was a [ __ ] dangerous place Boston was dangerous no I this is when I figured out what the [ __ ] was going on it was one time I went into the bathroom by myself to take a leak it was one of those things you walk in there was a sink there was a stand-up your neural and then there was a stall but you just had one toilet and I walked in and there was two [ __ ] legs guys in there I was like what the [ __ ] those guys do and so my dicks already out I'm taking a piss and they opened like the thing cos didn't have a latch opened up and they had like the they were doing blow and I was taking a piss because weird was two guys in there I kind of glanced so as I'm already pissing I look over and this guy's all [ __ ] hambo werewolves it the [ __ ] are you looking at I was just like didn't wash my hands after that one now there was a look there was a lot I don't know why because a lot of like like easy targets really got hit and I was beyond an easy time somehow I just never I you know I never asked yeah I did I did cuz I would have got really I was not as tough as my friends were my friends were [ __ ] lunatics you know but I'm up you know my crap my grade was cool but like the grade above me I'm greater below me they were like some [ __ ] and they were crazy the friends that grew up in other places they would say they didn't have the same amount of fight stories I think Boston is a particularly fighty place fighty I'm saying I don't know what yeah there was something going on but I mean I think a lot of those east like New York and [ __ ] this things going on a lot of those like I find the people in like New England Long Island tri-state area it's all sort of the same savages savage children of immigrants that's what yeah but you go out to the Midwest and that's like German a lot of Slavic people Polish people so I mean that's I don't know what I think they just had more space out there so it wasn't as intense you weren't so like pack you're in a cornfield there's something about Boston though in particular I think even more so than New York Boston was just a lot of fights men my boxing coach got his finger bitten off on a fight he was on PCP it's got bit his finger off and he had his toe removed and replaced his finger with a toe that I tell you this no I remember thing that was that was the math back then so he had it curved permanently so that he could still throw right hooks so his his when you would shake his hand he would always give you one of these he was new - Boston - he had this weird and looking nose and some guy had bid it bid it off and had it reattached guys lost years dude that's why I'm saying why you know it's right around sixth grade I was just like yeah this is like becoming bloodsport like I think I'm gonna try to be funny here but yeah there was a lot of those all also a lot of you know the sports scene back in Boston is just well it was insane [Applause]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 5,096,630
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Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of
Id: C4xq0iELalk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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