Trying to Survive in Prison as a First Time Offender

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the jurogan experience so i get picked up in atlanta take me atlanta jail i go and then put me in this modular and i go in this module and there's black people all the different races right well over there they don't politic like we do in california right so this my first understanding of how this system works right so i go in there and the only thing that you can't do in that system is you can't eat at the same table with a different race besides that once you're up from the dinner table i can trade with any race i could do whatever talk to them chop it up but you have to eat with people of your own race only yeah so then uh and they tell you this is so so somebody informs you oh yeah oh yeah i got informed when i went in when i when i moved from atlanta to california california politics much different you can't trade you can't trade with with blacks you can't trade with others you can't trade with so you can only do trade with your race and then the whites get along with the essays so what ended up happening is like so you have others which are any other race besides mexican white or black and this is a car it's called a car right so everybody has a car their own race so you have woods you have skinheads you have paisas you got mexicans you got crips bloods and others and the pisces roll with the mexicans the skin has rolled the woods yeah and if something really pops off some races click up then the mexicans in the and the whites will click up against the blacks and blacks it's always on them against us it always sucked to be it's sucked to be black in them times i'm telling you really what we get hey but we thumped though we thumped so so we always knock them out you start trying to figure out this [ __ ] you know like you get thrown into that fire trying to figure out all these unwritten rules you know there's no rule book a law book come in and say hey do this this this this yeah you know right so a guy could really direct you in the law the wrong way if he wants to you know i mean like tell you some sideways [ __ ] and next thing you know you're in a wreck so i go and set you up so i go in um this was actually my second experience my first experience in there but my second experience i go in they put me into a psych ward a psych watch getting extradited from atlanta to here and uh so i go into this area and and i don't know anything you know and this black guy in the psych ward is like yelling in this module you know like anybody want to learn how to play chess anybody want to learn how to play chess you know i was like hell yeah i want to learn how to play chess right so i walk over i sit down with this fool and he starts showing me how to play chess but it's a black guy at a black guy table and i'm a white guy so now i just sat down with this black guy table and all the woods and all the skinheads and they're like now against me oh no no but i didn't know like oh no you had no idea i had no idea oh no right so now no no yeah for bao my cell pops and i go to walk to the shower and i walk past the other cell that pops which is another another skinhead in that in that room and i go walk past his his cell and his smack right so now we're fighting wow you know so clean this kid up now they moved me to another module so now this kid put a kite out like oh we got to get this guy so oh fun yeah so i'm moving this other module at the time the the institution had a lot of skinheads in there and the skinheads were politic hard like if they have numbers then they'll push the politics you know and i look like a skinhead when i went in there's no hair you know like it's just bald guy going in there you know i mean so they all start treating me like i'm one of them but i'm not a [ __ ] skin head so this guy come over and he's trying to get me to hide this little shank in my cell well that's weapons manufacturing carries two more years oh my god this is how people start getting hit you start catching cases more cases when you only put through two now you're doing ten it just stacks up go ahead and then there's intimidation factor right so this guy got a big ass swastika tattooed on his face right here tear drops lightning bolts everywhere you know what i mean like this he's lifer you know right so big [ __ ] goes down we end up i end up choking this guy unconscious oh jesus christ drag him out of my cell because he's trying to get me to hold this this [ __ ] yeah myself i can't not not doing this bro and you come in my cell it's on right so now we're fighting take this guy out right choke him out beat him up drag him out hit him with some elbows and now he's leaking so drag his ass out into the little monster so do they know you can fight before you're in no no no they have to fit no how long before they figure it out well it turns out traveling it took a minute because most of the fighting goes on in the cellar in a in a shower you know i mean so when the fight actually broke out in the open when there was i was finding multiple people is what happened and then all the [ __ ] guards watched everybody's watching from their cells you know like this is a different time so this whole incident takes place i beat this guy up take him out of my my cell right now they take him away they move this guy out of the module do they get mad at you no they just come in you know they they don't really care the guards real [ __ ] they don't give a [ __ ] you [ __ ] that dude up did is he out cold so does he have a choke do they have to ask him what his story is i don't give a [ __ ] they but they don't they don't ask you they just let you go it's okay like is there a punishment that's what i'm gonna i couldn't get on myself for like two weeks oh for two weeks yeah just alone in yourself constantly nothing but your store so what happens is for a certain amount of hours of the day they gotta pop the door and let you into a bigger cell a bigger room you know what i mean so i just couldn't get into the the day room for like two weeks but the crazy [ __ ] of it all is like i'm trying to tell you i'm trying to learn these this system right this new rules so what happens is this kid this guy okay we talk about the cars and the races right so each race has their own car which means there's a key holder the key holder to that car controls the race so they make decisions for the race they can keep other races out of car wrecks like now we got a feud with the blacks so we got a feud with the mexicans or whatever they call them car wrecks yeah well if we go get in a fight with them the key holder is the guy that can communicate with the other key holders to the races and trying to delegate it wow yeah and so i didn't had it happen where we were going to get down with the mexicans and then our keys would go and they keys and we finished jumping getting ready to jump and they and they shake hands all right it ain't going it ain't going and then it go back down so yeah and you're trying to figure all this out so what happened was i beat this fool's ass and now i'm i got the keys oh wow but i can't have the keys because i'm a first termer so first turner's not allowed to have the keys but nobody nobody wanted to try to take the keys from me so in order for them to take the keys for me they got to fight me to take the keys away from me oh boy so so that kind of changed the dynamics of the room because now i'm able to navigate with these other races and have these conversations with these [ __ ] ignorant people that don't understand how to how to really talk you know what i mean like how to communicate and and keep things cool they they misunderstand what this guy says or misinterpret what this guy says the next thing you know it's hot for everybody you know and it's just misinterpretations yeah yeah cause they're dumb most likely these guys are dumb bro like they're like the congress it made me in some ways are you sitting there listening to these guys you're like these guys really think this [ __ ] like they talk about the dumbest [ __ ] yeah so cities fighting over teams fighting over this is the dumbest [ __ ] xbox and playstation and somebody said something wrong and then that escalated into something that was personal yeah that's quick so now they take me from there that instant takes place right and we resolve some of that stuff but now these guys are in different modular so now they're putting these kites out to try and get me as i'm going to court so what happens they catch chain with some guys and then we go into these holding tanks all these different holding tanks and you get put in that holding tank with that guy that got a kite that's looking for you and now it's on it's cracking you know what i mean whoa so i'm sitting in my cell i'm getting ready to go to court and there's two huge ass guys and they're in there talking to each other about trying to get me but they don't know that it's me so i'm sitting in there i'm listening to everything that they're trying to do and how they're gonna try and set this [ __ ] up and i'm sitting right in front of them and they don't even realize it's me wow and i'm thinking honestly i'm like these are big [ __ ] i'm thinking they're gonna take me out like there's only so much you can do you know what i mean numbers so i make it through that whole process and i catch the chain and when i catch a chain they take you from county to to state and i catch the chain with the same [ __ ] that i got into it with i took the keys from oh my goodness and this is like he's a like been in the system a long time right so now we catch the chain we go over to donovan rj donovan it's a four yards level four um do you know how that works no level four being the highest level most dangerous yeah the next level is super dome in san diego i mean why'd they bring you to a level four because my charges my charges kidding all that because those charges were so intense they put you in with those people you know yeah holy [ __ ] so when i catch the chain right i go over there i catch the chain and uh this guy's just like [ __ ] kill you i'm gonna kill you like that's we're gonna get you you know and i'm just thinking the whole time like this chain comes off i'm gonna rip this guy's ass apart again you know what i mean so i go into reception and we're in a cell block it's like 360 degrees with a gunner all this stuff some desks and to come check you in and now ourselves like we only we don't get out of ourselves now until they intake us right so now i'm in there it's like three months and uh there's this this guy next door we start talking through the vent to each other a little bit you know and uh we're playing chess and [ __ ] like through the little vent moon pieces around [ __ ] and they call me out to the day to the thing talk to the officers and this guy goes i don't know this guy again in the cell next to me right and i walk past his cell and i hear him yell like through the thing he's like hey bro kick that cord over to me and i might kick your cord over like that of course right there kick that cord over to me when you're coming by and and i'm like the [ __ ] do you want this cord for you know it was like connected to this fan right so when i come back i kicked this cord over and i wasn't gonna do it but i was like [ __ ] it right so i kicked this cord over there and next thing you know in the night i get this fish come through right like it's a like they make a like a string right with the thing let's swing it out into your cell you take this kite and you can read the information on it or whatever you know so kite it around to everybody and get it to who they needed to get it to right okay so this guy shoots this little sheet kite over to me i open it up as a [ __ ] sack of weed dude right and i'm like i'm like that's why this dude wanted that cord he took that cord and he started a wick so he started a fire and he had a bag of weed so now he's smoking weed and the whole cell is like full of weed bro and he shoots i say bro i can't have this like i try to shoot that [ __ ] back to him he's like he's like nah you got to keep it you get coffee with it you get whatever you need you know and i'm like i'm like oh [ __ ] okay you know so my other celly that was in there he was like i'll take it and i was like [ __ ] yeah take that [ __ ] so i got a bunch of canteen and [ __ ] you know like coffee and stuff for it and uh so this guy like really really was like thankful i did it for him you know like kick this cord so i never seen his face like never seen this guy's face right just hear him talking through the thing and uh so uh the guy i caught the chain with puts this hit on me like they want to try and try and stab me right so it goes around to the other key holders the [ __ ] guy next to me was a key holder for the for the bloods she's a black guy because i kicked that cord over to him he hit me up through the cell he's like hey he says is your name beanie and i was like [ __ ] right let's go back over to the vent right and i said no and he goes like and he goes he goes oh good and i'm like oh good right and i'm like i'm like hey i said that i said what if it was and he goes what is it or not [ __ ] i go it's not beanie i go it's benny and he goes it's the same [ __ ] i go like okay bro he's like hey i'm gonna let you know they're gonna pop this door and they're coming for you and i was like really i was like what do you mean he's like they're going to come and get you and this door pops you're going to pop this door you're going to go to shower and they're going to send some guys to come and get you my other celly he knows already he didn't tell me in order for that to go down they have to tell your silly so your stellar can stay out of the [ __ ] way oh wow so he knows about it he's known about it and now he tells me to the wall and now i know he knows about it you know what i mean and i'm living in this room with this guy so door pops my celly takes off running out of the cell so i just poke i just post it up at the back of the cell just waiting you know and sure [ __ ] two guys come flying in one guy flying and trying to stab me and then we're [ __ ] scrapping rapping all over the place fall out of the cell we're up the stairs [ __ ] push the guy down the stairs we fall down the stairs i'm tired as [ __ ] like fighting two guys i'm tired i'm lumped up a little bit and i look over this way and i'm barely breathing look over this way and all the [ __ ] cops just watching they're just watching oh my god so this other guy come over he's kicking kicking kicking i grab the other guy drag him on top of me and i'm just choking him you know like trying to use him to deflect this guy from from getting at me right and then realize this guy's out he's not even awake push him off me and now it's just me and this guy and everybody in the cells watching and all the cops watching so just tear this [ __ ] guy's ass up we leave and this guy never got up the guy was choking never got up just eyes full of blood right so they send me to another cell block i go in there there for a couple days guard comes in we're going to move you to to the gymnasium so you move me to the gymnasium so now i'm out of the cell block i'm in a gym with 300 guys can walk around i get yard access all this stuff right and the cop says i really appreciate what you did for us out there he's like that was pretty [ __ ] amazing and i'm just thinking to myself like i want to get the [ __ ] out of here
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 17,205,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: bEWdAYvANcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 13 2022
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