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[Music] there's a sparkle in your eyes [Music] did you just like yes old school what are you doing you're going back to the 1700s do you remember remember what we i always used to i always used to go i remember that well stop it it makes me dizzy we are in the heart of beverly hills no we are not um we are in downtown l.a and i know all of you guys uh hear me talk about and comment on my shirts all the time my clothing that i wear and most of you love it there's a few of you that don't but uh i love it and we are actually in the showroom and we're together with the manufacturer of 8x today and i'm going on a shopping spree but let me first introduce you to rafi hi rafi hello and this is motti hi mottie who are the owners of the company the founders of the company and i've been wearing your clothes for so long this is the first time we've ever met and it's a pleasure to be here and this is the new line welcome to 8x well thank you thank you uh and today we're going to have a shopping spree i'm going to go wild are you ready should we shop yes nice job okay one thing please assure everybody that we're being safe right now oh that's right so uh again you all know i'm paranoid uh i actually insisted that motti and rafi and additionally all the people in the warehouse who were not even going to see had covers tests and yes adam and adam yes adam had to do it too i'm paranoid about this he says you know you can't be too careful right you know absolutely so uh we're all safe uh we're still not gonna hud hug and kiss but not today not today no no not today not tomorrow either actually another day so another day let's shop ready ready okay let's start over here um i guess this is your short sleeve line correct yes this is all uh 2021 spring short sleeve line guys i have to tell you it's hard to portray on the camera but the quality of these clothes are amazing and like i said i've been wearing these for many many years and we only literally connected a couple of months ago so this is a big treat for me i'm actually going to move away from these because i'm interested in those over there that's my big deal the shirts and the pants and this just screams michael don't you think absolutely you could wear that with your clown shoes oh i hate you how are we going to do this can i select things and then sure yeah we can put it on the rack over here okay should i just give it to you yes okay so did you like that one okay uh i like them all i like them all i like them all i want to say a favorite but this collection is unbelievable i love them all yes now these aren't my size this is medium so well we keep samples as a medium right but uh you'll let us know uh so yeah so you're gonna get me the right size exactly okay that one uh how am i doing adam pretty good so far that one i like that yeah i do too it's really nice yeah i'm just going to go completely nuts austin powers or michael both both yeah yeah perfect hold on hold on are they they like float yeah this is one of our special edition shirt actually really yep i love that shirt gosh these are all so nice so nice what's this one is this a michael's shirt oh it's c3 oh i like see through you see your nips let's try it let's try that really yeah i don't want to be around you wearing this because 100 you're going to be able to see through it is it see-through it's not really ctrl because you have the foil application so it kind of distorts oh i like that camo one this isn't camera this is no no no yeah i gotta have that i can get close to i mean from a distance you can't see the effect but as you get close to it can you tell them yeah that's cool it's a beautiful shirt what camo this one snow camo kind of that's nice do you want it yay or no no no it's not wild enough for me have to be wild this is a nice halloween shirt this one yeah but halloween only comes once a year you're right and this year it's cancelled so i'm going to leave that one there very cool these shirts are so cool what do you think that one i think pull it out let me see snakes yeah they might bite no i like that i think i think another two years okay how many shirts is that three six seven there's very much in pants so these are where are we here these are shorts right shorts yes i don't really wear shorts unless i'm washing my car yeah do you not need some car cleaning shorts maybe they fit really well you you know they have a nice stretch today do you think yeah this those are very nice they all have stretch well then let's let's just i'd like to see this outfit too yeah i'd like to try some on uh but we'll get your size and then i'll take one of every color perfect why why are you laughing you well in that shirt i mean the shirts have got a million colors this is probably the second time that i've been shopping with you but every time we go it's like oh i like this one do you have them in other colors oh yes sir we do i'll take all of them well you know why not right you truly subscribe to my motto which is if some is good more is better yes jeans i don't really need any jeans having said that i'd like some black ones i have a black pair please yeah i'm sure like that and you can put them next to the shirt just to pair them so you can have an idea what it's going to look like so that would have been really nice yeah yeah so here's the thing so what i do in my closet i have all my pants and then i have my shirts and in fact i'll do a video of my closet after we get this stuff back home uh i'll do a video and then you'll see how i do it because it's a bit weird and wacky but uh yeah it'll be fun okay maybe we can learn something right probably not yeah you probably learned how not to do it why don't you make some of the pants for those shirts what do you mean find some colors that match well i'm going to have one of everything okay so if i have one of everything the thing is if i put one up to this i will probably in my closet put it with this or this because there's no rhyme or reason and people say he's mad in these austrian powers what about some shorts so the shorts are amazing but i don't really wear shorts that much do i no didn't you wear these to wash the car in i did and i absolutely loved them and maybe flamingos those daisies are cool daisies you know they're all cool i want one of these should i take that out yeah i'd like one of those please okay what about these pink ones i can see you in those pink yeah well it's like it's nice look a little pattern that it's got going on when would i wear them i don't know whenever you'd wear shirts i'm not going to do that i'm more leaning towards the stuff that they really were did i pick jeans i didn't pick jeans didn't i yeah one pair you got a pair of black ones which ones uh the ones that are on that rack yeah those are nice okay um sportswear for you sir [Music] it's really cool gear but don't really wear it that much you do i do am i feeling generous would you like to have some you're always feeling generous honey you want something i mean i've definitely seen a few things that i could take what do you like uh i do actually need some new jeans and the black ones that you just pulled are really nice i also like these white jeans too do it yeah do it go shopping yes go shopping thank you mate i think i'm going to have one of these because i really like it that's nice it's nice right i like v-neck i'm a v-neck person so you know you can wear that stretching i tell people about your wobble board oh god do you have to do this you embarrass me go ahead so you're going to anyway so by me saying no is so michael has a wobble board on his desk at the office and i've been on the phone to him before well i'll be like hello mate and he'll be like hello how are you it's good for you when you all right so when you're in the office and you're not stationary you stand on this thing and it gives you the exercise that you would whatever okay um what about i wanted to show you something very special that we have actually is brand new we came up with the x frog line apollo line frog exactly yes so frog oh that's nice kermit there's a little crown on and we have many different colors and look at this oh that's sick these are really cool i could see you in a polo yeah i like polos i definitely like polos i think purple one's cool yeah is that me i like that so this maybe you can pair it with a nice shirt also like a yellow shirt a red shirt or any other color that match the stripes here or a shirt short shirt how would i do that oh [ __ ] are there any that match any of your cars there's no is i could oh stop it now you're getting like me why don't you go shopping for a while right um these are very very cool i like the white one too okay those all right and i'm not gonna do any short sleeves because i don't really wear short sleeves we see the patterns on the inside yeah they're amazing look it matches the inside of the collar so you can put the collar up yeah very nice i like it really really nice i think i should try an outfit on and just make sure that the sizing is right and and everything especially with the pants i knew the shirt did you see the linen line i guess you're looking at that i've never had a linen shirt i did i just felt it i'm scared that they'll wrinkle will it wrinkle well after you wash them but you know you just iron them or steam them and they should be fine it's the natural look they might have a little wrinkle but not more than what you see the humidity right the humidity where you would wear these is so high that it would just naturally steam itself exactly what are you talking about if you wear these on vacation if you wear them in miami yeah not here that's why the state's on fire but yeah if you were to wear these on holiday it just naturally steams itself it's very uh what do you call this mai tai uh no i die what's up my chai that's a drink don't drink right i really like that okay yeah yeah you know we even have some lean insurance that can oh buddy do it do it i'll do it there you go okay i'll do it and then the blue is cool that's too dark it's kind of like a denim isn't it i love this like denim yeah that's nice okay new experiment for me yeah yeah okay and then the pants one of each so i think i'll try an outfit on and just make sure that it it fits can i do that let's get your size so and you can try them on size cover the microphone for the pants okay you said okay so okay so everybody knows 30 ways yes i'm sorry we don't have extra phone we run from small to 4x good point good point okay so uh yeah let's do that if you could grab myself that would be fantastic and in the interim what are you going to get adam so behave okay what says you with your whole rack full well there's more coming i know there's all the pumps coming in well honestly i do need a pair of jeans so those black jeans you can get whatever you want whatever whatever you want it's it's when it's a shopping spree i think a pair of white jeans and a pair of black jeans would be awesome i do like some of these shorts actually do you wear those what yeah i'm in the ocean all the time oh that's right i'm doing a wetsuit or i'm in in the board shorts shorts in california what is too cold no it's all right it is yeah it's it's starting to get a little bit chilly although actually i think september october is the warmest time for the ocean really yeah let's see oh these are cool the sharks on while you're doing that i'm going to go and try on some clothes oh well okay that's fine bye bye okay so let's do it there you go all right well i guess we'll cut right there and be back when michael has his new trousers on you ready ready are you ready ready i'm coming ready oh god mirror mirror on the wall who is the prettiest of them all probably not me but this is cool right that means that is very vibrant multi-colored stripey shirt with bright green pants it sounds like crazy but look how nice it looks okay the shoes aren't perfect but they're close are they i'll crop your feet there you go perfect there you go okay great forget i'm wearing a tag that's all what what you wearing with that matches yeah um kind of what watch would you wear with it oh green one i know one that you could wear with it well you haven't told anyone about it though what is it the what that's a great idea it's got a green bezel yeah i haven't told anybody no one's seen it yet you just broke all the rules and trying to bleep it out yes please okay okay damn that's nice right i like that crop the feet i've clogged your feet that looks really good this is this is like crazy good right yeah i like that crazy good one nice huh very nice what are these those are masks that we made oh wow cool yeah you got a matching one now yeah i need this and beautiful yeah hold on you should take one of these i'll take one of these yeah let me point out something we made the really fun cooling masks with i'm going to open one usually we keep them closed for a reason of sterilization but i just want to show you if you're at a bar right and you want to keep your mask on but you still want to drink there is a room a little straw hole for a star and when you're done i love it brilliant right that's brilliant okay so i'll take one of each okay so i have a question for you so this is all the the new shirts and i have lots of your previous edition which i love and will continue to wear of course do you still have some of those yeah of course we do so um you want to sell some we want to sell a lot well i have an idea okay so um i'm not supposed to do this cut it out if it doesn't go well ready don't include this part so you we have a special code with you already our audience gets 20 off correct pm 20 yes 20 so since you have the old edition how about giving some extra discount can you do that uh yeah i mean okay sure i mean how about if we throw another ten percent in there ten percent so that would be three thirty percent it's plenty that's a pretty good deal right how about 35 wow you are squeezing this and no not all of my audience has a lot of money and and i know they would love to have the opportunity to get these so can you do it how about if we do 35 for the old selections yeah sure and while we're at it throw them in a mask a masking and the 35 yeah give them a michael guys 35 and a free mask i'm going to get changed bye tada sorry i wasn't ready hello i'm ready what do you think i chucked you did yeah i like it pretty cool right yeah yeah they're really really nice no it looks good it reminds me of the remember the old benetton uh formula one team way back in like the late 90s it reminds me of those colors really cool right yeah i like it nice i don't think i need one of every color just a few colors yeah a nice belt on everything not that good yeah keep my shoes out they don't match i knew you'd do that okay i'm gonna go so what did you choose uh i chose some some things off camera where here this is i thought that was a display rack i i tried to be quick so this wouldn't happen oh my word you want all of this it's nice isn't it full of color hello well i mean it's it's a nice and white no look there's blue in this one and then this one has there is these are white with green got the frog on it i love that this has got some texture to it don't start explaining the purple look enjoy it it's beautiful thank you very much can i just say that i'm proud of you because you'll be looking nice turn the camera on yourself what i mean it's shameful nothing gives me i'm wearing measure i'm wearing my dog walking trainers my camo swim shorts and a white t-shirt what's wrong with that everything how many different shirts and i mean how many products do you actually have so just shorts we have over like 450 styles in total we are like around 1200 styles with polos and shores and swimming and everything's on the website everything is on the website everything is in stock so so so take advantage of this this offer so in all the the the previous collection 35 percent off 35 percent off and a free mask depending on the free mask and we'll hold you to we're going to put this on our on our website all right p.m what will it be p.m p.m thirty-five pm thirty-five and the new collection will be pm twenty twenty correct brilliant brilliant well this has been a fun day so let's wrap it up uh does it come in boxes or bags it's calm folded in a nice polybag and that's how you get it amazing lovely yeah well it's exciting so guys you know what to do hit the sub can i start that again go for it so guys you know what to do hit the subscribe button hit the bell go to 8x.com there'll be a link there'll be everything there take advantage of this and enjoy fantastic stuff 8-x well actually it's not it's producermichael.com forward slash deals forward slash 8x and then they can go through because that will have all of the deal information on it just put it in the description put a link in the video click the link down here and with that i'm going to say cheerio [Music] see ya this is heavy i'm out of here bye [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 254,901
Rating: 4.8624172 out of 5
Keywords: fashion, designer clothes, mens style, style, luxury, shopping spree, retail therapy, stylist, mens clothing, designer, celebrity style, eight x, shirts, jeans, watches, rolex, I WENT ON A DESIGNER SHOPPING SPREE, wealth, lifestyles of the rich and famous, los angeles, Producermichael, Producer Michael, Michael Blakey
Id: eRLXriYvKzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 48sec (1308 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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