How Hard Can SSLs Carry Each Rank in Rocket League?

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10 seconds easy kickoff goal oh it's tough you ever just feel like your teammate is absolutely throwing well picture that but even worse and all the time and that's kind of what i did i've been doing a lot of rank versus rank battles lately and i want to do another one but with a spicy twist i told a ssl that he was trying to carry his teammates as hard as he can at every rank until he loses but what he didn't know is that i told his teammates to throw the match on purpose if they could successfully lose the match the secret thrower wins 2 000 credits so which rank will be able to stop the ssl welcome to a ssl carries a secret thrower rank battle until the ssl loses at which i pay cold hard cash i know it's a great title i haven't asked for this in a while but only a small percentage of you guys are actually subscribed so tap my red button or you're gonna make this puppy very sad i'm also giving away a sign controller to a random subscriber so check the link in the description alright let's do it our first match is an ssl with a secret bronze who is throwing the match versus two real bronzes who are trying their very hardest let's see what they can do we'll be talking to the ssl during the matches to hear his perspective it's fine though this is good i believe in him all right glitched back glitch youtube is your teammate he is well known in the bronze community for being probably the best teammate of all time i would say yeah dude that's good your teammate is insane you might be the ssl but this bronze is actually nuts okay a little bit strange positioning there i i don't really know where their head was at when you made contact but that was i feel like my teammate was just zoning them you know your teammates coming in hot oh wait wait no that's actually their team i was a little confused there ooh just shot just shot it's almost like they didn't expect you to be able to hit that not scientifically possible yeah they're gonna hit it up and you know what don't worry i said oh wait oh glitch glitch youtube is a little bit confused right now which is uh going for the ball here you're looking good i'm not gonna lie thank you i appreciate it it's pretty tough competition but yeah this is this is something oh this is great oh you missed dude you're actually you're not even a real ssl you're you're fake blip just popping for me he's doing all the work oh you missed a kid okay i was actually genuinely confused because he was supposed to be throwing so i don't know why he scored but that's okay let's just on it dude he went for an ariel they all went for an area i'm impressed with the bronzes right now they're going for aerials they've really leveled up their game look at that that was sick all right here we go nice oh he's going for kickoff he decided it was time to go if he isn't gonna kick off he's getting me exactly all right all right this is easily a 10-0 game it's turning around pretty quick um sadly the bronzes are not able to do a lot it looks like i'm gonna probably blame it on the fact that zaz on the bronze team has 152 ping yeah that seems to be the primary reason oh wait a second we're good oh dude you just got disrespected by these bronzes you just got out mechanic unsavable unsavable okay glitch you're gonna get a good fake fake here we go here we go the reset oh no 13 one these four bronzes man they're like get me out of this match this is not fun why did i sign up for this hey gg well played first round was no problem the bronze match went pretty well but up next we have our silvers let's see what they can do all right you have teammate oh shoot all right the actual match has started a little bit of a stuff start here but uh you were going up against the silvers let's see how hard you can carry your teammate oh he's going for it oh that was good effort on his part oh yeah that's a silver move right there go up the wall and um you know stay on the wall all right you've got this nice control good flick oh dude oh they have an open door they're 100 getting a lead right here no wait no wait no way all right easy easy although i did try and pass him twice i feel like i might need to make it a little more obvious right yeah maybe he's just yeah there he goes yeah he was ready i like his profile picture though the puppy is adorable all right he's uh oh he missed and then immediately hit you i feel like that's the best kind of play oh off my ranked of 100 so it's not too much of a difference oh he was almost nuts oh hey he's going after the ball though he's getting aggressive double agent no no he's going after the ball that's that's good that's good yeah that's unfortunate oh yeah one time he's going for it uh that was close absolutely counts at the start i was confused what to do maybe this is his first time playing rocky league he's he's a little unfamiliar with the game he's only ever played drop shot yeah you know those silver drop shot means so you haven't put up 11 goals like you did for the bronzes but i would say your teammates probably not helping the cause you know i feel like i've had actually a more detrimental he made him but he's strong oh my gosh all right all right games coming to a close your teammate's got possession easy pass back a little bit of a pinch they're keeping it up though they're they're they're playing respectful that's all you can ask for you can get this no dang that was good all right well played well played that wasn't your closest match but looks a little more difficult than your bronze match so i just thought so yeah i feel like if i wasn't trying to keep him as involved in the players i was trying i feel like it could have been a little a few more goals for us but it was definitely harder so that maps got sus really quick but i think the teammate did a great job of covering it up all right up next we have our golds all right round three baby we got some golds coming in hot all right this is decent car control i like it he's going for that shot that's good that's good all right they're a little bit double committed there i can just tell the mechanics already like many times better than the silver as well like look at that he did he hit an aerial that's insane there you go there you go keep it up you need the boost anyway that's fine 100 right there that was a good try though i like it all right no one's stored yet there's been a stale game never mind never mind all right here we go oh that middle pass all day oh dribble it in what a challenge i'm impressed i would have gone for flare-free set if i thought he was gonna actually beat me to that one yeah i really didn't expect that either yeah these guys are they're all over it oh good demo too they might even score they didn't work good oh shoot that nice well done well done infinite power on that one two one two one let's see if we can stretch that lead okay all right maybe not maybe not yeah okay here we go nice good shot wow that was actually perfect bar down and everything yeah yeah oh nice [Music] gonna take a little all right here we go here we go yep you've got control these golds don't even know what's up they're terrified oh that was actually lost all right open that here no problem easiest thing you've ever done double flip reset easy oh imagine victor joel is uh struggling here your little teammate he's doing great no worries good pinch good bench he might not be in the best spot for that oh you know what i've got teammates so good that he just can't help himself from scoring goals that's right no if anyone's in a store it better be your own team you know oh bang i like that angle though that was not bad it was good i didn't expect them to get as much on it dribble nice job nice job five three very solid all right big bang good demo dude imagine you got both of them look at the nice that was more powerful than you shot earlier yeah it was 20 kph more i'm gonna like clip back to that and demonstrate oh no please oh he he wants it he's getting aggressive exactly nice well done all right here we go yeah did get up there that's so good oh oh i i like that something yeah it still goes in of course all right gg golds are done man all right you carry that silver no no problem that was easy up next we have plots and hopefully this should be a lot more challenging this is around this round four right right oh yeah sounds right that's pretty solid that's even more than i thought hey you're wearing the ssl decal now looking good feeling official your teammate's mid he's ready for this pass oh he was he was going to redirect that i'm pretty sure i think so he worked in like a in a zoning way though right yeah zoning i'm sure that's what he's trying to do there but yeah all right here we go oh a little bit of a bump there miscommunication did you actually type in chat that it was your ball i did not i did not yeah so that's probably your fault then yeah my bad oh wow that is oh okay all right well that's tough i don't really know today about that beyonce um okay he's trying to pass there so this teammate tried to throw by just ball chasing the whole time which was awesome oh all you easy goals oh right off his car it was it was a team play it was you know you play that all right he's got a little face out all right here we go he's gonna bump up teammates go for the bum that's that's pretty smart oh good shot wow that was great oh you're taking it from your teammate there he definitely had that my bad plain selfish no way is that doing it it is now what it was dang hey he scores it good like this game passes looks slightly easier than the gold game for some reason it's looked a little uh shaky apart but i think it's because of my teammate he's he's a better teammate you think i feel like i can at least understand where he is you can kind of predict what he might be up to right i might not agree with what he's doing but i know what he's doing yeah you have philosophical differences you're good oh oh you that's an easy flip reset no problem it's literally the easiest thing in the world look at that oh you got that dang close back pass yeah honestly that might have been his intention he's just showing these plots what's up oh he wanted it nice another good touch i don't know who i'm trying to get it around at this point oh oh what dude that was almost the silliest redirect i've ever seen i've been pretty cool all right round four was not that bad that was that almost looked better than the goals to be honest it was really interesting our ssl trusted his teammate more in the last match let's see what the diamonds can do alrighty round five we got some diamonds let's get it nice nice oh you try that was almost nuts pop dude you're in you're an animal insane challenge oh good pass wow let's go did flick all right obey is on it your teammate is up for this ball close oh trying to help him out yeah these diamonds are looking solid they're just not looking super consistent yeah i'm definitely more scared of that touches though and that presence on the field right they're more spaced out like you can see the orange team is not like right on each other's butts like they're kind of like taking their time and thinking it oh bang let's go oh wow close i was really scared that he was in here for a squishy save though i haven't seen many diamonds go for swishy saves but maybe maybe they're out there i'm not sure you got this close bang oh open dude you're you're cleaning up i can tell when you focus your consistency goes up and you're just like sending all right here we go oh good flick man that's so dirty oh bang oh no i would have had it but it's okay nah he was just covering you bang oh he nearly goes up uh did the other team just miss the take off yeah i did a foster golf but my cake was all on top straight beat anyone that's tough oh no two afteralls is this the ones game what in your opinion is the most toxic rink i'm gonna go ahead and say diamond okay fair that diamond round was quick and easy let's see what the champs can do all right round six let's get it uh we're playing some champs all right champ lobby what are they capable of let's find out that guy is unfortunately not able to hit that ball oh my gosh that was almost a snipe what what topper does this guy have is that a cowboy hat the big difference here is that capitalizing off a lot of the players or a lot of the space they get given exactly and they're not as scared of you as the other ranks have been too all right they're actually like making stuff happen and your teammate is also making stuff happen that's a some extent oh that that was actually a decent shot you saved that yep it's passing back that's actually pretty smart wow that was a really good play all around yeah it was i think that's kind of a high rank thing to pass back like i love people who do that it's just hard to find good shot yellow gold pumpkins there it is okay you still got a gold lead this is good you might actually make it past the champs this might go out yeah yeah that's a good shot two two here we go i really do want to get you to gc that'd be sick i think we can do it that's a shot a touch that's good nah he was going forward too he said sorry though attempt on the pass there good shots let's go tied it up i'd love to see it very stressful you kind of just like relying on their mistakes i guess yup what was that oh no what is happening you got this come on come on yes reset no way i thought you had the flip i really did i hope dang he's really all over that ball no dude all right come on 10 seconds easy kickoff goal oh it's tough he's coming after you easy keep it up no i thought you had it i thought you're gonna keep it up dang so what if i told you that every single match that you played i told your teammate to throw oh i thought they were all that bad you were so nice about it i was like is he gonna get mad and you were always so chilly like yeah he just shouldn't have gone for that because i know this guy was capable of playing better oh that is hilarious so rssl did awesome he was an awesome sport during the entire thing he also proved that you have no excuse to blame your teammates even if your teammates are literally working against you you should at least be a champ you
Channel: Striped
Views: 654,672
Rating: 4.9544764 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League, RL, Grand champ, GC, Supersonic Legend, SSL, Striped, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Plat, Diamond, Champ, Free to play, Pro, Best player in Rocket League, RLCS, Prank, Rank battle, Ranks, Rank vs Rank, Rocket League ranks, 3v1, 2v1, funny moments, best moments, rage, funny, funny rocket league, Season 2, Bumps, Demos, throwing, how to improve at rocket league, best rank, highest rank
Id: 7Ll6aqBpLyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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