Rocket League, but EVERYTHING is RANDOMIZED (Funny Results)

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all right so rocket league just updated so unfortunately that means custom maps and custom content is off the table right now uh but we got our boys here we got a xerx danny and jg we're gonna be playing some random settings and i when i mean random i mean we're literally gonna be rolling for every random setting in a private match possible so when we're going to the mutators here we've got max score overtime everything we're gonna go through and just basically uh read through and every match we're gonna do this it's gonna be a bit of a setup to do this but we're gonna make it interesting as interesting as possible uh by rotating all of these every game and uh changing it up so let's jump right in and start with the random settings [Music] i'm gonna need someone to just call out a random number between one to six if someone can set the four one one to three random number between one to three two oh are you serious okay uh one to four one one two six three [Music] this is so bad one to six again five four four four seven uh three one two and one two four uh two oh my god okay so many settings okay here we go i don't know what's gonna happen but it's gonna happen i'm i'm already dread threading this because you picked slo-mo oh no this game's gonna last forever my controller's dc good luck circs i'm in here i'm in here dude i'm on octane by the way because we're feeling random today [Music] i don't know what's gonna happen oh my god [Music] this is awful thank god blue strikes times too bro this game's gonna be so long no the timer is normal the timer's normal spikes only by the way oh my god bruh grab him run away go go jg pass him in 15 years to read that you sound in slow motion right now why did you sound in slow motion there well so far this isn't too bad why is everyone going online wait it's normal now all of a sudden what don't don't change it don't fix it don't fix it it's fine wait why did it just what is the puck is freaking out how'd it go normal all of a sudden what is speeding up why is it getting faster wait how are you faster what is going on dude with the puck look at how far it is so fast what is going on right now how did you like how did these break the game wait what's happening what is happening again [Music] oh so the replay is normal but then it like for some reason didn't apply the slow-mo on the next go why are we talking i feel like we're talking in slow motion i feel like it's making me dude it's making me i feel berks come on man dude that was painful i think it goes normal after that too i think i don't know what's going on i'm so lost it's normal let's go we actually broke dude i was it accustomed to my slow kickoffs man oh speedy boy look at that [Laughter] it's actually not as slow as i thought dude what oh come on man dude the puck physics do not make sense it did not make any sense look it just went into the ground oh xerx go off he's got it again don't let him do this the slo-mo jg man dude you don't miss i feel like you're missing yeah you're missing me i couldn't catch up wait how did i let go what is happening how did you lose it i don't have this car oh [Laughter] i just got a headache from that i can't man i'm losing my mind this is so stupid oh don't miss wait i think i just do danny no oh my i scored well these settings suck actually they're pretty good actually yeah look at this competitive game mode no oh no no he's going to score right here get him wait i will not let you maybe i will not let you do this i will know don't let him take that jg you're letting him take it oh here it is here jgg is a full control here the comeback let's go well that was stupid [Laughter] nice map though nice map we could have gotten some really really weird stuff give me a uh one two three two two [Laughter] all right let's do it again but uh say four one one to four four sweet all right [Laughter] we're keeping that in by the way that's just funny yeah all right sexy poo come on all right i don't know i don't even remember what what this is whoa sir that's a cube oh yeah bulky all right i got this scoring oh dude [Laughter] chaos help i need help dude the way that you missed everybody well whose fault was that i don't remember who said it the booze is too strong they can just get right out of it oh my god what the heck oh oh no that was looking so funny your point of view oh what a shot oh it's disabled disabled oh my god i just can't oh they over committed miss miss miss miss sir except oh no he missed him okay what i think i helped you okay oh yours went that way dude that was almost the real lifetime man oh my god oh my god danny chill this is my mode this is my mode dude how much overwatch have you been playing this is my mode no please oh no not this again see you later nice that might just go into this that's going in oh yeah what in the world oh i'm popping off right now how is this so close by the way oh nice safe what is it dude i almost went off oh let's go let's go nice oh no oh there i'm there thank you oh my god bang i'm actually still scared nice save you're nuts oh i missed perfect oh my god let's go let's go like car doing that dude that was awesome though that was actually pretty interesting mode not gonna lie i don't know what that was that was that was interesting we still i haven't gotten anything crazy with maps though let's get this out of the way first yo i randomized my preset as well oh yeah i guess i guess i should do that as well you know i'm gonna keep randomizing so we get something different something unique oh sick i just exhibitioned myself we look insane right now yeah we do we we look like a solid silver lobby if i just go here yeah that's a silver lobby if i've ever seen one yeah oh my god my silver reward guys wait no i i'm only searching for manfield now what happened i think the exhibition over to overtook it all right we got the rivals we're still standing i'm gonna try this again my car kind of matches i got the same map dude what are the odds of that i don't know that seems like what the heck man just put it on cops just put it on cosmic action okay oh wow we got cosmic that's crazy what a coincidence [Applause] i don't know i can't even see what mine is i don't know what my flag is this is kenya and then i forgot dude the low gravity is insane i just nailed danny thinking with the ball excuse me yeah wait wrong my bad right this puck is eluding us man i don't know where it's going here for the this is this is the big launch what that's like an airplane engine noise what is this dude sounds like a sizzling like oh let's go danny dude my engine sound is going to make me lose my mind yes oh my god wait it's disappearing okay um it's just in oh let's go no shot how did that go in how did i just see you oh my god this game was wild it's like low gravity like air hockey or something what are you doing xerx youtube brother yep just gonna do this and then oh my god oh my god that was almost correct dude that was almost ridiculous i actually let go because i didn't expect a ball to hit me ouch i'm dead here i'm coming do you oh mid oh mid i'm actually i don't have my flip oh you take it you take it we're actually kind of cracked with this yeah i just don't know what to do so hey i actually said i'm flying so far oh my okay i don't know what to do man i'm like lost just wait there's no way there's no way right okay okay oh no he's scoring again oh gee come back watch the comeback i'm dead that's not nice the air change the air change no way nice catch launch it uh oh oh oh yeah look out oh where'd the puck go here we go oh he's forward he's scoring he's good he missed he missed no no no let's go score gg careful no no no no no no he missed oh i missed it's down though that was almost such a crazy comeback what a game of thrones one more one i'm down for one more man this is this is actually pretty fun oh yeah i gotta randomize again randomized dude i am what is happening you got some hamsters i got hamster wheels with a saw in the top of me and now we look like bronzes we have actually demoted yeah this is legit like guys i got the new four i got a new ford truck oh one to five four say it again let's say two [Laughter] [Music] oh i didn't do that one i've been ignoring that one actually just because it's that one's just bad oh wow we got arctic on that's crazy all right xerx hello no boost wait i just realized i said we were bronzes but i think i have a grand champion a grandchild [Music] this is rocket league in real life man we've seen some of this video this is exactly what it's like look we are like actually heavy like we have suspension yeah let me and let me tell you having played but yeah but this is not real this is not real instead of blind this actually feels pretty like realistic though whatever this is how did we how did we actually emulate like rocket league in real life what a shot oh my god oh oh oh let's go this is pretty much the exact like thing that you would need for you know if you're like me that was a nice shot this ball is like the exact same thing yeah as the as your ball like that you guys used yeah gotta pre-flip this bad breeze bad freeze wait wait wait don't do that oh nice whoa okay uh i can't wait i can't reach it was too minimum okay double fist oh [Laughter] heavy the ball's heavy that's why you can't move very much oh that though oh my god my gamers are starting that's not very nice if you laugh i think we can die yeah we're i think it's friendly fire i can't remember let's uh touch that real quick in the world dude my game keeps bugging out i'll get there oh whoa oh no i don't think he was gonna hit that no no no no no seriously oh my god like a half a second oh my god [Music] i need to exert myself i know it's the ball dude dude it's the hardest this no booze is painful this is awful hearing my car like hit the ground every time i'm moving around it's so annoying oh oh what a goal oh i'm a brick with hamster wheels true true it's gonna be a tough one to get a goal back here to be honest with you oh i know what to do oh my god oh my god dude everyone just bagged it please pinch yep oh no yes you got that oh get in there blocking them oh oh no please what a freeze what a freeze oh come on they're panicking they're panicking keep it in keep the pressure keep the person get the pressure oh gosh it's going to take entire like all the rest of the time just to get to the other side of the field no no no no no one of you i blocked him please come on please what do you have what do you have get it up that was such an amazing ending what the heck i was so close oh my gosh oh my god i hope you guys enjoyed the random rocket league to the max i don't know what to say about that that was actually a lot more entertaining than i thought it would be uh which one was your guys favorite i like the 10x boost one i liked i liked the low gravity cosmic puck we were kind of popping off danny that was those cool that was wild that was wild hope you guys enjoyed like i said make sure to subscribe everybody in the description until next time have a great day we'll catch you guys
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 196,261
Rating: 4.9599357 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, But, Everything, Is, Randomized, Funny, Results
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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