I played 1s again... and my opponent DOES THIS?

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i finally decided to jump back into the one scene for a video and what i thought would be a quick recording of three to four games may have stretched out to be a bit longer than i expected because my ranked one's opponent in ssl actually challenged me to a best of seven i won't spoil anything but he does challenge me later in the video after a couple matches it's been a long time since i've played a proper set of ones games so i'll do my best to get back into my old play style it won't be the prettiest of games but i try to explain my thoughts throughout the video as i'm playing which is really difficult in ones because it's super sweaty i hope you guys enjoy the games definitely a nail biter and it goes back and forth anyway without further ado let's jump right in hope you guys enjoy [Music] oh yeah bufo he's actually 10 points above me oh yeah he's 10 10 points i can't math today let's see how it goes a wasteland pretty solid map one of my favorites in range right now probably gonna leave this so i'm gonna stay with this for a second go for immediate flick try get a bump oh i tried to go for the block too and ended up missing but that was pretty panicky for him because obviously he had no boost so i want to get an immediate flick so it was a little bit dangerous that's good from him really good challenge he ended up missing the boost though all right we'll take those i i don't know why he missed that quarter but that was if he got that corner he wasn't a huge advantage for me because i had like maybe like 40 boos i can't quite remember it's really important that he gets the possession and the ball uh and the boost there all right okay threw it away don't touch that ball as well i'm just letting him make the touches i don't know why i went for the bump that was pretty pretty all in hopefully we can get back before he shoots this end up missing oh my gosh he might be nervous i mean i'm i i've played him a lot so i'm not sure uh what's going on not the greatest shot from me once again it's not going all in on the uh the challenge i wanna make sure i stay grounded all right so he goes for that he commits pretty hard i tried to bump him sort of gotta touch once again it's not fully committing because if i do then he's gonna score good shot oh way too high though get to the side i haven't played once in a while so i feel like i'm not really playing ones the way that i want to but i might turn on this and try to shoot or something i know he's pretty low once again just baiting him in not not letting him uh take full position i could have shot that i don't know why i didn't shoot that i'm making a few mistakes here because i definitely could have scored that open open net there we go just waiting for his flick i don't have to pressure too much there i can see so far that he really likes to bait uh bait me in for the flicks immediately so just to let him do that there we go i'm not gonna get this boost it's gonna bump me if he bought me a little bit worse there i actually probably got scored on don't really need to do anything here i'm just gonna hold the defense until he changes his uh his approach on the early shots i don't need to worry there you go let's get a shot towards target hopefully that's in it might roll just out good save i don't need to shoot right away don't need pressure i got all the space in the world top right corner nice there we go so a lot of a lot of early shots from him if he changed it up and made me hesitate a little more it would probably be better for him but because he's not uh changing up his approach on the shots so far it's been okay for me it's been a little bit sketchy with some saves but he has to go because it's time uh the time on the clock he actually went for me instead of the turn on the shot so it was pretty good turn from him oh i thought i was gonna shoot that right away go for the demo again i thought he's gonna go for the touch on the ball it's probably gonna be a goal for him should be there we go yeah so he's changing up now to go for demos more i probably should have just like avoided him i could have hit the brake there hit the brake check i'm just expecting him to run to the back of the ball because i could shoot that if i had more boost but maybe maybe he knew that i had no boost make him really awkward on the save he has no boost i know that so i'm just gonna go for the immediate shot and there we go pretty awkward game he definitely had a few openings at the beginning but uh you know with first game of the day 12 points not too bad either since he was a bit above me but overall i just waited for his uh immediate shots and uh it's more so if a player isn't uh going for those immediate shots then it's a little dangerous because you can't uh commit uh you have to like really really pay attention to when they're changing their car car position to go for those higher flicks all right we got the same guy again um honestly i made a lot of mistakes last game hopefully i can clean it up a little bit he definitely should have scored a few more times and he started definitely threatened a little bit more at the end of the game um he has possession right here i don't want to go for that some pretty little boost all right excuse me um i beg to differ pretty sure i hit that ball uh let's no i guess not oh i didn't hit the ball a lot of fakes again this boost won't probably show up for a little bit so i gotta be a little careful there we go get the boost going down the field should be an open goal here he committed quite hard on that on that flick and didn't quite get it far enough on the the far side of the post definitely interesting place though 1v1 is very interesting nowadays i feel like it's a lot of mind games and a lot of just like doing doing what the other player is not expecting and sometimes it just works and sometimes it doesn't work so it's like kind of a lottery to go behind them so it's really awkward wait what is what's happening uh i think he he he backed up a little bit and the ball bounced in a way that he didn't expect it with the roll and went over his car it was very surprising oh if he stays with us this is bad for him i'll bump him instead he left because if he went for that boost i was gonna shoot right away should be a goal he went way too early on the challenge i just went for a little bit of an air roll to pop the ball a little bit higher and his air dribble uh defense was a little bit early because he probably could have just waited on the side i didn't throw the ball up well enough to be able to follow it he probably got a free possession so definitely not the most threatening irritable of of the in the world so definitely could have waited i can't go for the boost yet because he'll just go for the shot once again too high just keeps going really high on the shots it's probably gonna be a goal here though nevermind okay once again early challenge to get another flick and a pretty good win there i mean definitely still a lot of mistakes that's that's going to happen with 1v1 when i don't play them for a while i basically just played them at the beginning of the season got like top 60 because my mmr was so high and then i never touched them i played a few here and there like really late at night but overall i haven't really like gotten into recording them and i don't really care if i win or lose because i don't really care about the 1v1 playstyles and like learning how to how to like approach them the way that everyone does play them nowadays i definitely make a lot more mistakes than i used to um but i hope you guys are learning something i mean it's definitely different than playing at like a specific rank like the things i'm talking about and the things that you have to watch out for are probably gonna be different in your rank compared to like high high ssl uh but uh hopefully you can still learn something and uh it's all about anticipation and knowing what your opponent is capable of that's why like a lot of pros say that they don't really know what to expect from uh like they call them ranked warriors but honestly a lot of them are actually really cracked it's just that you don't know what they're capable of so it's more comfortable when you know like what a pro can do and what they're going to go for uh meanwhile like a player that you're not familiar with can be much more difficult to read look at bufo again so he's definitely changing it up i think that his uh his playstyle is adapting a little bit more to like how i'm playing but it's still uh still very panicky he actually changed his car to gizmo it's good save it's gonna fake him i'm not sure what's happening right now okay he went for the demo i probably should not have faked that i probably could have just scored it's a good pop really well played that's the early shot that i'm talking about that he was doing it in the first game he stopped he stopped doing it so i went early i shouldn't have went for the double pop though it's really all in not really smart for me see he does here all right pretty much hard missed that so i'm just gonna go for the shot um i think he tried to go for like a pinch but he didn't have enough boost to jump up high enough to get the ball so he ended up just like plopping into the wall but maybe a little bit of tilt definitely happens a good try he has no boost now though there you go i'm just baiting him in for the shot should be open just going for a light shot to the left side once i baited him in i knew he was going to jump because the ball was low enough for him to go for it and since he's a little boost he's probably going to commit so i just go for the low 50 instead and uh we get a good challenge i i he honestly hasn't been doing very fast kickoffs for a while so um i've been kind of playing a little bit slower but since he like set it up right there i probably should be a little careful of uh him cutting across the ball in the middle a lot more but overall it since he's been going faster we're trying to mirror what he's doing if he's gonna go far far further wide i gotta do something like that basically let him bait into the the 50 50 that way i can go get the corner boost if i go into that challenge before it'll be pretty dangerous for us i'm gonna go for the bump on me that'll be a little bit careful i definitely knew it was happening it's just so hard to avoid if you do it perfectly um there was definitely a bit of a gap i think i waited a little uh i didn't wait long enough because he wasn't like super threatening and it was pretty obvious what he was doing yeah it's a good shot i definitely should not have jumped right there that's what that's what killed me was that final jump if i just drove i would have been okay it's that once i jump i'm further ahead than i want to be and uh not not a good position he's going immediately i'm gonna kill the ball out and then shoot it um he definitely rushed a little bit harder than he needs to he's trying to play like faster than he has to which i think is what's causing him to throw away the ball a lot go for the immediate shot so he's low boost can't quite get to it if he goes for that corner boost it's definitely a goal uh and if he doesn't go for the net right away i'm gonna i'm gonna go for that shot every time let's go for the fake hit the post i'll pop him out hopefully i can turn around go for the top right corner and there we go i was not the greatest i definitely didn't need to pop it as high as i did that was definitely a mistake uh but we bumped bufo off honestly i'm pretty pleasantly surprised with how these games are going because i'm really bad at once uh there's just as you can see my kickoff is not great in ones i used to do uh i used to do just straight flip flips a long time ago because i showed how that like that can work uh trying to do more of like a speed flip sometimes sometimes i like fake it a little bit let me turn this in fast i'll be careful wait for the bump on me again there's that bump again 1v1 classic 1v1 blunder right there i definitely need to make sure i just avoid his bump and and let him jump first the more you can wait the better if that's the like the play he's going for um it's definitely uh definitely readable i'm gonna go for early air dribble go for the shot off the backboard oh it's a good shot right there i probably should have just challenged him immediately honestly because he was uh taking more control once again that's not a great touch for me it probably could be a goal for him too he missed give me a goal yeah that was uh definitely bad by me i definitely shouldn't have shot shot so early i had i had possession i need to bait him in to go closer to me and then hit the ball around him all right he's probably gonna go for the bump with me yeah there we go pretty interesting game i definitely definitely made a lot more mistakes in that one than the first two i will do one more and see if we can get him again and then hopefully get another dub alright we got him again definitely definitely interesting play style i definitely made a lot of mistakes like i said uh more more blunders on me than than him uh will lead into a loss there but let's see if we can bring it back and play a little more consistent this game pop it up early probably doesn't expect that early chip he's changing cars a lot too i'm not sure why he's probably maybe uh got that got like uh imposter syndrome on the octane yes possession now i don't wanna go for the back corner abuse that's a good shot yeah i had to go for that because he could just shoot it far far side uh i didn't mean to pinch it off the post obviously i tried to go for like a clear in the corner stay with this a great touch i meant to go for the flip reset if i'm going to score off this too you definitely should that's it um i definitely didn't get a good setup with my air dribble and uh i ran out of boost before i get the 50 50. i want to boost a little bit higher onto that to get a good 50 50. but uh obviously did not play it well get the boost and he missed okay there we go uh i definitely just played for the boost advantage there he didn't go for the back corner when i was uh when i was thinking he was gonna go so i saw the opening and i went for it and then the way i dropped the ball down like that i'd make sure to pop it nice and high get a free goal now not sure why he did that he kind of like tried to bait me into a 50 50 but once again i'm just not going to go on those because it's not on target there's no there's no real threat so the more i can wait the more i can just wait for him to uh outplay himself the better which is what i didn't do enough of in the the third game there oh boy it was close give me a shot though i ended up uh getting bumped by him or something and then it was off target so i just waited for the pinch off the back wall right there and then i followed up it's really good to make sure that that doesn't roll up the wall you want to bring that back in a minute as soon as possible if you watch like really old uh 1v1 videos with like marky doodah and mic rules and stuff that's like something they did a long time ago that people learned really quickly was that um like going for those early uh catches in the mid and oh that's a good demo um and bringing it midfield instead of up the wall it's it's it's a lot less time for the defender um to go for oh he went for a fake that's really really good by him um it's really good to go for those early in-field dribbles to make sure there's pressure on the defender so they can't just get full boost and and set up their defense that's not a good shot either i'm not really playing well with those those shots i can panic pop them nice and high close all right there we go we finally get it i need to make make sure that those shots are a lot more consistent than they are i don't usually shoot like that in 2v2 or 33 and it's something that i definitely lose the skill of when i uh play ones because those early shots i would i would just leave that for a teammate go for the far left flick he kind of saved it i don't know what just happened like i i'm definitely just playing a lot more aggressive this game uh because i'm fine there's a lot of openings with his play style but that looked like he saved it and it just kind of flew off the side post i don't know it was weird there's the early flick that's a good shot but wasn't a good save well i could probably catch that on the backboard i definitely need to just wait and like catch it make sure i can stay close because if i if i throw it out mid like that so i'm just gonna take him to get shot we gotta also get another possession though there we go go for the immediate shot instead it gets a lot of power a lot more power than you'd think off those air dribbles i was gonna go for a flip reset but it's it's sometimes just better not to over commit i'm not sure why he's going for a bump this isn't this isn't oh my gosh this isn't too easy man i i don't know why he's going for the bump there there's no one that's gonna help him score that that was a weird flick though i definitely shouldn't have fallen for that good demo as well playing for those bumps again definitely need to stop falling for these uh these like basically playbook plays here i need to make sure i uh just loop around watch out for the bump kind of throwing this game away right now i need to stop it there's only a minute left all right he also just threw the game away i need to make sure i just you know don't let my guard down because he's still kind of like all over the place and it's hard to say what he's going to do because as you can see he just like pinched it in the floor of that and give us a free goal so play a little bit smarter overall because i expected him to go because he's got very little time left and then we can just roll the open net in um definitely didn't expect that he definitely didn't expect that uh last touch right there to pop it over him at the last second it says ggs they'll say gggs as well pretty good set of games obviously i don't i don't like that i lost that one game the way i did but uh best of seven i mean sure we'll go we'll keep going uh-huh uh-huh so i'd like to hear a little friendly banter let's let's see how this goes i think it's 3-1 right now watch me not even get him okay i was going to say i was going to say i i i think it's him because we're we're now like 30 points apart so it's a little harder to find each other but this rank there's like a lot of there's a lot of players uh there's not a lot of players i mean so oh playing it slow not a great shot for me either it's a little bit dangerous that's a good shot playing pretty dumb so far not gonna lie i definitely had an opening i definitely just didn't score there we go i'm going to focus a little more on the the gameplay and this last little bit i shot off the side post yeah i feel like i when i talk a lot i don't actually focus on what i'm doing i'm more more trying to focus on what i'm saying do you guys i feel like that's more important but you know it's the best of seven now i gotta take this little seriously let's go for a play here good challenge i might just be in yeah that is it this is why i don't go for those very often people just early child like we're super early i need to make sure i play that safe i probably could have just went down the wall and you know made a dribble play but that's boring i might just roll into his net too hopefully let's go yeah i went for the fake on the the catch like once the ball was rolling like that i went for the fake uh to catch the ball on top of my car so went for the 50 50 and just bounced into his net no not again at the bump again man oh it's so annoying i hate it i just hate it it's the one thing in ones that's so annoying it's just those bumps like you can't challenge the way you want to because there's no one to help you that'll be a goal um i need to make sure be really careful with uh with those bump plays when he gets really close he likes to go for those uh like slower rollers so you have to like really push push the ball out of your way he's gonna leave he likes to leave on those so i know that i'm gonna go to the left hopefully immediate shot might be too fast for him yeah he's been pushing up a lot of on those and i haven't really been taking advantage no not again freaking bum please man get off me i'm gonna fake this i went way too wide with that it's actually gonna shoot it too yeah that was really good play i i definitely gonna play that a lot better and actually probably got a goal out of it if i went a little i looped out way too wide i gave way too much space in ones compared to what i used to might be a goal again no i couldn't get around it okay okay we got to focus a little bit not fast enough unfortunately what am i doing big panic oh good shot too yeah i'm just like blundering really really badly with the positioning oh my what am i doing all right i'm thinking this is gonna probably yeah it's gonna be a forfeit here uh we have to go again here i definitely made a lot of mistakes that gave him the win there but hopefully we can bring it back definitely not too happy with how i'm playing i definitely could uh be a lot more consistent and take advantage of the openings that he's giving me because there's a there's quite a few that i'm just not you know making a good play on so here we go put the bump on him close get the boost oh my gosh what am i doing i'm actually hard trolling that's such a bad touch definitely to stay with that i have all the all the advantages and i just throw it away like that it's really bad it's really bad save not a great shot though good save again pretty little boost there we go for the shot i need to stop playing so dumb man i need to i need to smarten up i'm i'm actually like hard throwing oh my gosh with a bump yeah i knew he was gonna go for the fake i had i had the read on the the flippy set i just didn't go down to the ground fast enough it wasn't really good though because if he didn't wait for that pinch that was on the floor like he would have just pinched it right into me and then i would have got a free possession all right here we there you go good shot all right got a good position off the kickoff we used it while we delayed our flick a little bit so he pops over him he has low boost i'm going to fake him go for the boost instead no he actually had enough to go for that i thought he was pretty low i think he had enough just enough to get around to it yeah well we'll play by him all right he actually threw really hard i'm not sure why he pushed so far up for me off the side definitely like i feel like he's definitely like warming up and i'm just like playing worse this is interesting uh dynamic i'm playing so bad like with some of my decisions but i'll smarten up a little bit see if i can stay with this okay goes for the media challenge all right go for a good 50 50. got some space lead in midfield first go for immediate shot no way he bumps me too that's really annoying i definitely get a score there if he didn't pop bump me wow great good fake though holy crap man all right this is game seven i need to stop throwing though there we go this last game probably should focus let me get the get the dub real quick noise good for school yeah i think that's that's just it i'm i'm psyching myself i'm trying to talk a lot so i'm just gonna focus on the shots and the goals and now that i'm focusing it's working a lot better oh boy just so bad it's so hard to talk and like do what you want to do and think about it while also like you know still looking good and playing well big mistake by me i shouldn't have flipped there good goal one thing i just need to let him bait bait himself unfortunately he keeps those high uh high challenges let me a little careful with that probably just boom it over him while he's always pre-jumping read the fake jump pretty good it's a lot more sweaty now at the end i saw him fake jump there it's actually pretty interesting being really super quiet as well in a video i don't usually do that saw him go for the fake on the pump fake there i just went for the shot a little bit of high pop over him when he's uh sitting there only one is so interesting to catch yeah better than the uh the challenge there that's that's what i needed to do earlier in the series uh was actually like play it close and and carefully in the corner instead of just going for the immediate air drill play flavor time here there we go good little fake i popped off the floor and then followed up the air dribble uh to keep it close playing a lot smarter with my my choices stop being dumb smartened up at the end got uh 44 seconds left gotta keep this four goal lead going for even faster kickoff that time there we go nice quick shot just gotta focus man i was psyching myself out gg's well played pretty good series uh definitely made a lot of mistakes though and it definitely got me hyped up to do more 1v1 though maybe uh some show matches in the future uh but with those being some of the the first 1v1 games i've recorded in probably like two months three months uh it's pretty exciting pretty interesting definitely an interesting play style uh playing between ones and twos and stuff he really caught me out on some of those like late flicks and stuff because of how he like basically conditioned me in the early game in the early games to expect those early flicks and i even talked about it how it's hard to anticipate when he does start doing those delays and stuff uh but he did he definitely like adapted really well in this the later half i just in the last game i just like had to focus i was like tired of making so many stupid mistakes i just getting really frustrated myself but hope you guys enjoyed regardless definitely an interesting one uh sorry i got a little frustrated myself definitely happens when i when i know that it's like in my hands in my control to make the mistakes and and and lose the games especially what i like you know could have closed the series out but i hope you guys enjoyed like i said until next time have a great day and we'll catch you guys next one
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 91,888
Rating: 4.973856 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, 100, Opponent, Challenged, Me, Of, Bo7, In, Ranked, Sunless
Id: fm3osakCd54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 35sec (1715 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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