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today is quite an interesting episode of custom rocket league because not only do we have a new custom map creator but we also have one of the funniest mix-ups of standard rocket league modes that i've ever seen in today's map called inverted drop shot by ghost rider o5 and what's even funnier is the fact that we had no idea what inverted drop shot even meant going into it and all we knew was that this map was built around the shape of basin one of rocket league's newer rocket labs maps but it turns out inverted drop shot means that when the tiles break on the floor the ball doesn't go through instead your cars do wait do you fault wait you can fall in if you're enjoying the daily rocket league videos and variety of content on the channel be sure to subscribe but i hope you guys enjoy as we dive right into this brand new game mode [Music] oh it seems fine i think it's just like literally a dark map oh we're going oh we wasted all of our boost it was worth it this looks pretty sick though cool yeah yeah i don't like how i'm like you're all green it shouldn't be green no like olive green it's like ugly like my color oh yeah my car is pretty dark i got an all black sweater yep oh what a touch any sense yeah you forgot that you can just score normally dude wait i thought you were waiting for me to 50 with you to like get the 50 i can tell by your reaction you're like you're like oh my yeah no literally it was like uh this guy's a new map maker so i can tell that uh like he's still learning bro i wanna bump him so bad what just happened to my car i don't know what i'm sniping it i think there's a lot oh my gosh there's there's some there's some weird like collisions on this for sure but like i said he's a new map maker and uh he's definitely uh made a pretty sick map here and it's in king this is a good start yeah we are where are we yeah why are we all over the game the floor is olive green nice friend all right nice to meet you guys again i just yes i mean look what happened i hope you never make that maybe it's my war cry frank that is [Laughter] oh no oh he's doing another team frank pass it oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] versus seven wait do you fall wait you can fall in guys you can fall in tell me that stage like that guys you guys can fall in you can fall in the net or in the uh let us hit your left corner hold on hey go over here hit the spot oh wait i can't do it what am i doing hey thanks for the goal guys [Music] i wonder if it's like an advantage then oh wait it resets yeah it resets yeah yeah but like you can fall in the in the ground it's like yeah you gotta be careful not to die oh that's it's okay oh oops that's not good okay it's all you we've been just we've just been scoring normally goals let's try to play more drop shot oh oh okay mister at the bounce layer i'll get it bouncing the bouncy wall and see as frank would say the war fly no bouncy let's go big damage yes frank dude frank left it came back to a different man oh my god he oh shoot thank you break your damage yes sir the ground just fell off it just it was just gone dude the second time when i was like running away from the ground was so funny wait what happens when there's literally no side then you can't you can't land you can't be on the floor guys look look the ball doesn't fall on the ground that's why it's called inverted drop shot because the cars fall and the ball does my it we're just dumb yeah we're just dumb if you die and there's a hole there you just keep spawning and dying you can't move no there's nothing to do it literally spawn and die right when you spawn there was no there's nowhere to boost you instantly die but just get just get good forehead yeah forehead rgg calm down all right chill oh my goodness so the only way to score is in the in the nets [Music] this is literally just yeah it's literally the only way to score is in the nets it all makes sense now oh make some holes under their spawns let's down with wait wait wait let's actually definitely trying to be toxic huh oh my god let's go let's go mid jg mid oh i was off ceiling my only goal is to spawn trap them right now that's all i want to do oh god [Laughter] oh no i can see them no the game's over i wha what happened dude this is bullying i had time i want to see them physically unable to get out of their side [Laughter] frank we can't let that happen we can do it oh thanks frank nice yes oh yes big damage big damage hey frank please tell me you're anywhere near oh no oh no oh no no it's fine as long as as long as we don't score as long as we don't score in their net we're good wait oh wait does it reset our side or no no it doesn't no no [Laughter] [Music] no oh wait frank that was 200 iq that was afraid [Music] the spawns and they you off kick off you're even dead that's so good oh man oh wish foreign i guess so yeah i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna say this game is over because i kind of kind of added a bunch of time all right what are we what are we doing now what's what's the vibe boomer we're back in jg uh just drive forward okay nevermind whoops what is this this start boomer yep jg you know what you know what you know what time it is no dude it's the spawn trap time that's all i want to do we should get one gold lead and then just spawn trapped in the whole time all right jg i see it oh my god oh my god okay good pass that was ridiculous kind of cracked oh boy okay all right oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy here we go [Applause] oh my wrong way oh we're trying to hit it do you oh wait i didn't open that there i'm just thinking about the spawn trap yeah me too i really want to just smash it we got a gold lead now we got a gold lead now oh i got stuck on the corner there same oh oh i forgot about the hole we have unlimited boost now though so we're chilling at least our floor is repaired now we're good we're chilling bye bye on the bottom right so many times you got it yep well maybe not oh no dude i'm scared oh i tried to read it there yeah i was just i was literally just i was literally just chilling there i was floating oh wow nice shot hey ketchup nice more of a mustard kind of guy oh wow oh my gosh he does like aggressive please are you okay where am i going i got tears now bang dude this is this map's actually really fun oh wait how did you block that big dunks like i wish that they brought rocket labs like basin bye-bye jg oh bye-bye are you serious wait wait can you please add time this is so good i'm scoring oh we can do more wow that is so funny i am down to do that again honestly that was so good dude that is so i just love the floor i love i just find it so funny when you're just driving and the ball breaks it you just disappear one damage i just don't know what you're talking about i don't think i've ever seen that before you had a lot of point like these are points for the one damage dude this is up there my favorites man i'm having this this is good it's pretty fun yeah like this is really just awesome that's a frank hello you gonna hold your name yeah yeah definitely gonna flick you baby it's definitely going to go well yes sir you got daddy hold up jj jg a little faster kind of scared oh my god what what what the hell i said i never showed you the valentino [Laughter] oh oh what a pla dude craig you're nuts came back a new man yeah i got off the weiner car oh my oh i could be in he'd be in what's up he messed up wait frank got it he faked the crap out of me this is like the worst and weirdest miss i've ever seen dude nice dude like what the heck was that dude as soon as i graduated college my iq just like sort of skyrocketed yup oh well i guess my ability to hit the ball is still trash but uh frank don't fall uh god excuse me sir oh my god oh my god he has it again unlimited booze is so pretty no kind of felt like you know a little personal oh my god boom i brought the dangerous [Music] dude you just wheeze the whole time he's just a constant tea kettle dude what the heck is going to stop tea has been ready for five minutes dude oh my god i'm scared i started to realize my own life like sometimes i get myself like laughing pits come here oh my god all right it's okay respond travis i need to i can't lose everyone you won with me oh you're right you always forget that oh jg oh dude you're wait oh dude i thought i thought it was a crack block again oh my god oh no we'll see you later break did you see that gg yep i was right behind you oh i'm spot oh man oh man dude this map is so much fun i don't like i really want to stop it's so it's like it's so funny that you just fall on the floor that's so good i hope you guys enjoyed this was uh a brand new look at another drop shot map it's so much fun to play drop shot in different formats i hope that broccoli hopefully at some point brings in new rotations of you know drop shot and hoops maps but until then we're gonna be enjoying the custom maps as much as we can but until next time have a great day guys we'll catch you guys the next one peace
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 639,890
Rating: 4.9709921 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, Dropshot, But, You, Fall, In, The, Pit
Id: f7KEFvvBzgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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