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hey guys and welcome back to another custom app showcase today we're playing on hoopski made by mr swaggles which is another fun twist on skeeball and rocket league this multi-hoop mode behaves as you'd expect it to chaotically go in i can't as you score in the higher hoops the score increases just like skee-ball 2. this map is messy but i think that it just adds to the fun of it this is an amazing map by mr swaggles here so let's see how it plays out if you're enjoying the daily videos be sure to subscribe but i hope you guys enjoy this very first look at hoopskie [Music] let's run a back thread for the first one let's see if we can uh get a dub here oh my god oh there's my god this is this is this is gigantic wait this is beautiful though yeah let's go i really don't know oh god well let's see how many points yes you did dude i'm on like 10 frames turn off some quality maybe yeah and that's 10 10. okay so it's gonna be like it's gonna be it's gonna be like um 10 30 50 100 i think isn't it yeah yeah yeah no way no anyway he missed come on he missed it was off the rim oh no oh dude how are we gonna score on the hundred like it's so tiny it's the size of the ball ow stop keep it going trev nice i actually have an idea hold on oh my god okay there we go i'm waiting traps all good oh gg we're got the fat dunk it is fine so oh my goodness oh my god let's go let's go and it's going to be an air dribble into 100 bro i shouldn't have risked that one for the other one oh that's ten that's a ten yeah okay this is interesting this is such a different vibe from the other like the ski ball we did uh oh come on come on come on come on oh dude it's so hard yeah oh nice oh yeah i don't have i was playing with that uh what am i thinking nice pictures no no yes we're all being greedy man has everything to shoot on dude i want it i want to try it let's go the fact that there's so many nets that we haven't scored is crazy there we go it's like there's so much net we just can't score that's not big dude you'll be a lot of nets oh no wait there we go okay [Laughter] no come on yes that's 20 20. let's go i love it i love it be really fun yeah oh god we're doing boomer no no no okay come on yes yeah are you serious okay we're gonna hunt someone's hit the other one it can hit the underside of that we can't be mad at least running i can't trip i need your help i need your help all right kickoff is important here avoid the room as we were saying no no oh my god what the heck um yeah touching passing well that's a bounce where none of us are hitting that wait oh no [Laughter] okay flying though that's let's get better it was 30. wow that's crazy does the guy hit the crossbar how many times he left yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] crossbar king oh this is gross that was nightmarish anywhere you could have shot that yeah i tried to bang on the corner please please i'm dead all the way all the way all the way all the way break away no wait no yes i wanted to dribble it off the ramp get that yes sir we need points just any come on oh dunk that oh he went for the greedy play let's go let's go oh let's go all right you guys want boom around this for real yes you guys have wished death upon us i i hope you know that oh my remember you guys asked for this not me oh as it goes in oh please no dude i can't dude so close assuming bad yeah and we take those thirties there's just nothing i can do there you can either shoot or fake big fakes on the start double commit why not exactly exactly go in please skip remember you guys asked for this i can't i can't stress that enough oh that's so funny honestly worth big time oh my god nice trip 50 or 30. oh let's go remember remember you asked for this man oh my god it's going in yep wait dude we don't even we don't even know we actually don't even know if that's worth a hundred we don't know that could be 50. dude like there is no one around oh dude i was going in okay go in please oh my god i was flopping around on the kickoff lots of time still in the clock we've only been here for a minute double block yes and it's going to bounce perfectly for us oh my god dude i'm i'm gonna scream i'm gonna stream i'm gonna drop my frames again i'm doing it oh it's not something stable oh of course it doesn't go in oh my god dude [Laughter] there's no way i'm not gonna say that anymore but i told you so go let's go this may in a minute 15 we could score triple that in three minutes okay you're all fair enough fake oh how about not go faster oh my god nice save oh he missed into me oh you've hit me no dude get it don't go please thank you oh yeah wait oh my god wait oh come on okay no we need we need to actually focus we need to focus i'm trying to turn into the bit the little thing this is where we come back yeah i need to chill i need chill exactly 100 get in there oh my god oh my god the lead gun chip wait wait wait it's fine it's fine nine seconds [Laughter] easy blocks jd is freaking there was actually no way of getting to the first ones it was right in the room right in the way i'm so scared i don't know i hit it that song i don't know dude i don't like it i don't want to hit that just changing the subject all right yeah i am totally ignoring the fact that he just like whipped a pretty open shot all right it's okay i'll take a whiff he's just camping well i just drove up the wall look at me look at me i mean there's another one behind this you just all right go go we can do this bro we can do that it's easy it's one of those hundreds and we're literally winning okay this is the start we needed now it's fine for us oh wow this is getting frustrating oh my god i mean the boomer is just something else man this could be this could be in i'm gonna rage i'm gonna rage uh trev oh please please exactly backpass i'm losing hair right now i'm pulling my hair out oh my god dude i'm going down yeah dude how did that not go in i'm so i'm so sweaty go ahead oh what a shot in the backcourt do you think do you think the little one is 100 little 100 or 50. oh oh it probably is 50. yeah i don't think it would make sense to go from 30 to 100 probably nice i'll go in i'm trying to go for the the small one i really want to do it it's fine it's fine okay and it's in front you guys need to use some deodorant man dude yeah you guys are full sweating what do you mean no no no so are we but god darn we gotta outsweat in this game god okay how it's one game point i mean just just uh i don't even think we scored most of them i feel like boston might have been own goals oh my god 10 goals how many times did you try for the little one and hit off the rim though that was crazy i hit the rim like four times yeah you guys are so close all right rumble time i'm not gonna lift this game every ball if we don't if we don't score the the little one by the end of this match we have to experiment we have to do it together we have to figure it out we got to figure out what it is i hit the room to know what could have been ow ow i can't plan oh i forgot about the rumble no please let's go trev i never mind i don't know what i'm going to do here oh my god all right we have a lead for the first time in five minutes dude it just disappears okay let's go i'm waiting for the god crackpot come on man sorry i wanted to go with 100 so bad okay i i i pulled it i had to pull it somewhere i don't know what i was going to do a little sweaty everyone got to go everyone everyone have one like i think it's so funny when everyone goes oh someone has to score that i i don't think it's gonna happen especially with boomers it's impossible okay they're just giving us free ten i mean i'll take it yeah where am i supposed to jump there's just too many rims i just i'm gonna hit it somewhere oh my god oh sorry oh no oh no let's go 30 points we're bringing it back let's go yeah i mean there's a good chance of it there's so many damn doubles yeah i don't know if that was the move you know it's goofy yeah we just wanted to give him a little conference a little coffee a little confidence i was like beat to that one like by full mike oh it's so close i almost got that corner yeah i know dude my junk guy eating oh my god right now calling it 30 top rally caps are on right now oh my god is this in the dumbest thing ever dude why'd you make us i didn't make you i just i just like recommended he still has it with it hopefully that helped dude i tried to clear it i tried to clear it i tried to clear it i think if i didn't use the magnet oh man if i didn't use the magnet i actually probably went over i think from jg in the room oh my god all right i believe in you i believe in you so hard witness for glory oh yes it's over it's over yes oh no that's it again let's go all right i know what i need to do i know i i need to eight more wait wait guys just dive in dive in and dive in i keep hitting the rim oh my god no i bounced off i knew it our time no i had it again watch out trev get up there let's go no trev no go in i can't oh i had spikes that whole time i was waiting i know you want i know you wanted the big pointer vote you could have went for the 30. no way let's go no dude thank you thank you island all right we only need 10 points just any goal why are we both doing this you were like go through every kickoff you said go for every kickoff and now you're going yeah we we ain't big mad what's in um and it's in yeah i don't know what i'm supposed to do with that we're bickering like a married couple no no anger is quite something it's quite simple oh it's scoring in the those oh my god the best fries i've ever seen i'm gonna have the rim on it yep let's go trip let's go ten points away can we just message me why is it 140 to 140 in your hoops game oh it's hilarious i missed there it is dude well we're the comeback kids no no no no no no no no no no no no we just need 30. we just need 30. we need a 30. uh yeah that's not i don't know what's happening that's all happening oh man oh shall i win though we got the big one get the big one at 100 easy even if it's the most epic thing no shot okay i'm gonna need you to snipe it oh no why dude [Music] i think it's 50 yeah let's go we're about to find out funk it's a hundred three hundred it is 100. we could have won it we just got that but we didn't so i mean dude boomer's impossible like i literally scored it and then it just bounces off like both rims like eight times dude that one play it like i was convinced that i had it right i was i literally was convinced well i hope you guys enjoyed this was hoopski by mr swaggals a lot of fun honestly super super pumped about that one it was super fun even though like it's crazy how many goals there are but it didn't go in that often until until you guys see you guys asked for boomer of course but it was good i hope you guys enjoyed we'll catch you guys in the next one peace you
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 336,270
Rating: 4.9670625 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, This, Is, Multi, Hoops, Hoopskee, Multihoops
Id: 1XuKhhTN0g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 07 2021
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