I got the CLEANEST Pinch while going for top 10 in 2v2!

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hey everyone and welcome back to another ranked grind video we're nearing 2k mmr for the first time this season in 2v2 i believe and i'm starting to grind the game a bit more again and i'm feeling that spark to go for top 10 in the leaderboards once you're in top 10 though it gets pretty crazy high in mmr so we'll see what we can do but it's time to hop back into twos and hopefully you guys can pick up something for your own gameplay win or loss i just record the games in a row and see how the matches turn out and i'll do my best to explain my thoughts as always but let's see how these games go hope you guys enjoy [Music] all right we got lj on my team against bali and sosa i've seen bally around quite a bit lately actually in ranked he must have reached a little bit higher on marta to reach the team uh reach these games hopefully i'll they can stay with that like a boost let's help the wall really hard gonna go for this most likely i'm just gonna go for 50 50. i'll go from the boost now ld should have this nice boom so this is probably gonna clear this across i see that i'm gonna get ready for the return over the one maybe i can bump him close i'm gonna go for the ball on the next player that way uh we could get a free opening just looking for boost pads in the mid here so lj was going back so i returned back to the back end i'm gonna go for the left side here nice that again what a shot nice i just backed off once i saw him going up uh it was way harder of a read for me because he was already up in the air for the first touch but it's good to me to look for the left side there because it's behind sosa um which means we get a free uh cut off basically i'm gonna stay with the late 5050 here makes it awkward good try and make sure okay lj has that boost so much to back off i'll just try to keep it in but he actually popped it to the uh to the other team with that touch probably tip is pretty hard clear to the corner it's all good so it says in the corner here but there's no boost so he's probably gonna turn in wide try to go for the demo off that but good 50 50. right there i was trying to cover to make sure that in case the 5050 went wide uh over me i could still uh cover it nice demo i'd be really careful there because he could have chipped that really high go for a high air dribble over him it's a decent try for a dunk there from lj but i'm going to be in a 1v2 because of that ollie ends up throwing it away though so i'm going to keep this close in the corner it bounces nicely for lj hopefully decides to play a patient could follow us up with the next touch see if i can stay close to this i could awkward first clear get a bump too i was going to free space so right now we're just using the space really well on the field i did a video recently talking about space whoa watch out for the demos um and just talking about how like the touches that you make and the 50 50s that you go for should should keep the ball close to your team no matter which way it's won or lost like right here keeping this close to the wall that way uh lj can beat him i thought it was a free win but it was close it's not a great touch going to pop to mid elder tried for it if elijah if uh supposed to catch this early um oh you touched it um i was gonna say something to that earlier to be okay i'm getting caught up with lj a lot here but that's okay i'm just gonna stay back with 30 boosts kind of something supposed to take his time and control that there so i just wanted for the immediate challenge a little bit risky but uh it's probably my best option rather than getting one v two'd nice cut i think lj leaving that for me would have been better though that's an interesting touch so it's gonna go for this i'm just gonna fake this on the wall wait for the next boom so i think so so boost because he did that because of the way that he caught it it's a decent catch too getting bally's way good take this back over bali i'll fake this touch good try should be lj's ball once again that 50 50 being late like that is gonna lead it back to my team uh good 50 50 from sosa get the bump wait for bali to go in and challenge so we fast enough and there we go do a little quick chip shot i saw supposed to go for the corner so i had a little bit more time on my lead up let me get the free win there oh not free win i mean just mean the forfeit it wasn't a free win at all oh he's actually pretty solid yeah he seems to be uh going up in points i actually have my mr on right now but if i go to the q menu if i go to here uh i'm at 1981 now at the beginning i think it was 1974 so we got a few points i'll turn that back on actually i turned it off uh just because sometimes i actually find i play better when i don't see the mmr especially with players i don't actually know uh so if i do that it's good for videos that i have it on so you can see uh the points and if we win or lose so it's actually really weird because i i did turn off uh mmr uh when i was queuing just offline like off of stream and youtube uh i actually find that i do play quite a bit better a lot of the times um when i don't see that it's more with like players i don't recognize like bali for example like seeing that he's 1861 would make me think that he's like maybe not as solid as the other players but he is pretty good i have time here for the reverse clear i keep that to my teammate yeah and he was gonna beat me there i shouldn't have went i don't know why i went i thought maybe there would be a little more time there we go got some space here put that behind sosa it was awkward you guys have a free ball now good touch could follow it up too what a fall nice shot oh played uh my my challenge there from sosa i should have expected him to have that because he was pretty high boost so that could have been a lot worse if the if his pop was on target because no way eva would have gotten back so well played from uh evo to get the the clear back and that shot there as well so starting to follow with the 50 50. it's probably gonna be a goal too i might have saw that too slow he definitely should have scored that it was definitely open oh wait here for a second go for the late 50 50 because he turned he will need to go back for the back shot hit save make sure it's an awkward touch for him i can waste his boost stay with us again here i'm pretty little boost so i gotta be a little bit careful with his touches nice cash from evo2 and i can get a few pads i see the pad on the left here go for that one close pop it up nice and high hopefully i can return for the boost that's why i went for that touch to try and get the corner boost off that flip too see if evo goes to the backboard i'm gonna wait for this touch from ollie whoa not the greatest touch i had to watch out for the demo and with wally clearing that it should be a free touch from evo off the backboard i'm gonna stay with this too that's a challenge that's totally fine no it's not i thought it was gonna go around the sidewall a little more but it popped out mid um a little bit a little bit of a late flip from evo i tried to force that 50 50 to go into the curve and it just didn't pop up far enough that was going to go over the left side of the net but it ended up popping out even though i thought i forced it into that that corner to pop it really high but i i don't know sometimes it doesn't pop out as far as you think it should should be evo's ball here so it's up early he missed go for the bump good save over the 50 50 as well that might be in let's go nice yeah he left it for me in the midfield i expected him to go back because i thought he was gonna see the pinch coming but i end up getting a free pinch here because he goes for the mid boost and bali jumps up early but uh we get a free clear it's pretty good i'm gonna try and see if we can take this instead oh okay i need boost he says well i'll force it uh into him i guess nice whoa there we go couldn't quite get the shot there's gonna be a 1v 1v2 for evo now it's not a win for this i scared him off enough that evo gets a free ball now take the boost from him try to get the late scoop so you left that boost in the corner which is not good because that means uh it's also gonna have a free boost position but i think bali went way too far forward he did and we get another free clear uh ollie was too scared to challenge which makes sense but he was also pushed up off the initial uh pop i think he maybe thought sus was going to get a 50 50. ends up not getting one it's gonna be an awkward bounce here i'm to go for a shot i should not have went for the boost but that was a little bit scary it was almost better for me to fake that but bali missed the uh the read on where i was going to include the ball good pop better pop it far evil definitely doing a lot of work here i'm just gonna wait for his touch off the cross alright so molly touches it but that actually just gives the ball right back to evo oh uh frank ah he's in my chat he's on my discord what are you doing frank frank hello i'm recording oh the game's over i've never been jump scared so much of my life i was sitting in a i think it was in rapid and he scared me so much when he enjoyed it i got plus zero for some reason i got a 1990 now oh my goodness hey well good news is we're almost at 2000 mmr which is actually probably the first time this season i'll be reaching that because i haven't actually played too much rank this season i'm trying to play more and like i said hopefully reach into the top 10 but i'll have to see how this goes because uh so far we've been lucky on like whenever i record i definitely focus a lot more and it's definitely a lot better but as you can see i do include any losses i get while i record it's just uh it's been a bit of a struggle to get up this mmr but now that we're here i i definitely have a better understanding of players at the highest highest level um which is actually why i find it a little bit harder sometimes to play uh teams of players that are like 700 1800 they're all really solid and it's really hard to tell how consistent they're going to be and sometimes they kind of surprise you all right tied in mirror versus taroko and i there was a 1906. they're actually like doing pretty well compared to some pros uh in the ranked leaderboard it's pretty hard to get to the top top 10 right now because i know there's a lot of solid players that have been grinding super crazy and they're super hard mmr but we're going to do our best i can't go for this i'm just going to wait behind wait for his touches ty's going to have a touch here kind of throw it away though i'm going to take this boost since turquoise isn't taking it good pass across smart of them to put it around me stay close to this where's 50 50 hopefully turtle can get this it's a decent fake could be a goal though i'll get back fast enough here almost got he gave me a free shot i should just went for the shot there actually because he definitely should have blocked that i think for them to just leave it nice pop it off the backboard should be a free shot from troko and there it is yeah so they they kind of uh threw away their defense there a little bit with the guy flipping right there miro i think it was on the floor i knew that he couldn't reach the ball fast enough with his momentum you'd have to slow down and then that and that little timing difference it's gonna allow us to go for the ball first so i just made sure to go for it and since he committed right afterwards it's still that's gonna be open actually too oh nevermind uh it's still open okay i might have to do another one i don't know what's going on right now we're just getting points after points um getting pretty lucky with the the the uh q's too because stroke was really high level and these two are both 800. i go for the bump do a free shot again oh close and again wow yeah we're definitely going to do another one here if this keeps going like this i don't know what's going on i mean this this climb to rank 10 might be a lot faster than i expected um i've been actually taking a bit of a break from rocket league because uh a little a little burnt out as far as like competitive rocket goes i still love custom stuff obviously it's super fun always that's not a good challenge for me oops he threw that away a little bit too much with his uh oh it's not going stay close here there you go good fake did not mean to make that touch but that's okay though that's interesting definitely like a bit of a scuff up for me i shouldn't have touched the ball so soon i'll um take this oh did he put the chocolate to go on that i shouldn't pop it like that though oh this is uh this is a little scuffed there we go works out we got three goal leads super early and now we're just kind of sitting really comfortable on it close i tried to like really scoop that to my teammate off that follow up over the one go for the corner boost now lots of space to flick it they do get a touch but it's probably going to be to my teammate that is to them now again though get that pretty heavy still probably shouldn't went for it though all right so go for the boost first because they're going to chase it around the one couldn't quite get to it i just try to bump him as well good save avoid the bump don't really have too much to worry about except for this play here could be bad it's all right 50 50 again go for this before the opponent can and now we get a free clear this boost should be here in a second there we go it's a decent touch but ty's going to get that now there we go mirror's going to try and go for this immediately i'm just going to try and force it there we go just leaning around the corner if you're trying to go for this immediately i can get the demo on him and now we get a free touch he's forcing his hand we know we know all the options that he has acid dynamically maybe oh so close i tried to back off in a way that i could still recover even if it doesn't go well and not waste all my boost wait for the pass to cross here i was definitely open i don't know why i didn't score i gotta just boom that really hard oh there you go see if you can bump him and it's just gonna roll in oh no oh what a save all right i'm gonna try and pinch this again maybe if he throws it away like that it's all good there's no one there choco knows that wait for tide's touch go for the early flick probably grab the back corner there's not too much not too much of a worry of being up there even with mirrors touch here so we're gonna go to troco keep this close force 5050. it's a good play but we do bump him oh he's still not there oh no it could be a goal yeah that was a good bump from uh it was a mirror i think i shouldn't have clicked i was trying to pop it out for my teammate but i realized he was actually backing off of the player who who was demoing him so uh there wasn't really any reason for me to try and flick that especially with little boos i just go for a force 50 50. i could have went around the ball into a position where i could just like force it if bureau goes for this he's really low boost so i don't think he's going to do too much it just wastes boost here there we go now we just make sure we secure that corner so we can't stay with it oh i got bumped on my jump it's okay though it's gonna be awkward shot here he missed they both pumped each other fake this pop it around him that bounce off the curve all close did you get the win though and i think that's gonna be probably like five points because we did have yeah five points there we go i got a pretty good feeling of how many points i'm gonna get per game nowadays but uh let's do one more that was pretty rough it was both both gc3s for the final game here we don't want to end with that we got sniper matt in our team against karma and bali bali's been in almost every episode or every every game i think just the one the last game he wasn't in i was saying miro a lot that's pretty bad throw away from my teammate but they also threw the ball away pretty hard i should not have left that but it's okay oh i'm gonna go for immediate shot here try to force it out for my teammate he's pretty low boost so be a little bit careful good play like the patients don't like to throw away right there though because they still didn't have the ball can't quite go for this there we go good save it's off my teammate stays with it he does good flick go for the 50 50. challenge better go for the late flick okay that should be my teammate's ball now the balance if he's ready let's see what he does here all right sorry matt's kind of pushed up a little bit so he's gonna go back trying to force it good clear not the greatest could have been forward more because wally's gonna have a touch now but they did throw the ball away now so i got a free clear let's go for a high clear see if my matt wants to go for it i'm gonna wait instead ah not the greatest i tried to follow it up though because ollie wasn't really covering it well oh my goodness i'm not a big fan of what my teammates doing it's been pretty awkward because he's like not trusting me at all but uh it's okay we're gonna work with it we should touch this late make it awkward been a pretty weird rotation so far good i was hoping my teammate would go for the follow-up on the left wall all right at least we got some space now there you go i hear polly up and i want to challenge teammates challenging really late again she still has it so i'll be careful with that this could be open if i can get around to it nice there we go pretty awkward game hopefully we can uh sneak out the dub here we got two and a half minutes still to go but it's been pretty tight back and forth some shots on both teams got some saves karma's holding the fort in awkward rotation choices for my teammate as far as like what he's going for but i'm trying to just make sure i cover uh the worst option this could be a goal though go for a late 50. uh not a great half flip pivot a lot faster i don't even know how he did that i'm gonna wait for the late 5050 here give me a goal yeah um she caught it really well off the sidewall and my teammate was pushed up off the front post i believe oh yeah right there you push up the front post once you see that someone has the the wall carry you definitely want to stay back post and wait for the pass out uh you kind of have to cover all the options you can hopefully my team can stay with this though oh this is a bit awkward like i said hopefully we can just force the ball high here and my teammate missed how much i can do with that so once again pretty awkward game got two minutes to go i think my team was a no he just he just air world really wrong like he kind of like double jumped and then flew off the ball instead of towards it it's a bit of inexperience at this level of gameplay it's gonna plague you hopefully my team can get there it's pretty free nice there we go see i just went for the late 5050 there to make it force mid because i knew that uh bali was gonna go for the mid boost which means anywhere in the midfield is is free for us as long as karma goes for the challenge he does and we get a free eagle go for the shot if i can should be in almost nice yeah i try to go for the shot i didn't quite get it as far left as i wanted to but we're really fortunate that it actually bounced off the right post if it didn't it would have been a free collection for them but there i'm just focusing on getting the really really direct shot oh wait for the shot here from karma she's got a flip reset nice good of my teammate to cover that option pass this four with my team he just stayed forward there it's definitely clear for me but now we're under pressure because he went back off that touch okay i can't quite catch the wall here good catch though or a good 50 50. should we get the boost and go for a pop okay a little bit hard i can't go for the shot now because he went really tight to the wall good i like that touch because it keeps it close to the corner here go for the fall off wall touch go for the demo teammate should be there that's a much better rotation being ready for that touch wanting to 50 50 this or go in for the challenge there we go good catch he's gonna be there so i'm gonna wait for the touch pop it forward it could be in if it loop if it falls fast enough not quite good steal like that probably still caught it though so i gotta be a little careful new for the immediate flick i need to go for the immediate flick there um once i saw karma turn and then get a free shot i'm just waiting for her to turn on that ball the second she does right here i can wait i can bait in that quick catch and then go for the flick over oh my controller my controller no no oh my god i hate that man uh we did i was gonna say we did get out of this game uh pretty uh pretty luckily but as i do that i my second button doesn't click good my teammate got some space if she spawns the left here it's actually a lot better for us should not have went for that but it should be okay for us still he's got some boost but oh good follow-up nice nice one i'm surprised he had enough boost for that because he went for this uh this boost right here he boosted there and then i thought he wouldn't have enough to go for the follow-up air dribble that was really good for him from him so we cleaned it up in the last half luckily but they had us in the first half i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna go for the mid boost and wait for karma to go for the challenge good fake you kind of threw it to me though so i'm just going to shoot it for the far right i actually probably would have better to pop that higher because now they get a uh they get a free touch make sure to shoot this to the left a little bit so it goes over karma's head in the corner so no for the fake because i thought he was gonna challenge which he does ended up missing the ball though good 50 50. hit this down the far field and that should be it we got two goal leads so well played go for the bump on ball here maybe oh close well it was pretty good set of four games we actually made it above 2kmr but we should have at least oh there we go for the first time and i don't know why it's 1994 it uh it's plus five and then plus four but i promise i don't i don't cut out games i don't care if i win or lose that's more for your education or just helping you guys so i hope you guys enjoyed the episode definitely interesting one no losses this time around i think the last one we had one or two losses but until next time have a great day guys we'll catch you guys the next one you
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 207,985
Rating: 4.9727411 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, Got, The, Cleanest, Pinch, While, Going, For, 10, In, 2v2, Sunless
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 28 2021
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