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it's been quite a while since we visited the medieval town of rocket league on my channel and if you missed the medieval mayhem 5 day event on my channel i highly recommend checking it out so you're more familiar with these maps but this time around the king has asked his knights to entertain him in the jousting arena okay real talk what even is my content anymore it's getting ridiculous but i absolutely love it welcome to rocket league jousting where you face off against your opponent in one of the oldest styles of 1v1 when you enter the arena you grab hold of a lance and try your best to knock your opponent into the water since we're cars i thought water was pretty deadly to electric vehicles so make sure not to fall in or you'll get zapped and your opponent gains a point the gameplay is honestly pretty fluid no pun intended because when you die you spawn back in the stands and your team can choose who to send in next to take on the current champion in the ring we ended up changing the rules quite a bit here and there throughout the final matches like doing a full 2v2 which became extremely chaotic so i hope you guys enjoy this one let's jump right in [Music] all right jg make the blue demons proud brother danny we need some like epic music yeah we do need some epic music please wait are we supposed to go up there no no no you can just it's just sumo but it's just sumo with the boots up there yeah i mean are you one of the best on the pole oh my gosh i'm watching oh wait one sec needs help guys good luck driving there the whole way on the on the thing i i just feel like somebody's gonna fall alright let's go yeah here we go you look excited to see me oh my god oh i didn't disassemble i didn't disable demos i totally forgot what happened [Laughter] all right i guess this is the official first round [Music] [Music] this is surreal oh nice okay so he stays in and now it's a new challenger new challenger approaches you don't have to jump like this every time guys yo since when they have rocket-powered horses man they're just a lancer oh oh my god dude just the better joster okay wait a minute [Music] there's no way right [Music] right now do the thing oh that did nothing nope oh i can make it back though let's go no stay away from me for me what is this oh guys what is this people get lost off yes did he survive oh he died he died wait did they do did you guys just get a point well that's the second kill you got two points right i was alive longer though [Laughter] oh he's out okay i'm done get demon bro you got the xerx okay that's crazy um xerx if you make it back it'll be incredible that would have been the best recovery of all time wait jd one sec one second just just come here for a second just don't i'm not gonna do anything just like sit there i believe yeah all right turn around turn around turn around real quick oh god no change probably try and do it oh my god what i honestly thought that was rigged i don't know what that was oh come on he's got he's got a bit of running back it up back it up trying this is wild this is crazy man oh nice gg it's all day that's all day no i didn't oh no he's definitely dead but he did have a flip oh wait from the grave i don't know he's back he's back dude for some reason when i hit the wall i use my flip like or my jump a little too early oh you hit him into the pole you want to touch tips what a recovery you're gonna be in trouble here yo these lances are broken man what is going on oh my god violence oh my god oh my dude oh my god that was so violent you i got you all day ready wait hear me out hear me out i just spawned i have no boost i'm so excited watch that yeah bro okay i'm that's so rude oh from the grave yep wait actually wait come on oh dude dude the effort was there though xerx you were like i got the long range grapple glance because i just like knocked him from this the the lake oh am i getting spawned if you're on the platform you're playing brother oh oh wait dude oh my what is what is going on no that was stupid for me frick uh oh oh watch your family brother yeah you're gone is he gonna make it back no he can't make it back there's no let's way like first to like 25 honestly this is going pretty quick this is quick man what it's grinding the rails fighting back i'm going to act up i'm going to act up dude that hit me so much harder than it should have oh oh are you dead oh he's totally fine oh my god what is fine [Laughter] oh my god this is crazy what are these two doing he's about to beat you he's ready oh oh my god he survived what [Laughter] this one sorry this is the streak you're good dude oh my gosh he's just fine dude oh my god i'm gonna scr dude this is rigged this is actually working i don't know man you guys just aren't the the blue demons really didn't come to play hold up come here oh my god can you explain that to me dude i'm not understanding either it's very specific it's very good measures oh [Music] same things man no they're not boots oh my jt god are going to make the greatest jousting comeback we're just setting it up we're saying it up of course of course i'm playing so strategically there's no shot anything bad happened could this be the round no maybe not oh wait i see him yeah no wait i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead oh he died you guys gotta you guys get a point because uh he he fell out so uh i gotta go i gotta steal the lance back here we go all right well yeah i believe jg i just need you to get like oh hit him to wait a minute i canceled it nah nah nah nah nah nah nah that made no sense she did not cancel that well he just did it again i almost made it back too it's we made it to 25 in like 13 minutes all right let's change to the teams switch switch up teams let's go again let's just start it over i don't want to be a blue demon what's wrong with both demons you know what man you you you stay up there and learn to love it then you go in all right give us like a 5-0 lead get one or two and then we'll run that back oh oh oh oh oh oh a bit of a near miss there all right round two my horse hurts leg on that on that round all right i'm 25. oh okay okay okay oh i almost fell off oh my god are you dead left i might be dead yeah i'm dead i'm yep yep i shouldn't waste all my boost all right come on in man i was afraid that you i was praying that you boosted like i tried to boot it didn't quite work oh my god would i save oh wait oh brother oh oh wait he died yeah okay yeah we'll take the two points i sacrificed my life oh the cancel the flip that's good no don't run away from me uh yeah get him boy why are you running why are strictly [Laughter] oh my god oh my god i'm i mean business right now strictly business yep oh my god i mean excuse me i'm not sure how i didn't go anywhere but yeah i don't know the half flips with the with the thing is is how how did i how did i hit the wall you hit me off the pole i'm switching up the play style yeah things weren't working it's an interesting strategy you've got going on here it's called the poll strategy yes there's a lot you gotta experience at the poll yeah dude uh you just put your jousting thing through the poll and you're good right now oh you're beyond touching tips oh you got it you're so good oh my god it's so good jump for the boot squire all right let's go go let's go we can see him get out of there get out of there buddy we're in the arena yeah he's going aggressive he's going aggressive oh no all right i made it let's go let's go just really though all right this is a big one that's a big round nice uh good luck you can't make it let's go [Music] this is fine this is fine get out of here oh good try good try get off the pole no that's what you did to me exactly very emotional very cool oh no hey oh no oh you got me he got me he got me went so far oh my god do i need a high five really quick high five really yeah i'll send you in there that's weird wait you make it back i'll rip oh i made it last one wait did you die hey he died yeah i didn't i was gonna save whoa whoa whoa whoa what wait wait you're on the field you're playing man you can't be give me uh [Laughter] okay all right so yeah he landed up here all right left full aggression full aggression oh my god told you full aggression i think he's dead yeah oh brother oh my god you almost made it he did i didn't have any momentum there with a hundred boost oh man run it up no i'm gonna scream this is easy easy peasy full aggression oh should not have done that full aggression was not a good idea bye-bye come on guys you got this you got this nice turtles for good luck but he's grinding on the rail oh no nice let's go there's not a sword tony hawk on the one xerx what was that you guys are kissing cute dude i wanted to put it why does it not like onto you because if the lance if the lance is in the way you can't boot you got to be careful with the lance the lance blocks line of sight you get it you gotta aim it nicely okay you kill him uh [Music] [Laughter] wait i lost my flip that's such bs dude i just lost it on the wall don't don't do it don't do it okay okay i was just hoping the toll would save me i got really lucky because you actually had me on the ropes there i was so scared please no please no yeah i knew it yeah there it is i had zero boost all right xerx you got this yep coming in with style good feeling feeling energized oh you are he's come back he might he ran out of sleep you waited too long get him god get him he's nervous oh no on the surface good night let's go now you got this i need you to get him he hurt me no way oh my god he took my legs away first [Music] he stole my lance i was defenseless man what was supposed to do he stole my legs no i was [ __ ] laughing no oh [Music] oh my god bro uh stalemate this is a real lead hear me out guys let's join wait what two two yeah let's go let's go get in there i stole the lance from him let's go back it up back it up back up there oh my god ah get out of here my lance is gone okay let's go let's go spawn and join yeah go go go go for it oh i'm being gangbanged [Laughter] oh [Laughter] dude i'm just seeing like a group of like big lances flying at me man keep your pole away from me i got it i say i say [Laughter] absolute chaos finish [Music] dude oh my gosh well i'm the worst one all right well that was i just spawned so we do one last round for the whole whole rotation yes i enjoy this all right now that we had a taste of the 2v2 uh we should do uh we should do a full full 2v2 all right how about this the guy with the lance the guy with the lance gets the boot the other guys don't get to use them all right all right i'm a knight help out wait both of you don't have a lance well you know oh nice help oh oh my god jg we're menaces we're menaces oh my god go we gotta get points here yeah we need a stretch you're not going at once i'm getting strong killed i'm being spawn killed like i'm in cod he has my spawn to a t [Music] trap whoa whoa i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead hey man it sucks okay hey i can use a boot now uh i guess so i need god okay i guess i died yeah i did i mean we could just both use it then i think we should there's just only one working glance unfortunately oh my god wake up oh my god wait i made it i made it let's go jg's that was crazy all right dude oh okay why did i flip it i didn't know how i saved that one oh the recovery let's go get him get him both i'm dead bye oh nine nine uh ten nine unfortunately lit this is very active yeah i gameplay so you like waiting for the water oh what are you oh uh i can't get from the grave oh my goodness dude what the heck coming in what was that recovery oh my gosh please let me boot no i was just running i was just almost had it what dude get over me i tried to bump you and then i went off the edge did you we are shut up into the water that's what you got come here no problem i got you oh you could just go and just boot instantly nice oh from the grave yeah go get them oh my god oh the game is close man game is close get in there soldier oh my we need to regroup again go let's hold on dude that was a nice recovery my goodness i gave the point for uh zerks falling off yep is that a lancer are you happy to see me both good man all right we win now we win no dude there's no way i survived well there's almost zero way i make it back yeah i'm dead scores close this is it go this is our time this is our time i'll come and help jd you're so heavy wow oh my god all right wait tell me who did i hit who look at me dude sir i used my reverse cam to get a line of sight on you while i was dying wait that play was insane wait they're one point awake someone clipped there oh i know i think left's dead guys no way here oh wait he's gonna boot no i'm dead i'm dead it's 22-24 jg survive survive all right let's go i'm not going to go back up let's come in oh god oh my god they're so scared they're so scared they're so scared jerks help me please oh man it's so close too no oh my god i hope you guys enjoyed rocket league jousting what a blast though that the jokes definitely made it better that was so funny oh my gosh i love those that was so good hope you guys enjoyed like i said this will be available to our patreons early uh our patrons early as always and uh hopefully on the website in a week or so until next time have a great day guys we'll catch you guys next one
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 107,864
Rating: 4.9601526 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, Introducing, Jousting, With, Actual, Lances
Id: R-ZZd6mEEvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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