Rocket League, but every time you score you SHRINK!

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we've done quite a few videos lately surrounding bigger and smaller cars and they've been getting pretty ridiculous like when i went against four gigantic bots and they absolutely slapped me around the field oh i said dude the grass tripped me but we've never really taken an approach to the custom car size mods surrounding competitive gameplay i know how much you guys enjoyed the banter between arsenal and myself so i thought i'd challenge him to a 1v1 but every time we score our car either grows or shrinks i say either because we tried both ways in the video we honestly can't tell which way is more of an advantage so maybe you guys can decide if growing or shrinking is more of an advantage by the end of this video i hope you guys enjoyed this interesting spin on competitive 1v1s let's jump right in [Music] you know what it is arsenal's the classic manfield knight the first game is regular yeah first all right just a regular 1v1 it feels so heavy after dodgeball this is kind of bad are you sniping me all right oh give me this ball what you doing we're gonna waste the entire 1v1 just doing a normal 1v1 yeah i know how long over no what am i doing okay well well played well played i'm slightly bigger you're slightly smaller do you feel a little smaller uh yeah a little bit a little bit no yeah actually i can't feel it i'm flipping so fast i feel you're definitely a little smaller yeah no just a little god chomp what was that john body me huh oh you're trying to do that okay you're sweating you're actually sweating this is my type vibe right i think you actually have an advantage right now no probably but i want okay you're scoring with 0.9 size i guess that's that's that's cool that's cool that's kind of a peak shot too god it looks like it looks like my camera's legs are changing it's kind of funny oh you're so tiny no yeah that's bad that's bad all right we go back up we go back up you're so small i gotta bring it back gotta bring it back to zero not gonna happen sorry man sorry buddy feel really weird wow oh good try good try good try all right i actually get bodies on every single like bump i like that i'm ginormous bro oh my goodness all right so that's even again yeah we're back to normal wait are you clipping on me let me put it on me yeah let me see something i i knew that was going to happen bro i had a feeling i had a feeling the air did change you wink wait how like how like how i feel bigger i'm a little smaller now yeah it's just like my camera's getting changed that's what it feels like oh my god oh my god yeah it's like so weird this is heavy behind well you look so tiny you look like i am tiny like it's like we're a difference of zero point zero point uh two size oh my goodness okay we're never going to get we're never going to get like past like the 1.2 area i'm gonna take over bro baby car oh my you fell for that no no no you can't you can't we fall for that man that was so bad ah what what what are you saying like you were going for you you thought i was going for the mid boost so you turned and then i went back what you were doing i just was like all right if i was just backflipped that'd been your career nope are you gonna messy flake on me just sauce on me [Music] no no wow that's a little behind car got something no tiny car yeah don't miss okay that's pretty free it's pretty free no yeah i'm about to say like i hope i might have to change this to like every uh every goal you go down 0.2 instead of 0.1 all right i'll see if i'll score here cause i've scored i'm going on the streak i don't know about that oh that you can't be doing that i won't be ones man oh oh geez louise i thought i thought i knew you i thought i knew you for a second uh you i mean you you kind of figured me out a little bit yeah i didn't think you know i was like i would let them go because why not yeah because that's what i do man you know oh my 50s are just i'm not you're just not here yeah i'm not here what are you doing hitting the boost huh yeah let me find out you actually score those oh like i'm just what is that there's no way it's gonna keep going you know you're passing it no oh okay all right i got zero point 0.8 now i get to experience that for the first time you're gonna be a chunker boy yeah i'm i already feel chunky dude i'm almost the size of a boost pad back here i'm so much faster oh i just feel so heavy i feel like i absolutely break oh my god is it would you prefer to be the other way then we could do the other way after this game wow you look so small oh my god you're like literally the size of the net you look so cute oh get off me oh oh no a little baby car don't got no power how long oh no don't do it i can't even behind i don't know if being small or bigger is the advantage i'd rather be bigger smaller i mean i feel so much faster yeah you can do oh no yeah you can just yeah you can't and i'm dead oh that will go the other way around my mechanics i don't know if it's better though i think for you maybe we'll do we'll do 0.2 and see how it goes i i think it's actually way worse to be small like once you're down to like 0.6 you can't control your car oh rather i want to try it all right let's do 0.2 then every time every time yeah every time you score you go down with 0.2 let me uh reset the kickoff all right kind of game just looks so weird yeah i know sorry i'm gonna mess with your brain a little bit with this they're just uncle oh my god i don't know what are you gonna do oh okay nice all right okay so now it's now it's down to 0.8 right away and you you get 1.2 i'm telling you i don't think it's good to be low once you're like down in 0.6 area it's a little terrifying i mean my car just feels happy here it's okay it's gonna be good it's like it's like training wheels you're gonna you're gonna feel really like light afterwards like i can't even flick the ball like i can't even dribble you're dead sorry oh my god you're just there well i am we're back we're back that's gotta go i'm gonna just shoot yeah i knew you're gonna fake that man yeah cringe i just got let's tell icons we're just gonna do whatever i'm saying and you know of course all right i'm gonna go for the kickoff [Music] oh yeah i feel so speedy actually it's pretty fast hey where are you going wait no i feel so speedy are you too sweety no not even that like we're back we're back in the middle again let's go on ciao yeah i knew it i knew you're actually going to do it i knew i had a feeling i was like you're totally going to do what you actually say this time i'm in your head man i'm in your head you are you're deep in my cranium get away you little i am a little rat you're like a giant goliath yeah i know i don't have the mechanics for this not in a 1.2 car but no it's actually so massive i'm going down to 0.6 or up to 1.4 i'm not i'm actually not going to control my car i'm behind so tiny oh gosh oh gosh uh we're back again let's see how fast you spin yeah i got dang it's been floated yeah i have no i have no weight behind me the 50 50s are just like 10 90s maybe oh hear me out hear me out hear me out okay i'm hearing i'm literally lifting already dude ears open eyes we just keep going back to default i i tried to troll you i tried to show you i know you live your little your little games won't work on me will they no they won't because look go ahead try to shoot go ahead let's assume cool you were a little scared that was not i didn't know i wasn't going there oh keeping it up yeah give it up keep it up go go go go go go go i'm not gonna lie i can't get the blue so i don't want to keep it up what was that what was that did you like do a slow kick off there yep oh hit that a little too hard a little too hard man that's part of my plan get the mid fake takes control here 50 stay on the bomb you know okay come on man bang yep oh my god what you want to say wait don't miss oh you got yeah you got that i had to jump continue bro i want to use the smaller car oh maybe we can do another one another one oh you want to do the other way all right yeah so you can experience it when you when you lose yeah yeah yeah grab the orange side real quick so now if you score you go bigger yeah okay now watch this bro see are you turtle are you turtle air drilling i'm just oh my god oh my goodness you might have missed flipped oh you gotta you have to be bigger i don't mind being smaller man no yeah i know that's why you just did that yeah of course i just wanted to be the smaller car let's go it's all working out bro you actually flipped so fast because i actually do feel like a little rat no you forced the 50 50. wow all right we're getting into a little scary territory actually being this small massive bro well you're massive how could i possibly anticipate that let's go oh my dude i'm so small you're not even there for the 50 bro i imagine god you move like a flash though yeah it's a little scary i'm telling you being big is so good wait it's a little big no dude i'm telling you being big is so good you're such a liar i'm gonna be so small like i'm i am so tiny i have no movement it's a good little homie oh my god it actually looks like you're teleporting yeah i'm tiny i need to score if you score i am dead there's no there's no coming back i can't even see you bro oh my god i can't even see when you're hitting the ball yeah welcome to my struggle i don't even know how i'm gonna hit the ball dude it's impossible let's get scared look at how easy it is for you ah i'm gonna be 0.2 i can't there's no way i actually can't i can't there's no way i can't turn there's no way no my car flies off the floor arsenal yo do you even see me oh i can't bro you're actually like invisible i can't drive i think we should have like a cap on the mini size because i i cannot i'm flying stuck in the net yeah okay cool all right man you want to you want to experience what i'm doing dealing with here yeah let me see until you hit the ball this is a troll bro dude i think i think i think 0.6 needs to be the smallest like it's just so bad all right you go back to 1.1.8 i'll go back to 0.6 good genius let's go okay i got to get a little bigger there's no way all right now we're a little offset because of the uh the difference get off me of course of course of course i'm gonna have time here i'm in the ground oh my god that's so menacing i was actually in the ground no way you hit me i'm in the ground are you still on the ground oh yeah it's because i it's because i it's because i spawned off the demo oh good luck man [Music] uh yeah you don't want to you don't want to demo the player because uh at a bigger size it gets really sketchy a long big body okay big body big body big body oh my god get off the ball you're so big thank you dude that's not what i meant i'm on you bro i'm on youtube there's no way you could do that oh you're so cringe you're so cringe all right you take it you take it sorry buddy el pal i still think being bigger is uh definitely more advantageous no yeah i mean based on like the little one point the point one changes like it's being smaller with so much better but i'm just a massive little baby boy yeah i got i got some time today i wanna ball that left i'm sorry brother i don't know man 40 seconds two goals [Music] watch this [Music] watch what the recoveries watch what i'm lagging that's crazy man i'm lucky really bad timing you know what that means we're we're now the same size just a slightly larger 1v1 oh yeah i'm going to score [Music] no way no way oh you're bm you're keeping it up okay all right come on what are you gonna do oh what a pinch okay all right all right i mean you're a bookie bro you're bookie you're bookie oh you all right all right all right seems like you like the bigger car maybe maybe i threw a little start um regular car bigger car don't matter still work well we're gonna go we're gonna go back to scoring you go smaller but there will be a cap we'll only do 0.6 because that's uh i think below 0.6 you can't actually drive your car anymore no yeah it was so bad here we go it's regular size yes everything's so soft yeah excuse me get off me go again okay and get the go i don't know i'm just sorry just going for the shot uh what's him away all right all right you're a little bigger hey man this is my true calling a lot of stuff being said in this this recording process oh yeah that's in the net we back to normal yeah we're back to normal it's okay definitely can't breathe you think so i get breezy don't bother oh finch you got that good try buddy it's not enough huh yeah you're sitting on my car you're sitting on my car get off me ride to go number you're the perfect perfect toilet not bad bro uh you're still saving it now that corner's gonna spawn for me too broccoli get this on my side no it's well if it was still on your side why are you only tied with me i got the motherfu i thought i'd go three are you scoring this talk to me talk to me i'm scoring you weren't talking to me though i was focusing man i i gotta sweat on you because you're sweating on me why i'm not sweating bro oh yeah yeah of course i i don't believe it i don't believe it i don't believe it wait oh my gosh first touch where are you oh this touch is not good oh oh it bodied oh oh i thought you just i went under you i went under you can't down what you can't deal with me it's impossible i can't you're actually a demo dodger i thought you're going wait are you scared are you scared no i'm about to just dump on you again you actually killed me i don't i thought you couldn't even hit me oh my god you back to it no you did but i didn't expect you to get there i think i feel so slow oh my gosh my car what are you trying to do i don't know give it to you apparently my car just died that's unlucky like you know your flippers and it just dies the speed uh yeah i mean it just kind of like poops on itself what are you doing i'm struggling huh just hanging out how are you doing i'm good and why are you challenging me yeah i mean i'm sweating oh no yeah not apparently bro no it's just going for the ball i mean just whenever it's not responding that is not rocket league but you just go for the ball oh you missed stop left okay i'll just you know putting for the lows left for the lows you wouldn't understand feeling some hostility in it's called today man what the heck nope playing on the car side oh i guess i'll bump you uh you okay i'm already [Applause] are you gonna go for this again no no no no no oh you're messing up what are you doing last last chance last chance i'm gonna challenge oh oh keep it up i'm so light look at yeah let's keep it up get up go go go go go come on come on keep it up it's still up give me enough for you yeah keep you up no i'm trying i'm you bought me off of the next touchdown no mechanic you pulled me off i always wasn't doing anything no no you actually no man i guess the smaller cars just uh oh probably i don't care i'll take my yeah yeah yeah i took my l properly but you just took more or less oh wow thank you so much that's great it's awesome yeah every single game uh you just won the last game what are you talking about comments you let us know who was sweating harder i think it was uh yeah it was arsenal arsenal's bro we got beef beef with your viewers no your viewers bro oh yeah my viewers are your viewers though man i share my viewers no no yours are gonna be like arsenal's sweating so hard but but they probably watch you too no but like are the rc babies are gonna be like yeah well if you don't if you don't watch arsenal already you should and you should subscribe and uh if you wanna see me be left in more videos make sure to leave a like subscribe to the left and right channel let's go let's go this is a cringy outro bye bye
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 142,467
Rating: 4.9544516 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, But, Every, Time, You, Score, Shrink
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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