I made a Freestyle BOT and challenged a PRO in Rocket League HORSE

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if it did not teleport before the shots it would be even cooler

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ake10 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m curious what’s the interface to tell the bot what to do?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thetrombonist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

How do you download the bot

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BubonicPlague126 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Both-Revolution6651 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
sometimes all you need to do for something amazing to happen is ask the right question and for this video that question was can a bot be programmed to freestyle now those of you familiar with this channel know that we've explored some impressive bots in the past ones that can dribble or even aerial but i felt like there was potential to take rocket league ai to the next level and a programmer named first agreed with me after months of programming and testing we are excited to finally show you the results this is stallion the freestyling rocket league bot and for his world premiere i decided he should take on a rocket league pro in the classic freestyle battle known as horse and speaking of battles today's video is sponsored by the epic battles you'll find in monster legends monster legends is a free-to-play game for both android and ios that allows you to raise level and battle your own monsters there are hundreds of different monsters to collect and each has their own different skills and rarities you start out by building habitats feeding your monsters and watching them grow then when they're ready you can test their strength and powers in pvp battles team wars or even dungeons finally you can also make your own custom monster creations much like my bot has been programmed with the abilities from multiple freestylers you too can combine differently skilled monsters through a breeding program that has limitless possibilities download the game for free right now with the link below and you'll get a special reward of 50 000 food 300 000 gold 10 gems and the epic monster kri we'll have to hurry because this limited time offer is only available until september 26th so go click that link download the game collect your reward and get a head start now thanks to monster legends for sponsoring this video joining me to take on stallion is space station gaming player redles now rebels came into this knowing it was some kind of modded freestyle challenge but i decided to omit the part about it involving a bot until we got into the game now no doubt some of you watching are already expecting this to be fake and i think rebels felt the same way at the start too but let me assure you this is no prank this is the world's first freestyling rocket league bot enjoy all right first of all i have to introduce you to someone here rebels this is stallion dalian is a bot if you look at the scoreboard there's me this is my server i have zero ping stallion is a bot there's not someone else with me right and he is going to challenge you in horse shot for shot i'm a feeling the stallion might be very good at these mechanical shots i don't know he's a bot have you seen bots before in rocket league they're not that good i have but you are worrying me okay we're gonna keep it simple to start out and we're gonna do just a breezy from center got it beautiful shot it's the first time i've seen a butt do a breezy that is probably the first time publicly that a bot has done a breezy making history he gets it okay ugly not as pretty as stallions but um so what are you gonna challenge the bot to do what do i think a bot cannot do okay okay okay okay i want him to drive up to the ball do a 360 and flip it in the net can stallion move like that okay it's not hard but i don't know what the bot is limited to okay hopefully stallion doesn't take offense to you thinking that he might have trouble with this small shot there you go okay is that good enough for you it's perfect i have a feeling this will end not very well for me what will stellaine be going for today um we're going to do a single reset with an air dribble okay i like the way he doesn't turn he like flips and does it very precise yes a great shot we almost missed it was close did i get a little bit of nerves maybe maybe went into my steam recent players he's not there definitely a buck definitely okay there you go you're using your head a little bit see every time i do one of these bot videos everyone likes to call out how it's fake but there's there should be enough clues here to like tell you that it's not i don't think it's fake a dribble and a flipper set [Music] again not as pretty as stallions but it went in the net i'm going to go for a ceiling shot double touch ramp it up for stallion a little bit no oh no oh that's sad all right uh stallion's turn we're gonna put a little pressure on here riddles this is gonna be a ground pinch yeah you can set it up however you want doesn't matter okay but it has to be over 150 that's the requirement oh that is fast okay i think this is a good approach yeah that looks pretty fast 158 oh man so you just have to be over 150. all right all right okay not bad setup no that's not fast enough oh so it was a pinch though you did actually do it yeah it's way too slow 101. rattles takes the first letter depressing okay i want a goal that is under i'm and i'm in miles per hour so i don't know the conversion rate okay but a goal that is under uh three miles per hour oh my goodness okay yeah that's the one wow one mile per hour yeah it's two kilometers an hour i like what you did here because i think you did put some pressure on the bot yes i'm trying to think of the weirdest things i can that will not beat the spot mechanically but through brain power determination uh under six kilometers an hour oh i have a perfect idea for the next one too try to break my bot yes i am there we go stallion's doing it you go ahead salient oh it's going to be bar down in no no that's so depressing no i hope that meets your requirements i got zero on mine [Laughter] i mean he could have done it your way but that was just so slow that is depressing i really thought that was the first letter i really did all right we are going to do a sealing musty double tap this is not good the ceiling okay no good try that is an o that hurts it does okay so i want stallion to dribble the ball along this wall the entire way without letting it touch the ground could be a little difficult for a breakout user such as himself oh playing against the hitbox i see what's happening here okay breaking your butt sludge it's gonna happen i will i will reign victorious in this 1v1 not through quadruple slippery sets but you're dribbling it along the wall at zero miles per hour i should have made more rules you should have i'm getting i'm kind of getting scared because i feel like there's a point you're going to break it somehow and the sony's just going to sit there and just say no not doing this that is the goal okay how will we get there all right stallion i don't know what's going to happen but uh can you can you do that the buck style oh did i break it can stallion not dribble it against the wall yeah that one broke it let's go that's an h no yes no okay so now i gotta think what is frightening okay this is good at least i have a bit of a lead i might be able to play with this okay we are gonna do a pogo double tap don't like the sound of that i'm honest oh my next goal is going to involve turtling but it looks like he's not having a problem with that oh my god wait i'll be scoring i don't know you guys oh my god sorry i'm sorry you've you've forced his hand or poof if you will i don't know if i can attempt this do you need stalin out of the way for your pogo double tap that you're totally gonna get you don't believe in me i'm already penciling in the letter so you didn't specify the double touch like it doesn't have to be like his where like it just has to be a pogo double touch as long as it has those two things yes yes it will it will okay no ah that actually wasn't that bad if i like if i had gotten behind it i would have been able to do it okay i want stallion to dribble touching each corner boost while the ball is on top of his car and then score mid-left done i mean if you fail the shot's over by the way too right yeah mid-right done top right done yeah oh he's in your way man he's good he's good back or top left on oh now has the bot been broken again it might have been i'm not sure yet what is stella incapable of the bot does not like whatever you're doing yes it doesn't like it good good i hope it hates it somehow this is breaking the bot h oh we're killing it wait am i hor h or s yeah h hor right now winnable this is wonderful all right yeah stalin's not they're just refusing to even try it you broke his brain what is that going to make me do because i broke his brain this is a big question we are going to do a musty sidewall read a stallion never missed a shot has he shot the baba net and missed ever that's a complicated question i'm afraid not oh man oh it didn't make it oh there's been an error it's done it's doable what you his confidence is gone wow this is beautiful it's so funny that you would ask that and he did actually miss actually funny too that like the way it missed here like got like that super unlucky pinch off of its car this would be my turn to shoot now right because stallion missed we don't have to keep talking about that all right you're perfect but i never said it was perfect i don't think i'm in shambles right now okay so uh bot has an h and an o i didn't even make an overlay for the bot i didn't think it would get a single letter so i guess i gotta work on that now that's funny so what are you gonna do in my bot this time be gentle so i will be dribbling the ball around mr stalin over here okay doing a 360 or 5 840 whatever this is okay and then scoring the ball that is what i will be doing around oh no oh no oh no this is devastating don't drop the ball drop the ball don't drop the ball oh okay all right slow down slow down you're doing all right 7 20. that'll look close okay oh not dropped nice thankfully that was way uglier than my other shots but all right just uh sit back and watch a professional i will be watching mr stanley wait a minute [Music] if he gets close to me here wait a second if he does a 360 here at the end wait man oh that's so sad that's my exact movement i mean that is the point of horse is to repeat what the player does if you can't do it perfectly are you really even playing the game maybe this one isn't that hard but i'm gonna i'm gonna throw it at you cross court air dribble no bounce no bounce all right stein let's get let's get another ladder here let's go let's go pretty confident i can do this i've done this in free play many times but the pressure's on maybe not but we'll see did you do it oh it was almost on the ground no bounce no bounce i actually have a good idea okay the only way that i'm beating this bot because it can do my exact movements is using the hitbox to its advantage i'm going to roll it at stallion very fast he's going to pop it up and then i'm going to double touch it on him i like i like this i want to see this happen that is what i will be doing bang let's go that was nice i have broken the bot once again surely you think so maybe that was that was a pretty cool shot i have to say that i like that oh boy this is definitely a unique challenge i'm gonna bounce it off here double touch double touch huh come on it totally bounced differently oh my it's like a rocket science video all right we're pulling out all the stops here no please yeah turtle to air dripple musty double touch oh my god and it's allowed to bounce we'll give you that okay guys i'm not mechanical this is not me we've already we've already proven you're just your big brain please mess let's go i wish i had the program where i could copy my shot word for it too i don't know what you're talking about you forced our hand in this by the way you've only made problems for yourself i wasn't cheering for you on that one that's an s that is an s what what are you gonna do to him this time rebels i'm a little scared to ask i have to bully his hitbox though all hitboxes are equal rattles why you gotta be like this okay what i'm gonna do here i'm gonna attempt to shoot it at his car where it joins off his head and goes in the net he would attempt this is extreme accuracy needed here no that's so sad a little stronger that's not what you're trying to do there though all right rebels what is the grand finale of mr stella to finish off it is going to be a wall pogo double tap not a lot of pogos happening in rlcs these days are there no it's going across oh my god i don't think i've ever attempted this in free play sorry desperate times call for desperate measures the bot won't lose wait reynolds is on the case you don't believe in me i don't actually no you're saying set up any way i want set it up how you want as long as you pogo into a double tap i will accept it a wall pogo yeah okay okay we won't call that an attempt guys this is failed miserably i feel a little bit bad no you don't you don't feel bad at all no this is this is impossible okay do you admit defeat die sally and i i do i admit brutal defeat but i think if you do this with another pro they do not find out that hitbox thing so i honestly call that a victory in my book all right big thanks to rebels verks for working on the bot and the freestylers abyss crunchy and real that help program it if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you do hit that subscribe button and don't forget to download monster legends using the link in the description to collect your free rewards before september 26th also it would mean a lot if you could support rentals on his channel which i've linked here my name is rocket sledge thanks for watching
Channel: Rocket Sledge
Views: 995,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket league bots mod, rocket league bakkesmod epic games, rocket league challenges, rocket league bots, ai, rlbot, rocket league free to play, rocket league horse, rocket league freestyle, rocket league freestyle battle, rocket league freestyle vs pro, rocket league freestyle bot, rocket sledge, rlbot tournament, rocket league pro, rlcs, bot, rl bot, artificial intelligence, the best rocket league bot, bot tournament, rocket league pro gameplay, rocket league mechanics
Id: a8DK0rS8wzU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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