That time I accidentally PRANKED my friends and they ragequit...

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guys i've made a terrible mistake remember the other day in the latest sumo map where we played over quicksand do you also remember how i accidentally cheated well i promised that i'd give xerx and jj a chance at revenge so i thought why not give them a huge advantage literally and let them 2v1 me in huge cars while i'm extremely tiny let's get right into it [Music] so it turns out when i asked them they actually said that they prefer to be the smaller cars and me be a giant clumsy baboon in car form later on in the video we actually end up switching roles but in both cases well let's just say you should watch and see what happens because i guess this somehow turned into a prank video friendships may have been slightly ruined today but it's all for your entertainment hope you guys enjoy the video okay i feel like when flying oh okay dude choose your phone oh my god what is happening to me dude what's going on it's so funny how small we are oh i can't all i can see is your name tags oh dude i don't know this is like enough of a disadvantage i feel like this is fine i want to clear i can't turn what is happening i feel like this is almost even oh my god rippling it right now dude seriously how oh okay i've had some practice with the oscar meyer wiener truck oh my god oh my god no i'm pinching it dude you guys are so funny i think i learned dude flipping is just not worth it you got oh what a top corner shot what the heck that was ridiculous look at me go dude bang what a shot man to me you have no problem oh my god no okay yeah dude no problem sit back until the day i died no way oh my god how did i not score that [Music] dude oh my god dude the left car is the goofiest thing i've ever seen in my life it's like not letting me turn my front wheel is like in the ground oh my god i could try dude if you can flip into it they get so much power on target oh i missed i jumped over the ball is that even possible this size oh my god i'm looking at you guys i can't get off the wall bro i can't i can't move i can't move this is so funny every time i just can't i can't uh i can't drive like i keep getting stuck on the side so yeah i guess it is a disadvantage because i cannot move oh my god dude the boost just ruined me oh my god how did you miss like how did you jump over that fast oh brother oh bro step bro oh wait dude wait now wait a second like little tiny ants no literally get off the wall recover recover recover recovery i can't hit the ball okay now there's no way i don't miss all right i guess i i don't know the copy of that is witness that's my fault what a pass oh my god what a save i'm dead and david versus goliath refined every law of physics there i think okay big flicks these dude you guys are supposed to be getting your revenge right now i'm dude i thought it was bad he bought me so hard my bad dude i would have played that differently i didn't know where you were i did say this was getting a chance at revenge so you gotta you gotta prove yourself that might just be oh my god i'm in pain dude this doesn't feel like revenge i don't know i feel like we're getting like pranked i don't know man you said you wanted the small car it is i think overall better it's just i don't know man the two of you would literally be the size of the goal well also though it wouldn't work with two of us on the field at the same time i mean it could you could just like bounce inside the net i'm okay yeah this is a prank man oh it's happening i feel surreal okay you know what i'm in it go for it no problem on net look at that shot yo perfect oh no what will i do [Laughter] look at this look at this kickoff we're in the celebration um let's make it better for you guys don't ready up yet i'll play i'll play like this i'll play this disadvantage whatever this is yeah yeah well i just died the game just didn't even i just didn't want to handle it at all you do that i boost my ball you're so big oh no you're dead oh my god oh what have you done to me sirs yes the the what have you done to me you've cursed me when you respawned that was so funny look at my car oh my god you died and then you had thousands of years of gods at you i don't know what happened in my car i can't land it's gonna back up on your face okay damn okay i know it's like that in my face yeah of course yeah jealous [Laughter] watch this most clunky and dumb matchup ever oh i got him it's open right i'm bubbling him there's no way let's go i'm back oh my gosh i gave him jd taking a nap everything like broke like it was just breaking i'm freestyling man i'm freestyling demo xerx dude how's it feel to play against this by the way is it weird yes it's horrible like what you just put me into the ground i don't know was jd scoring it's like impossible oh god i'm feeling it now dude oh god he's feeling it i'm scared i'm just i'm vibing i i can tell you're vibing the what am i plants to do what am i supposed to do dude this is actually so hard like i'm like oh my god bro i don't know i think what the world is this was this is supposed to be for a revenge video but it just turned into this end up being a prank video insane concentration as a small ball like you're the swamp thing card like this is this videos me like i cheated again i don't know i don't know i didn't try to i accidentally did oh my god i flew like right over the ball oh so close so close whoa demo oh no i'm dead oh my god oh oh what is going on i got turtle i got a turtle yeah that is so funny you're going to miss i'm going to kill him again mommy get serious please i'm i can't win i'm i'm beating myself up at this point two turks was the worst thing they could have i know i can't i almost blocked this too all right i'm back it is so goofy oh my god oh what a save easy blocks let's go let's go dude i was like this is probably gonna go on net i still just couldn't do this i'm a giant paddle all i need to do is flip oof the power you get i know that's crazy same with the little cars too the paddle the uh the power out of these cars is crazy dude dude i'm just so thrown off but when you're trying to are you guys are pranking yourself at this point oh no okay there's not really much i could do there just drive faster man off let's drive faster oh my god oh no way oh this is so bad can you just let me have my ball oh my god oh my god no this is going to be a goal dude oh it's not wait this is it this is the hardest open goal of my life no nicer oh what a goal he's turning up he's turning up i tried i tried to flip i still just driven into it i think i would have been fine what a pop though what am i going to say what does they want to say 50s way dude that just looks so dumb for my point of view [Music] no i'm trying to keep it up for you guys oh no the cheater is successful again why do cheaters always win man do you want do you want you guys want to change sides it wouldn't work you can give it a go there's two of you they're all giant oh my god just respawn responding you're fine you're fine whoa what i didn't flip i didn't play it literally just sent me to the roof dude i didn't yeah i just think it just like i didn't it's because xerx respawns is respawn and it made you fly up i don't know what's going on with the feeling they're both fine now oh no what are you doing sir what oh wait oh no you guys are gonna be screwed [Music] oh my god xerx is good oh my god look at this no hello sir uh hello sir this is this is literally giving me flashbacks dude this is nightmarish oh nice hit okay what am i supposed to apparently control my car you guys do yours they're ongoing what are you guys doing dude this is horrible this is horrible like this is unplayable i'm going to scream alright jd go for it oh my god dude the controls are just so wonky let's go zerks you got it look at me baby you're popping off oh my god oh my god i swear if you scored that but i cry i actually almost did nice 50 xerx oh my god it's made it's minutes minutes mid nevermind it's not mid it's mid it's mid oh nice goal xerx there you go dude i can better control anything zerks are using your drift at all no i mean try that try that i think zurich has figured it out he's he's looking menacing you can't drive the walls by the way at all i'm pushing you in for a pass oh my god oh my god oh no pop off king no no oh you bumped each other that's good dude oh my god i'm actually vibing with a little car i mean my brain hurts so much you always the same dude i am losing my mind i feel pretty good i'm vibing it can't we talk about it can you get out of my way [Laughter] these are half the field size oh my gosh that's just in guys i don't know what you're going to be playing for all right i don't know what team i am you guys uh are you guys okay no i'm like her right now dude i'm having a memory crisis oh no god i thought you guys would handle this big size better but this is impossible i'm in disbelief at how like watch all the shots you hit i can't even begin to to like begin to do them like what a safe horn concept yeah just flip flip forehead look look look what's happening when you're flipping you're scoring i'm ongoing i see like that's all you got to do just like flip at it man just flip you got that you score this yeah 100 just jump yeah there you go one second yep i can't turn towards the net [Laughter] we didn't lie dude we got pranked we're searching this car is gone this has been a prank uh well i thought you guys would have a better time with the two of you but i guess not gotta think of something else in the future yeah i was gonna say can we can we redeem our uh oh yeah i definitely definitely want to try that again but uh i hope you guys enjoyed that was uh ended up being a prank i guess i don't but it wasn't though like it wasn't it was even dude i don't know man i feel like i just got pranked i have a headache that was impossible i got one too well until next time guys have a great day we'll catch you as the next one like what was that
Channel: Lethamyr
Views: 113,742
Rating: 4.9602141 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket, League, Lethamyr, Pro, Leth, Grand, Champion, Champ, GC, RLCS, Pros, 1v1, 1s, Doubles, Squishy, Muffinz, Sunlesskhan, Fluump, Mertzy, Linkuru, Johnnyboi, amustycow, Musty, Jon, Sandman, Cizzorz, Squishymuffinz, Scrub, Killa, New, Custom, Maps, Road, To, Rank 1, Rizzo, Sizz, CBell, Supersonic, Legend, Free, Play, Update, Season, Brand, Map, Modded, Modding, Jstn, NRG, SSG, Best, RL, Top, SSL, Spacestation, Gaming, Arsenal, That, Time, Accidentally, Pranked, My, Friends, And, They, Ragequit
Id: Rlp5XlHgjGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 21 2021
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