Randy Clark "Impartation Service"

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This morning and tonight we've not had any testimonies there were last night but if you were healed of something you're 80% or more and you've had it for a long time or as a something that was a Significant and maybe didn't happen for a long time because you had an accident but it's very bad damage There's something you couldn't do you can say this is all I could do and now I can do this This is all I could do now I can do this This is all I could do but now I can do this. There's something you can show us the difference or Another thing I mentioned this morning I've been healed of 9 herniated discs three different accidents the one in Nigeria guy fell Wasn't expecting to fall. He's like 6'6 250 300 pounds He wasn't expecting to fall and he grabbed my wrist and went straight back eyes like that and I didn't have enough time to Protect my head my head went in his chest. You hear pop 50 feet away. Ended up with 4 herniated discs Got prayed for by famous people you would know every person was prayed for Are so well known for healing if I told you who prayed for me. I didn't get healed by one of them and Then in my school one of the guys who's my newest associate now, he was 18 or 19 years old I'm going down getting words of knowledge Given, they're given but school members members my school giving words knowledge I said, do you have one he says I think I do Somebody really got cervical disc damage Well, of course, that's me he said and and The Lord showed me your birthday is February the 18th 1952 that's my birthday Now that will build your faith So I want to make sure it's me does anybody here have a birthday February the 18th 1952 Not one, so I said nobody has that but me And I asked him to pray for me pray to short prayer I was instantly 80% better normally we haven't pray again I said it's that Kind of word with that specificity. You don't need to pray again. I know it's done then within days that that had been lasting a year I Was told I was never to get on an airplane again because I had classic travelers back Five Hours six hours a week an hour a day six days a week physical therapy to epidurals If they didn't work, surgery, they didn't work walking on crutches 90 days I go to bed I have again famous people all over the world Praying for me some came to the house Some call me some I called I wasn't healed with any of the famous people prayed But one night, I woke up in the morning reached for my crutches and accidentally touched my foot to the floor and it didn't hurt I Got out of bed. I put all my weight on it. It didn't hurt. I walked Didn't hurt the real test go up steps this way Instead of this way I yelled to my wife I've been healed I don't have an idea how it happened. I know I'm healed I know God did it about know how he did it Five hours later. Listen to this Five hours later a man who's an oil and gas businessman in Louisiana Who'd been to India and Brazil with me who knew I had a condition was in a little it was on a Sunday night It was Monday morning He was in a little country church somewhere and in the middle of worship God took him into an open vision In which he saw me from the back my clothes came off my skin came off my muscles everything and he's looking at my skeleton and the neurological system clear as day And he hears a voice from heaven Tell him take your finger and you see where this stuff has squirted out of the disc and is lying on the nerve Push it back in So in the middle of this vision of this little church, you see this guy he said they must thought I was crazy because I was Now I have a question for you how much faith did I exercise and when I was healed in my sleep But God healed me through an act of obedience and this guy responding to what God showed him And I'm not even going to go into the other one where the others were hurt in a car accident that's healed I guess what I want to say is sometimes God's faithfulness and his promises we We come into a place of faith and we receive healing There's other times when we can't get there No matter how much we quote scripture no matter how many times we make the confession. We just can't get there and God comes and Does for us what we can't do and he creates That faith in the person being healed or somebody else praying on her behalf. I believe that God wants to release a better understanding of the diversity of his ways The creativity of God and The importance of this grace that comes not only to receive a healing But the grace that comes in his sovereign Purposes and He releases to you, not a healing for you, but the gifts of healing in you and through you and Tonight I believe God's gonna do that. I believe what happened at my Vice-presidents church, he had opinion. He was Church God Cleveland Pentecostal went to his church in January of 2000 and the power of God came and People in his church who never were even excited about God Were so touched under the impartation that became his key leaders in the future Maybe you've seen the book by Darren the the video by Darren Wilson. I forgots Father of lights or whichever This Mike and Dean event hall in China with the missionaries That was one of those couples who were nominal Christians last ones to church and first ones out last ones in Set on the back row not excited about the things of God They were so touched that they doubt whether or not they were even saved prior to This impartation they got there late. There's no room in the back so they had to get seated on the front row Came time and I was preached on the impartation came time for the invitation I said if you want to be in on this stand up and they stood up right in them right in the aisle there And when they said come Holy Spirit God knocked them both down Tom told me it shocked me to see them go down But when they got up they were different people. I mean, they literally were different people and they have given themselves They bought one-way tickets to China with not knowing how God was gonna use them and their story is an amazing story the guy Overseas my ministry trips now he was a state police officer Motorcycle guy on State police he and his wife were there They too were touched that night. So touched that he resigned his position and they went and lived in the slums called favelas Brazil Ministering out of such passion. I Remember one time I was teaching on this subject in Brazil and I mean not Brazil in Toronto and there were at the end and Hundreds of pastors are coming up. And actually it was not just an impartation it was an impartation that God was going to take people into apostolic ministry who were pastors and Move them into the Apostolic as if you'd want that There's not only apostolic signs and wonders one of the other signs of absolute ministries absent suffering Yeah And so hundreds are coming forward and I felt like the Lord I said stop Listen, if you get this if God does give this to you It probably is gonna mean you're gonna be gone from your wife and your kids at least fifty percent of your life From here on out It means you mum probably be gone from your church fifty percent of the time If you're not willing to pay that price go sit down At least fifty percent of them turned around and went and sat down One of them was a pastor of a church of 80 people in I'll tell you the state but that's all I can tell you because God's keep him hidden even to this day. This was 94 And so he came forward and he had a Something wrong with his feet. They were cut and break they would get so dry they just the skin would and no podiatrist had been able to fix it and His feet would bleed and they hurt So he came forward he receives prayer fire. It said it felt like fire so much heat came in his feet He said I went back to my room I took my shoes and socks off took my clothes off and stuck my feet in the shower So the water could cool him off because they were hurting so bad went to sleep and woke up and what no doctor could he'll just throw a Sleeping I woke up and I had baby skin Without any cracks on my feet now one of my assistant pastors Later would leave my church and go from Missouri and go to Indiana and became on his staff That's how I know all the details of this He literally spent the next 20 25 years gone from his church his wife and his kids 50% of his life He ordained thousands of people into the ministry on many continents His church today. It had 80 within the first year multiplied to 400 and today It's the biggest building in the city Is this an apostolic center, but I had a price tag associated with it I Just want you to know when God Spirit comes on you. There is a price tag attached to it. You can't buy it, but it will cost you But it's worth it even Though a lot of my illustrations are going to be for pastors I'm purposely going to try to remember to include illustrations for women as well as men And laypeople as well as clergy The other thing is I want you to know my focus isn't on any manifestation tonight or any sign Any sign It's not on laughing or crying or falling down or shaking or speaking in tongues Or any sign or any manifestation that's not my focus My focus is whatever God in whatever way he wants to in his diversity that he chooses to touch you that you will Be grateful for that You'll trust he knows the best thing to do to you in this occasion And what I mean with that is the first two times that I was powerfully touched The first time I felt like I grabbed a hold of electric wire, I grew up on a farm. I Know what it's like to walk into an electric fence When I walked into an electric fence I would feel my joints hey ache for at least 24 hours just the electricity that go through my body from the electric fence caused my joints to ache for 24 hours and That first time I ever filled with the Holy Spirit I Shook, I felt heat But then for 24 hours my joints 8 from the shaking that happened Now I was called to preach at 18 years old And when I first entered the ministry, I'd read the stories their biographies. I loved biography of Dale moody when he was filled the Holy Spirit. This was pre Pentecost. This was in the 1800s He went in this room and he said Lord. Stay your hand lest you slay me. I can't stand anymore Charles grass and Finney in his autobiography. He talks about it in this way I perceive that if these ways of liquid love and These waves of electricity would have continued to come over my body wave after wave after wave after wave I would have died So at 18 years old, I began to cry out to God god. I've never heard of anything like that as Baptists I've never heard of anything like that. But if you're still doing that, I want it God I know what it's like to feel you emotionally I when I was converted I wept and I wept and I wept and when you come and touch me the first thing that happens I Start crying. I went US 5 years old my mom be touched by the Holy Spirit and she'd start crying and my dad would start crying and said why are you guys crying and they said because we're happy I Said well if you're happy, why are you crying? My dad said well when you get older you'll understand it understand it But I wanted more than to be touched emotionally. I said God if its power if it's possible That you're still touching people with your Holy Spirit. So strongly that they fear death I want you to touch me God so strongly I'm afraid you're gonna kill me but I want to tell you that is not a safe prayer to pray I Started praying that in 1970 or 71 1984 Electricity hurt my joints five years later. I was prayed for to end of a prophecy that said one day Travel the nation's God's gonna use you in a didn't on a passport and didn't want to leave the country I'm pastor of a Starting a church. It's not very big and this prophetic word was one day. You'll travel the nation's And I had asked the Lord Lord John Wimber said the first time he met me he heard you speak to him audibly And you said that one day you were gonna send me around the world that there's an app stylet calling my life To activate gifts and for people to be filled with the spirit Bob Jones, the Prophet said I had a gift to teach I'm a Pastor, I love evangelism and I'm confused What am I for My church wasn't even 100 people yet it at this at this moment in 1989. I started it from just my wife and I what am I for I Want to focus on why don't for send somebody to me tonight and have him prophesy What my destiny is so I can focus on it And then that night that guy came who today is an anglican bishop, but then he has a leader Oversee or the region of in the vineyard movement? He said you're gonna go to the nation's So He talked about my son would travel with me and a lot of other things so I went I went up to him Because I so shocked I didn't even have a response I said hey Ron, that was a good word But I had I didn't sink in I shocked That's an exciting word. Would you pray into that? So he in the Vineyard overseer of my region two of them began to pray My overseer has a rule You do not blow on anybody when you're ministering to him. That's a rule. It's not biblical because Jesus Blew on his disciples and on Resurrection night and said receive the spirit So if Jesus can do it you shouldn't make a rule that you don't It was a bad rule. But anyway, the point was he had a rule you don't blow on anybody he blew on me And when he blew on me, it's like somebody knocked me in the floor The electricity is going so strong. It's hurting and the longer. I'm on the floor that floor the stronger It's getting my face feels like it's electrified. I'm sweating profusely I'm screaming I'm just not crying. I am literally screaming I am a pathetic mess on the floor III actually could hear everything going around and some people said do you think it's a demon and I'm thinking no It's not a demon. I'm just being filled the Holy Spirit. Don't say come out. Leave me alone And then I heard that guy say, I believe he'll become one of the most famous evangelist in the vineyard move Another thing that's much better than being demonized God. Thank you. Thank you. I like that one. You know, I Was only on the floor 45 minutes To an hour somewhere in there, but when I got up I had to hold my hands like this to my chest Because if I let my hands go down past my waist they started hurting with so much electricity. I had to pull him up again Now that story He's not near significant nor as demonstrative nor as long as some of the stories I want to tell you that happened to other people But it was my experience We have to be careful about fruit inspecting because after that first experience in 84 I immediately started to have words of knowledge and for the first time in my life I had never prayed for anybody as a pastor though. I've been in ministry for 14 years I've never prayed for one person had fallen down But after that experience it started happening for the first time I started getting words of knowledge. I start seeing more healings then I saw more healings and In a month, I seen in 14 years of ministry And then after 89, it was much more powerful But there was almost no new fruit Except There was a level of holiness I was broken into we're an area of my life I'd been defeated in I got victory in And I didn't even recognize it for about a month when I realized. Oh gosh My Python has turned into a testy fly That which I couldn't resist I'm now able to resist real easy Something was broken off. Maybe they were right of course his own of course I realized some symbols of Dobson was on the outside bothering me troubling me It wasn't inside is outside troubling me. So I'll be politically correct in that situation Long story I wanted to get to this Four years later I go to a Rhema church because Rodney howard-browne and a young man that had been in my baptist church in 84 calls me at midnight Talked to a meet till 3:00 in the morning My church is growing. We're in a good place. We had 92 baptisms that year of us It was you know, it almost was a third of the church We grew it was going well, but I was spiritually Drying up and pretty miserable. I don't have time to tell you the details of that story Except my friend called me and told me that what happened and my Baptist Church was happy neguin through rodney howard-browne And I asked him have forced manifestations. My man fact everything I saw in the first 42 of the first 60 days in Toronto I was the one that got sent there and Everything I saw there, I'd seen my Baptist Church ten years earlier. I Was like there's a firstfruits and then there was the full-blown meal except there's just more people So I Go to see Rodney because I asked my friend who's telling me this because I remember Jonathan Edwards He wrote a book about whether or not something Manifestations are of God or not and in the book, he basically and he's probably the most famous theologian about revival in American history in the book he said this you cannot tell if a move of God or you cannot tell if a Manifestation is God the flesh or the devil by looking at the manifestation as a matter of fact One of the things that I like to say is similarity of manifestation does not mean similarity of causation Because there are things that even in Satan worship that looks like, you know, some of the things they do You know with candles and prayer and they're a thing. It's a spiritual realm Some of the things that I know is demonic and satanic has similar Just outward expressions if you just look at it So Edward said you can't tell something's God or not just by looking at manifestations You got to look past the manifestations and inspect the fruit It's the fruit that determines whether or not it's God or not. So tonight in this message. I am going to Give you biblical passages For the basis of impartation and Then I'm going to tell you stories because even if I can prove to you that This is biblical There are parts of the church that wear glasses called cessationism that say yes, it's biblical, but God quit doing it He quit that when the last apostle died or when the Disciples of the last apostle died or when the Canon was Kent and when scripture was canonized and it's not been needed anymore That's just a scaffolding to get the church started now. It's not needed So the stories Because if you don't believe God does that anymore in these stories he's doing it right now then you've got to say then that wasn't God and If it's something that's impossible for a human being to Do then the only option you have left once you say it's not God and you know If human can't do that is you got to do what I call the Beelzebub controversy Which is what the enemy has only used one major argument against the moves of God in the 2000 years of Christian Eddie Hyatt wrote a book called 2,000 years of charismatic Christianity in it He basically shows there's one big argument that was used against almost Every move of God and it's this you call the move of God the work of the devil Pentecostals in their early nineteen hundred's it was thought to be demonic I've stood in one of the greatest churches in England Westminster Chapel Flagship of evangelicalism and Jim Campbell Morgan was the pastor in early days of Pentecostalism. He said Pentecostalism is the last vomit of Satan The founder of the Holiness Church the Nazarene which is called and was first founded the Pentecostal Church of the Nazarene dropped the word Pentecostal from its title because he thought Azusa Street was terrible craziness Most of Protestantism thought the early days of Pentecostalism was it wasn't of God but the fruit has proven them wrong and Pentecost was right Because there's been no move of God. That's brought us many people into the kingdom of God as the Pentecostal movement has done 80% of all Christians south of the Equator Have a Pentecostal experience Wherever the church is growing the fastest in the world It's a Pentecostal expression of experience so all those great men of God who said it wasn't God I Were wrong History has proved him wrong many moves of God that was at the time thought man fact the Great Awakening the first Great Awakening By history were taught was a Great Awakening But you know what? It was called at the time you see Jonathan Edwards had it's Hank a McGrath Jonathan Edwards had his John MacArthur and he won the argument through the media and When fear came upon the people because they were told this wasn't god one thing that would cause a fire revival to go out is known you would come in and Once fear causes the people to come it begins to die out and The man who accused this of not being a God went ahead and later became the founder of the Unitarian or Universalist Church So, what does the scripture say about Impartation, you know, I get asked all the time. What does this word mean impartation? When I went to Brazil, there was no Portuguese word for impartation in Spanish is name partly owned But in Portuguese now that the created word in part is sown, but then they didn't have a word for it and so every time I'd say Impartation my translators say transfer incident song the transference of the anointing but even in that translation causes people to have Misunderstanding of what I teach and what others teach about impartation We do not teach that we can give you what we have We do not teach that we are the ones that's causing any of this to happen We do not teach that by our laying on of our hands you're going to get an impartation I do not believe that that's not possible. The guy who came to my church that God used in my life He saw the Spirit of God Fall upon me and he told me to raise my hands and when I did the power God hit me But he saw the spirit touching me. He didn't even breathe. He didn't even lay hands on me But he saw What we do believe is this Biblically speaking you have the pattern and Even the language in the scripture in the Old Testament. You have people who receive impartation Without the laying on of hands and with the lean on it hands Numbers 11 17 God spoke to Moses said gather the elders together 10 a meeting. I'll come down I'll take it the spirits on you his spirit and put it on them not Moses didn't do it Almost did was gather them together. And God said you do that and I'll do the rest I will come down and I will take of the spirit my spirit. It's on you Moses They need that spirit of wisdom to be the judges of this nation, and I'm going to take the spirit on you And I'm going to put it on them and when it happened they all prophesied It's my fact when people are feel the spirit. It involves their tongues praise preaching boldly tongues prophecy Something to deal with speech happens almost every time you see it if anything is listed So Moses didn't lay hands on anybody. I want you to know you're not you're up in the balcony You don't have to come to me or somebody on the team and I'm gonna have a team to help me pray for you We're gonna bless what we see God doing But I want you to know God can do it to you Without us touching you because if you somehow got your faith I can be touched if brandy or Marcus or or pastor Jim or somebody else Lays hands on me. Then you got your focus in the wrong place. I Just want you to know I know who I am and what I am I'm a vessel of clay I Call myself the donkey that sometimes Jesus rides into a church on You know the story the little donkey he went out and he came back because he had been on out on Palm Sunday And then he told the old mule he man You should have seen it man a nice man people taking off their clothes and put them in front of me and they were taking palm branches and waving and they were just saying Hosanna to me and the old mule said to the little donkey said were you carrying anybody on you today? He said yeah, I had this man they call Jesus on he's a whole little donkey. They weren't doing that for you They weren't excited about you. They were excited about the one you were carrying And I didn't get to do what I'm doing because I volunteered for it I was drafted And I had no idea And and at first when I heard these prophecies about what God was gonna do me I couldn't believe him I have a Texan who gave me all these prophecies about one day You're gonna lead a great revival one day gonna speak to a hundred thousand people I didn't even have a hundred to speak to I threw all those prophecies that even meld them to me after he called me I threw it away skin But ten years later When it began to happen in Toronto I called him and said do you happen to have any copies of those prophecies that you sent to me? I've lost them He did and in those words I could not believe because there was such a gap between where I was And what God says I was gonna do well so far in my mind. There's no way that could ever be possible I didn't get off the phone. This guy's name Richard Holcomb come from I'm trying to think now then he hill-country. What's the name of the town? Huh? Kerrville, Kerrville, Texas? And so he's telling me all about this stuff and I get off the phone and say to my wife he's crazy He's saying I'm gonna speak to a hundred thousand people don't lead a great revival. I'd like to speak to a hundred It's craziness what he's talking about But God did it Do not despise a prophecy that's so great over your life that your faith can't lay hold of it Don't despise it. Just put it on the back burner Because when God starts to bring it to pass you remember that word that was given and then you know my gosh God told me this is gonna happen. Am I Oh, See, I I get frustrated with people say well I had this word that I'm gonna do this and it hasn't happened It's been two weeks It's not happen I've had guys in my own church get mad at God Because there's a Braille really powerful word over their life a prophecy and it hasn't happened in a year And they got angry at not For me some of the words over my life or ten years and coming Some were 14. I Got a word I'm believing this because it came from so many people that it's been 25 years and it's not happened yet But that encourages me cuz that's I'm right on Abraham's time right now Can there be abuse yes Canada be false prophecy. Yes. Yes, sir can But there also is the real So numbers 11 17. Nobody lays hands Moses lays, no hands on any of those elders But then in Deuteronomy 34 9 it says Joshua the son of nun received a spirit of wisdom because porque and Portuguese because Moses ladies hands on him but it was that Moses is 19 It was God that did it but he used laying on of hands All I want to say is biblically speaking If I say you cannot receive anything, unless somebody who's an apostle lays hands on you. That would be heresy Because that's not what the Bible teaches Many times it it was apostles who laid hands but it's not just apostle Scott can use laypeople when it came to The impartation and the healing of the greatest person after Jesus Christ in a New Testament Saul who became Paul He didn't use any of the Apostles To lay hands on him. He used this disciple In Damascus and Sinning and the one the great Apostle Paul. It was not a pasta who laid hands on him and prophesied to him about what he was going to do and Healing came to him. It was a lay person you see God can use Whoever he wants For whatever he wants So I am NOT saying this as the domain of apostles I'm not saying hands have to be laid on Because that'd be my biblical unbiblical On the other hand to say this. It's wrong to lay hands on We shouldn't talk about that That's not biblical either Because in the Bible God is a God of diversity and does at different ways with different people in My own life the first time no hands was laid on me Second time hands were laid on me third time when rodney howard-browne prayed for me in Tulsa I fell down hands were laid on me, but then I didn't have any electricity nothing No heat Nothing. I just fell down. I actually thought I'm weak minded as Power suggested This isn't God because I had God in my box of vineyard The vineyard God he shakes you rattle as you rocks you and rose you and knocks you down and that's what I was expecting and none of that happened I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown and tremendous peace came on me and I got healed of My nerves and I went home and the next Sunday next day was Sunday and I saw more heaven break out in my church Anything I'd ever seen more powerful than the shaking more powerful than the heat more powerful than electricity What I'm saying is like you can't put your faith in the manifestations It's in the fruit and as a result of that All heaven broke out and went back to the regional meeting of the vineyard all heaven fell down again that opened it up to go to Toronto and once again all heaven fell And I'll tell you a little bit of the fruit as we go on Staying with the scriptures Elijah went up to a lie a lie Jacques went up to Elijah. He's plowing with this twelve oxen and Elijah is being obedient to what God said through his coat on him I think that's where Benny Hinn gets his biblical basis for throwing the coat And he turned and walked away and he said what have I done to you because he realized that but in him is God that had done it, but he had been obedient to the word of the Lord and He knew Elijah's life is going to be changed One of my friend who's the Pentecostal my vice president classical Pentecostal He did his doctoral dissertation on the fruit of being baptized in spirit And one of the things was not only seeing more healings more joy a whole bunch a whole list a litany of but one of the things was frequent changes of addresses Because a lot of them were fired Or ones who weren't fired they sense a change in our ministry, they got promoted to bigger and better churches greater ministry Laying on of hands is in the Old Testament and it's in the New Testament In Acts chapter 19 in Acts chapter eight eight is Peter and John go down where Philips preach they have believed they'd been baptized but the Spirit has not come it's a preposition called upon them and So Peter and John lays their hands on them and Simon the sorcerer offers Peter money so that whoever I lay my hands on will Receive the Holy Spirit Because they could see something was he could see something was happening Don't know what but it was visible you could see it Acts chapter 19 the Apostle Paul Has met these disciples and Luke will use the word disciple for science John the Baptist. Well cycles of Jesus and probably they were disciples of John the Baptist and they weren't even good disciples that because they haven't even heard the holy Holy spirit Paul instructs them more fully and then if you believe that Paul was a Baptist He has to believe they are been they've been saved before he baptizes them or if he's Church of Christ he baptizes ism is their act of confession or surrender and Anyway, the point is they experience baptism Which means they are definitely Christian down But they're still lacking And in Paul lays his hands on him and when he laid his hands on them they began to speak in tongues and prophecy Yet in acts 2 there is no laying on of hands at Pentecost in acts 4 29 through 31 There's no laying on hands from the Spirit of God fell in answer to the prayer God make us bold letters proclaim the Word of God with boldness and reach out your hand with signs and wonders and when the Spirit of God fell the very building shook and they did exactly they got exactly what then and they went out and they Proclaimed the Word of God as a spirit enabled with boldness But no hands were laid on in acts 10 where the Spirit of God fell on Cornelius household There's no laying on of hands and they probably spoke in tongues Even as the first apostles did our disciples did on the day of Pentecost Now there's that's really an interesting. He's bringing a message by which they will be saved 9:08 e Pearson uses words saved in the sense of being fulfilled in every way, but I used it in a normal way God's Peters gonna bring you a message by which you will be future since saved And when he's talking about he's sharing the gospel. It's really interesting what he's talking about when the spirit fell now that messes me up until I went to Russia and I met the wife of a leading apostle of one of the greatest charismatic networks in Russia, and she was a Jew an atheistic Jew her dad was a professor in science and she got curious and she wanted to go out and this is when the church was illegal, and they went into the Forest in the winter time to check out wanted to meet some Christians because she had no idea what they would be like and as she walks up to him they're worshiping and as they're worshiping they were Pentecostals and as they were worshiping they were singing and And praying in tongues and she went up to one of the women Knowing nothing about God at all and she picked her on the shoulder. And she said what is this you're doing? And she said this is called tongues. She said I want it because It's making me feel good and this woman never Even the Baptist's are strict in Russia, and the Pentecostals can be even stricter She said I'm sorry, but you're not good enough Well, that's not the issue because she was she didn't know Jesus Didn't know Jesus I Want to here's one my point in this is that Jesus and his father are bigger than Pentecostal doctrine Presbyterian doctor Catholic doctrine Baptist doctrine there's a lot more diverse than the New Testament what we realized and I had no place to put this because she said I turned around and took about three steps and power God hit me and I started speaking in tongues instantly and I said Wait a minute the order salutis there the order of salvation that's out of order You've posed to get saved before you get baptized in the spirit. You can't speak in tongues. You haven't even repented yet You don't even know the gospel yet. And God said hey BAM, I got you and I'll fill you in later And I thought now that is the weirdest thing I've ever heard Have you ever heard that the Bible says that God will sometimes confirm things to you about two witnesses now That's the first time in all of my life. I ever heard of such a thing as that the next day I'm in Ukraine, and I'm going to this Pentecostal church, it's the biggest Church in the city and this guy tells me his story and his story it was this He'd never been to church He'd never heard the gospel He got curious there's some Christians meeting in an open meeting in the street and he wants to go Check it out. Just out of curiosity He walked into their midst and they're worshiping and they're singing in tongues And he said I just stand here watching I've never been to a Christian meeting before in my life and then suddenly BAM speaking in tongues They think he's an implant from the KGB Because they don't know him and they take him to the leader and the leader says how long have you been doing this? And he said five minutes When did you give your life to Jesus what does that mean? When did you believe the gospel? Watch the gospel? When did you repent? What is that the Pentecostal leader had the wisdom to know that God and His sovereignty had chosen this man? And he realized that the order of salutis is out of order, but God is God and do it Anyway one and got us God has called this man annoying this man filled him with the Holy Spirit When he hasn't even heard the gospel yet so much Then I shared the gospel with him and he told me he said Lois Pentecostal. They got a big list of sin He said here's the list US and he went through him all I hadn't done a lot of them But I confessed them all anyway Cuz he told me to I confessed everything he said and I confessed them all and then he says now Do you know what this means? No, I accepted Jesus. He said now, do you know what this means? He says no He said you need to be honest with the everything scene It kinda like bad news all this stuff bad stuff and had done a lot of it he said what this means is that the God that Created everything there is in the universe a God big enough to do that has just come to live inside of you And he said oh now that was good news. I went home I gathered my family and I gathered all my neighbors and I I said hey Watch this Oh got a lot of out of Sunday lillybot But God he said you know what that means It means the God that made the universe is living inside of me and he's forgiving me of all my sin and he wants to be inside of you and I let all of my family I let all of my neighbors to the Lord My theology had no place for that But my heart left with the joy of a God big enough to do that Maybe that's some of what Cornelius might've experienced except Cornelius was at least hearing the gospel So there's diversity in the New Testament in Hebrews chapter six one through two it's the only place in the Bible that gives the six elementary teachings or foundational teachings of Christianity now I went through Four years of college major mine took all my electives religious studies three more years to master divinity so I got seven years of theological training and Never heard one Teaching in all those years and in all those classes Because I went to that damn to school About being baptized in the Holy Spirit not one teaching about laying on of hands In those six foundational teachings they are really simple as it's an alpha course, the first century is one Repentance from accidentally to death to faith and God isn't that simple in that foundational three the doctrine of baptisms? Plural not singular a lot of baptism first Corinthians 12:13 Evangelicals love to quote so much for by one spirit. We've all been baptized into one body Where the Jew or Greek bond or free and we've all been given to the spirit to drink? That's conversion Being baptized in the Christ is the work of the Spirit putting us into Jesus So the person being worked on is us the agent is the Holy Spirit putting us into Jesus the early church taught once you've been baptized and come into Christ and you've been regenerated you have now been fitted to lift up your holy hands and Ask your father to give you the gifts of the Holy Spirit and to fill you and baptize you with the Holy Spirit Which was subsequent in the earliest theology of the church you Come into the water You're baptizing the father son is a triple immersion and Holy Spirit now that you're in Christ baptized Then they pray a prayer for deliverance Not before you get in after you baptized and then they lay hands on you and anoint you with oil and pray that you would be filled and sealed and anointed with the gift of the Spirit and his gifts This is the early teaching of the church that was rediscovered in the 20th century by Pentecostalism within Protestantism It's biblical Its historical It's so baptisms water baptism baptism into Christ but then Jesus is called the one who will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and and he is the one having come into Christ that now he not the Holy Spirit putting in Jesus, but now Jesus Overwhelms you with the Holy Spirit So there's multiple baptism but the next one number four is the laying on of hands the ones laying on hands for to bless people They ask Jesus lays hands on the children bless the children. You shall lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover It's part of the teaching of the laying on of hands laying on of hands was also for impartation of gifts and sometimes being filled with the Holy Spirit It doesn't mean it has to happen to receive I received The gift of tongues when I was 19 years old by myself praying by myself In the eyes assistant pastor to Baptist Church, and I kept it a secret. So it wouldn't be fired for years. I Told my friends led many of them into the baptism But I never had an experience like I did at 32 and 39 where I thought my confessional e39 thought I was going to die There's more If you think you have all there is you'll not be hungry or thirsty for more if you think you have all that there is there's nothing else to have and you're gonna be frustratedly content or happily content what the - depends Number 5 is the resurrection of the Dead in number 6 was eternal judgment number 4 laying on of hands number 3 Doctrine of baptisms. That's what I'm talking about tonight foundational stuff in the Bible Paul said in Romans chapter 1 verse 11. I wanted to come to you that I might impart some spiritual gift to you It still happens today In first timothy 4:14 do not neglect The gift of God is within you through a prophetic word when the body of elders laid their hands on you It's called a presbytery the body of elders when the press be laid their hands on you Second Timothy 1:6 start Fanning the flame the gift of God that's within you through the laying on of my hands So there's the biblical basis What I'm trying to say if you don't believe what I'm talking that's biblical you're gonna be leery you're not gonna be totally open I'm trying to remove Confusion about something that is biblical now. I want to share Some stories of what happens to some people and because I'm in a Pentecostal church I'm gonna use several Pentecostal illustrations Because be honest with you sometimes the Pentecostal church one of the hardest churches I've been in for this to happen because there's a tendency sometimes say been there done that I've already spoken in tongues I've had my carpet time and you know 1906 or 1930 or 1947 or 48 or 1960s and the cares Maggie wheeler 1970s and the Jesus Movement or the nineteen mid-90s and Tends to call the horror Toronto Been there done that got the t-shirt and have the red time But there's more This whole thing about one baptism any feelings is really not the biblical language Because of the book of Acts they don't even use the word baptized so much these words filling they were filled the Holy Spirit They spoke in tongues and filled the Holy Spirit they spoken time They filled the Holy Spirit proclaim the Word of God the phone. He filled the Holy Spirit. I was in Tulsa, Oklahoma and I got I'm an assembly God Church on the south side of the city and I've got about thirty Leaders pastors and missionaries there and asked me to pray for him. So I'm going down and I don't get a prophecy for anybody I don't say anything except Phil. I'm following Rodney Phil Phil Phil. I asked Riley. He wants to be ever found Phil But anyway, Phil Phil Phil Phil and I don't say they just Phil Phil and they all fell down. I Could not have told you by manifestations If one of those got more than another because they all look basically the same There wasn't like one because one of the things you're gonna hear me say it I will talk about cement of stations but once you know Just because somebody doesn't manifest doesn't mean they didn't get a powerful anointing There were no powerful manifestations on any of those thirty similarly God leaders But one of them I went back to that city to the north side the south side two months later People came to me and said have you heard what happened one of those guys you prayed for last time you hear something No, I haven't heard a thing He said yeah, he was a missionary a Pentecostal assembly to Honduras No, he had been there for thirty years He's assembly God. He already spoke in tongues. He had a theology that did not change He needed to change nothing in his theology. Some of us had to changed a lot of theology to make room for experience He didn't he'd already had an experience But that day in two months after that day that man saw more healings in two months than he had seen the preceding 30 years Something happened there was more you say well he's already baptized. I'm not disputing He's already baptized in the spirit. I'm saying he got baptized again and if he don't like that sin that he got a refill It's amazing sometimes the Octane level may be more powerful on the refill than the first film Was in his case Heidi Baker, you know about Heidi Baker she was born again on a Reservation I think in Mississippi an Indian Reservation and either that night or the next Sunday night after being born again She gets filled the Holy Spirit speaks in tongues Taken into the visions and hears the voice of God and tells her the three continents. She's gonna spend her life in I Think that's pretty big experience. I think she's baptized in the spirit She became a wonderful missionary But when she came to Toronto she's burned out When she came in her husband who's whose grandfather is one of the first Pentecostal missionaries in China Whose father was Assembly God missionary full-time missionary. He's the grandson Heath Pentecostal She's Pentecostal But they're both burned out He's depressed. She's discouraged and on her way to trial. She says God I am so exhausted. If you don't touch me, I don't know how I can go on She came in I was preaching she came to the front I Saw her. I didn't know I prophesied I thought just praying I Said Heidi God wants to know do you want the nation of Mozambique? She's yes I heard myself say God is gonna give you the nation to Mozambique You'll see the blind see the Deaf hear the lame walking the dead be raised power God He hits her and she's sweating profusely. She said I felt like I stuck into an oven I just began to sweat and I'm shaking and the powers rolling through me wave after wave and she's having one of those Finney Experiences, you know and she told me laters it is just amazing. It lasted seven days and seven nights I had to be carried out and carried back in and I don't have time to go into all the details that what happened But what did happen is the fruit not the manifestation but the fruit In the next 18 months nothing That got you on that one. You weren't thinking that were you Most of that. Most people don't know that part of the story what happened the government came and confiscated their buildings took him away a church in New York that love them as missionaries did not like Toronto and said you quit talking about Toronto or that million dollars that the church and the Pastor promised him. You're not gonna get it and she wouldn't back away Lost a million dollars lost a million dollars lost all their buildings Her husband gets cerebral malaria Her daughter gets malaria three times She gets hit with MS And there's told if she goes back to Mozambique she'll die and she said to the doctor I will not die I have a prophecy. God is gonna give me the nation of Mozambique The blind are gonna see the Deaf are gonna hear the lame are gonna walk and the dead are gonna be raised And what happened in the first 18 months? She prayed for every blind person she met and not one of them saw she prayed for all the deaf people She met not one of them heard she prayed for all the cripples. She met nobody walked Everything's going the opposite and I'm glad nobody told that testimony me praying for her During those 18 months or nobody would have ever wanted me to pray for him again And I asked her one time Heidi. Let me ask you a question if I had given you exactly the same words But they hadn't been backed up by the power of God that caused you to have all those manifestations Could you have sustained your faith that it was really God if it been my words? Without heavens power backing it up and she said no I know I couldn't have but I couldn't Daud even though everything's going the wrong way and going the opposite way I couldn't doubt it was God because of his power and that's what gave her the strength to sustain her faith No matter what the devil threw against her. But I have a friend as a professor at Seminary and these similes of God He's my favorite professor John Ruth and he said in the Bible the way faith is at faith that comes from hearing God faith comes from the revelation of God faith comes from the Rhema words and Faith is not only hearing but it's obeying what you hear and faith New Testament speaking of 40 in the book of Hebrews chapter 11 when you're trying to follow God you will be there will be opposition. There will be backlash There will be a battle but faith is not only hearing and obeying but faith is also persevering and This is what I believe Sometimes the call of God on you is going to be so challenging And so costly that you're gonna have to have something so real that you know The devil cannot shake you in your faith and God often gives some of the greatest experiences to the greatest challenges that you're going to have There's a guy named me and now though He's Foursquare Pentecostal in Brazil son Paulo he came to one of our meetings in the United States and voice of the Apostles and Every prayer every speaker. He had lay hands on him. He Spent most of his four days in front of platform laying on the floor And Aldo's father was this over the state of son Paulo's And now though himself was over the youth movement in 12,000 Foursquare churches and Naoto had a church of several thousand and now those spoken tongues already Had already been baptized in the Holy Spirit, but when he went home in the next year he had over 200 deaf ears open revival broke out in his church revival began to break out in the denomination He was touched he was hungry he wanted more But it's not just preachers One Foursquare woman pastor past daughter came to me and for the lease. I prayed for her and a year later she came back and she said I Got your anointing. I said tell me about it. She's I prayed for 200 deaf ears that have opened in one year I said yeah, you didn't get my anointing. I prayed for three In my lifetime at that time She got more I went to a church of charismatic church called vedera in Glen near Brazil the passion is that woman over there? We call her hoochie That's ruth in portuguese because i'm hanji ours have an H sound and first the word So I'm hanji Clarkie cuz you can't end something in a consonant. He we call her hoochie We got a hold of the little handsy Clarkie. I said why because I've been there like six years earlier four years something like that and Prayed to like 3:00 in the morning 6000 people were in the meeting. I started to preach at 11 o'clock at night The sermon is gonna be an hour with translation two hours And I said if you can't wait till 1 o'clock in the morning go home. We're gonna sing a song and go home Three half of the people left. I'm so happy One o'clock in the morning we start praying we prayed till 3:00 One of those that was receive prayer and the pastor made sure that I prayed for all 200 of his pastors twice And he said you see that woman over there we call her that hoochie the little handsy Clarkie is it why because she got more than Anybody else in this church? More people gets healed when she prays than anybody More people falls down when she prays for them than anybody more people are overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit when she prays than anybody This was a cell based church, and she's not even a cell group leader God chose to give the strongest anointing to one of the least with no responsibility or authority To prove his grace to let us know it's all about God It's all about God I Can't give you anything the team that's going to help me. We can't give you anything. God can give you everything now Here's the way it works. I know I got a warning for you Nobody is safe in this room That's the warning it's also an encouragement Because one of the biggest things that keeps some people from receiving is they're so convinced that they're not good enough they're so convinced that they gotta be just So much better than they are Normally the norm is this God rewards in public For what's been going on in private? The norm is this Those that's been fasting and praying crying out for more are Usually the ones that he comes upon and touches But He also has this exceptions in my Baptist Church, I Was the only one in 84 fasting and praying asking God to come nobody else was Nobody else he knew what to expect and when the spirit fell on the first service I'm watching people can't get out of the room before they get knocked to the floor and get drunk in the spirit and Shaking and sweating and and I'm sitting there said God this is not right. None of those people even want this I do You're not touching me. What's wrong with me? See? What is wrong with me is where we go in instantly second service. Same thing happened I'm sitting there feeling nothing and I see people in my church getting touched What's wrong with me? It wasn't an issue of what's wrong with me. It was an issue of God's timing And I don't want you to think these things happen all the time I've had three of these experiences and 48 years of being the ministry and 50 years of being a Christian They're precious Next to marriage birth the children nothing nothing nada Comes even close to being as precious as those visitations when God Himself Came and touched and changed my life We need to honor we need to cherish We need not to be afraid Need to be open because the night that I was touched The preacher from the vineyard named Blaine cook. He said this and I've given this invitation Myself every time I've taught her since 1984. This is what he said. I do not want you to come to the front just because you want to because a lot of you are gonna want to what I want you to do is to wait on God and If you begin to cry It's a sense of his love I want you to come to the front If you begin to feel that you're getting hot a supernatural heat I want you to come to the front if you begin to feel the glory come upon you there It feels like I'm so heavy. I can't even hardly lift the arm. I can't live if it's hard to move There's this wait waiting this on me. I want you to come to the front You begin to feel the tingling or electricity in your body or on your head. I want you to come to the front He said I want you to wait and we're going to honor God and let's start with who he starts with and When you see what he does to them, it's gonna increase your faith But what he can do to you and in that meeting that night was a civil engineer in my church who was against the meeting Who thought I was running the Baptist Church by having a healing meeting in the Baptist Church He got there late missed the whole sermon because he's a civil in there had been in his Minister Powell day meeting standing back hand up against the wall and When he heard that all those things that if if if if this this this come forward he said that's a bunch of bull Would you say he was not likely to get touched He said that is a bunch of bull and as soon as he said bull He thought his hand had gone to sleep leaning up against the wall he starts trying to wake it up and then the oven starts getting filled of electricity and Then they start hurting so much that literally no exaggeration He's coming down the middle out of the Baptist Church. And this is the worst Christian my church He had been on my board four to Seven years and he was saved the night before when this guy called Robert Morris had come to my little Baptist Church and Robert Morris had preached and he said came up to me that day before this happened that night and he said I've been your convert For seven years and I realized last night I wasn't even saved even though I was on your board which showed how much discern that I had But last night I gave my life to Jesus but he's still against this meeting He's one of the worst truly was one of the worst Christians my church full of pride He starts coming down the aisle Literally literally I mean, I can't make my hands go as fast as his labor and he's been over in the glory He's sweating in the heat and he's crying but it's just not tears. He's boo-hooing and he's the proudest man in the church He's God has broke him. He's coming down the hop everything he bought God's doing to him and he's crying like this And he looked at me and he said help me Randy help me Randy help me Randy and I said John what's wrong He said I can't stop crying and I've got my contact in and I've cried so hard Mine is the day of hard contact My left eye is killing me and I can't get my contact out with my hands doing this help me And I said john That could be a word of knowledge because we just been talking about words knowledge the session before He said you and those words of knowledge. I don't even believe in him right then a 14 year old girl Whose dad is? one of my leaders Who will not come to the meeting who's boycotting the meeting cuz he said you can't teach people how to heal. I Said he ever go to advance doesn't class. Yeah Baptists are good at defense doesn't I? Said I didn't think we could save anybody either only God can save But he still didn't get it he wouldn't come he's mad he's against the meeting but God in His grace It's his daughter And she knocked on John's shoulder and John turns around and she said that's me I just came from the optometrist. They just told me my ayah so cross I've got to have it fixed by surgery and John stopped shaking and this man who just mocked all the stuff it only took 60 seconds in the anointing to Transform him and to a man who some 35 years later is still on fire for God even though he's still a civil engineer He's still casting out demons and healing the sick Everywhere he go and John said I come in that I had to be straight open your eyes still Cree He did it five times and it was straight and then the next night that woman girl 14 Tammi She came up to John and I and a couple of women deacons wife, and she said I need to be healed I said you just got here last night. I Have a spinal bifida. I Have to wear a diaper. I don't have any control of my bladder. I was born a hydrocephalic. I've had shoots put in I Have terrible seizures of all kinds of medication and it wasn't anybody from the visiting church It's just us much like last night. It wasn't Anybody coming from the outside? But it was you guys Because he wanted you to realize how he wants to use you that your faith would be in him Not somebody else that comes to visit and he used it for good Enemy will not mess this up as much on travel in the future because he knows what's liable to happen So we prayed and on the way home Tammy said to her mothers are walking home mommy Do I have to wear a diaper tonight? And her mother is an act of faith said no, you don't Tammy Ferguson never had to wear another diaper for the rest of her life Never had to have another shunt put in the fluid started going down her spine. Never had to take another To have another visit to the neurologist. She had several neurons because all those seizures stopped now listen But this got me in trouble because some of the religious people in my church who didn't like the Holy Spirit came to me and said we don't believe this is God And I said why? they said because of who he touched He didn't touch the chairman of the Deacon board who was a very good man, holy man He didn't touch my best friend who wanted to be filled the Holy Spirit and one to speak in tongues He did not get touched then and we prayed for him Three times a week till October. That was March before God's sovereignty then fell on him and Gave him everything he wanted two of the best men of my church did not get touched and John was one of the worst and Barbara Oh Barbara was back. Slidden She hadn't been a church. Some months didn't even know why she came that night And God came on her and she even came to the front She's shaking and Blaine prayed this famous prayer that later. We prayed in Toronto a lot More Lord and Bound down Barbara went and three hours later. Somebody else had to drive her home because she's still so drunk She can't drive in the Holy Spirit and her husband had been really bad PTSD even Vietnam hadn't been in church since The next day God will save him Because of what he's working in his wife We don't believe this is God why? because of who he's touching And who he didn't touch in that service And they said why would he do that? And I said, you know, this is my first experience. I don't know anything about this I'm just getting started. I said I don't know but I'll go ask him. I'm almost done. We're getting ready to have the invitation I'll go ask him. So I went and I said Lord you got me in trouble They should know I can't do this they should oh I can't cause this type of disruption and all that you're doing But they don't believe it's you God because they think you you Miss some people. You should have touched you touch some people. He should have skipped Why? There's this clear day. I didn't have to pray 40 hours. I didn't have to pray 40 days. They're fast 40 days It's just instantly the message can answer came. He said what's the word for gift in 1st Corinthians chapter 12? I said it's caress Motta from which we get the word charismatic. He said what's the root of that word? I said, it's Kairos He said what's that word mean? I said Lord, it means grace. He said that's your answer But the next thing was so clear, you know God didn't speak to me in King James English and he's got a sense of humor He said I've been around a long time. I Thought that was humorous and I know you people I don't know what you're human beings are like and I know that if I only touch those who deserve it If I only touch your best and I don't touch people that everybody knows they don't deserve it You would turn you human beings would turn my Kerris mata. My grace gifts into works Amada and Because you think you've earned them and rather than receiving by grace, you wouldn't be nearly as grateful That's why I do that Randy So everybody will know is by grace Everybody receives on the basis of grace that means Nobody's safe Just very quickly, I'd wanted to have one more story about a woman in switz in Denmark in Copenhagen She's introverted. She came forward God touched her She has more people get healed percentage-wise than Oral Roberts did Jack Cole Amy Semple McPherson Because one of the books I read talked about all those very famous healing events and her healing lines had about 15% Get healed who came through the line This woman has 42 percent of the people. She's prayed for on the streets She keeps a notebook puts her name when she prayed and follows up. She asks for 42 and in a few years she had 1,800 people healed on the streets or 42 percent of the people she was praying for Nobody knows her name. I don't even know her last name. All I know is she's called Karin Heaven knows her name Hell knows her name its honored in heaven and feared in hell and it started when this Christian and Copenhagen in a meeting just like this God chose to give her a great anointing for healing What has happened? Well Just through lathe Hedlund Heidi Baker Henry Madhava each one of those who received an impartation in one of our meetings Each one of their those persons their ministries led 1 million people to Jesus 1 million each 3 million people scores of thousands of churches have been started I know of at least 40,000 churches that have been started through people who were touched as a result of impartation means that we have been in Thousands and hundreds of thousands of people in Brazil on top of that I Do not believe this is the work of the devil To leave millions of people to Jesus. I don't believe it's the work of the devil to start 40-some thousand years And that's just in Toronto. That doesn't conclude Pensacola And all the people haven't lately been meeting these young guys in their 30s getting close to 40 They were touched in Pensacola and they're leading powerful moves of God and see I don't believe that Pensacola was one thing in Toronto was one thing in Smithton was one thing in howard-browne was another thing Hopefully that's one great big move of God And the good news is God hasn't quit and he's still doing it Would you stand would the ministry team please come forward and put your heels up against the platform and face the crowd I'm gonna pray and I'm gonna ask you to pray and I'm gonna ask you to take 20 30 seconds max and I'm gonna tell you right before I went to see rodney howard-browne and Tulsa Oklahoma when I was touched this last time I Prayed to prayers that night after I had been told about what God was doing through Rodney and Healing it was happening and here was my prayers Lord if you'll touch me one more time I'll go anywhere and I'll do anything you say if you'll just touch me now. I hadn't had one invitation to go anywhere So when I said I'll go anywhere. I'm thinking maybe an hour way seriously He did exceedingly abundantly above all I asked her I thought But my second prayer was this I learned it from John Wimber and it became my prayer a minute with all my heart It was this God Make me a coin in your pocket and spend me anyway you want Tomorrow are what is today day xx? Today is the 25th anniversary of when the Spirit fell when I went to Toronto. It's happy it was January the 20th 1994 I'm still Being spent I Think God for another generation of people being touched Hold your hands out like this Don't bow your heads, but do close your eyes I don't give you 20 seconds to tell god what you want him to do to you And then I'm gonna pray for you and then we're gonna wait as the spirit sovereign who begins to fall in any of those signs Begins to happen to you. Then. We're going to ask you to come forward come really close to the team The floor will fill up and we'll run out of room but the team will just walk past those that's lying on the floor and begin going Into the aisles up into the balconies and wherever they see Someone being touched of God to come an agreement and bless what they see There's something powerful when we bless what God is doing Rather than trying to ask God to bless what we're doing Now I'm gonna pray for you father I Bless the name of Jesus and I thank you God for what you're about to do. I thank you Lord for The history of what you've been doing I think your Lord For a future what you're going to continue to do I? Ask God that you would come and fill afresh and fill again Lord that you touch those like in acts 4 they'd been at Pentecost in act 2, but you touched him again you filled him again Come and fill us. I pray God for there to be a release of revelatory gifts in this church As there was in my Baptist Church when nobody moved in any of the revelatory gifts and after that night all of a sudden there's a large percentage of my people who are getting words of knowledge and prophecy and having dreams and visions and discerning the spirits and Gifts of healing God were like when we went to the Assembly God Church at Redding We're bills at God that you took them to a new level and they never went down again It's like 25 percent instant increased God So I pray that what you did in Tom Jones's Pentecostal church in Englewood Florida God you radically transformed it god I pray in Jesus name for a release of the gifts of Revelation to cause there to be a release of the gift of faith and the responding correlation of the gifts of power Healing and working of miracles to take place come Holy Spirit Come Holy Spirit Send your angels into this place our fellow workers in the name of Jesus Release your fire and your power Touch them with such power they never can doubt that you did something special to them tonight more Lord More Lord now I already see Thank you. Jesus wanted about to happen. I already see some of you what I said He's already doing to you some of you I I can hear the emotion in your well Here the emotion in the in the in the scream some of you I actually see him touching you touch I see the glory on you. I see his power in your hands if you're he if there's a supernatural heat, you know Recently, we had the pastor the largest Baptist Church in Brisbane when he was touched in his church God knocked him down right in front of this whole church and for five hours, he sweats through all of his clothes no, dry clothes a sweat from a supernatural heat and This last year five years later He had ninety nine hundred and twenty new conversions in his church God Transformed that church grew it from a thousand to multiple thousands father in the name of Jesus do it again touch the people touch the people Touch them God in the name of Jesus. If you are being touched by his spirit come to the front come now Come now Come to the front Come while he's touching you My Lutheran friend I see the power got in your hands get up here More God more Lord more Lord now and about At around 9 o'clock Maybe earlier but at least by 9 o'clock. We're going to switch and start praying for the sick but right now all we're praying for is people to be filled and the activation of Gifts for you to be baptized in the spirit of fresh and for you to receive gifts of the Holy Spirit Team when you prayed And there's nobody that can get to you then you begin to work your way through the crowd more cut more Lord More Lord in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus more god more Lord in Jesus name in Jesus Name. Thank you God Thank you lord touching God touching Lord in Jesus name my blessing in Jesus name more More Lord for God more like touching God in Jesus name in Jesus name in Jesus name more job more Lord More Lord we bless the kitchen in the name of Jesus more got more got more Lord poor guy more God Breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough The Muslim world in the name of Jesus more God more hardened in Jesus name in Jesus Name more cotton we bless them in the name of Jesus fire fire fire in Jesus name in Jesus name more God more more more God Bless them. God Jesus name Jesus name Jesus name. Thank you. God Thank You Martin. Thank you God in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus In the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus Jesus name god bless Name more cot In the name of Jesus Holy spirit give her a baptism of love in the name of Jesus a Baptism of love in Jesus name or god bless her Lord in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus more Bless every tear Bill or God in Jesus name anointing God in the name of Jesus more more Lord in the name of Jesus feeling bored lesser God in Jesus name In Jesus name I pray for this guy right here. Thank you. God come Holy Spirit Anoint this man that's knowing but knowing in the name of Jesus, they even more power go through her body Touching God in the theme of Jesus in the name of Jesus more God more hard in Jesus name Jesus name in Jesus name God Jesus name Holy Spirit come Holy Spirit Give him a baptism of love you're powerful over in the name of Jesus In Jesus name
Channel: Trinity Church Cedar Hill
Views: 58,556
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Keywords: TrinityChurch, Trinity, Church, CedarHill, Randy Clark
Id: cZ7WJgMeixQ
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Length: 90min 42sec (5442 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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