Robert Madu "Don't Stay Stuck" - SAGU Chapel

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your morning's south-western come on are you glad to be at the very first Chapel of the spring semester come over 2020 would you make some noise in here today come on y'all can do better than that I hope you happy to be in a new year a new decade and how many know you're already winning because you already got a 4.0 GPA come on not a single test yet so you're winning already and if you know me you know I am ridiculously red bull excited to be back at the GU and I so appreciate this institution I am honored every time I get the call to come because I owe a bill of gratitude to this University and so glad to be here and I hope you're so grateful that you're a part of this University and grateful that you have great leadership like president Bridges can we think for president bridges and all of the faculty here come on y'all can do better than that man y'all are blessed the older I get the older I get I appreciate people that have consistency just been faithful not intensity anybody can have intensity but when you've been consistent and faithful that's somebody that should be honored and I honor you president bridges thank you so much for having me and I won't be before you long I want to encourage you this is gonna be a message that it's gonna build you up and even if you don't like it right now I promise you later in the semester you're gonna pull this message back out and be like oh that word that chocolate brother Robin Badu preached in Chapel I need this right now I said go with me to Acts chapter 3 we're gonna look at verses 1 through 10 Acts chapter 3 we'll start at verse 1 and we'll land in verse number 2 do you like who you're sitting next to if you don't you could change your seat you still got time look at what it says in verse one it says one day one day it's already good one day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer at 3:00 in the afternoon now a man who was lame from birth was being carried to the temple gate called beautiful where he was put every day to beg from those going into the temple courts when he saw Peter and John about to enter he asked them for money and Peter looked straight at him as did John when Peter said look at us so the man gave them his attention expecting to get a little something-something from them then Peter said silver gold I do not have first thing out of Peters mouth was look bro I ain't got it I found that's where most people actually get stuck in life most people get stuck because they're so aware of what they do not have in fact I found the enemy is real good at reminding you of what you don't have Oh y'all gonna leave me out here by myself okay am I the only one been scrolling through the Graham just been on social media and immediately you hear the enemy in your ear saying you ain't got that you ain't got that you ain't even got that you ain't got the credit score for that he loves to tell you what you do not have but thank God for that comma I'm glad Peter did not stop at what he did not have he goes but what I do have Oh P said don't get it twisted I got something come on would you look at your neighbor let's get church again Chapel and would you tell them you have something come on something I didn't even look at your neighbor you know I can see you you kept looking at me come on encourage your neighbor tell him you have something yes he says what I do have I give you and I'm not giving it in my name in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth walk and taking him by the right hand he helped him up instantly instantly the man's feet and ankles became strong he jumped to his feet began to walk then he went with them into the temple courts walking and jumping and praising God and when all the people saw him walking and praising God they said hold up wait a minute they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called beautiful they were filled with Wonder and amazement at what had happened to him can you say Amen come on this first Chapel of the semester I want to preach to you just using this as a title don't stay stuck don't stay stuck come on let's pray we'll jump right into this long prayer but bear with me would you bow your heads god you're awesome speak to us today amen don't stay stuck second fan has anybody been to an airport lately you know see your hair real quick you've been to an airport lately okay quite a few of you if you lifted up your hand if you lift up your hand then you are fully aware of the fact that what I basically just asked was has anybody been to purgatory lately anybody been to hell and back lately come on can we keep the 100 and chapel how many know it can be stressful to travel yes after almost 14 years now a full-time traveling at inner and ministry and now I'm encroaching upon some three million miles flown I am fully convinced but the convinced that if you really want to test your faith just book a flight okay book you a flight okay if you really think you full of the spirit fly spirit and then come holla at your boy because it is stressful to travel and so over the years I've developed some plane and airport pet peeves and I won't bore you with all of them but one of my pet peeves is when I have to connect in another city for a flight and my departing flight is late by the time I get to the connecting city I have 1.5 minutes to get to the connecting gate and then to add to that I landed at gate a1 but my connecting gate is that gate z-99 and I got 1.5 minutes to get to gate Zee 99 how many know at this point I only got three options I can miss my flight and go happen I can call for that cute little car to carry me there and gonna happen I'm a grown man oh I can put my Orangetheory fitness to the test and just run like Forrest Gump and you same Bowen everything I got trying to get to Gay's e9 now this happens all the time it happened a few weeks ago in Chicago I am running with everything I got just trying to get to my gate but I love when I'm running sometimes I will see something in the distance I will see something that reminds me of the goodness of God I'll see something that lets me know that God is still in the miracle-working business I'll see something that lets me know that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all you may ask your thing I will see one of those wait for it moving walkways I've never seen those before those moving walkways about their church cuz I love a move they walk away because to me to me those moving walkways are just like having the favor of God on your life you tell me no you just don't walk in on that moving walkway it will expedite your journey it'll get you there quicker than you could have in your own strength and your own ingenuity I love a move the only problem with the moving walkway my only issue with the moving walkway frustration with the moving walkway are the people on the walkway who refuse what is wrong with y'all that's why I came to Chapel they talked about this right here talk about y'all people who I stand in what's your big old suitcase that should have been checked why are you standing that's frustration just just annoying that you would stand on the movie wall playing I think my frustration with you people who are here today it's not that you're standing it's not that you're standing if you will stand it in any other place in the airport I would be cool with it I think my frustration stems from the fact that you have brought stagnation on a mechanism that was created for movement yeah that's what I'm annoyed by is that you have brought stagnation and stuckness to something that was actually created to take you further and faster than you could on your own and anytime you have stagnation in a place that was created for movement you will always have frustration always you don't believe me get stuck in the elevator after this chapel service and watch how you just start sweating come on how is it I can sit on my couch for hours get a good Netflix series there but if I'm on an airplane on the runway at DFW and we just sitting on the runway for ow please believe at some point I will hijack that play just to get you up this thing a little bit because stagnation and a place created for movement always creates frustration and that wondered a if the reason some of us get so frustrated in our lives is because our lives have become stuck and stagnant when God created us from movement oh you're not going to help me preach in here in Chapel today could it be possible even plausible that the reason you're annoyed with where you are right now is because your life has become stuck and stagnant when you serve a God that actually created you for movement you do know that God is a God of movement don't you he's always taking you somewhere come on he's taking you from faith to faith he's taking you from strength to strength how many know that God is preparing you right now for something that he's already prepared for you you do know that you did not come to Waxahachie just to stay in Waxahachie come on Hama you came here because you're gonna walk across this same stage and you don't get a degree come on somebody God is taking you somewhere he's a God of the righteous the steps not the stuckness the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord why the steps ordered because God is a God of movement you don't believe God is a God of movement you better back that thing up to the book of Genesis the first thing God shows us is he's a God of movement description Genesis Genesis chapter 1 chapter 1 it says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was what moving over the face of the waters the first thing God revealed is that I am a God that moves on your behalf in fact to me Genesis was just the commencement of a symphony where God the cosmic conductor just pulled out his omnipotent baton and began this melody of move because everything he made it had to move everything he created it had a cadence it had a pace he goes let there be light but the whole solar system in place and once everything was said he goes oh yeah y'all can't stay still yeah now I said everything just started moving even right now we are moving the earth is moving you know we're moving right now you can't even feel it but we are moving right now you can't feel it but we're moving that's why you should never judge what God is doing in your life just because you don't feel it how many know it's nothing to do with your feelings it's all about your faith God is a God but he said let there be water created the water said water get to move and you can't be steel nest mosquitos get to move and the water started moving created a cheetah and told the cheetah to get to moving can you see the cheetah the audacity to tell a turtle to get to move in the Toyota was like God I'm an introvert I don't want to come out of my shell huh huh he's like you still got to get to move him you don't gotta be as fast as a cheetah but you still gotta move and here comes the turtle we think I made it had to move he reached out and dirt created man breathed into him the breath of lies and guess what your heart started doing it started moving that's when will you go for your checkup and the doctor puts in his headphones he's checking he's listening for that same beat the same beat that began in the beginning and if there's a regularities in that beat that means there's something wrong in your body see that's why every time you have worship in chapel you ought to be the first one to lift up your hands not because life is perfect you want to just thank God that your heart is still beating in your chest come on that God gave you another day come on sanku if you got a pulse you still got a purpose what somebody just wake up on the first Chapel and just give God some praise if you're thankful that you're steel Oh some y'all ain't thankful come on give God some praise that you're still God you don't believe God is a God of movement people two-thirds of his name is go yeah I'll go get that tomorrow he defeated death held in the grave he's about to ascend back to heaven the disciples are like yo can we get like the Commission like a Great Commission is there all y'all want to Commission all right go and tell all the world and preach the gospel to every living creature making disciples of every nation God is a God a movement the challenge is don't miss this the challenge is God's a God a movement but humanity has this tendency and this propensity to always get stuck have you noticed about us we love to get stuck I'm talking we come to places we sit in the same seat all the time go to the same restaurants all the time same coffee shop we just get stuck and routines in fact I would even argue all that is wrong with the world today it's because humanity got stuck Adam and Eve they did not keep it moving they got stuck at the wrong tree listening to the wrong voice so they made the wrong choice and now we are reaping the ramifications of a decision they made when they got stuck stuck missus in our DNA and today in Acts chapter 3 there's a man who is stuck but I bring up Genesis chapter 3 because there is a connection between Genesis 3 and Acts chapter 3 because if you look at this text just at a micro level today you'll see a man who's a lame from birth stuck outside of the temple gate begging until one day Peter and John full of the Holy Spirit raised that man up and he enters the temple but I wonder if we broadened the scope of this text and looked at this man really at a macro level you would see that this man is really just a picture of the spiritual condition of humanity because every single one of us spiritually we were born lame you do know that right you were born like you came out the lamb spiritually speaking something like I'm a good person no you lame super lame come on have you noticed nobody has to teach you how to lie what class did you take on selfishness not one at two you perfected the art of not just born lame we had no access to the presence of God that's what sin did so Peter and John raising this man up and allowed him to access the temple the presence of God how many know that's a picture of the power of what the cross did how many you think look at the cross of Jesus Christ is what raised your spirit up and it gives you access to the presence of God took that fruit that's when all the humanity got stuck and I know this is not really how it happened in the Bible where this is my exegetical imagination this is the way my mind works when I look at scripture I think when Adam Eve took that forbidden fruit and all humanity got stuck immediately God the Father Holy Spirit God son they all called an executive Trinity team meeting three and one all at the same time in her town they said God the Father Knows y'all see what I see they stuff you know they can't get themselves out so one of y'all gonna have to go down there and get them out and immediately Jesus looks at the Holy Spirit and goes well anybody move like you so why don't you go out there and the Holy Spirit looked at Jesus like now now don't play Jesus don't play come on I'm a captor to you Matthew chapter 1 don't try to jack up the Bible Jesus now you to save you to save you you go down there and get him out and she's like I know I know and Jesus gets on the balcony of heaven the balcony of heaven and he jumps off the balcony of heaven it was a 42 generation jump but he lands in the womb of a virgin they married I'm at Christmas and all of a sudden Mary starts feeling nauseous so she calls her fiance Joseph he says I need to talk to you boo he's like yeah we need to talk why you've been so distant lately you don't wanna get married anymore you know I love you it's just like Oh I don't even know how to tell you it is just give me your hand give me your hand takes Joseph's hand puts it on her stomach and Joseph goes well something just moved she goes yeah that's what he does all of a sudden there's tension and their relationship so she calls her pregnant cousin Elizabeth it says girl I gotta see you and Mary Mary takes an uber to a pregnant cousin Elizabeth house and when she gets out of the Oberer she meets her pregnant cousin Elizabeth and they both waddle up on each other like two penguins in Alaska meeting for the very first time and Elizabeth goes girl you ain't gonna believe this I don't my baby move in months but as soon as you got it over girl my baby started kicking and moving around I don't know what's on the inside of you but it's making my baby move on the inside of me and Mary goes yeah that's what he does all of a sudden Elizabeth girls I cannot believe you took an uber down here Mary you are pregnant yeah an uber driver was weird too Elizabeth goes really what was his name Mary goes John Elizabeth goes I like that name fast forward 30 years later John the Baptist is baptizing people in the Jordan River and please believe that the water is still moving from the same cadence of creation and John almost drowns a guy in the water because he looks in the distance and says behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world this is the one I was telling y'all about I'm baptizing you with water but he's gonna baptize you with fire and with the Holy Spirit and all of a sudden Jesus and John meet in the water John's disciples Loki goes yo you know this dude and just like yes I know this dude he's vetoed but what's crazy is the first time we met we were in water now we meet again in a water this must be a destiny moment he baptized Jesus y'all know the story Jesus starts to move in heals the sick raises the dead goes to the cross defeat sin gets up from the grave defeats death a sands back to heaven and the true the executive team meeting is reassured and the Holy Spirit and God the Father look at Jesus and go man you killed that thing and Jesus goes you know I do the best that I could and then they look at the Holy Spirit to say it's on you now the Holy Spirit's I know I know and the Holy Spirit gets on the balcony of heaven jumps off the balcony of heaven but lands in the Upper Room at chapter two and suddenly a sound there's a mighty rushing wind filled that place they all got power to be God's witnesses to Jerusalem Judea Samaria to the ends of the earth by the way I basically just gave you the whole Bible like in ten minutes you welcome you're welcome now just sit there his cool it's good and in that room was Peter and John full the power of the Holy Spirit all of a sudden they're on their way to the temple and they do not walk over this man like everybody else did they all of a sudden looked and see a man who stuck they just paid attention you know miracles began when you just pay attention pay attention and they see this man watch this who's stuck he stopped see I didn't tell the camera people I was gonna do this but I hope they're good because whenever I preach it pastors like this I will sit like this as I'm gonna feel what the person I'm preaching about Phil can you imagine what it was like to be stuck even in our current context today we don't understand what many of our disabled brothers and sisters have to face can you imagine in biblical antiquity with no hub arounds no wheelchairs it was the epitome of being stuck somebody dropped you off you better get comfortable you don't be there for a while and I thought about this the only thing that didn't work in this man's life don't miss this were his legs everything else worked his mind had cognitive capability his heart could beat his eyes could see his ears could hear homeboy probably had good teeth but all of that was affected by one thing that didn't work can cut your new year's resolution list short because some of you think oh I got all these problems I got all these issues no you just got one yeah you're bad attitude is affecting every area of your life your procrastination is affecting every area of your life your inability to focus will affect every area of your life because one thing can shut everything else down and when you get stuck you start developing what I call systems of stuckness you know what you got to do to get around cause you're gonna be here you start developing stuck relationships because when you start the only other people you can talk to other stuff people you know why cuz Lane recognized Lane so you have it stuck conversation like hey what you're gonna do today I'm probably gonna lay here for a little bit yeah I was thinking the same thing you know just has stuck conversations with stuck people the same conversation they're gonna be the same conversation next week just start but can I tell you the power of being stuck is that one day you can get up that's what God wants to do for somebody in this Chapel today you've been stuck and God wants to get your attention and raise you up problem is sometimes when you raise you up you still got relationships with people that have been stuck and you tried don't you you try to go ahead or sang conversations but the jokes aren't funny anymore you trying to figure out how they still doing the same thing they still trying to hang out every weekend in the club you're like you still doing that and then they got the nerve to look at you and go uh seem like you changed yeah you're actin different like that's a bad thing help me know that is the point of life you're supposed to be changing is there anybody in Chapel that says this is my year I don't want to be who I always was I want to be everything that God has called and created me to be yes I'm changing oh come on somebody if you're the same person at 40 that you are at 20 you wasted 20 years of your life you better be hashtag changing all day every day you start developing systems of stuckness and all of that was my introduction the thing that brought me to this passage is that the Bible says he got dropped in front of the temple gate don't miss this every day every day they dropped him from the temple gate can I get three guys to help me would you come up here real quick I need to walk out just come up here real quick you and striped shirt and you with the beard with the phone come up real quick come on we're faster faster faster real fast real fast real fast relax no clock is tickin and you can't miss the first day of class would you do me a favor would you just lay on the ground will quick just lay on the ground yeah see he got dropped in from the temple every day not just on Sunday not just on a Wednesday night service they dropped him in the church parking lot if you will every single day so if he got dropped he can't walk he got dropped every day Oh hope I'm not bringing my own presupposition of this that means there are two other people perhaps never in this text there nobody ever pictures about everyone else talks about Peter and John and goes the shouting nobody talks about y'all said I dropped every day how come everybody talks about Peter and John but nobody talks about Billy and Bob cuz he got dropped every day do you know what every day means that means on Sunday they would pick him up grab his others layers you get his legs right there once you change on me they were drop them come on come on over here they would drop him and from the church just drop him carefully they would drop him from the church he would hold out his cup and beg just wanna puke up and beg they went to work or the class did whatever they had to do they came right back about five o'clock that afternoon picked him right back up after they picked him up then they would drop him off maybe at his house and then they would go back home that's Sunday Monday morning here come Billy and Bob they pick him arrive go faster and then they drop him over here in front of the church as they drop him up he would hold on his cup and bag they would go to work do whatever they had to do came right about five o'clock that afternoon would pick him right back up drop him off back at his house and then they would go back home that's Monday Tuesday morning bing-bong billion Bob come right back and pick him right back up they were dropping off in front of the church then he would hold out his cup and bang they went to class they don't have they had to do came right back about five o'clock you know yours working out in shuffle today and then Oh take them back home and then after that they would go back home that's Tuesday Wednesday come right on plan plan plan I'm just trying to show you the laborious nature of every single we didn't get to Friday he is sweating right now yes every day yes every day again I hope I'm not bringing my own presuppositions to this biblical passage they dropped him everyday no don't get healed yet say now say they did this every day maybe after the first week or so Billy and Bob just did it out of the kindness of their heart their mind Billy and Bob build us a goo they did it for a month every day just trying to be kind trying to be Jesus with skin on every day for a month I mean just possibly perchance after every day for a month one of those days they picked him up they dropped him off and from the church he would hold out his cup and beg they went to work dear whatever they had to do came right back about five o'clock hold up he's been begging all day you see what I see you see what I'm saying that cup is not empty it's some end that cup and y'all been working hard come on even goober and lift ain't free I think you should get a cut come on just a little cut for helping out get a little bit not that much put some piss on back it's always one now that you got your cut pick him back up and he's lighter now ain't he and drop him off and help me no Billy and Bob a whistling on their way back home and hold on now we have perhaps collaborators to a sick system of somebody who's stuck how many know at this point Billy and Bob don't want him to be healed oh they don't want him home it would affect their pockets they have become the beneficiaries of his stuckness and his brokenness and the reason I brought Billy involved Chapel especially this first semester is to tell somebody in here today whenever you are stuck there will always be Peter and John's who want to pull you up into what God has called you to be and will not let you settle for average and mediocrity but how many know there will also be Billy's and Bob's who don't want you here who don't want you home because they developed an attachment to your brokenness they don't want you walking in all that God is having on you too so how many know this is your semester just start checking your circle and make sure the people around you are not contributing to your stuckness and make sure you got some people with you that are gonna push you into everything that God has called you to be come on somebody this is your year check your circle it's cool it's cool I know awesome you gave me their love clamp because you sit next to Billy and Bob some of y'all are dating a billion Bob and that's cool that's cool just keep looking at me and just blink like that and they won't know but I'm telling you success of your walk and I believe even of this semester will be not when you get stuck is are you gonna stay stuck and are you gonna allow people to benefit from your stuckness thank you so much is there anybody in here they says I am not staying stuck this semester I give God permission to wreck my routine so I can get up and walk and all that he has to me come on a session would you get up on your feet right now and just give God the best praise that you got if you say I am to walk and move into all that God has for me oh come on Sango you can do better than that would you give Jesus some plays in here today don't stay stuck you might get stuck but you don't have to stay stuck I love it because even before they raised him up and the man went into the chapel just dancing the Bible says that Peter and John made him look at them look at us you know why that man had been stuck for 40 years 40 years of just going through the motions you picked up hold out my cup make a few bucks give him that kind go back on 40 years of a system of a broken cycle and when you get stuck for so long you know you're stuck when you stop looking up lost your hope lost your joy something you can't even get excited about this semester as you're still stuck in things from last semester and last year and Peter and John before they could even raise him up they had to get his attention look at us because miracles start when you pay attention hear me if you will give God your attention this semester he will exceed your expectation if you will just give God your attention and say Here I am I'm telling you he will blow your mind this semester but he's got to get your attention so you can get up and walk in what he asks for you I'm gonna ask our heads be bowed our eyes closed please father I thank you for your word I thank you for your presence but I thank you that you did not create us to be stuck or stagnant it created us from movement you're a god that is still moving today no don't know even in this Chapel setting you're moving you're speaking hearts speaking of people who some of us we don't even know how he got stuck in this routine some of us don't even know how we got stuck in these relationship but God will give you our attention today on this first chapter of the semester to say God you have my attention I want you to exceed my expectation that man's healing started a revival in that city read Acts chapter 4 the whole place was transformed after he got up and the name of Jesus was declared and I believe that as you give God your attention and you allow him to wreck your routine and you get unstuck you're gonna be shocked at how many people but look at your life and Jesus will get the glory because you not stuff but I'm not gonna stay stuck but heads bowed eyes closed the day if you're new today you'd be salams to say hey Robert buy a business from being business with me and right at this first Chapel in the first semester of the spring I'm given regard my attention he could wreck my routine this semester so I don't have to stay stuck if that's you and that's your heart's crown would you just lift up your hair today as a sign to say Lord you have my attention you have my attention I'll give it to you today I don't want to be stuck thank you God thank you God with those hands are lifted would you pray this prayer I might give you the words just before president Bridges comes but you say this from your heart say they say dear Jesus come on Lester declare it everybody say dear Jesus you have my attention I know you did not create me to be stuck I was made for movement so I give you permission you can wreck my routine you can break cycles I want to move into everything that you have for me in Jesus name Amen god bless you say [Music]
Channel: SAGU Chapel
Views: 8,264
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: SAGU, Southwestern Assemblies of God University, robert madu
Id: bU-zWfLPAM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 30sec (2130 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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