Live with Rob Cosman Episode 24: Bed Desk Part 5

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if you're gonna be building would hinge boxes you want really good hinge pivot pins I want to show you why by the way we have both sixteenth inch and 8 inch but if you try to use something like a nail when you snip it to length it ends up squeezing the end of the nail and if you spin it your fingers and like that you can feel that it's no longer round the problem with that is when you put it in that little small sixteenth inch diameter hole it's gonna kind of screw up that nice little hole and you won't have really nice contact between the hinge pin and the hole so this stock that we use when you snip it and roll it in your fingers you don't feel that it's nice and round so we have a we have a sixteenth inch kit that gives you six pieces now we have the eighth inch as well and just so you see the difference on something this size using quarter inch dowel I use sixteenth inch but something like the lid on this desk which is a lot heavier we use a half inch pin and that's a pardon me a eighth inch pin and that's in a half inch dowel so there's your there's your three pieces of eighth inch dowel in that kit and this one gives you some of both two of the eighth inch and four pieces of the sixteenth inch so that's good stuff I've been using it for 25 years or more great stock for making your wood hinges good luck hello Rob where are you rely fashionably late as usual good to go yep will we get on lots of people Ken's here Angie's here Ken good Luther yep Super Dave I'm seen Super Dave yet Megan's here Angie's here Angie's here Meghan in Utah yep awesome Barry Frankel hey Barry just process in order for Barry lots of people videos up videos up we're live hi folks welcome can't even remember what number this is 20 something right 26 it's our Saturday night corona weekend substitute for date night so in starting just the quick introduction in case you're new we do these every Saturday well this coronavirus has this all bottle up inside and we're currently working on a bed desk there's just a quick mock-up of course it's all gonna be dovetail is gonna be a little pencil drawer in there for Angie Angie it's part of our team in fact if you go on the website Rob Cosman calm and look under meet about us you'll see all the team members on there and Angie was just added there's an 0 right here Angie takes care of all the t-shirts and the t-shirts sewing just to make sure our teachers are the fun are not of fundraiser our t-shirts are an awareness raiser of the Purple Heart Project which I'll explain momentarily just so that you know we finance our Purple Heart project where we bring in combat wounded vets through the sale of our saws all of our saws dovetail cross got medium tenon bench crosscut and full tenon saw ten percent of that goes to it and donations that we get from people like you so we're building this for Angie so she can be more comfortable watching her iPad when it's ace underbid she's confined to her bed right now and the Purple Heart Project something we started four years ago we've had 13 classes to date keep your fingers crossed we have six classes planned this summer for unfortunately our May class has already had to be moved to the end of August but it's still a go in fact all of our classes are sold out there's always in each class there's six civilian spots that are for anybody that wants to come as a cust as a student and then there's six combat wounded vet spots that we go through a selection process open to any combat wounded vet and I'll explain that in a second so all of the classes are all sold out we filled the last one this week and they run six days we start we're in here at about a quarter after 8:00 in the morning actually our classroom is in behind me we're at in here at quarter after 8:00 and we stay until 11 o'clock at night our meals are provided for us right here which is part of your tuition and it's just a really really interesting and fun time mingling with combat wounded vets Rex Hemi those three boxes place and we changed it the format up a little bit thank you this year we added a day and because of that we're able to have a project so we're gonna build a candle box now you may look at that and say well that's no big deal you got to spend six days trust me all the material comes from rough lumber and we dimension it by hand so that means all of the parts and pieces start off as a rough board and just in case you're not quite sure what a rough board or what I'm referring to when I say a rough board if I had when I'd show you believe it or not I've actually been cleaning up and well here here's a rough board right here there's a rough board so this is a piece of pine this is how it comes from the mill so it's got it's been sawn and dried we have to make it flat smooth square ready for a finish two-hand plane no sanding and of course everything has to be precise in order for things to work out like the dovetails on the corner so there'd be quite a bit of liberties terms of how you treat the lid the rest of its kind of everybody follows the same pattern just to make it a little bit easier for the instructors to keep everybody on track now there's going to be options you're gonna be able to cut you're gonna learn through dovetails you're gonna learn half blind dovetails you're going to learn step dovetail will probably do mitered edge will also do houndstooth just fine mortise and tenon through wedge tenon just everything you can think of what are you saying oh it's not next day it's an extra 18 hours anyway so that's the class so it's called training the hand I've been teaching this class since 2000 and if four years ago we integrated it with our Purple Heart project and that involves as I mentioned bringing in combat wounded veterans so there's a little bit of criteria and the reason we're doing these workshops is to raise awareness and also give you an opportunity to participate by funding one of these vets here's the criteria if you are a combat wounded vet or if you know one now sorry to be exclusive but our little slice of this pie our soldiers male or female that are suffering the negative effect of a combat related injury whether it be a physical wound or a mental wound they have to be either active duty or or honorably discharged they what else they have to be able to get into Canada in other words you can't have any criminal history because you won't be able to you know be able to get into the country actually nobody can right now but like we just heard that's been extended border have been board has been closed for an additional 30 days so keep your fingers crossed and then you go on the website underneath the PHP there's a there is an application form and you go through and just fill it out now I will say this am I saying this to you if your combat wounded vet and I'm saying this to you who hopefully you know somebody who would qualify the most important part of that application is telling us your story and I know it's I understand I don't know by experience so I know from talking to other vets how difficult it is to put that stuff on paper however Jake super Dave Luther and I are the four individuals that go through and make the decision we are operating like a triage nurse in a hospital trying to determine who's the worst off who needs us the most we don't know who you are so all we can do is take your story after you've gone through and you've met all of the the criteria in terms of how combat wounded honorably discharged and you can get into the country then we've got to sit down and decide okay which of these people I will note that we give extra points to Vietnam vets and anyway the rest of this stuff is all on there if you have any questions at all about it just go on the site and ask a question and either go to Jake I or Luther Colonel Luther so if there's any questions pop up please if you are combat wounded vets it's been to one of our classes I'd love to say hello to you so I've got Rex over here in the corner Rex my son's been working with us for the last couple of weeks Rex will notify me so I can give you a shout out so to tell him just tell your name and which class you were in that you were one of the wounded vets in class number the date the month in the year hi Gary okay that's a good start Gary you're number one oh yeah haha check the background so Jeremy who is a local combat wounded vet Canadian Army I can't showed up today not to say that am I he left it outside and he made that for me he said he's been watching and he sees the US flag that mark mark wachowski with toast but made for me and all the students at that class signed it in the back and there's one guy that we couldn't quite read his message he knows who he is so Jeremy made this Canadian flag it's made out of local man we don't have a whole lot of cherry around here but he made this when he was in Greenwood Nova Scotia which is I think an Air Force Base or Navy anyway so that's that's cherry by the background is figured walnut very nice I say figured walnut I say figured maple sorry cherry and maple so and we just kind of we dressed it up made new I want to bring special attention to the two key players in our pardon what did you say two key players in our program so these are twins from a different mother this is Colonel retired colonel Luther Sealy US Army artillery Luther you see you're hearing from him because he's answering the questions lives in he's from South Carolina but he lives in Roy Washington nothing has ever misspelled because down there it doesn't matter how many vowels or consonants you use according to him or don't use supposed to just know what he means so Luther is the Luther's what makes this work I may be the face of it Luther is the head of it and over here is super David Benson now Dave lives just outside of Fort Drum in New York he's from Alaska he spent 17 years total half of that was in the Navy the other half was in the army served in Afghanistan suffered some shrapnel wounds to his head I saw his helmet what was left of it and super Dave came as one of our students in marks class and then ended up coming back as a just a really interesting story but no time for it right now but anyway now dave is part of our program he's been here more times than I have so he's well traveled ah Shawn hey brother Shawn I wish I could tell these stories but if I do even one everyone get anything done but Shawn man's a hide folks and so we got the over here we have a challenge coin didn't even know what they were mark Oliver gave me the first one I have which is right here and and several of the guys who have come have left us with those and there's a this is part of Special Forces which was a joint Canadian United States venture during World War two not one of the one of the vets Kevin smear Kevin smear Oh Kevin hey keV I do awesome Thank You Rex this is this is great I get a every time when these names comes up I get this fond memory Kevin has come to us and done the and done the wood show with us in Toronto and London not London Toronto and Woodstock and Hamilton and awesome great help and he's got a lovely Doug Jake Corolla Jake's learned to play hockey hi Jake oh so listen I gotta get started but just keep it coming Rex thank you and any questions interrupt me so next Saturday we're gonna take a little bit of a break from this we're gonna come back to it and but what we're gonna do is we're gonna do a question and answer so for two hours you ask and we'll answer and I don't mean just a verbal answer it may be a demonstration and we'll try to be set up to handle as many of them as possible now you might ask the question that just as you know what in the time allotted we can't answer that but we will go through and we'll provide will be your resource will be your encyclopedia your woodworking encyclopedia for two hours that'll be next Saturday night I think that'll be really fun and it'll give us a whole lot more interaction anything else dig have a new t-shirt coming brand new t-shirt new slogan new color you're gonna love it first if you're a mash fan we'll see that at the end of the night we have our Purple Heart project being introduced tonight by Eric Everhart it's actually known as a bee and he is he'll introduce himself he's EOD you don't know any of D stands for explosive ordnance disposal we've had quite a few of these guys we'll bring him in about the 45 minute mark and he'll tell you from his own experience what it's like to have come to the class now remember the reason we're doing this is so that when you're sitting there thinking of that one relative or friend of yours who hasn't left his house in the last three years when you hear these guys speak I hope it rings in your med in mind he says that's exactly what he needs so that you will get to him and start the process of events like bringing him to a point where he can fill out the application and hopefully be part of our program my final thing I'm gonna say before I get started is if you feel like this is something that you would like to be a part of I am first one to admit I know nothing about what I'm doing I know would and I can teach it but as far as anything psychology I know nothing I know that whatever happens behind this door in that classroom these guys literally get their lives turned around it's a combination of a lot of things what I've come to realize after 13 classes it's how important and I'm not saying this to fill seats how important the six civilians are that come to the class and it's the way they get to become friends with these vets that helps these vets open up and come back into society and it's awesome so I'm always looking for the right people and today to date we've always found the right people so if you're thinking about it we've got a real post the will post the dates for 2021 here hopefully within the next couple of weeks so that you pardon we can't wait that long Jake well we'll discuss it anyway yes Rex don't just show no don't don't don't cuz I don't might not look over there at you Eddie yeah we've had that we've had that asked a couple of times we'll we're seriously considering it so yes Barry now just a quick introduction Jake's holding onto the camera Jake's my son works with me in this behind him is Frick family because of the circumcircle sometimes we all live together Frick's here and Rex is over there and I mean I'm here okay any questions Kai get ready to work well that's a good question what are we giving away what are we giving away well you know what I forgot I forgot we always do a draw at the end of the night and we give some way now I know one of the things were new we will give away three copies of the DVD I'm building the workbench but I'm gonna leave it open to some suggestions if some of you think can think of what you'd like to have as a gift tonight speak it up and I will book consider it if you want to be part of the draw I will promise you this it'll be good it's usually four or five hundred dollars worth of something if you want to be part of the draw Frick all you have to do is simply go to draw Rob Cosman calm and it's a three question form you just fill it out and I'll be posting the link in the chat as well okay that'll put your name in you do not have to make a donation or to be part of it there's no tie in between the two if you would like to support one of these vets it costs us approximately thirty five hundred it's actually the more than that we haven't something figured out again we give each vet remember we cover their airfare their Hotel their meals and we send each one home with approximately thirty three hundred dollars worth of tools stuff like this that you see on my bench plus we now have our bench brigade brigade so these are volunteers that have taken it upon themselves to build one of our benches so that every vet that comes to our class will get one of these benches and we're even getting enough volunteers we're gonna reach back and provide benches to the vets who have come to the class in the past but don't have events to work with we we awarded to just this past week and they were thrilled to be able to get it so if you'd like to be part of that Jack Lane who has picked up the ball and is running with it he's running this for us it's called the bench brigade if you'd like to be a part of it you need to email me Rob at Rob Kozma comm and I will forward that to Jack and you'll hear from Jack what we'll do is just real quick your your what you're committing to is building the bench procuring the materials applying the finish and delivering it whether shipping or delivery if we can get it close enough to you I will provide you with the vise and the bench dogs so your total expenditure out-of-pocket pardon and the video that's right your total out-of-pocket expense on building the bench will be $200 no $100 sorry approximately $100 and the shipping we have we have who arranged that Chris Chris I kind of browse them I always see it and Jack have put together something with a nationwide carrier and I don't think it's in a car at the most it's gonna cost $200 to get the bench to the vet but like I said we're matching them up Jack's working on now to try to get the volunteers with a vet as close as possible awesome if you could actually deliver in person ray rayd or I know ray well every time I think of ray I think of what's that thing called I can ever remember know that he used to drive he'll tell me hi right great to have you all right now don't forget make a suggestion on what you want for tonight I went ahead and I got the I got the other runner in the dovetails are ready dovetail saw bench cross cuts mallet with Cosman eyes chisels the squares ibc chisels crosscut saw you know we could go to voice my set of P EC squares Pete we're really low on PC P EC is shut down currently so the inventory we have is slowly dwindling okay keep the ideas coming in all I'll think of something okay so what the plan right we have to do right now is figure out what we're going to do for this back now somebody had suggested some I want we need a panel back here but the primary purpose of the panel is just to prevent this from racking give it a little more strength as well as well right well it's actually done that's actually not going to do that because it's only gonna be sitting back here we're going to we're going to have to put we are going to have to put something across this way this is work in progress but how are we going to we've got to have it's got to be able to sit there it can't it can't have something coming coming across here that's got to be able to sit on the bed like that so what I'm trying to get a point is that the back needs to be up something like this how can we do that as soon as we get that done as soon as we figure that out and put that together we can actually assemble this because the drawer all of the aspects of the drawer are going to be done after the fact we've got to put this together if you have an idea speak up I know for I know for sure that we want to have it set inside meaning we don't want we don't want it flush we want to set in here so it's got to be stepped in it will come up here so if we just came down to there that's how we're going to meet here whoo I didn't even think about this we could come and have a just a cut of rabbit out till we can go around this so we can drop it down to there we don't want it well then see the drawers gonna go down below committed to bring it down to here and we don't necessarily have to have we don't really have to have we know we're not gonna do that we're not gonna put any kind of a panel on up in here because if this is gonna hold this is gonna hold pencils and whatever I mean they're not jumping out so if our back if our back was just a straight panel step stepped inside came down that's gonna be a little precarious right there we may I we haven't glued these on so we can may have to come in and just cut these back a little bit and bring that right down to right down to the bottom of the drawer so you don't see the drawer when it's you don't see the drawer at all from the backside all right let's do that so what we need for lengths I should show you the nice pen that I got this week in the mail this came from Tony another combat wounded vet from Orem octo which is a base close to us and Tony's actually been selected and he's coming to the workshop this summer I think he's in the June class and he made a pen for Jake and I and they are made out of what Jake two to three caliber shells casings fastened in the middle it's really cool now I'm stumbling around looking for a notepad there's something to write on I got that extra extra pine sitting down there so we are going to make this how we're gonna attach this well let's get the piece first we'll go approximately fifteen and a half thank you so 15 you know Tony it looks great it just doesn't right I'll find a refill for it so 15 and a half is going to be the approximate length and width is going to be six and a half will go six and five-eighths now we want to keep this light so I'm gonna suggest that we don't want it to be any more than a quarter of an inch that's not a lot but if we do a quarter of an inch how are we going to how are we going to attach it we've got what's going but what was gonna happen here it's gonna be cross grain construction meaning this piece does not move but this piece is going to be in its width and it is going to move so we need to take that into account you know what we could do is cut a groove cut a narrow groove right here set it in and then just pin it and I'll show you how we do that now that if we did that that would that would suffice and I'd like to have a shoulder on there so yeah question yes we do it's a secret yeah we're gonna relieve you at the end of the night what am I looking for take don't think that's long enough visit know that was going to be a top what happened to that that we had to go made it too narrow I know that's gonna be the right length okay so we want this to be 6 and 5/8 I'm gonna go I'm gonna go 6 and 3/4 just in case hi Ken did but to say no let's notice good not good from which well that's actually not a bad one but that wasn't the one we're using click nice try Kent alright so this needs to be brought down a little bit this is a half if we bring that down to 3/8 I still think it's going to be enough material but run that through the thickness planer for get to dinner [Music] we have a lapse in the connection here one second meaning we're not airing now we're good okay keep going okay all right let's clean this up the reason I'm doing this is because that snipe is so deep I don't want to I don't want to start working on something and then realize that I've got to take off too much material that will affect the joint in an attempt to get rid of that snipe well a lot of people end up now have plain wax even more have t-shirts wow the response to that was phenomenal now I got a bad tear right there shoot you see those snipe marks deep probably made worse because the pine is so soft no I've got I've got a high edge somewhere because leave me a bad back so almost okay that's out now this should already be squared up it is because we'd already prepped that check it at 17 and three quarters three eighths and 17 and three eighths okay so before we do anything more with that we've got to go in and cut this but I got to get that out I'll take it out from the backside don't have to worry about damaging it now just in case they actually fit specifically really like this idea of these runners nope but I'm going to case when the marks gets rubbed off what that's a wine that's a - okay how we gonna cut these we want to come in here and we're on a run we can cut from here because because the underside or because this is long grain and this is long grain when these glue together we all would all we need is just a glue joint up there but joint that is that's sufficient we have to do is has something here so we've got to cut a groove in here that will allow part of this to ride in but we're gonna cut we're gonna kind of rabbet on this and the rabbit is gonna face the backside so it'll just be it'll be a break in the joint you'll see what I mean I'm just trying to think of how best to do this we if we do the table saw that means we're trying we're starting here and down here we can do that we have a router set up Jake do a router set up with a small diameter bit in it oh yeah we could that's what we could do we can use the let's go use that we'll use the table this is Luther asking the question yeah ask me again DuckTales okay you're gonna you're going to have to yeah I'm not a hundred percent sure what you're talking about but try asking that again and I'll see if I can't and I'll do my best to answer it so I'm gonna come in here I don't need I wish I had my little six-inch rule so this is 3/8 of an inch so that means it's going to be right there I'm gonna come in an eighth of an inch in order to leave enough meat out here so I'm gonna cut the groove from here to about here and we'll go from right up in here I'll come all the way down and we'll stop short that's a George Costanza move no frankest Frank Frank Kramer Stoller I'm bald I'm unemployed and I still live with my parents he's a med under night I'll check it's hard for me to monitor the chat no more vets Jake Rex yeah I'm not getting much from it either Cal figured okay just carry this was weird it was too loud all right let's go mess with Ken's Ken's router table yeah at what age ask Anantha there it is over here I cut my first set of dovetails when I was 22 now this is a little bit high and I need the I need to bring it up quite a bit so embrace that bit how thick is those sides do you remember well if I'm gonna pin this that's as far as we can go which one of these moves do you remember that so the board is going to back is going to be 3/8 I don't want to come all the way over so right there I need some power to this and it would be nice if we had a vacuum tube because it keeps the mess down but we're in the process of just would we say streamlining cleaning would be too radical streamlining things in the shop thanks to Luther so we're getting rid of some machines we've got something for sale anybody's interested in really good stuff he's now 18 well when he gets to be my age he'll be that much better I don't think I knew what a dovetail was when I was 14 so we know where we're gonna start here because we've got a line on the fence that shows what the bid is but we need to we need to know where we're gonna stop so what I'll do is draw a line referencing off of this piece don't wanna make too much of a mess cuz we're gonna be able to take all this stuff off and then on the outside of this one quit that line in the same spot and we're gonna have to make two passes because this is only an eighth of an inch and we need be wider than that [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go backwards just to get the material out of there [Music] it's the reason why it's worth setting up a vacuum cleaner give me just a second I'll grab this one huh you see your small hose right there [Music] [Music] nice and clean [Music] okay now we got to bring that closer to the front so we want to come [Music] that would put us about 1/8 I'm gonna go just a little bit heavier than that think there [Applause] [Music] okay now this is going to be cutting I stopped to show you something this is only going to be cutting them one side the bits the bit spins this way so we want to get we want to be working against rotation so if we do it that way it's going to want to put and run run with it so since it's going this way we want to go against rotation we got to start here and go [Applause] didn't matter in the first time because it was cutting all the way around [Music] [Music] [Music] that won't be seen a little bit of a dumb move I should have secured that table it wasn't it was just sitting on the on the bench ken is asking for a new router and now that everyone sees how crappy it is I love that Revit that's a that's an old Makita it's got a ton of power what it's just a router bearing sorry what's what we already talked about it do we have any ready for sale do we have any yes these are for sale so but there's a bunch of you that I already spoke for them more coming yeah how soon so there what happened that came away from the fence on me fortunately it's going to be like that and it won't be it won't be noticed okay so now what we'll do is we'll cut a groove we won't have time we will cut a rabbet on this end so that that'll sit in there where bottom it right out in fact I should go in and I should go in and make sure that these are in fact equal depths it only takes a second actually I would do it even if it took longer this stuff is so soft you got to be super careful make sure that you've got if you're working with pine that's not big enough and I want something long enough that it will actually spread the pressure out over a larger area okay someone wants to know if our replacement blades will work in a stanley number 62 will our replacement blades work in a stanley 62 i know i would almost say no simply because sixty twos have a notch underneath in the blade in the blade notches notches and the chance that they were this made the same I would say is slim if you email me I'll try to find out and get you a definite answer but Mike why are you using them well if you have a Stanley 62 that's a classic I would love to have a stem member 62 not to use just to have simply because how rare they are I'm having to use my my little 8 inch because it was the grooves too wide for a quarter so there's the there's the problem I was trying to avoid making contact no contact and then it dug in right there so that means that if you went to put it together without checking this it would bottom out in one spot and you'd end up something would be at a square angled half-blind are they just making these questions upwards angled half blind dovetails I'm trying to think of a good tip angled half blinds which would be if we'd had built something like this and instead of having it come out all the way through yeah well same thing here however you tell me if this is what you mean so instead of having this is what you mean by angled half blind so that would have been your half blind and it would have been on an angle like that so if that's what you mean Harvey clarify and I'll make something up which one did I just do Jake that one house they're our numbers right 528 when do we bring in there beyond well let's bring them on at seven o'clock make it even what time is it it is 651 okay by the way when you get this little plane it comes with several cutters and it's really handy okay now we got to get this length right on the money let's lay this out first so if we're going to we're gonna cut a rabbet here and have it set like that only it'll show a bit of a gap we got to cut an angle on this I wonder if that should be if that would be wiser to be done now really gonna go to there let's get that remember that angle is Jake you know 30 degrees 10 20 30 degrees so cut of 30 degrees do we want to have some sapwood Oh actually we already planed that so we'll leave that on the outside inside doesn't even need to be playing because it's going to be on the interior so we've got a cut okay we'll just do that first and just make sure I write put a thing on there so I know which we were cutting this isn't the right one is it what do I have to do to get to take two screws out and where's the piece that fits in there there right we're sitting here on the bench where do the two screws come Dave Dave no I don't have any Lee Valley straightedge that's a that's a PC is that what he's talking about no don't have any that slides Jake no okay they can't can they hear what Rex is asking yeah a little bit does he need to repeat it yeah Rob should repeat it just to make sure Don asked if I ever as a young man how many years ago with that have been way before our time what way before our time way before I was married the year Frick was born thanks way back then they used to throw rocks and hit people with sticks no I never I I had no interest in the military so this is gonna be on the inside I got a mark right here my interest came out of sympathy for those who have fought and and died and those who have fought and have been wounded and they're living with it so finding out that woodworking was so helpful I had to do something not ready to quite a point that's not the blade that I would normally be using it's a fine crosscut just happened to be the last thing that we had in there okay now we can go in and I'm gonna use my marking gauge to outline this I don't know how I don't know what our length is going to be yet so I'm a little bit hesitant to go much beyond just the initial first corner and then we'll figure out how long and the reason why is we have to we may have to do cut break a cardinal rule and actually put this together dry-fit so we can get that dimension because we have to have that before we can cut this but then this has to go in before we know you're going to make sure we don't box ourselves into a corner too so this has got to go in one end this piece of gwyn here this this this corner will go together there this corner will go together then this piece will go down in and then that piece will go on it all has to happen same time and then we can go ahead and do the drawer but I want to get this I got to get that length correct but I want to figure out the joint first so I'm gonna use my marking gauge and if that's gonna set in there like that we want to get our depth on here now all what I'm doing right now you need to know is I just I want to break the joint I don't want if we put something together like that Jake pay attention if we put something together like that because it's not going to be a glue joint it's just too much of a hit and miss so instead we're gonna have a little bit of a gap a little bit of a reveal so it'll just look like that and it has to be the same all the way around and that'll be enough to just kind of make it a obvious that well that wasn't intended to be fit like that it makes it a little bit of a detail actually so determine our depth first and that is okay it's a quarter it's almost a quits a little better than a quarter of an inch so if we were to make that line back 5/16 of an inch check that again okay so what we'll do this is the smooth side this is the side that we're working will come in here gage a line on here 5/16 now we want that too of course tis the season in fact we're gonna start carrying maple syrup that particular brand we've already looked into it Jake I think has already put an order in so you'll be able to work the best part is that if we don't sell it it doesn't matter we drink it okay let's go over and cut that now I I've got to make sure I've got to make sure that that's the face of that tenon that tongue is the same distance from here if there's any variations on the inside I'm not going to worry about it so the way the best way to do this is to use the sleeve and have it cover up part of the blade now if I had my rip blade in there I would it would give me a nice flat bottom which would be where behind what plywood oh this is our new system for hanging table sleds on the wall but it keeps you able to cover it up with sheet goods so because I've got a cross cut blade that cuts doesn't give me a flat bottom kerf I've got to stay away from being right at that line but that's okay I can go in there and clean it up with the chisel easy change the blade no I don't want to take the time get our height first we can adjust that as we go and our depth we need to be boy I need that six inch steel rule desperately to think we had two of them at one point time for heavy yep second you are you is that what you're working on yeah okay so this is just the big eight so what I need to do I need a test piece so when that piece sits in there like that it's gonna be a little bit more it always seems like such a huge move over here but it never translates into much when you actually try it on the board okay so now that's the outside nice smooth already finished and we'll go in there and make this cut step right you know why no do it again yeah I think why don't we take not the point cuz that's the outside I almost have that up too high I can cut that off like I do but not until I determine the actual length that's why I don't want to have to change anything over there yeah bees ready yeah he's on and waiting all right Debbie Eric ever heard I'm gonna so I asked em if he would you got you got him on camera if he would tell you from his perspective as a combat wounded vet that came to our class what it did for him now the reason I'm asking him to do this is so that you know firsthand what these what it does for these guys so hopefully you can match it up with someone that you think is in need maybe take it away I want to give a couple things out we've rented the skirt here I know my time is limited but I wanted to first say thanks to someone who I know is behind the scenes and supports you in this and that's your wife Kim I know we don't hear a lot about her but I know she puts up with you leaving early and coming home late and doing everything you do and probably the reason why you do what you do and so I wanted to to show you the reason why I I applied for your course and and that's that's my family come on in guys say hi real quick this is this is Kate Sophie Gracie listen guys my mental gage yeah I use breezy as my mental gauge to kind of determine how I'm doing she she knew me before I deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan and continues to to know me better than anybody else and so I depend on her to determine whether or not I'm saying I guess I'm an explosive ordnance disposal technician the running joke for years within our career field was that VOD stood for everyone's divorced we have a very high ops tempo and it takes its toll on members of our career field we're exposed to a lot of different things the best in the worst of humanity primarily the worst and there's a lot of coping that has to be done and I feel pretty fortunate between my church group I'm still in the military so seeing and being around eld on a daily basis my local community and having a lot of family close by I tend to cope pretty well but some of those those demons come back to haunt you every once in a while and you need some type of therapy some way to work it out and I worked with mental health counselors and whatnot for depression and and I started getting into handle woodworking I saw I came across drops videos and took interest in hand woodworking I've been doing power-tool woodworking for a long time but there was just something intriguing about the hand woodworking and then I saw Purple Heart program I thought wow that's it that's a really cool thing he's doing I didn't think it would apply to me I don't have any physical wounds of war and the mental wounds that I have are not what I would consider significant at this point who knows maybe they could develop over the years as I get out of the military and transition but I feel like I'm handling it pretty well but I took a long shot and thought well it that'd be cool if he's got an open seat there's not enough applicants maybe I'll get selected and so I applied August of last year I got a phone call from him and he it was like getting a phone call from a celebrity to me because I watch all of his videos like I love watching every detail all the mistakes and all the fixes and everything else you had to say mistakes first I say again you had to say mistakes first when I said hey you sure Rob I'm sure there's some other guys I know you got 50 applicants for this course coming around and and you only have 14 positions are you sure I'm the right guy for this and he said you know there's a lot that goes into our decision-making and it's it's more than just what's on paper and I feel you need to be here and I said well I can't argue with that I'm a spiritual individual and I believe in prayer and I believe God works in mysterious ways and for whatever reason they needed me to be there I went to the course wonderful wonderful experience between the civilians that are in the course with us and the other military members and the opportunities that there are for vulnerability to open up to share your story to get to know one another to create new friends it just opened a whole new world for me and I don't know what it is about mixing the woodworking with the social aspects of it but I meet people on a regular basis now where I get to interact with them talk about woodworking here's some of their tips and tricks and share some of mine and it just creates almost instant bonds since their friendships I'm really excited about the bench brigade that's going on shortly after I got back from Rob's course I realized they really wasn't set up to do a whole lot with in my garage I was it was good with power tool woodworking but didn't have a whole lot for for hand tool woodworking and and so I was clamping pieces of wood to a tabletop that I had as my workbench as my vise and I'm gonna take the camera off here and kind of show you real quick the results of clamping it down to a bench I was doing all right but there's lots of little mistakes in these first dovetails I was doing at home and they didn't compare it all to the ones I was doing in Rob's course and so I was like man what's going on is that the elevation here is moisture in here what is this and then I found this workbench on a on sale on a on a bargain website ksl com classified website it's a sober bench and it does does pretty good it's kind of fin as far as the legs it's not very beefy so it wiggles a lot and then had the bent of the devices on it rack quite a bit but it was heads and tails better than what I was doing before by just clamping the workpiece on to the bench and then the results kind of speak for themselves as soon as I started using a decent bench they started getting better better results Jake just recently challenged me to start using some thin stock and I started trying out half blinds with thick end in stock and so you can see the difference that for me a bench has made my most recent one is this one here at the top I just tried to get the pins as tight as possible but try it all kinds of different stuff out testing things out for those that might be interested in applying and think it doesn't apply to you I want to challenge you to apply tell your story and let Rob decide whether or not it applies to you the result of me come to the course here's some of the tools that that I got from the course and they're allowing me to come in here the garage and cope with the things I'm dealing with on a regular basis that was my first tell from the course I use it as a little mouth from my number one and then that was my first or my second dovetail in the course that we made a little bench hook with and then I came home and made a cheating board highly recommend that if you don't have one make one it is it has changed my game immensely but yeah this I come in here in the garage and I just set up shop I when I'm having a bad day and and Whittle away a wood and make things and it's made a world of difference for for me and my family my kids enjoy coming out here and using hand planes and working with me I'm still in close contact with a lot of the guys I was in the course with in fact I love talking to some of the civilians I was in the course with Sharon our work pieces together and Pete Ambrose who was featured I think last week yeah I talked to him on a regular basis Pete's a good guy I met him first at the airport things weren't going real well for him they lost his luggage on the way to Rob's course and he was dealing with a lot of stresses but Pete tells me that I looked act and sound exactly like one of his sergeants from Vietnam that he trusted with his life and having me around made it made it made it so that he could cope with the things he was dealing with he doesn't leave the house often and he doesn't socialize a lot a lot and so having me there I think was kind of an answer to what Rob told me on the phone hey there's a reason you be here now I may not be the the most in need candidate but for whatever reason I needed to be there and through my relationships that I developed I know that it was more than just my need to do woodworking I know that I was there for other people and so I greatly appreciate what Rob is doing the bench Brigade I'm extremely excited that that's going on because I know there's a lot of my counterparts that get these tools and they get back to their homes and they don't have an ability to to really put them to use and Rob's told me that hey there may be a bench coming my way that's really cool but I would hope that the guys that don't have them get them first so they can start enjoying them at some point I plan on just building my own bench but right now I'm doing pretty good and it's a it's what Rob's given me Rob and his crew colonel Schiele and jake and can and and i don't want to leave anybody out at everybody they're super dave served super Dave the the meals are awesome they feed the vest they Sneed the civilians and I've already talked to my dad I'm at the point where I want to save some money up and eventually go back to the course with my father paid going as a paid student and not a not a veteran scholarship recipient would go there and you interact with the vets and then spend some time with my dad he's come here to my my garage and watch me do dovetails and it just amazed him he loves the accuracy the precision you can get with a nicely nicely sharpened tool so it's helped strengthen our relationship a little bit and yeah I've been selling some tools that I got in the state sale on a classified site and almost everybody that comes over and sees the shop it gives me an opportunity to to talk to them about Rob's cause share with them a little bit about it and it's opened up some wonderful friendships so I don't know what the limits are to this program but I know it's doing a lot of good and it's it's helped me out quite a bit so even if you don't think that you're worthy or that your wounds aren't aren't valid enough take a chance apply for the program and you'll you'll never know what may come of it so just thanks to everybody that's involved with it I can't say it enough thanks Abby you're welcome appreciate it all right we will back to work that's awesome I hope I hope you guys appreciate that sometimes it takes a lot for those guys to open up while we were on a break I grabbed you a gift you grab me a gift no thank you that came out of inventories Luther no did he prove it yeah we discussed it briefly thank you so nice I could have something out of my store I feel privileged now now now now that's going to we can either we can either cut a shoulder on the inside to make it fit or we complain the whole thing down and I kind of like to get rid of that a big old bad snipe Oh what to do what to do maybe maybe I think the thing to do I really don't want to change that because I want to be able to use it on the other side so I'm gonna grab another one with a larger cutter can I am before you go any further yeah the question that Jake asked earlier from Luther that guy sent me a picture his username is paper cuts and this is what he was talking his name wasn't Jake was it no can you see that that's where he's telling them can you repeat the question maybe well where's the slope I mean that looks like a that looks like a half-blind okay I don't see that as being I I understand what he was I heard what he said but I don't see how that's that just looks like a regular half-blind so again you're gonna have to give me a little bit more unless there's something in there that I'm not catching okay so what I'm doing here I read I measured I measured from the outside edge to the inside of the groove now I should be able to put this on my in my vise and measuring from the outside reffering referencing off of here what was it good like a medium marking gauge you mean something with something that's a girl something between this and a panel gauge yeah I agree and this isn't working that isn't gonna work and I think what I need to do is just go back over to the table saw and run that run along that and and cut the inside so I'll reference it like this and make this cut however we got to get our length so I got to get that figured out right now in order to be able to do this right actually we could get close no don't do it okay so how are we gonna determine that and here's the reason why it's a little bit complicated you've got you've got the rabbit on there so because of the rabbit this dimension isn't it where you're not normally normally I would just measure from here to here from the inside of the socket to the other side of the socket and that would be your dimension however because we have we we use the 1:40 trick on here it comes this piece comes into this area by the depth of that so let's just try them measuring it and see if we can come up with something close so from I need to put something on here that it'll actually reference it so if we put that right up against it over here that measures 14 and 14 in a strong 3/4 actually in 30 seconds it would be 24 30 seconds no no 325 30 seconds 25 30 seconds okay and I was right 25 30 seconds but I wanted to do the math because I'm so good at it now I need to subtract from that two of these so what I'll do is I'll put these two together where's my other piece do you know where it is right here if I put these two together and then I've got that gap to deal with so we'll measure this gap so this gap and just in case you know this is the two rabbits and it's 1/16 of an inch which is nice and convenient so my inside dimension of this is going to be 14 and 25 30 seconds minus 1/8 1/8 of an inch convert that into a thirty-second 1/8 of an inch so 8 so 4 times 8 is 32 so that would be 4 for 30 seconds that's going to be 14 and 21 30 seconds is what the dimension is going to be we're not done that's going to be the distance from the inside from the int when this is assembled from the inside to the inside now what we have to do is we have to add in this times to the depth of the of the groove that we just cut so for that we'll use my little plastic micrometer which our caliper which always works nicely by the way don't forget the reason we're here and that's right on 1/4 beautiful so that's right on 1/4 then we add a half an inch to that so now we've got 14 and 21 30 seconds plus 16 30 seconds and that's going to result in 37 30 seconds so that will be 15 and 5 30 seconds I hope you I hope you followed that I'm so proud of myself even more so if it actually works so we will find 30 seconds this is the side that we're working on I need to have right up from there don't forget we're here to raise money for the Purple Heart so if you're feeling so 115 and 5/32 right here I'd rather do that with a knife do it with a knife so I have a very positive mark but then have to put a pencil line on it so I can see it or draw my attention to it so there's where we need to make our cut so we make our cut there then we go over and we cut our rabbit and we're in business now I don't I don't want to change the setup on the table saw so I'm gonna go over to the bandsaw no questions coming in any any more vets Rex quiet night should be show them what's for sale well if anybody's interested in a nice beaver bandsaw so this was made in Canada but we checked out the date what was it 60 61 62 your mid 60 show them that fence though I'm gonna get this done well here's what tonight here's what Jake's so thinks so cool about this it was a it was made for home use but it was well made cast aluminum real the whole wheels and frame but the fence actually suck it's really nice it slides beautifully and then to lock it in place it's the best it's the best it is it is a nice it is a nice set up that way and it's got I mean these Newton these new tires yeah the rubber tires have to be replaced but they're readily available guides are good the motor setup is a little bit wonky but nothing that can't be fixed okay so I need to remove I'm gonna take off 3/4 unlike this this is a great thing when that's in the way it can't be moved check that again afterthe remove 7/8 so i'll do get close this need some work does anybody seen or heard from super day he is driving he's driving his wife's on and he's listening and he's what he's listening while driving soup hope your headache is past well if he's just driving and listening it means we can make fun of them and say things and he can never come back and we know his wife no Michelle we feel for you why is this not biting on the bottom on a sidenote jake's looking for someone to quarantine with Jake this Jake this Jake since Megan's in Utah Dave can't get up here there's my line right here in the middle my little dot I'm having to keep flipping it over because they haven't cut enough a camper one more what would we charge to that Bieber why somebody asked yes 500c ad no USD it ships a lot cheaper than what you would think no you know what 500 Canadian how we do a five hundred Canadian I'm never gonna get around to fixing it okay so we've already got that set okay now we got to get this to fit so we'll bring this over now quick little lesson here this is this is my site I'm referencing off of and because it's hand planed it may not be parallel to this site any longer so I can't afford to then come in and reference off of this side you might end up with a tapered tongue so what I'm going to do is I'm always going to reference off that same side and what I'll do is I'll just move I'll move this over this is on the inside backside needed to be that tall that fits nicely and if I had to I could come in with a shoulder plane and address it a little now even if there was a taper and the board from front to back because I'm referencing off of that same face that was used to cut this then that's going to leave me with a tongue that's the same size same size now yeah it's not deep enough I changed that dimension slightly and made it too little alright now I'll just clean that off actually but I'm gonna do because it's on the inside I don't need to worry but I'm just gonna take that fuzz any more ideas for the giveaway Frick know that was discussed a long time ago yeah do I have any give like a list of things they could possibly pick if they win that way whoever wins can pick something of their choosing or something that they don't have I know certain things are you know we could do tougher inventory we could give away a spot to the upcoming virtual sub Network job okay now what we need to do we have to have we have to allow for movement this is cross-grain construction again remember this is going to expand so we got to make sure that that we don't bottom out in the two ends of this groove so well and it's only being glued on the top right hi it'll be just glued on the top it's gonna be pinned down here what I'm just thinking is how we're going to what we'll do here we'll stop that short about like that another step short and then and then we'll cut that so it sits up on top of here so what we need to do is we need to measure depth of this which is what we have right off of the of the router plane right so if we took my marking gauge and if we could somehow transfer or pick up that now we're going to do this you could do it on the table saw we could do it on a table saw just need to know left my little six inch square somewhere you know we actually need to because one needs to stay over there so if we measured this this is not quite nine thirty seconds so we come up here not quite nine thirty seconds but it'll be so much easier if we had a marking gauge because then we could just go in there and just slice that line and then cut right to it so what I need to do it would be it would be nice if I could set that in there like that and reference it just the same way we would do to it pick up that depth but I can't get my cutter down in there so I got to do this by I know I haven't figured out how I can Howard donations Frick thought we weren't going to call them the nation's what we're gonna call them cut no we have another name participation so what I'm gonna do here is mark all the way around somebody suggested giving away a gift card that was kind of my idea Frick's suggested giving away a gift card I don't think it's a good idea well no my idea because of your inventory with certain things you know what do you think what about giving away a spot in the virtual workshop the virtual that we've got planned all right let's come in here actually you know what let's do this on the table saw because if we do then I can do the second one and do it quick now bring that blade up high and the reason I bring it up high is so that I can come in and make a cut like that with having it having it run way up here so I need that outside tooth right on that gauge line as nice a baby to bring his family in okay okay that's right on the line how far end up we need to go Jake they're just right there go to half an inch we've had a couple people say you should call them investments pardon you should call them investments because you're investing in great men and women who said that that was Stan Hawkins good good I like your thinking Stan Daniel wants some details on the virtual workshop so talk about Africa that you're the genius that way well what we're working on is since we're not able to invite many people into the shop if any we're working on actually doing classes online where people will be able to participate similar to this but with more video more hands-on we're looking at the platform's audio with audio yeah we're looking at the platform zoom which is being used quite a bit nowadays to speak to families so it'll allow us to have 12 I think that's what we're doing 12 yeah 12 students at a time we would broadcast similar to this but like I say it'll be a little more private and a little more hands-on a little more one-on-one time more personal more personally out everybody everybody would be able to talk yep every would be up on the screen we know are we paying extra for the high def we are paying extra to broadcast high def right yeah so go through now if you're if you're wanting to participate you have to have a bench we heard the importance of that tonight you need to have the tools we are going to send you the would I have to remove all variables or at least as many as I can so we will send you a not a whole tree I've met a few that could use it but Andy Campbell wants to know where the riving knife is on our side yeah good question who took it off we didn't it was no wasn't lying it was it was forcing the wood into the fence or away from the fence okay so here you know you can get to see what this is gonna look like so the idea is to have a little just a little reveal like that along both sides so it doesn't look like a mistake it's far enough away and what we'll do is we'll glue probably the first you know maybe the first inch maybe an inch and a half and down here we'll put a pin in there and we'll put a pin in this has to be done before we assemble it then McGuinn and will elongate that hole so something like this will make it's not a lot holding on meat holding on holding that on but if we elongated that hole so that was a hole like that and then if the pin going through the pin would go through here into here and the pin would be right there like that and what that allows for this was this can move and the pin will keep it tight now there's not enough material left on there so that almost begs to have a piece of long grain wood that might actually even do that I'll think about that what I'm thinking is we could take a section we could cut a section off like that cut that section off and put in a piece of wood on it lengthwise and then just fasten it in and that would give you some strength on the bottom side because that would that would not that really wouldn't hold other words if somebody came with if this got yanked that way it would break that off that little short grain fiber would break off quite easily this is getting complicated but hey it's alright Ferengi okay that part is done now I think the next thing we can do is we can actually get this thing ready to assemble what we've got to do we've got to go in and just clean up the inside well all we really need to do is clean up the bottom part right to here because the inside parts not going to be seen this is already planed could do the same thing there we don't have to worry about the underside of this because that's not going to be seen and and and I think we've go ahead and we would fasten this in place if this is fastened in place then that's going to make it a little bit simpler to put that piece on although how are we gonna get the glue in here I guess well hot what we'll do when we put this down in place we put that down in place we'll have to just spread it a little bit and be able to get some glue up in here and then you got to go right to town and get that piece put put on right away okay well let's start getting this ready then well that means you got to cut those slots for those pins I got to do that too and I'm just looking at the time and thinking they're time for that no but but that's what the plan is so what I'm gonna do in the meantime we're gonna go in here we've got to cut chamfers something a little smaller than that chamfers on the inside edge of all the tails starting on the starting in about a sixteenth of an inch and what this does is help with the assembly by not only helping the joint get together but it also helps distribute the glue properly how many folks we get on frick 660 671 record I record was just over 700 we actually had 700 yeah I thought we did enough everything 704 was barely over but we have hit 700 I think I think instead of giving away a spot because there might be goo they don't want that I think we need to give away give away a prize Jake can you think of anything that we haven't already given away recently okay I'll do that but a lot of people are interested in taking the class virtual if you're interested in taking the class then you need to email me I think it's going to be the I think it's going to be $300 that's us it'll be 8 to 10 hours there will be no lunch provided but we will this there's a lot of expenses that are going to be one two three four at least four people employed in this plus whatever and we've got to send everybody would I'm not apologizing for the price at all I have to think about our time we become extremely busy so if you're interested if the $300 doesn't bother you if you have a bench if you have the tools if you don't have the tools we can help you with that maybe it's suggested that you have a way of obviously following along in your shop so you'd have to have a oh right yeah you have to have yeah you have to have access to the Internet in your shop so we give through a laptop or a television or an iPad or an iPad and the way we I envisioned doing it is are we are we thinking FaceTime or Skype in order to help one-on-one no it would still be on Zoom we'd be able to see everybody and we'll all right but if a guy's got it's got an issue at is they can come back onto the zoom they can rejoin the meeting which well we will we would stay on the meeting the whole time and they would leave to work and if they can't and if they had a question they could come back onto the zoom yeah we would leave the connection open all the time right so the way we'll do it is the way we do it in a normal class I demonstrate for anywhere from 20 minutes to to 45 minutes technique and then you go that's your own bench what I was thinking and obviously we still have a few things to work out is if you had face time and you needed a help with something in particular at your bench you would take that over and one of us would deal with you one-on-one and then once enough time is elapsed for everyone to have practice whatever technique it is we're working on we would come back and I would go back and demonstrate it again so a normal class that we teach in person is eight to ten hours and I can't see us doing it this way any quicker so you need to apply for that we don't we're not we don't we're not held up by a by a Saturday because just what everybody's got time on their hands in fact we have to work around frictional so it most likely will be on a Friday I'm hoping before the end of April so Rob at Rob Cosmin calm if you're serious about we have to register everyone and then send them wood all right so it might be into May yay but soon soon so if and we'll take that we'll take the first twelve people that that email me Robert Rob Cosman calm and then the next twelve will do if depending on how well this goes will be the next group and we'll we'll do these as often as there's demand and you guys want it I'm getting I'm getting some suggestions to that zoom has options for you - it's called a breakout group so that you can actually do what you said so we're looking to it I'm new to zoom myself yeah we'll make it work we're on to it okay so I still got give me give me five more minutes I just want to go in and plain these pieces up so that they're all ready so this one is done except I want to cut just because it's going to be grabbed I want to cut a chamfer I actually got to clean that up just a little bit I'll do this right now I'm gonna cut a chamfer on the two edges people still call this a camphor this is spelled CH AMF ER and it is pronounced chamfer and I hear they even say it that way down in South Carolina oh yeah Luther did that did he she's doing better so just in case you're not reading alice is on the mend she's still in ICU but good news comes so thank you for all of you who were keeping her in your prayers and they got this they got to FaceTime with her today so she reckoned she recognized Luther what did you say Jake that's actually knew it was him all right so that's done we're going to clean that up just a little bit so tough working with this stuff when you want to go right from the plane because then fingerprints become a big deal you can't sand it off afterward these have to be have to be planed on the bottom that part is ready to go so in two weeks because next week we're going to do our we're going to do our question and answer so on that technique I see anything but if you have a technique that you want to know we we should really have we should have questions to get us started yes yes yes yes what we submit before yeah what we should do is a video midweek and people will either have a what could we have a could we have a Google Form a Google Form for them to submit a question sure and then we can pick 8 to 12 questions out of that that we will answer throughout the live just as as ammunition in case people are asking questions like you know what what diameter is that trizol all right you guys all got that I hope no I'm still gonna play knees and just getting some of this stuff out of my way and we're still taking we're taking orders for the 8-inch IBC's so what we're gonna give away Rex you want to run out and grab we're gonna give away what are we doing take a whole set if we can do we can do a whole set but do a whole set so six six IBC chisels whole set should we give away a and three and bring in three three workbench DVDs please case you're on this is our contribution to the Purple Heart project and you you helped match it by making your donations so it's a partnership and thank you thank you thank you we would do it with or without you but it's so much nicer to do it with you how's that that said succinctly alright now I don't want to take off a lot of material in here I just need to get rid of those those pencil marks I'm gonna go full length way heavier than I wanted this doesn't change anything though because of the rabbit it won't change the fit of that back piece well the only who's gonna change is at the bottom that little notch that I cut okay so these are done these are done and ready you know while we're doing it let's let's finish this off I'm gonna take I just I left a black mark from the from the bronze the brass marking gauge on there I just want to get rid of that and then in two weeks time when we come back to this the first thing we'll be able to do is put this together get some chewed up stuff there too so this is your last chance to get your name in for the draw 457 for up at the 858 names so far directional where the chisels are you owe me the wager again yes he does oh no well you can use those ones yeah okay all right no no don't set them on there spying okay this stuff's got to be treated with kid gloves I won't bother doing the topside because that'll happen after we assemble it and the same thing with the outside pieces of these fair bit of work left to do win this this is a busy little piece all right any final questions just come over here for a sec I'm gonna show you another picture of this mitered half blind that this actually he meant to focus on this part so he says so you cut the dovetails the normal way but instead of sloping the dovetails you cut the slope on the bottom someone might suggest it that that might not work with a bed table but oh you mean as an alternative to what we did right mmm yeah you would have needed a fairly wide piece here because by the time you tipped it like that you'd be cutting I already know what to do by it we just broke our record by the way 705 we had for a second can you zoom in there Jake yeah that that that would have worked I don't know if there would have been a huge advantage so I had a dovetail sample here but he's suggesting is take this well take it like that take this build it like that only turn it like this but then you would have had to no actually you know what might not have been a bad idea turn it like that so you would have you would have made a cut down here and then this piece would have had to been would have had to been fairly wide on the bottom because it would have had to been from here over to here would that have made any difference possibly not yeah could have done it could have done it thanks for your contribution and no other questions okay so remember next weekend next next Saturday night it's going to be a question or a question and demonstration / answer for the two hours and pay attention to your oh yeah here a couple little housekeeping make sure you're on our newsletter go to the website rub cosmic comm on any page join the newsletter that gives you the article that Ruth Luthor writes every month and the two videos that Jake and I do on a particular topic a video and a newsletter or two video article you mean yeah so there's either a video and an article or two videos on a particular topic and the other thing is don't forget to share don't forget to Like and subscribe like and subscribe and hit the bell and tell your friends if you know anybody else that might want to join us and pay attention to where we're doing our daily YouTube so today we didn't do YouTube is that what we're doing a two-hour one tonight so the one we shot for today will go tomorrow and then there'll be another one on Monday and that's we're doing our drawer making workshop and that's probably got another people wanted to know if then watching the ads has helped you make yeah yeah yeah there was a little uptick and I said I wonder where that came from so yeah please thank you for saying that - yeah someone has told us that you act you actually get more revenue if people like the videos as well oh really yeah so that's why everyone says like it oh that's why they do it so yeah so like it and just it just humor me endure an ad once in a while that's how we get paid something you're welcome man CH t-shirts are on their way actually she's have already got the t-shirts right did intend to take them out today teachers are there we need them really bad we sold close to 300 t-shirts in the last couple of days that's a lot of packaging a lot of a's all right we were ready for it we are and we smashed the record actually we're at 726 726 glad to have you I hope this helps somewhat in entertaining you and giving you some ideas and motivating you to get in the shop and do something did you show the chisels no so yeah just come over here real quick - so these are ibc chisels tell you the story on them real quick I worked with IBC and and some ideas on making a chisel better you will help me already know them but in this set that you're winning tonight and you can make your own handles and if you're friends with the Med you might get some really pretty ones these are walnut so we have 1 inch 3/4 5/8 1/2 3/8 and quarter and if you want an eighth inch you have to buy it and then in there it will be amazing it'll do 1 inch will being made they don't you know I'll be in Maple oh they will okay that's now this is where these are $70 apiece so six times having this proximity $400 so that's a nice gift okay let's give it away do the videos first all right we got all almost 500 names in there first winner of the video goes to Stephen scope congratulations Stephen its video number two Dave rend oh thank you gratulations Dave and DVD number three Stan mace gratulations Stan and the grand prize IBC chisels goes to Jen's Jen's Graham can tell her he's from or she not quickly no no do it quickly Wyoming Wyoming Wow almost enough chisels there to give everyone in my oming one I know it's small good time good time to have a small population all right thanks Fred thanks Jake thanks Rex thanks Colonel Luther thanks Super Dave thanks Megan thanks Ken and should tell you that we have a couple of new employees so Gina Crilley who's been a longtime friend has joined us and she now handles the shipping and she's been put to the test because orders have gone through the roof and my daughter Lauren is now going to start handling what I always used to do but I got to tell you this because I enjoy it I try to call every customer and if you haven't had a call and you placed an order it's only because I'm falling way behind try to call every customer and say thank you I think if you take the time to buy something from us I should take the time to say thank you to you however I have to make the tools to and in the last couple of days we exceeded 150 orders each day for the last several days so Lauren my daughter's gonna step in and do that for me so be nice to her if she calls she'll introduce herself as Lauren Cosman I'm Rob's daughter just wanted to say thank you so if you get a call from her thank you but you can talk to you about horses yes yes no she's been around ok nothing else we're all good ok but see you will see you live next Saturday night 6 o'clock that's our new time 6 o'clock Eastern have a good week stay safe stay healthy and be nice to everybody see you forgot
Views: 11,716
Rating: 4.9638009 out of 5
Id: Z2wLiS_SUY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 5sec (7385 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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