Rob Cosman Live Episode 12

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okay there's the one that dissolve the non-pc we're life PC all right we are live we are ready to go yeah we're live right now we're waiting for Jake pick up the camera so who's being filmed right now Megan no actually I just have the little thing it's not sharp I can't use it I can if I need I can use the low angle one we are we actually waiting just under yeah we're live they go you got to pick up the camera they can hear us no but I mean it's 9 o'clock clamps UC clamps I think we're live if anybody in the chat sees us good to go say hello hi folks welcome I do we know what number we are this is live episode 12 live episode number 12 we're a little past do but Frick was holding us up he couldn't get his act together scan around the room will you introduce all our distinguished guests tonight we have from New York City get a row yes Super Dave Benson combat wounded vet 17 years Jane Navy and Army medically retired in 2017 thunderstruck dave has been working as part of our gang of four five six however many we got came by I got it finished introduction for the last couple years actually officially part of our team now Dave will be taking care of all of the vets in the last three workshops of 220 of the year which in this next one be 20 20 moving right along from Dave we have the Lutheran caller the chef no head chef Megan Megan Taylor / Cosman Jake's wife Megan is taking care of the meals for our Purple Heart workshop / training the hand so if you come and you love the food thank her scanning a little bit past we drop in on our what's the art stand for Ivanova retired colonel Lucille E howdy y'all 40 30 years 30 years 40 30 years 30 years US Army artillery that's it retired about four years ago yep wife also a colonel retired at the beginning of this year so now they are there on a mission to search and destroy every cruise known to man known to man in mobiles and Luther is the Luther as our partner in Purple Heart project as all the vetting takes care of all of the vet side of the first three workshops of each year scanning a little bit further we come to the illustrious trick they know me know I'm famous for his freaking good barbecue its race Creek will be chef number two manning the barbecue so if you're not signed up you don't know what you're missing come for the food nothing else ken you coming in Ken Anthony Ken's our all-star toolmaker he's also how we met Angie Angie does all of our t-shirts packets ISM and when you buy one you will see a gold seal with an A on their stands for a number one Angie she works hard so she does she does she's probably got her safety glasses on right now did she get her hammer she did she's ready Ange thank you we got new t-shirts coming so be ready and you'll never guess they're gonna be teal what else do we need Oh Jake's behind the camera and yours Truly's here as well so let's pick this up for left up loose do we have any other thing that we need to announce nothing nothing coming right up we actually we our first vet will be arriving tomorrow night PJ's coming in with Paul Paul's Lieutenant Commander Canadian Navy he's volunteered to come back again once again spend a week with us all of our vets show up on Sunday at Bangor Airport we have them here what are we having Sunday night for food we are having big Smokies my signature burger Oh big smoke big Smokies you're in for a treat don't forget to text me when you leave your airport any combat wounded vets that have been in our part of our workshops for the last 12 lovin lovin and you're on here tonight please say hello and make sure you set them in there so I can show to give you a signal a shout-out right I think that's it now we're gonna finish this tonight and the first move is to go in there and duplicate the layouts here that we had on this side it's the reason why you want to pair of dividers allows you to go in and transfer one setting to the other side without having to make changes so I'm just going to measure this that's my half pin and then a tail of the pin means distance from here to here and I'm using I'm using P EC dividers and if you didn't get our newsletter you'd happen to didn't open it shame on you this past newsletter was all on marking tools and it featured P EC which we think is probably one of the best-kept secrets in fact I can't believe how many people have told us they think this stuff's great but it's so hard to get well we stock a pretty good supply not everything just the stuff that we use no I want time I've got this cranked up in the air a fair bit because it's an angle or it is angled at 10 degrees so I've got to be able to make my cut and come all the way down to this line with the goat without breaching that line and not bump into my bench so first thing we'll do is lay out our two half pins and then we'll step these off I hear somebody go back the other way now using my I'm not gonna bother to lay these ones out shoot Jake I can't see actually I need some white thank you dealing with the riffraff D it's just your wife we told her to leave no charge you guys see questions fire moat okay since these are almost the same size I'm going to take a second to well take a second do it anyway make sure we mark the waist so the parts with the X of the parts that are going to be removed now I said I wasn't gonna do this but I think I will just because the last time I didn't I'll go in and I will add the slope greca they yours or mine yours so maybe we'll do this one a little more proper identify oops with an X all the parts that are gonna be removed that's a lot takes less time to do than to screw it up and if I start over cuts across the end of the board must be perpendicular it's imperative joint to work these cuts let me restate that I put my square on there these cuts must be perpendicular that means 90 degrees to that face I don't care about the angles I'm gonna try to get them correct or close but that's the perpendicular across the end is a function fitting or not fitting stopping at the baseline no I was actually teaching this just last weekend up in Woodstock Ontario so when I'm doing this I always want to make sure there's no sawdust left on the teeth when I set the saw down on here and I first started to move it starts to accumulate so I'm constantly blowing on it so I can see my line so I can stay parallel to the line and yet I don't think I've ever found anybody that did that so I'm watching this individual try to do this and they're moving all criss crossing on their line there's a pile of sawdust on there and I'm thinking to myself the last thing I said to him was make sure you preserve the line and stay parallel to it you can't see the line so what are they looking at you know the answer to that Dave I just don't get it Tom Berg from Wisconsin thanks you forgive McCall Tom did you welcome Tom there's a lot more where that came from we didn't what did we do last time do you remember did we clamp a piece on the back do provide in lieu of cutting a rabbit I think that's what we did okay obviously now maybe you're tuning into the first time I don't know if anybody is it has yet to ever see this let me know other words I'll skip what I would think is obvious stuff now that's the way we're going to go so this is the piece this is going to be the outside face I'm gonna put that in the vise but we have to have something we've got to prop it up like this we've gotta have something back here that's of the appropriate height but what I want to do right now is I want to go in here and I want to provide something right along that gauge line that we can use to help register the two pieces so I'm gonna grab a couple of small clamps got a question answer me question focus right here that's a little mushroom that turned that that goes in just like that and that was a question for Carl Cooper want to know how they borrow from Kaos was that be Carl Cooper yeah yes there is only one there could only be one how did Carl always good to hear from you okay I'm gonna the other side know what I'm doing I'm using my marking gauge as a means of making sure that that's in the right spot Carol Dave's not around a whole lot but whenever I tell him that you've caught that you were spoke up he always says to say hello to Carl from take house now be able to do is when we put that in place that will reference and hold us exactly where we want to be now I've got to drop that down so I want this top edge to be parallel to the bench so I'll put that down right there now we need something fairly tall in order to keep those two pieces of line what have we got Dave that's probably actually you know what I saw a box might work it's just about right okay take my marking gauge no I think last time we decide did we not did we use the one inch or the 1000 last time I think we did remember we wanted to tighten them up just a little bit so what I'm going to do down on the plane I'm gonna put the salt on top of the shim then I'm going to set my gauge on here drop that down and lock it so what I've just done is add one thousandth of an inch to this so what we're trying to do in this method with this method is we want to move this tail board pass this by one saw kerf so if you can imagine I'm telling me if I'm if you're I'm over killing this meaning you've already know it just okay somebody doesn't if we were to simply if we were to simply mark down through that saw kerf onto the second piece and then saw on that same kerf when we go to put this together instead of this half pinned down here taking up all this space it would take up this space less the saw kerf that we made right here because we need to fill it we need to have it fill the space from here right to the edge of the tail not the other side of the saw kerf so we move this over by one saw kerf by adding a little bit one thousandth of an inch we're gonna go instead of two here we're gonna end up coming over there plus one thousand but on pine it has a tendency to just tighten the join up a little bit now am I gonna be able to do this with that place so I'll move it over like this I got it okay I'm resting okay so we've moved that over pull out in tight hold that firm we move this tail board to my left so we're gonna go to the right side of each tail I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna put a tee with a circle around it just so that you know this is these are the pieces we're talking about these are the tails really hard to tell when the pins and tails are the same I don't normally do that but in this case I am I'm gonna reach down there I'm gonna drag that nice now we sell a boatload of these this is my dovetail marking knife that we've developed actually we just copied an old Stanley knife that I'd had way back in 1987 it had a blade in it and I went through and I reshaped the blade to better suit marking of dovetails and it became my dovetail marking knife that I used for years it was in several videos early videos so when we decided to make it one because nobody could access us when had long since been discontinued by Stanley I figured well went we may as well make it just look exactly like the one I had that's why the red shaped it is yeah five years ago when we switched over to this style we had to have a new blade so that section of blade is the exact same as the blade and my dove just saw same set same thickness of the saw blade so when we drop it down in here it's the same as if we were doing it with the saw itself now I'm choking up so that I can control that when it comes out and the more times I drag that through the deeper the saw kerf that we have starting in the pinboard that makes sawing those pins even easier I think I don't like about this is sometimes I end up pulling through and hitting my bench like I just did so I'm gonna prevent that right now no I'm gonna knock it away the first time I hit it so I'll put a clamp on Ken were you successful on that muffin run I know you wouldn't either cuz it's got too many good things in it who made those and who is limp Thank You Lynn then I'm just I haven't tasted it but I'm going by Ken's judgement which I trust we're on the right side of this one the right side of that one the right side of that one that one that one we've gotta come back this way we always measure from the same side here's the reasoning sometimes I'm asked this question and since nobody's firing off any questions I gotta make them up if I decide to do it over here if there's any discrepancy in the width of this piece compared to that it's gonna throw things off so I recommend you always reference from the same side now on this one what I'm going to do I they find a little bit easier is because that cutter is large like it is I'm gonna reference that cutter on the bottom and then simply slide this over until it touches so now we have moved to my right by that same thickness of the saw kerf plus once out and because we moved to the right I'm gonna go to the left side of each tail reach down we have anybody watching your mind just here by myself maja Kim you're not shooting him Luthor's taking care somebody asked a worthy question so I won't feel alone Dave Curley once you get my shout out yeah pinky so Dave used to live was our neighbor and one day I caught him riding this little pink bike being a boy I had to get harassed about it so 40 years later he still has the moniker pinky only now we use the comb Pinkster and that name is far and wide all right let's check make sure we get them all I did take that off move this now always wise to leave this one intact thickly we did first start out of this that way if you happen to screw up your tail board pin board instead of having to start over completely you could simply make another pin board using that same tail board as a reference but once you've removed the waste you can no longer use this method [Music] well I I must say this Bessie I I think make the best clamp now when you're buying them you want to buy the tradesman so that's the tradesman I'm gonna show you the difference real quick okay I have them here really disappointed but I understand there's one on top they've got to compete you keep going to the right no that's not it no it isn't here's the difference come in close so this is the tradesman and you'll notice that the cup is solid you'll also notice that on this bar there are one two three four five six serrated surfaces and they're there because that's the way the act of the action of the clamp that's how it grabs so you move it forward and it slides you move it back and starts to apply pressure and it bites in and catches on those services on the inexpensive ones that's a hollow cap usually as a plastic cup on it but I always take the plastic cap off because it has a tendency to slide and then when you put I apply any pressure it usually ends up leaving a ring don't like it at all and you'll also notice that on this there's only one two knurled services or serrated surfaces and they don't grab nearly as well I think frequently slips when you're going to do it so you got to make sure when you're buying your Bessey's the tradesmen are made in Germany and the other ones are made just exactly where you'd expect Cody wants to know what is your favorite type of wood to dovetail and also which one you hate okay I'm gonna ask you I'm gonna ask again I want to just finish this okay so Bessie I asked and they are going to put together a kit of clamps in a little tote bag for every vet that comes to our Purpleheart project and I think that needs to be applauded favorite wood for dovetailing just let me before I answer that let me just I forgot to go in here I forgot to go in here and put my gauge line on so I'm gonna come in reference off of that there favorite wood for dovetailing it's pretty hard I gotta take this out after doing all that it's pretty hard to beat Honduran mahogany in terms of how nicely it saws how nicely it planes chisels fantastic wood so I would have to say that that would be probably one of my favorites but if you look at the project that we're working on I have we've seen that we've shown that before I want to show you this because this could be considered a new favorite this wood who gave us the idea of cutting the ramp on that really good idea we've got a special stop in there and he gave us a good idea of beveling the front edge so when we put it in you don't have to go in there and hold it it'll automatically slip up out of the way as soon as it gets by this it drops back in place you can't pull it out so this is holly holly gets harvested in maryland in the US beautiful nice white wood planes up lovely it's hard and just contrast just about any pin so I really really like that probably the first time I've worked with Holly I can't recall using it in the past what was the other question how can you eight wood wood is good I just talked I just said that the softwood tends to be a little bit difficult because of the chiseling and it's in and the fibers crushing unless you have like a 17 degree chisel yeah it's challenged but I mean I love pine fine it's probably the nicest wood there is in terms of how it's gonna look ten years from now 20 years from now 50 years from now everything else dulls or darkens to be where you can all see any grain and pine just keeps getting warmer and warmer so don't really have one eye you gonna grab the pen yeah but actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put a little mark right there I'm gonna put a little mark right here I'm gonna put my headgear on so I can see closer I'm gonna use my square my big square use my knife I don't normally do this but I'm going to strike a mark like this rather than try to use the marking gauge cuz there's too much of an angle on there you'll notice how nice and clean can we kept a quick pan on this so Luther let's give them a shout out - what's the name of the Knife Company okay tell that story would you please oh well we were contacted by case-knives the someone in the upper echelon of case-knives found us on the website and one of case-knives emphasis is doing things with your hand working with tradesmen in their hands and so that's what hand traditional hand tool woodworking is all about so they contacted us and know we're actually making you know we did it tonight we made a video of the Purple Heart project and so case-knives is gonna put it up on their social media probably in about the next month and help us get the word out about the Purple Heart project so kind of a shout out to the case-knives - really appreciate it so in getting ready for that video I said the day of us a Dave do something with this make this look wonderful fresh hey Jay pay attention over here so here's our backdrop that he cleaned up we had to have Angie front and center behind Angie is a weapon this is the pastor new quarter inch 1/4 inch low angle chisel I was a canoe paddle this is called a slick slick so timber framing it's a monster but I thought it was actually I was out of wood show and the the old guy that I shouldn't say old guy the nice old guy nice old guy who always has a booth selling antique tools I bought a lot of stuff from him he came up to me and he said he said wood Rob would you sharpen this for me and I looked at it and it was a mess and I said why don't I just buy it instead so instead of having to sharpen it I've just bought it and brought it home do you take that out with you on your motor boat when you take the motor boat on the river I do I in case I needed tiller just show you real quick but else I bought a couple of really interesting things I thought this blue Lambo was just beyond cute so I had to get that this if you're billing a chair and you have chair rungs they would be turned and you've got to fit them into a hole that you board let's say it's half an inch so what you would do is you would turn this to whatever diameter you want this would fit in your brace and there's a cutter on there and you would simply turn that to cut a perfectly sized stub dowel at the end of each one of these braces so when it fits in there fits in there perfectly instead of going to the lathe and trying to turn it down exactly that's rather antique and rare it also be by jig here oh we bought a I bought a machinist level which is extremely accurate that's first they used to use that for setting up machines and each one of those each one of those marks represents a thousandth of an instant I can't remember exactly how to use it but I will figure that's something else too didn't we oh yeah where is that ah Dave probably packed that in this suitcase did he oh it's right here so this is really cool you know what we should do we should do a live broadcast some night where we just go through some of these specialties old specialty planes I've got one here that is designed for cutting specifically for cutting chamfers a 45-degree we could set that up and use it but this one is a tongue-and-groove plane so with the same setup and the fence like this you can see this is the negative space it leaves you with a tongue on the edge of your board then you simply spin your fence or and and now that same setup is going to provide you with the groove so you'd have what this negative space would be one side of the groove and I would hear would be other side of the groove I really want to see this now that's going to take some work the blades are in pretty bad shape and I haven't quite figured out yet how you set that up so that they need to be cutting at the same depth and the distance in between it's gonna be a little bit of work but it's gonna be fun I think that's all we got all right so these are now laid out I just came in that got one left to do and I'm drawing some perpendicular lines down to the bottom okay what's waste this is waste this is waste waste waste waste transfer that up to here is Makayla on haven't seen her big shout out to my my favorite niece by the name of Makayla my favorite nitin Makayla named nice and we have we put out a we asked a challenge yes - for someone to come up with the next slogan for our new t-shirt now Angie's idea was to go with teal so we had the duty oh she's the boss of the t-shirt division so the new slogan can we release it now on the back we'll say would doing good and and most of us in this room thought that was awesome but we're gonna stick with the we're gonna stick with the wood and the good sales will tell sales will tail have we heard that before I won't release the one that I've already come up with for item four t-shirt number three but those will be are on order so probably two or three weeks all right now we gotta go in we gotta make these cuts all the way down they've got to be plumb to not plumb the wedge shape will produce either a too tight of a fit or a gap hey Rob are you keeping the tabs on number of vets have come through in your head hi keeping tabs on the number of BET's we've had total through the program yeah I know exactly what is that 74 74 thank you so it'll be 88 and we're done this one Jake you just kind of give me a shout on the back I might low enough here did we ever did we ever show that plaque says in in memory of friend and fellow craftsman Bob lithic and Bob and his family were the reason why we were able to do our first purple art project three years ago that was all so extreme okay let's go let's come over here and show this correction see what just happened see how that slope slightly so I've got to go in and fix that so watch how I'm gonna do it this one right here I've crossed over here so what but that would be fortunately this is a piece I'm keeping if I don't do anything to it this is wider at the narrower at the top wider at the bottom that's gonna cause a lot of pressure and possibly split something so I gotta go in to fix it now if it had undercut it can't fix it but it can fix this one and what I'm gonna do is go in here Jake you wanna you you probably get a better view over my left shoulder okay are you so I'm gonna twist the saw like this so that while I'm cutting I'm gonna pair with the teeth so what I'm doing right now is I'm leaning hard I'm pushing with my thumb so that that saw fixes the problem now you can do it with a chisel but the chisel is much more susceptible to the grain of the direction of the grain then okay now we'll get the frets out make sure you're cutting the proper piece off where am I in take in terms of that line Mikayla just said that you gob stop that comment he wasn't expecting it I leave her in tears well I high-fived on Sunday should probably want a hug [Laughter] and I got to give another shirt so like Kayla's brother younger brothers name is Jared he's 16 and he was drafted to play in junior a hockey and Fredericton New Brunswick which is typically 18 19 and 20 year olds there are only 3 16 year-olds underage players in the league and he's one of them and the other night over time and he scored the winning goal and it's awesome so way to go Jared his mother's a fantastic hockey player because he certainly didn't learn that any of that from his father okay now let's flip this over surface Michelle watching she could've been cheerleading here but she's not yeah we'll come in here just take a little bit against that gaze line which provides us with a reference now I'm actually gonna go in there and correct that questions and correct it I'm gonna go in make a deeper cut [Laughter] no more questions which PHP class the look was silly enough to ask which PHP class had the best up tails and that was mine of course which Philip Gustafsson oh well of course we have to show so I got to tell you the story I've told it before I'm gonna tell it again Philip brother so we the very first class we taught which was November of 2016 not having any experience really with combat wounded vets and normally when I teach the dovetail class the first thing they have to do is they have to make all six perpendicular cuts and rarely does it happen on what the first five to ten tries so it sits there awhile so I get them working and the next thing you know this guy fifteen minutes into this guy says okay I'm ready and I'm thinking to myself oh yeah right so walk down I look on oh my goodness yeah actually it right I think what we're gonna do with this guy so he went to work and he fortunately he screwed up he ended up cutting his tails off they were perfect cuts but he cut the wrong piece off when he finally did it which was only fifteen minutes later and he finished this one if you examine that's one of the best first time dovetails I've ever seen of anybody I've ever taught 10 November 2016 Phillip from New York army and I don't forget the saying that would be the Hat don't forget the rule never pet a hound dog never bad a hound dog never pet a hound on Luthor's rule glad you're on pup I've been meaning to give you a call I'll try to get that done it may be a little while based on how busy we're gonna be in the next how long two weeks all right I'm gonna use my 17 degree half inch chisel I'm actually gonna start on the inside now this is all fresh in my mind because they were teaching at the Woodstock would show you got a good mark engaging when you drop when you drag that chisel over it will fall into that line and it does not leave you guessing as to whether or not you're in the right place or correct place you can hear that little tick and it falls in whoops I dare say I've got a little too much slope on there she's been back in my way too much so if you didn't see what I just did I came out here I can move here to the end to kind of reference my ten degrees and then carry it back here I was way too angled back there although it's not gonna matter but it did cause is that so if you smoke too much like that the pressure of the wood on the wayside pushes your chisel this way in it cause that little bump okay same thing get my reference right here yeah when I do when I am cutting a spot like this where it's going to take more than two passes rather than go here and then have a little bit on this side I'd rather have a full section and then come back and I can put that piece in the middle of the chisel if you're all if you're you've got more on one side than the other it just has sentence you want to turn because again the pressure of the waist pushing on the bevel goes like that won't even pressure across there so that doesn't happen explain that one more time so right here full equal pressure all the way across the chisel tip come over to this corner same thing this one rather than hit it like that I'm gonna put it right in the middle of the chisel so that does not happen that doesn't allow one corner to dig in and breach that line looser if any this stuff doesn't make sense I expect you just pick up I'm never asking for questions again it's a chisel grinding you know what we forgot t-shirts help spread the word on our dick on our purple heart t-shirts these right now we have the wood is good anybody who buys one will give you a shout-out there's the back side oh and donations we like donations we just spent a boatload of money on plane tickets and food I haven't had to pay for the hotel yet and tools Megan's gonna read some donations oh if you'd like to be part of it and David just let me second thank you David David took our class get our date one was David in the class up and two years ago so it would be a year ago November of 2018 and I think David has contributed and donated every time we've run this David svet himself thank you David appreciate it okay Bob Cunningham Bob thank you where's Bob from do you know Bob um some kind of kid what's that from Connecticut from Connecticut thank you Bob oh he's from Virginia sorry Virginia who's in Bob's in Virginia yes thank you Bob in Virginia Kenton Kenton K&T from California Thank You Kenton we're in California Riverside that's down near is that near LA Luthor [Music] so we may be at the wood craft store in Ventura early into 2020 teaching classes stay tuned and Florida hopefully yeah Hawaii let's add Hawaii to the list sir what crafts there there is in Honolulu been there done that okay you have more you interrupt me now what I'm gonna do this is a good good wood came out Rob I just got a question about building their first bench you want to tell them what we just did yes actually I'll show them Dave were you going to lay on that what was the Seinfeld episode George in this boudoir so this is a Luther night shot a new video oh goodness right um any idea what it's how long it's gonna be probably between an hour and a half and two hours is my guess if I were to guess it's gonna be over for ya loser watch this what's the diameter that Penn Luther I have no clue and a half so Luther's now here's a guy who spent his career dropping ordnance within a very tight radius as a artillery at long distances at long distances no I see so if I was four hours four miles away and I think you would be able to guess so Luther has no ability to judge guess so other words that video when we very first made this bench and we filmed the whole thing it was how many hours Frick on the online workshop it was probably 15 with the Vice conversion 15 16 hours 15 16 hours so we've cut it down we're probably I'm gonna guess that there were between three and four hours yeah here's the best thing I'm not gonna tell you what it is but the single biggest expense Oh back up just a little bit this bench is that essentially we call it the hundred dollar bench because it takes one sheet of five eighths Baltic birch plywood and one sheet of one inch MDF those materials can be procured for less than a hundred dollars there's a few bolts and that's about it in fact as far as outside hardware goes now the vise is the most expensive part we carry that shoberg vise but the vise makes the bench it is by far the best commercially available vise of this style that you will find anywhere the bench dogs are aluminum they're expensive they're twenty five dollars apiece we carry those as well but you know what sooner or later you're gonna bump into pen start with your plane I'd rather be hitting something aluminum than the steel ones that they make anyway so this vise represent that this whole bench represents a two to three weekend project to two to three weekend project that's very time wise very little money you have a big solid top three inches thick but the single biggest drawback to building this bench was the amount the investment you had to have in clamps and easily if you look at my clamp rack over there I don't even want to figure out how many dollars worth of clamps are represented and by the way what you see on this side is on the other side as well and Luther came up with this idea that a sense they eliminated all need for clamps it's awesome this video is gonna be worth it we have made how many of these Oh certainly over thirty benches and each time we've tried to clean it up and figure out a better way we went from using regular 5/8 plywood the Baltic birch that was huge there's lots of things we've done so we've streamlined it and you come out away you come away with a bench that would easily last a lifetime take give it a little bit of TLC so now back your bench question what was it no just go Cody was saying he's ready to make his first bench and what should he make it out of maple or I said hey well Cody should try out to go for one of our benches and we have it on the online workshop and very sure probably in a couple of months we'll have the video up and ready on the book workshop I'm looking at for a couple months for a couple weeks well it's a co-production this time between Luther and I and yeah I think we could do it before Christmas good now Cody if you're looking for a solid wood bench like this I understand but in order to build a bench like this you need a bench to work off of trying to build this on the end of a table saw or a couple of sawhorses your results are going to show that unfortunately that bench can be built with minimal tools and will serve to help you build this bench but I recommend anybody spend $100 now be honest 350 by the time you but actually 400 if you factor in the bench dogs and the vise build it use it see what you like about it but you don't like about it and then use that bit of experience to incorporate into the bench that you finally build I won't say the name of the bench that it starts with an R I get people calling me all the time I'm gonna build this bench I think you know what I've worked on those I do not like it at all and I'll tell you the reasons why but there's so much Hoople out there about this that oh this is a great bench but I don't believe it and I always tell people this if you think of the two greatest craftsmen over the last 50 years who are known for hand tool use they both use the same bench one is tape for Eddy others Frank clothes and both the muse Scandinavian style shoulder vise that's this style with some modification take use the same type so and both of those individuals grew up through an apprentice program professionally trained and are in their living building as opposed to a hobbyist who's out there rec and making recommendations and I'm not being trying to be derogatory but I'm saying this do a little more research and better than that get some practical experience before you commit to making something that in that case is gonna cost you a lot of money how's that do they offend a whole bunch of people no I just I thought you were talking about me when you had the two best oh I'm very surprised - bets not three bets now I just checked this and I got a little bit of a bump in there so I'm gonna go in now when I'm doing this you'll notice that I'm holding the chisel firmly with my left hand this allows me to push with quite a bit of force with my right hand but it's all under control now I got to give a shout-out to Jake we we discovered a long time ago that the best way to attack a softwood is with a low angle approach so miss highlight these two in are so you'll see the difference actually after that's go - where's one with the factory edge all right so that's that's approximately a 25 degree primary bevel this is a 17 degree you can see by the length of the bevel how wide it is or how long it is and what that does without making this excessively fragile it allows that to slip in there and sever those fibers so nicely whereas a more blunt or a steeper angle the better stated puts a lot of pressure on the fiber and they tend to crush instead of cutting so I'm able to slice through this stuff with ease and Jake makes these grinds them out and dozen with machine precision although they're done entirely by hand so what I'm doing is I'm running that square - this is a really handy I carry a lot of these little two inch squares it's such a convenient little thing for this job in particular I need to verify that that socket is flat so I set that square on there and if I can't move it side to side without it rocking no that one feels pretty good that one's got a little bit of rock to it and that one feels good and solid so I'm gonna come in here so what I'm gonna do I don't want to come out here to the edge I'm gonna come in just a little bit and I'll just Fareway I'm gonna do this one too but wasn't 100% convinced that it didn't have if you don't do this then when you go to assemble your joint it will not seat because something inside here will fetch up before it closes a gap out here okay final thing we need to do is check it over here on the side make sure that we're clean right into the corner I also want to make sure that we didn't leave any material ahead of the gauge line or on top of it any material left there's my gauge line any material left up here is gonna force to join apart this way and it's going to open up the gap you don't want that little bit of material right there that needs to be removed Angie did you get that okay that one's done shoot I still have one more part was finished did I not already chop this obviously not you cut this with the fence up gotta speed up how are we for time and we're at one hour exactly okay I'll hurry we had a questions some t-shirts yeah who Charlie Robinson thanks charlie still up justice' yeah best dressed man in New York still Scott Ryan morass all bought t-shirts Thank You Ryan and then I'm Derek jerk donated $500 Wow who did that Derek where's he from California Thank You Derek that's very generous did we tell them to make sure that we don't use donate on through YouTube we didn't we didn't but know what no one has donated through you tonight so YouTube takes 33% of the of the contribution so don't do that go over to our site directly Luthi you want to guide them I'll post a link right now Thank You Harry same thing here yeah low angle 17 degree always working front to back this is the front of the show side I don't want to embarrass him but I need to give credit where credit is due ken ken Anthony helps me with manufacturing tools and fact ken now does probably half or more the dovetail saws all the sauce and he donated he donated all of his time that is involved in the manufacturing of the saws that we provide to the vets and I know that because I know who pays him thank you Ken okay check that what's that D you don't think I guess that would be a typical New York pessimistic I've heard Megan has donated all of her time since she started working yes actually we do need that starter there so was my wife now that you mention it and Frick is going to donate all of this time not all of it just cooking time okay I need my I need my coping saw Dave would you grab that please it's on all right we got one here no never mind Dave sorry I'm looking I'm looking No Oh imagine a man on South Carolina thought of this now same South Carolina where what's that city just outside of Toronto mrs. Bangor Toronto City Airport Toronto Airport isn't located where mrs. sugah that's a surrogate that's a matter of mr. sugah it's Mississauga alright so I'm using my yes I'm using my coping saw which is my least favorite [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] wreck everything now I'm gonna use my little Lee Nelson I think I actually modified this one to work gave somebody some advice the other day on the spokes and I said round bottoms for Chiefs are not the easiest thing in the world to conquer I'm gonna switch to the flat bottom see if I can't get a little better performance on that starting area I'm just eyeballing this to get the blade set I understand why that's cutting so much better oh that's I know why shoot dubs reading that completely wrong I should have been cutting this way the grains running like this right and I'm cutting down against this this will cut see the difference in the color dummy well yeah I'm cutting against the grain pretty good spoke shape come it's a round bottom spoke see this is flat flat being across to hear that this is round so the radius is this way and it's difficult because when you typically use this one you at least have all of that registration of what we would call the soul yeah well you can actually use a flat bottom on an inside curve too if it's not too tight but definitely it's a primary use primary use would be straight or you could use it on an outside curve this one however you really don't have I mean the odds are you're rarely ever gonna match that radius to the actual work that you're doing so you kind of almost have to what stuff you got to practice with it okay now we're not going to clean this up this is going to be a stepstool and we are ready to put this together you know I didn't mark these but I hopefully I got them right this is the one that has the I just did this one with the blue pen right yeah okay mm-hmm get my spatula huh after no cuz the whole idea was that the glue surface should be enough to make this thing work okay that's a clear some of this off we need hammer actually gonna use the mallet got an invitation today to go teach in where was that Luther st. Thomas st. Thomas Virgin Island yeah hey Sandi just had a pretty good question that says she cannot get the hang of a round bottom spokeshave any tips or tricks yeah let me answer that in just one second so that I can continue this I forgot to cut the chamfers so on the inside edge of each tail stepping in about a sixteenth of an inch first I'm going to cut down or create this little chamfer that will aid in the glue distribution and in the joint getting started Luther asked me that question again please sandy says that she just can't get the hang of using a round bottom spokeshave any tricks to using it well like I spread my comments before I started using it it is tough because you don't have much reference surface to support the cutting edge the cutting action of the blade at best you've got the blade itself and the forward edge right here which isn't much so you almost have to I mean you're literally Kurt you're really running the radius with your wrist when you're doing it I would suggest basswood or pine and just practice away until it feels comfortable hardwoods only going to make it more difficult blade needs to be expertly sharpened because of course that's the that's the make or break of the tool and I wouldn't have too much projection the more projection the higher do you have to work the hard you have to work the less control you have but definitely really really soft woods I would recommend soft woods for practicing initial sawing and dovetailing and chiseling because the soft wood provides produces the least around the resistance which again it's all about giving you a lot to control okay after put together to join Luther was making fun of my glue bottle earlier he wanted to know why we don't just buy a big bottle of moose or a bigger bottle of glue now that's another shadow that has to come the folks at Titebond because they have they have agreed to sending a kit of glue for each vet to take home I know this has been a question before but is it poor form to test fit dovetails before gluing not perform its forboden people have died for lesser offenses it's I don't allow it in my class and the reason is this if you test fit it robs you of your confidence it also robs you of that subconscious need desire to verify every procedure is being done properly before you leave it to go to the next procedure thinking well I'll just check it when I test fit it well know if you've only got one try at it you have to make sure that if that wall of that pin is supposed to be plumb then it has to be plumb Jake can you look over there and just give me a visual on where this needs to be but on to Tom's question of test fit of test fitting but we do have ways of down of testing dovetails to make you know there's one second just because we're right in the middle of glue but bring that back up insect up or down that's that's a nice amount of resistance we need to bring that down a little tighter but before I do that I want to get rid of the glue that will only end up getting splattered from the mallet head short on what are we doing how are you on the front if we close the gaps I need [Music] okay so I'm going to use a block this allows for very direct pressure Thomas now you know what I don't understand is I don't recall having that marking gauge set that's weird let's hope it's the same on the other side okay should we clean that up now it seemed to be a lot easier to do that okay now how we're gonna do this once you do it here yeah it'll clear all so we can put it together like this but I'm afraid this is being short I don't want to risk splitting that so I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the vise and do it nice thing about that that is severely cut but when we when we put the pressure on there are we gonna auction this off so I mentioned it anybody's interested in this utilitarian stepstool we will put it up for auction and all the proceeds will go to Luther's buy me a new van fund with curtains please get the curtains first no Purple Heart where's Charlie when we need him I haven't seen Charlie tonight probably flying overhead Megan we'll start the bidding at $5 her monthly salaries she been taking that out of petty cash I'll bid ten since my kids need a stool to reach the sink when they brush her teeth now please anybody take Frick to task he did this once before get into the bidding frenzy and got way beyond his allowance I'm Mario bid yeah well I must I remind you we get paid how much did we get how much did Joseph pay for that single dovetail when we did the one if you clean that up and put a finish on it I think you get way more okay give me my red 50 already [Music] Thanks we got to Dave Super Dave is with us this past weekend at the would show in Woodstock and Kevin who has been selected as one of the vets coming to our workshop on the 14th starting on the 14th he's a friend of Dave's Luther I'd like you to explain the gold chip blue chip oh but anyway just let me just say that showed it to Kevin great having them awesome that he's able to come up and spend the weekend with us I wish sales had been a little bit better other words the show was a little bit more a blue chip is when a pH yeah a PHP recipient or alumni finds a fellow well combat wounded warrior that he believed would be really or she believes will be really good for the program they have a blue chip and they can put the blue chip down and it it goes a long way to insure into that individual will be selected for the course I think everyone today has everyone to date has and that's and so there's been about six blue chips used so that works off of the philosophy or understanding that who better to know the individual combat wounded vet that that needs this then a combat wounded vet that this and has already headed and I think we've already told you this but what I'm really excited about is starting in 2020 actually starting starting Nick this week next week next week we are going to start bringing in or bringing back one vet each week from previous classes to come back and teach with us become our assistant since we're upping our number of classes to six but it's also a great way for us to reconnect with guys we've had I'm just giving buying a little bit of time to let that set up a little before I plane it also banking on more bids seventy bucks seventy from Ken seventy will have to say shipping is extra so you want to go back to it we hadn't answered Tom's question yet oh yeah sorry go ahead which was it was that it was the why don't you test fit your dovetails and I just want to say we don't test fit the dovetails but we do inspect the tails and the pins before we assemble them to make sure they are perfect and ready to be assembled right so and to that end let me let me remind you what we use this little thing for when you're doing your dovetail or after you've already cut it you can take that little two inch square which just happens to be a nice size and easy to manage not only can you go in and check that the socket that's the space between each pin is flat with no bumps but as you lay it on that flat surface and then move it over to the side of the adjacent pin it should show you that it's making contact all around the perimeter in other words this surface this wall of the pin needs to be perpendicular to that floor in between and if that's the case and you followed your lines and you did everything you were supposed to do it has to fit now I just just as funny it's just in the last week I've had two or three people have sent me pictures of their dovetails you've learned at home using our tech this technique and they just said this is incredible I would never never have thought that I could cut a dovetail like this and who was the one from yeah Jack from Texas so we he said sent me a couple samples and they're by all accounts they're perfect dovetails absolutely perfect up tails so anybody can do this if you have the desire which is always the number one if you can still tie your own shoes you've got that much manual dexterity left then you can learn to cut a dovetail on par with mine and I don't say that as if worried that I don't care in fact I'm when I'm happy when I can see somebody like Phillip who can Cubs up there like that I can't do any better than that I might be a little faster have an inch but that's as good as a kiss how can you get any better than that if you can't see improvements with your naked eye then you're wasting your time to try to do it any better and that's that hey that's a bonus just went up now let's clean it up so we've got a plane all these surfaces we also have to plane the edge I'm just trying to think of how we're gonna best hold it it's not an easy thing to get a hold of because of the angle I'm gonna go in use my block plane Dave and I solicit your help can you get over there and just kind of hold that somehow I'm gonna go up against a bench dog maybe Luther treated us last night to French what's that anyway King Sam and Sam nodded himself with his bare hands rainbow salmon was that no no king salmon pink salmon had kind of a fruit was delicious okay first offer was for crab hey Rob why you've got your own around a block plane in there he always has a problem with the knuckle cap popping up to capture right there right just tighten that up now if you had a real early model that's going back seven or eight years maybe even earlier they had a little problem with the geometry up in there so they had to make some changes saw marks now that looks like a gap right there is actually the corner this corner is missing and as a result actually Dave's got dovetails down I understand somewhere in upstate New York there's a chicken coop now that has yes okay now let's get the top two sides okay Dave if you could come over here please and just do your best to just hold it down there just to keep it from flopping around might be actually easier to get rid of get rid of the tail spray yeah I'm gonna take this there quite proud I'll come in with like five and a half Luther would like to thank WestJet I think they're just messing with you but I will say kudos to them because they kept me well-informed and they delivered the luggage yesterday just going until I get rid of all the ten marks I'm not gonna bother taking out the marking gauge line not on a working stool maybe one more just reach over until I find where the edge of the blade was okay that's good nice and clean I'm gonna do this one a little bit different days I'm gonna put that there I'm gonna get you to do the same thing that I'm gonna play this way oh no I don't want to do that t-shirts and donations so Philip thank you thank you Peter man everybody with the hard last name is John Smith he don't in and then Nathan Mitchell sir thank you Nathan Peter thank you gentlemen appreciate your support and so today you don't know how much is one of the most touching moments I ever experienced the Purple Heart project was when we were handing out tools handful of you know two thousand dollars twenty-five hundred girls these guys and some of them stood there with tears in their eyes as they accepted them I am looking for I want to clamp down a piece on the bench so I can set that down and plane so I need something that is you know you need what somewhere around 16 inches wide Dave you dance will I go find something to entertain the crowd do that number if it's good don't wait til I get back I want to see it I'm back here in my stash of weekend yeah let's do a weight test on this tool what'd I miss Dave weight test in it you're full you're still fully dressed I'm just gonna wear this do [Laughter] he's gonna hire my rating okay I'm here put one in there for me please so what I'm gonna do here all this one inch MDF that you Luther night no break it right on the edge used up all week now you have to go this way you want to catch the edge right there yep make up my 16 inches with two pieces so we want to be right here I have a clamp right there can he make it into there with that take a little bit pressure throat what I mean by opening up the throat is in the front knob there's a toe plate a moveable toe plate and I can use that to either close throw down for lots of lots of protection against tear out or in this case open up so I can take heavy shaving Dave hand right there which police just this one just because I'm gonna be forcing in this direction no more comments questions what on the stool I'm sorry I'm just oh wait let's start with the lightest person and the we'll just go up well we got to let we gotta let the yeah we gotta let it dry but okay here's a piece well that's only a - Taylor oh that's not shoot here's the here's the sample one that we built and that doesn't that doesn't give in the least now I'm 185 and I'm guessing Dave you're probably 187 1:9 soaking wet maybe step on that have you ever heard pine groan give it a little stress test a little stress test all right up a bit at 500 I think that thing is plenty strong now the only issue we had nothing on the joints but the faxing let's turn this around easier to work this direction how are we for time one hour forty two minutes Oh what's their record and then they show that aside from Megan that was Lucy you're quiet any good ones [Music] Clemson University what rising have you hit the topic of ball peanuts and way that was at the beginning I was at the beginning that's the code let the convo begin should give a shout-out to Ken hey guys it's 241 in the morning into the UK you staying up just for this I can't yeah I know Ken well can't always comment on my youtube videos usually the first person to say thank you appreciate that now I'm just cutting this chamfer to prevent tear-out on this when we cut across I need to plane in this direction remember we did this out of our using store-bought pine and that's not a species for you millenials the idea was kind of thing that you could do with limited materials limited tools and reason with limited resources maybe one more pass now corners are gonna get ding so let's cut them back there cut across the grain first I'm just looking to see well I think we have the appropriate amount let's say there were yet 545 how much an hour 45 No Oh viewers price I was taught 100 bucks how much $100 I didn't know we were there it's been that way for a while though I think everyone's waiting to see how it turns out when I do this I've got my chamfer here I'm just gonna carry it until that width is the same appears to be the same okay now I need do that I really need to go the other way I can feel how that's torn but going the other way is gonna be a little awkward to hold so what I'll do instead is just close that throat down to tight open up just a hair this should prevent drivers from tearing Jake you have an idea of what this would cost us into Colorado not heavy Oh last video the battery died Oh probably time doe 21 by 8 by 12 all right can you back out it's back now we didn't lose the stream we just lost the video that camera turn itself off if the praise exceeds 130 we'll cover the shipping it'll cover the shipping $100 can I get one with your bed look ignoring me three pounds of grits oh we do have 150 from st. eros pardon Thane Curtis 150 way to go thing to that yep now it now shipping is free we've passed that threshold so champers all the way around now here's what we're gonna do can't test this now because the glues not drying up if this flexes and we'll have somebody who's heavier than me stand on it flexes what we'll do is we'll go in we'll cut a piece of we'll cut a piece of pine about three inches following this shape and we'll glue it to the bottom of this and glued on there will stiffen that up substantially doesn't even need to be attached to there as Jake mentioned this glue joint is gonna be sufficiently strong we've stood on hundreds of these single corner now if dirt that pine is dirty on the inside and I should have planed it beforehand so I'll go in there and I'll sand that you really can't plane it the undersides okay and you'll sign it of course sign that right now we got a sharpie Meghan do we have a brand new sharpie PHP 2019 family first rub Cosman I'm really impressed myself in that without touching it that does not rock core in the corner stable everybody gets lucky yeah should give you years of fine standing you'll be able to reach the cookies without anybody knowing pH p20 one-niner family first always okay 175 is 75 yeah you've got the amount of time it takes for me to put away my planes Luther any questions no I think the bidding war is on right now oh good what are we got money when ad just popped 180 wonderful will keep they live until we yeah well if the winning bidder can just contact Jake directly Jacob Rob Kozma calm I want to tell you just one story two stories we have one vet coming Purple Heart recipient yes who has had seven tours one in Kosovo three in Iraq three in Afghanistan his job description was an EOD explosive Ordinance Disposal that meant he went out looking for bombs before the bombs found his fellow comrades and as a result of what he did he endured over 100 ie D blast and his last deployment in Afghanistan was over 30 was 37 so this guy has had oh wow just unbelievable sacrifice and he's coming to our workshop and we have another young fellow coming young PJ yeah PJ's PJ is seen don't maybe Sam Navy SEAL and on his last deployment which was just just a few months ago just a few months ago in the process of reloading his well let's just say he was it you got in a firefight and he was severely wounded in the leg yeah active firefight rooting out Isis fighters probably yeah and took numerous numerous bullet wounds and and and died almost died a couple of times it was very close blood early wounded very difficult a lot of medical rehabilitating and when I'm reading his story I'm thinking this how does this guy come to a class and stand up and do but determination and drive overcome so he says he's gonna be out of the wheelchair and he's gonna be here he's actually arriving here tomorrow night so these are kind of people that you're supporting these are people that you know you look for heroes you don't look very far well how do you define a hero someone who's willing to lay their life on the line for someone they may not even know just to protect a way of life they attack personal freedoms so we can't do enough we've upped it to 36 starting in 2020 I wish it was 360 but we are limited resources you look around and you see who we are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 sometimes we do what we can we need your help we get your help that's the fantastic part we just do this for fun no sense of meet care and end this around amaze well give it away to somebody and if somebody's gonna get it they may as well make a nice donation to the park project to support what we're doing alright with that we've got a busy two weeks in front of us it starts Sunday night your Sunday afternoon when we pick up the vets and it ends follow our two weeks after that when we're done with our second class yeah I would also say that just one more advertisement I guess is right now I'm taking PHP applications for the May June July 2024 tsa's so training hand courses so we'll combine all the all the applications we get through December 15th will go for one of those three classes and then starting on December 16th will be for applications will go to the August September October 2020 classes that David over there is managing so we're gonna see who sends out the best bread cheese I know where my new challenge zero champion now also mention plagiarize why rewrite it we're also dropping our class down from seven from 14 back to 12 it's just a little tight up there so it's gonna be a little bit smaller class a little more attention the student-teacher ratio is fantastic because we'll have on this this week we've got Jake and I and Luther and Dave and Paul Lieutenant Commander Paul and then the next week we have these four plus we have Bob Abbott and Bob is a returning combat wounded vet from our class about a year ago and Bob is very confident bobbitt probably the first one to do his dovetails in the class and they were excellent so we got we had great lineup that's almost a two to one ratio okay where are we we gotta call it we gotta shut this down three hundred and fifteen dollars by Alan Kay three hundred and fifteen dollars by Alan Kay there's a slight delay on here is there yeah it's about ten seconds Oh ten seconds so I'm gonna start the countdown 315 going once 315 going twice that should give people the 10 seconds they require anything coming in 315 sold Alan where's Alan don't know Alan Kay congratulations all right now thank you guys did you just through eight inches if Alan would just submit a donation for that a man yeah no you have to send a man invoice yeah email Jake what's an email address Jacob Rob car econ yeah we'll take care of it okay folks I can't tell you when our next one's gonna we're gonna try to squeeze one in possibly with the vets maybe it might be just a chance for you guys to look around and actually watch what occurs in the class might be short Luther's you want to focus on that give us that good what are you talking about Willis we're gonna try to do that I think it'll be fun for you to get the chance to poke your head in and see what's going on I'm head will be here in two weeks he's excited a med would be here a med quick shutter a med is donating hi Allen mallet that he makes to each of the vets student every student that and civilian alike Wow for his class awesome lucky guy yeah beautiful mallets you won't want to hit them of it they are gorgeous it's Allen Colts Cincinnati he says three year I moved two or three years ago talk we were the tall guy lots of hair all got lots of here on time tall guy lots and lots here I mean well maybe not that much here lots of hair lots of hair dave has lots of here prepare dialog okay all right said it special thanks to everybody behind the camera on that side I just I'm the one who has to do all the talking and demonstrating but these guys make it work Megan's over there instagramming she's actually probably reading their Facebook Oh paying attention Megan I'll cut the next row dovetails for us hey folks have a have a nice weekend thank you for your support
Views: 11,161
Rating: 4.9235668 out of 5
Id: r3ynYRp8FsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 57sec (7077 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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