Roasting Your Smosh Memes (Meme Review)

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- Oh my God, do I get to be a thumbnail? - Yeah, maybe. - Oh, (bleep) - [Sarah] Probably not though but just make the faces. (Shayne laughs) (bleeps) - We're not rolling yet, are we? - Yeah, we're rolling. - Oh, we are rolling. Oh, we've been-- - [Sarah] Turn your personality on. - Hi. - Oh my god! Hey! - Bro. - Welcome back! (Sarah laughs) - How far are we from that realistically? - We're very close. We're extremely close sometimes to just going full Nick Jr. - Face? What was Nick Jr.'s, the... - Rolie Polie Olie? - No, no, no, like the, I don't know what the face was called. - Nick Jr. Face? - This guy - I don't remember this at all! - Face Nick Jr., oh, his name was Face. - Oh, his name was Face, 'cause kids are stupid. - Okay, are we throwing this back or are we throwing it away? - Guys, welcome back to Smosh Games' most original T.V. show, this is on T.V., of all time, where we react and review memes. Nobody's done this ever and I'm joined by Spencer. - What's up guys, I'm Spencer, I edit for Smosh Games. - Yeah, all of these videos, all the weird, like, tricks and how they're cut together, you know. - What's up guys, I'm Spencer I edit for Smosh Games. - That's what he does and that's what he's gonna say every time I throw to him, right, Spencer? - What's up guys, I'm Spencer, I edit for Smosh Games. - That's what he does. That's what he says all day at the office. It's really funny, it's a kick. Spencer, also really good at finding memes. What's the trick? Where do you find 'em? - I used to cruise YouTube Haiku a lot. - Nice. - I was taught that the secret is to go under like the third or fourth page, where things have like six upvotes. - It's, that's the Dark Web. - Yeah, it's essentially, (Shayne laughs) it's the second page of Google. The Dark Web starts at the second page of Google results, everybody knows that. - We don't need to review memes. We can just go through Nickipedia and just start to like reminisce about Nick Jr. shows. - There's a lot of Nickelodeon lore. - What if it gets really dark? - [Spencer] Look, they deleted Little Bill from Nickipedia. - Oh my god, they tried to erase, Little Bill got canceled. - It's 'cause, Bill Cosby was... - Oh man. - Was actually Big Bill. - I (laughs) - Did you forget that Little Bill was actually young Bill Cosby? - I forgot about that! Even Little Bill got canceled. Wow! You have to really be bad. - You have to go back in time. - For the childhood form of you to also get canceled. Oh man, alright, lets move on to the actual part of the video, which is memes. Whose memes are we doing first? - I think we're gonna look at Mark Rob. So, Little Matt. - All right. Sorry, sorry. Little Matt. I should point out that Mark's memes are generally, so far-- - Edgy as hell. (blender clatters) (woman screams) (both laugh) Were those eels or dildos? - I think they, I thought they were sausages, but they were withstanding it so hard that they might be dildos. - Yeah (car honks) (both laugh) - That guy gained, that sucks 'cause that guy gained that cat's trust. (car honks) (both laugh) The look around! Fa! - Cheese cat. - Oh, good, a bunch of cat stuff. (both laugh) Nice. - Game! - I think cat's reactions to cheese is the best. - Or ham, any flat food. (farts) (glass shatters) (both laugh) - [Simpson] Mmm, beer. (laughs) Yes, oh yes! (both laugh) (static noises) (both laugh) (soft piano music) - Oh no - Oh. (laughs) How? Wow, God! - They did the work. I wonder how far away we are from that being in the Mythical Kitchen. - Not far at all, they really seem to love like, meat types of stuff. - Will it. - Yeah. - Will it come out an ice cube dispenser? - Exactly. ♪ Say something ♪ (both laugh) - Ok we've all had those nights. - We've all had that day. - [Man] What we're gonna show you here is sheep shearing. The way we're doing it's still, still the same way we-- (sheep bleating) (both laugh) - God, it's gotta be so confusing to be, like a sheep or a goat or something. Like, you're just living your life and then all of a sudden you're just pulled up by a different species, and just, like, laid that way. You're just sittin' there lookin' around. - Ehh! (bleats) - Now we're transitioning into my list of (beep). - Oh (beep). Do you think yours are better than Mark's? - They're different. (techno music) - Oh hell yeah. (Shayne claps) (Shayne laughs) - Dude, what the (beep). - What'd you say about anime? (beep) (upbeat music) - (beep) How ironic do you think he was trying to be? Do you think there's a part of him that was kind of like, "Yeah." - I hate how much music I've discovered from ironic or, what I interpret to be ironic videos, 'cause I'll hear and be like (laughs) that song was kind of cool though. - Dude a lot of anime music is pretty dope. - This is a good one, A-U-0-H-N-53 R-T-P-P-M-E-0 dash T - Oh hell yeah! Shoutout to A-U-O-H-N-58-3 R-P-P-M-E-O dash T. ♪ No one knows what it's like ♪ ♪ To be the Bat Man ♪ (screams) ♪ To be the sad man ♪ (both laugh) The ego raptor scream. ♪ Mayo x52 ♪ I'm gonna be (beep) lame here. There's an actual psychological term for how visuals affect-- - Okay, I think we're done here. (both laugh) - And moving on, you (beep) nerd. - No, no (murmurs). - No but actually, like, you are legitimately hearing, like your brain is actually making that sound in your head. Like you actually are hearing mayo when you see mayo 'cause your brain's going, oh, that's what's being said. And so it, you are, it's, hey. - It was just a-- - Google it, kids. - It's proof of a science experiment. - Write what you think, - Psychology. that phenomenon's called in the comments. - Yeah. - Did you watch Bill Nye as a kid? - I didn't watch Bill Nye. - Oh then, so that was just (beep) lost on you, never mind. We're gonna move on. - I didn't watch any. Well, I know the "Bill, Bill, Bill", I know the theme song. - Yeah, cause they wheeled that (beep) all the time. - My school never wheeled it out but I lived in Arizona and maybe they just didn't like it. - Yo bitch, gonna wheel it out for me? - You gonna wheel that (beep)? (Spencer laughs) Yo! - Just catcalling the teacher. You gonna wheel that (beep) out? - You gonna (bleep) wheel that (beep)? - Whoa, damn, alright. - I see those wheels. - Wow, gonna wheel all that T.V. out there, God damn! - That T.V. is thick 'cause it's the 90's. - Ah, that's, look at the back, spin it around. Spin that T.V. around. And the teacher's like okay. - Okay (beep) - Oh (beep) - We watch Antz again. - Alright, this one's called "Bobby." Don't know what it is. - [Woman] Bobby, I want you to meet my colleague, Doctor Hamilton. - And I'd like you to get the (beep) outta here Get outta here! Get out of my room! (intense music) Get out of here you bitch! Get out of here (Spencer laughs) - What the (beep)? - I forgot it ends with a (beep) random ass cut to, like, a demonic frog. - What the (beep) is that? Was that the actual lines? - Yeah - Did they add that-- - That's the original "Get the (beep) outta my room, I'm playing Minecraft." (Shayne laughs) I'm gonna say this is good for all of 'em, but truthfully, they're all pretty good. - Okay. ♪ Today is gonna be the day ♪ ♪ That they're gonna throw it back to you ♪ ♪ Buy now ♪ Hummus and wow ♪ Extra large falafel meal for two ♪ (both laugh) - It's stupid. It's pretty stupid. (harmonizing) - Are they ready yet? (finger snaps) - Almost ready! - Where do the fish sticks come from? - Come and see! There he is! - [Children] Ahoy, Captain! (gibberish) (Shayne laughs) ♪ For the tastiest fish ♪ - And he looks just like him! ♪ Captain Barnacle ♪ - Get out! - I don't know what part of that commercial is real, or if any of it's real. - I don't think any of that's real. - It's pretty good. - Aw, look at that. Look at that chonk. Oh, there he is. - [Woman] Cuba! Cuba! (Spencer laughs) - I want one. - Dogs getting scared by things they did. - They are actively doing. - [Narrator] New at Duncan, bottomless coffee. (coffee splashes) - Ah! America runs on Duncan. (both laugh) - [Boy] This is the wild Nick in it's natural habitat. - Alex! Alex! You just dropped it in the (beep). (Spencer laughs) - (beep) - It's funny 'cause when I quote this video, as I often do, I finish the quote even though the video cuts off before. - You just dropped it in the (beep). - Your mind fills out the rest. I wonder if there's a name for that phenomenon. (both laugh) - God dammit. - No, but there must be! - There probably is. - [Boy] Hell yeah, corn! Yeah! Yeah! Woo! Corn! Yuck! (beep) you! (beep) you, wheat! Yuck! Get outta here! You're a piece of garbage! (beep) you! (beep) you! Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! - Oh man, can you imagine the parents just driving the car just like, "We let him use the computer once and now." - He's making a YouTube. (yelling) (evil laughter) (both laugh) - It's actually terrifying. (food crunches) Nice. (dog farts) (both laugh) - Oh, it probably smells so bad. - If laughing at farts is wrong, I don't wanna be right. - Dude so, looking through TikTok, Damien, Courtney, and I will show each other TikToks and I realized TikTok is so good at tailoring it to you. Courtney gets a bunch of dog stuff. Damien gets a bunch of bird stuff and anime. I have mostly farts. (Spencer laughs) Farts and then just absolutely-- - This is good. - Absolute crazy people making TikToks unironically. Dog. (ears flap) (both laugh) - [Girl] This is talking Carl. - This is talking Carl. - [Girl] He repeats everything you say. - He repeats everything you say. - [Girl] And he's gonna get in a fight. - And he's gonna get in a fight. - [Girl] My voice is higher than your voice. - My voice is higher than your voice. - My voice is higher than your voice. - My voice is higher than your voice. - My voice is higher than your voice. (static noises) (Shayne laughs) - I don't know where it can go from here. (beep) love this one. - Excellent snake. (suspenseful music) - [Announcer] Kept you waiting, huh? (snake slaps floor) (dramatic music) - [Announcer] Excellent snake. - That (beep) slap there. Play it again. - Pssh. (blows raspberry) (upbeat music) - [Announcer] Kept you waiting, huh? (snake slaps floor) (Shayne laughs) (dramatic music) - I want that to come through my door and wake me up everyday. - Oh, it's really impressive that snake opened up a door. - Yo, they're (bleep) smart. But that is so just like (groans). (upbeat music) - Good evening, I'm Ken Bastida, Dana is off tonight. He was murdered then set on fire while celebrating his birthday. (Shayne claps) (both laugh) - Like what went so wrong? - Oh, that's the anchor man thing of like, don't put, he'll read everything on the teleprompter. - Come on! (playful music) Hi-ya! Wah! (both laugh) - I don't know why the quick one really made me laugh, 'cause it's so relatable, just like the aya! - Now lets jump into Smosh memes. - Smosh memes, you guys make, have been making memes, and we're looking at 'em and we're reacting. - 2.4 thousand members. That's definitely more active than some of the subs I visit. - That's more. - Only four of you are online though. You need to step that up. - C'mon guys. - Let's refresh. Let's see if any of you guys are, 12. - 12 online! - They know. - Uh-oh, tripled it. This is the most CFM-core post I've ever seen. "Gender is a prison and I chewed through the bars." - That is an awesome quote. - That's an awesome quote and that's not one I've ever used as CFM so people are really... I need to hire a team of writers for CFM. - CFM-core, okay time out. One moderator is Matt Rob. (laughs) - That's not good. - [Spencer] I saw this one earlier, this one's pretty good. - [Shayne] That's really good. Imagine you are watching YouTube videos and you hear a knock on your front door. It is Ian and Anthony from Smosh. "H- hey beautiful," Anthony says, shy and nerveous. Ian leans in to kiss your lips, but Anthony stops him. "No, she's mine." Anthony leans in to kiss you. - Do you think they've ever kissed the same girl? Like, as a real question. - Wow, I don't, I wonder, we just gotta hope that neither of them ever watches this video 'cause let's talk about, do we, yeah, do we think they're Eskimo brothers? - Realistically, probably. - I think this probably really happened. (both laugh) They're both at a party, they both liked the same girl and Ian went to lean in and Anthony was like, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, no, she's mine." - I saw this in another subreddit. That wasn't the Smosh subreddit. (Shayne claps) - [Shayne] Just an appreciation post for Shayne's role on the Goldbergs. They just photoshopped me out and put Damien in. - I was confused, I was like, that is Damien, right? Okay now up close it's not as. - [Shayne] Smosh crew when someone sings a copywrited song. Little maneuver is gonna cost us 51 years. Oh, that's good, that's great and true. Next month in Australia. Is that Smosh? Nice (Shayne claps) - Yo, bringing back advice animal templates? - Ah, please! - Love it, impact font, yes. - Wait, wait, wait, do we have a Jojo one right down here? Oh my god, yeah, Damien will enjoy that. Damien will see that. Well they made sure that Damien--. - Have you guys seen this one? - Hey, have you seen this meme? - You know, I'm gonna contact the mods and make sure we don't get duplicate posts like this. - The mods really, sorry guys, the mods on the Smosh memes are just absolute garbage, garbage humans. - They really dropped the ball on this one. - I don't know what kind of neck beard ass (beep) is moderating this sub, but we're gonna kick 'em out. Wow! That was good. I hope you enjoyed this. Send memes, make memes for the Smosh memes account on Reddit. We will review them, we will react to them. - Mostly react. - Mostly react. I don't do any actual reviewing, I realize, but. - Yeah, I don't even think we've mentioned reviewing in this one. - I don't think we've-- - That's honestly great. - Dude, we didn't rate a single thing. - Great for us. - So not only is this video unoriginal, it's also a lie. So there you go. - One last video. - Oh god, it's just a guy (beep). Just an actual butthole (beep), you're like yeah, all right. - [Man] Wow it's been so long since we've been to the beach. - Yeah dude, we haven't been here in forever. (both laugh) - Alright guys, thanks for-- - Thanks for watching. - thanks for tuning in. Subscribe to Smosh and Smosh Games and Smosh Pit and ElSmosh. - Yeah, subscribe to, (Sarah laughs) (Shayne laughs) yo, subscribe to ElSmosh. Learn Spanish through watching ElSmosh. - That's actually probably a good way. - It's probably a good way and you should do it. - If you wanna watch more videos click over here. - Click over here - To pick out one YouTube picked just for you. - YouTube picked out just, and if you wanna watch one that we picked out for you, it's over here. I suggest the one we picked out for you 'cause it's probably better. - [Sarah] They're both of our videos. - Oh, they're both our videos, though. I know but we're better at picking them than YouTube is.
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 386,253
Rating: 4.969274 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, Roasting Your Smosh Memes (Meme Review), meme review, smosh games meme review, shayne topp, spencer the editor
Id: WZigkBH_PN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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