The First Ever Meme Review Show (Never Been Done Before)

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[Laughter] Courtney shows me just memes and tic TOCs like every day I will like hold him hostage just to be able to just take talk after tick tock that there's somebody in the middle of like an important meeting expect okay hold on I got to show you this tick tock just like it's like it's like hey what up by the way welcome to us reviewing memes a show that is completely original and we are the first people to ever do it nobody else does it on YouTube not that I know of correct all right first one I mean everybody's like 2019 save the turtles save the turtles but like all of us I don't know we're not all great people my second brother Robert pieces I'd take a goddamn McFlurry straw and just right through the nostrils I'll Ganesh and I mean you think this is any better I mean my straw has literal whiskey dick I think he grew up in my town you did videos like you're my old high school good a lot of gems came out of that town plot it yeah like him nobody else I love this view so much on tic-tac where they just put voicemails our voice messages recording get out on the Internet this literally started dude she called up someone crying being like hey big Abbot and then that person listen he was like hold on I got a record I love this video I've seen this one little sad real [ __ ] I was the 14 year old oh I was too we I feel like everybody hits that phase any of your diary entries shows yeah you literally had an entry where you were like why is my life so hard it's very privileged I'm only here to capture the traitor I told you about this traitor who is he it isn't a he it's a she it is the baby I took from Rand or princess adora what what oh they did this what what oh my god I think he's just a confuses the ease own doubt mid speeches like what I'm doing about groceries you oh my god this maybe came up when Damien and I were viewing memes and I don't get it it's not a meme it's just how is this a meme this is just funny me this is no this I'm gonna think of a caption hold on we play me when I make it through a yellow light ha ha ha ha my caption it that's you're horny come over which one was I on is this one God [Laughter] you me when the Thanksgiving poop hits [Laughter] hold on kill me when I okay you win that one knows I again again I got it [Music] I pooped good news I have done the sex [Music] accidentally ate harmonica Oh got a fart [Music] get out of my way cyber monday add god I'll get back to the jams Wow Oh st. Patrick's Day all right here we go it's false no not this time we created it a Vista no not this time is totally pure culture wrong first fiction it's Vicky made a thing we made this one it's a made-up - it's a total fabrication it never happened me after faking it for two years yo did you come we made office did you come this time not this time yo am i straight it's an urban legend that never had me as a teenager we'll all be six-foot someday right we got [Laughter] [Music] I think so got it kid happy st. Patrick's Day that kid rocks I was the neighbor's kid I love these me and Damien on Sundays [Music] yeah feed me another one I love the point of view meme so it's like what she sees or like what what my demon sees when I'm trying to plug my phone in yeah yeah is that you that took me on a journey I thought that was fake I thought Wendy's is that you hi welcome to India yo whoever that is should go to a sex shop and like a stand in the corner so I'm back I want this one they're like good choice ah oh no no no why did you tie that she was by herself oh no she must have been like lost across here I go broke everything that's a senior citizens worst I love this video goes I'm not gonna lie to you I've had no sleep and and I'm working to attend tonight me I feel like killing myself or not quite me hello yes I can show you where this is are you 22 why don't you look at what it says on the king board instead of asking me some of those Aadland gotta get that anger out you know damn I get out I love that I'm working till 10:00 tonight Oh long some guy oh dude you make me so mad this man makes me so mad every video is just his thumb in front of different things and he's acting like it's some sort of personality trait do you think do you think if he ever has a spider in his house and it like crawls up he just goes like this and the spiders like you gotta get that checked out if he's a doctor and like what if you you're getting accustomed that's you can't win that's yo thank God that was penis size thumb love her she screams yes and then draws a heart in the fog she she man she she's giving me a run for my money would you like to supersize that Netflix would you like to continue watching me I was gonna get up and try to compete but honestly I don't think I can okay UK would you got a bet you probably got to go to go take off your headphones and just go go right there let's try to see oh Christ everyone close their ears no you got to be in front of the TV go go there okay you can be seen now give it a shot pretty good you want me to give it a shot [Applause] what's wrong with me he read liquor like out there in their office to me they're just like no I don't know what that is but smell that I'm gonna call out your target you ready echo Delta that's some good shoot I think that was that might have been well that's very close yeah [Music] nice love Damien was so happy about that meme like a year ago he literally it was his life I ate Doritos knockoff version of takis earlier that's probably why a little bit this Mike melted off when you just did that yeah kinda like fused you're disgusting you're disgusting [Music] 69p honestly when I see like 69 or 420 in any sort of context even if I'm by myself I get a little excited oh this bill I can't your blood pressure last one oh no we're out of memes a meme drought you that Wow that was just that was honestly the best that's not even a meme that's just uplifting con that's just that's just wholesome that should be a that is a wholesome meme that should be on wholesome meme Twitter or reddit sorry yeah on reddit not on Twitter what Wow you know I would honestly rate all of those memes incredible out of fantastic wow that's a lot dude careful with that gun ratings like that I mean I am wonderful fantastic you're gonna you're gonna criticize how I write stuff and I'm gonna go and do that let me be me you know like I know I got so many kids children make sure to send your memes to our Smosh memes they can be of anything they can be of us they can be a whatever just may send us weird weird stuff yes yeah anything to fill this belly up yeah with some comedy I love to laugh what we should do a show about that anyways bye get out what should we do n card or anything maybe you I'm not hey we have other videos guys stop like working next to me like either burp Foley or don't like oh let's keep going yeah about my videos alright you're going keep going okay guys we got videos on videos for you we've like literally any kind of video we've literally made every I hate you so much Shan Shan this is my show now I haven't showered in three days hold on I got to do something really quick I will end on this note ha [Laughter]
Channel: Smosh Games
Views: 1,198,064
Rating: 4.9491277 out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh games, gaming, comedy, funny, meme review, The First Ever Meme Review Show (Never Been Done Before), shayne topp, courtney miller
Id: 08UtB9qBGP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 5sec (1025 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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