Road To Romans | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | Holiness Is Not Hard

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all right this morning things got kind of wild we dealt with Romans the tenth chapter and we dealt with the power of preaching and what preaching does for the culture of grace and so I'm going to give you about 20 to 30 minutes on Romans 12 now because we're making it through the book of Romans how many of you have been actually following the study plan have you been following and reading it how many of you are experiencing a lot of deliverance as you do it's pretty crazy isn't it I've been going through my own internal reconfiguration even from the standpoint of a leader what happened this morning if you did not catch it if you want to go back and watch it God is asking for a fresh commitment to the gospel and a fresh commitment to a gospel that is pure and a gospel that is focused and the beautiful thing about this gospel is that you don't have to qualify say a man that's the beautiful thing about this gospel what I'm going to do now we got a couple of more Sundays in this and then next month we're going into something called Amazing Grace and what I'm going to be doing is preaching grace from the old to the new testament what it is how it operates how to get it and the fact that grace is not the excuse to sin but it is the cure for sin nobody comes out of a sin life without the grace of God our knowledge of it and what it does so I'm on an assignment and I'm on a journey this year dr. Ross and I wouldn't everything that's apostolic connected to me would join me I want to snatch as many believers as possible out of the judgement of the Old Covenant and I want people to launch themselves violently into the New Testament and then me we disregard to all that means we see the old fulfilled in Jesus Christ and we now have occupied ourselves with a beautiful life of holiness you ready I'm about to say something that's not to make all y'all offended in all y'all man and I'm about to go home and chill holiness is not hard let's go to Roman's a12 chapter let's work on this cuz I know you love a haha I'm approving that's why we've not become it is that they teach us and they preach to us that it's hard holiness is not hard Jesus took the hard work out of holiness I said Jesus took the hard work out of holiness and some of you are working hard unto nothing okay so go to Romans 212 chapter I have mentioned before how the book of Romans is set up right and I mentioned the chapters 1 through 9 establish and justify your right to be saved and then Romans 9 and 10 goes into the distinctions of the Jewish people and the Church of what God does for Jew and Gentile through Jesus now we're getting into the fun part Torrey which is application it is application Romans chapters 12 through 15 is how to live the gospel out a part of what we've established up in this series already is that the gospel is more than a message it is a way of life if Jesus came to the world lands to demonstrate the gospel that everything he did was the good news everything he said was the good news speaking I feel my wife's anointing to teach on me right now let me say this before I go further my wife will be preaching at the Salem Missionary Baptist Church this Wednesday so she'll be out at the house of hope and I ain't got nothing to do go and celebrate mother and help other set some folk free all right the point I was making is this 12 through 15 is application so if you don't understand the structure of the book you don't get most out of it here is the fundamental concept that what I'm about to teach you everybody listen to what I'm saying to you before I became a father I thought I knew how to be a father my thought was this cannot be hard because I've seen people do it good and I've seen people do it bad so my experience in this is either going to be mimicking who I've seen do it right or avoiding who I've seen done it wrong what I did not know is that you don't learn how to become a father before you become one I'm gonna say it again if you're not a mother or if you're not a father and you think you know how to do it you are deceiving yourselves the way it works is that you become it then you learn it this will make sense to you in a minute no amount of examining anybody elses parental style is going to prepare you adequately for the rigors of parenthood and the reason that's true is because every child is going to launch you into a different realm of discovery they are not the same they have different needs and some of us are as dysfunctional as we are because I parented our parents parented us like we were our siblings but the Bible says you're supposed to train up a child in the way they the individual should go so discerning who that child is deciding and appropriating the right strategy for the success and the future of that trial means a lot of adoptions and changes on you here's where I'm going with this that means as a parent you are always discovering and then rediscovering your identity as a parent you will not be the same parent you were when your child is 1 through 5 that you will be when your child is 5 through 10 you will not be the same parent you are when your child is 13 that you were when they were 5 if you do something wrong with you as your child grows so does your strategy that means a non-growing parent creates a dysfunctional child that's free where you are not committed to your own development and no matter how much you provide a stable environment you are contributing to the arrested development of that child here is why I am saying that you receive a holiness you become holy and then you learn holiness oh that I got a I'm wrestling I'm wrestling you don't have a holiness to hell I'm a proven so in order for you to be holy you got to reshape it how do you receive everything from God by excuse me so you receive it once you received it you're not working on it okay but you can be comment and still not know how to beat it I got to give you receipts to pull up before you go to first Corinthians 12 go to first Corinthians 1 let me show you listen to prove that what I say is true cuz I know I know your attitude is you just say that if you work for the rest of your life to get holy so you don't go to hell when you get saved who do you say by Jesus and the Bible says be holy for I am what if you have Jesus than you are holy well what do you mean I still sin it means you are learning holiness you don't believe me okay I'll give it to you no I can cite that receipts you know I got degrees I got to help you first Corinth is the first chapter let me pull this thing up right now because they st. my text but I got to substantiate this cuz you don't believe me 1st Corinthians chapter 1 I'm gonna prove you okay I want you to go all the way down I want you to go to verse 30 of first Corinthians the first chapter this is cross-examination of a text first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 30 I'm reading this in the Living Bible are you there are you there for it is from God alone that you have your life through Christ Jesus he showed us God's plan of salvation he was the one who made us acceptable to God he made us pure and how did he make you pure and working on it did he make you pure and striving to be he made you pure and holy and gave himself to purchase your salvation here is why he made you that before you became it he made you that way because 31 says as it says in the scriptures if anybody is going to boast let him boast and what the Lord has done so you can't boast and what the Lord has done and both in what you do to earn what the Lord has done you receive it you become it you learn it you don't learn it becoming so you can receive it the problem of our transformation is a reverse identity you are holy and some of your so found with economists you anymore say that you know I am I'm a believer is there a such thing as a non holy believer well then what a lot how do I make of this stuff that I do very easy twelve to fifteen of Romans talks about how to be holy how to learn what you are you like that don't make no sense okay I'll tell you one thing do you remember what you learned what gender you were do you remember being coach into how to be a better whatever you were see it's not about you becoming something it's about you learning what you become you religious demon you I said it's not about you becoming something Pharisee it's about you learning how to be what he made you to be [Applause] now you can live in rebellion to what he made you and that can bring you into what the scripture says is carnality but as long as you are walking after the spirit then you're not going to fulfill the lust of the flesh this is revolutionary all my life I thought I was working to be holy that's why you looking solid things you like I'm working hard to be holy but what does that give you according to first Corinthians 13:1 but up first Corinthians one and thirty it gives you a right to brag I know it gives you something to boast about the Bible is serious about making sure Christians have no reason to brag or boast now we work hard to have our right to brag or boast but if your salvation and your holiness can be rooted in your boasting then it is not god it's you so woman's twelve really is God's brand for holiness I am holy and because I'm holy I do these things not I do these things so that I can be Holden it's the reverse that is how you get religious I'm doing this to be seen as holy as opposed to I have been born-again and because I am born of Jesus I have a regenerated spirit my identity is secure I'm just learning how to be what he made we believe that about ministry I'm calling in evangelist I need to work harder at it we believe this about being a wife I'm a wife I can become a better wife why don't you believe that you can be holy and still be learning how to live it the problem is a fundamental fracture in your identity y'all still walking around here calling yourself sinners I know you kicking I feel you you're still looking at yourself through the lens of the law not the cross after you make the decision because here we got we get into some real juice now two difference between us and the inclusiveness is the decision now the gospel is inclusive that means it involves everybody but you don't just get to have the benefits of the gospel without choosing Jesus so you not becoming holy and if you ain't holy it's cuz you ain't saved if y'all are struggling with this y'all the devil is alive the devil is alive no I'm going to hell why are you here this is this support for sin what's going on with you you come here just to look no either you are holy oh yay how you go say greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world and say you got the Holy Ghost I'd be scared to say you only because you're religious and then the crazy thing about the religious spirit is that you got to be a Christian to have it I know a lot of unbelievers who are religious how do I live out holiness I'm so graduates Romans 12:1 we gotta get this issue together there are Christians who really think they're working to be holy know if you've been born of the Spirit you are holy now you're learning holiness did you saved did you know everything about Christianity when you guys say mm-hmm you know about baptism you know about tongues you know about that you learned it but I did it was secure I'm trying to fix your identity even though you've got to learn now how to live this way so then in the grace paradigm sin is still seeing watch me watch me watch me but when you're saying the consequence of sin is different than when you're not saved I know this is boring because it's theology when you are saved and you sin it doesn't change your identity unless you make that sin your lifestyle if I drop an f-bomb right here I said but it does not make me a sinner Oh God cuz it did not uproot my faith in Jesus Christ if they make me part oh but it's not gonna make me a sinner we got to fix this time there's a reason we keep that going back to the devil is cuz we identify with him I know you like weight my temperatures rise I know I know I'm to tell you what the Bible said you'll get when you get say you don't receive a percentage of Jesus Jesus don't step in your life with his toe light just enough to make it either he steps in you or he does not if he steps in you you have everything you need you got everything you need cuddle up try not to run as it pertains to what pot leanness in life you'll become partly based upon your faith in Jesus when you got hired at your job did you show up day one like I'm ready to work or did you go through orientation to learn what you were hired for yes you were hired yes you got the position yes you will promise the salary now you've got to learn how to do your job you are holy [Applause] well I know the legal assessment aside don't you tell people that cuz then they don't cost every act and dot every - they're not gonna holiness or grace I got 13 grace does not get people the excuse to sin i'ma tell you what happens grace comes in the room and reveals what people are already doing it's not making people seeing it's just making people be more honest about what they've been through it all alone [Applause] [Music] so you're holding I'm holding now I'm learning how to be just like I am if I had a daughter right and I was a father it does not mean I knew how to be one Romans 12:1 and so they're brothers I plead with you this is what holy people do this is not what you do to be holy I plead with you to give your bodies to God let them be a living sacrifice scream out ha ha part of what that means is that holy people don't believe that they are their body a part of what the religious spirit makes you think is that you are what you do and you are what you want but Paul says present your body what does that mean your body is your property but you are not your body see if you were at home in the flesh then you could identify as a sinner but your body is to be presented which means as an act of your will every day I give my body to God and as a byproduct of me giving my body to God I don't walk after the principles I used to walk after so I'm not interested in sinning because I'm holy I give my body to him now when you think of what he's done for you is this too much to ask verse 2 let's keep all this don't copy the behavior and the customs of the world because holy people don't take their cue for them I'm called to the culture but I'm not from the culture and the reason I'm effective with the culture is because I come from a different one hmm my culture is holiness and so I can be effective to the culture that I'm not like because I don't judge the culture now when churches and and and legalese start preaching this stuff they think the way to reach the culture is to kill it be not confined to his where the be transformed now listen that's true but you get renewed in your mind so that you won't lose it while you are in the world Jesus Christ did not die to extract you from the planet that's a creepy theology the fact that you think you're sanctified for heaven is stupid you are saved a part of the earth the way you approach this is you think your name is almost written you think that he got to your middle name as I'm waiting to see how this end either it was written on it wasn't hallelujah I said either it was written though it wasn't with your verse 3 no with me studying don't take my word for it okay studying I'll tell you what the Bible said we have all been had good wait I want to get to this but this is listen Lu listen some sort of script I believe in a book of jeremiah pass Alexis and here's what God said it literally in the Living Bible says I've tattooed your name in my head that's what God said it is like a - your name in my head check us out and you fall literally if you leave this church slip down the stairs do you lose your name if you if you if you go outside and get into a fight is the consequence of loss of identity you may have a black eye but your name is your name and salvation has everything to do with your name just as there are many parts to our body so is it with Christ's body we are all parts of it and it takes every one of us to make it complete for we all have a different work to do what is the theme of this chapter living out holiness which means you cannot live as a holy person not interested in your assignment that's how I know a lot of what they tell you is holiness is not because there are a lot of religious or holy board people none of them are in their assignment you cannot live out holiness and not be in your assignment if Romans 12 is about living out holiness then a protocol holy people do is do what they call the do I don't like that do you the latter part says so we belong to each other look at verse 6 God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well this is wholly policy so if God is give you the ability to prophesy then prophesy as often as you can and as often as your tongues squit 9 people with the strongest prophetic anointings have faith because you have no other proof that you've heard from God other than faith you will prophesy based upon the depth of your talent you prophesy according to the proportion of your faith if your gift is serving others god be praised serve them well if you are a teacher do a good job at teaching this is holiness now at what point did this get hard help me see whether simplicity win if you give money be generous in helping others with it if God is giving you administrative ability and put you in the charge of the work of others take the responsibility seriously this is holy character and those who offer comfort to the sorrowing should do so with Christian cheer look at verse 9 because you cannot be a holy Pretender all I'm doing is just walking through the techs Paul said if you holy this is what you do number nine verse nine don't pretend that you love others do you realize that one of the most common lies in the church two of them I love you and I'm praying for you I'm a much rather you say I wish the best for you don't tell me you praying for me if you ain't really plan for me don't just pretend that you love others really love them grab somebody say I really love you hate what is wrong stand on the side of good here we go looking for love now this is a wholly responsible listen listen if you can't hug somebody cuz you got on all white you are more of a sinner or I could get no help then I prostitute on the street you the worst time cuz you define it don't realize you need Jesus [Applause] with brotherly what affection and take delight I know I'm whipping you take delight in honoring one another what'd you say pastor Kyle that mean that you can't be dishonorable and holy does that mean that honor is a fruit of holy living that if I am a holy person a part of what I do is honor I'm out oh yeah when the grease is hot enough the chicken will find that doesn't mean that because I'm holy I honor more than just my posture orbital oh that means I have to honor the whole chain of command Oh does it mean that if I don't like you I still have to honor you you don't want me to say the minute we conceptualize honor upwards we just don't like the chain of command holiness will make you respect to office even if you don't like who's sitting in no I thought you don't like holiness will make you respect the couch even if you don't like the tree that boy you cannot be a holy credit [Applause] mercy loving because I I still I heard that none of this was holiness this is new to me never be lazy in your work which means a part of holiness is it refusal to be lazy now those of you will look at somebody if they look like they're not all the way crossed over and judge them and you'll know you're lazy and you don't think that your laziness is Colonel because you don't cuss never be lazy in your work but serve God enthusiastically number 12 be glad for all God is planning for you be patient in trouble he prayerful always when God's chosen these are the character traits of the Holy these are not the things that make you holy these are things the holy do to help them and get into the habit in the stupid I want myself I don't trust nobody over my house get in the habit of inviting you a holy holy people are hospitable or you gonna have to help me Jesus only people like to host I never heard that this is the holiness was about if you are holy one of the things you should be is hospitable if they need logic i'ma read this let them stay the night look at verse 14 I'm warming up now y'all are like now what why I said i'ma tell you what Paul is talking about Paul is talking to eight people that's about to start converting other Gentiles and he understood that if you're gonna convert others like I'm converting you something's gonna have to happen beyond this alter everything leverage is not gonna be finished here you're gonna have to pick them up here and take over your house and lead them in your basement until they break free some of you wouldn't be bound to do somebody said come and live with me for two weeks and every morning I wake up and I'm gonna teach you how to pray you've spent the most of your life with the devil I just want you to come here and just for two weeks now don't start getting mail at my house goodie number cuss you out right Foca come in and packages the Stars showing up you hold on [Applause] everybody not gonna get free in-service I teach my sons and daughters to be more northern restaurants than they all microphones be more annoying over coffee that you are preaching I have seen demons come out of people while eating lasagna I have seen the powers of hell leave an entire story if you are not open to that type of culture cuz they don't get you praised in front of people I thought you was look at verse 14 i'ma leave you alone this is grown folk Christianity burn verse 14 says this if you are a Christian this is what it say and somebody mistreats you don't Oh God that's okay Ida right it don't curse the people that mistreat you y'all went right over to the laws of Moses and Pratap that Jesus said bless those who curse you you want to surrender evil eat all right call yourself Holly are you gonna be holy are you gonna be fair [Applause] somebody mistreats you because you are Christian don't curse them pray that God blesses them when you're holy you don't have to not like people because they don't like you some of you the only problem you have with some folk is that they don't like you you can opt to not care that people don't like you and not let their attitudes impact your behavior you submit it through the agenda darkness by letting what they feel control how you act as a holy person I have self-control and can know that you don't like me and not really care and I use you're not like of me as the reason for my misbehavior toward you look at verse 15 when others are happy hater be happy with them it's my 10 if somebody is happy be happy with it holy people Noble do well I'm happy your conference do well I'm happy your project do well I'm happy I'm not gonna use what you do well to remind me of what I did wrong I've become a hater no am I gonna look at you and be mad cause I think you live in my life I'm going to rejoice with them that rejoice [Applause] [Music] holy people are happy for other people [Applause] holy and most of creatures I know don't do none of this Oh looking at this conference it will don't get me started with that if they are sad when was the last time you allowed your identity as a holy person to deepen your empathy holy people had the ability to sit in the seat of others I believe that one of the things that's missing from our churches is empathy we're preaching to stop we know nothing about and we don't have a deep knowledge of the human condition and it is our lack of empathy that is the reason behind the absence of the anointing if you don't intend to do anything about pain don't ask for power the whole points of God's power it's the pain of his people verse 16 I'm almost done work happily together I see this stuff is simple but happy I'm doing it holy people ain't mad about who they got to work with the itsy bitsy spider went up the waterspout now came the rain and washed the spider out out came the Sun and dried up all the rain any matter who the boss is your assignment is the patient not to control the team I'm working with huh when I met you carnal [Applause] you holy are you mad at who's in charge look at the bee Claus don't try to act big it's right here it's right here it's right here it's right here I did not say it don't try to act be oh here we go now ready for this one ready for this and mr. holy don't try to get into good graces with important people that's what God did Oh I said don't try to get in good graces with people they got the power to give you status don't try to relate and connect to people that can obviously moving up the ladder it makes you partner holy people treat the normal and the extraordinary with the same respect they treat the wealthy and the poor with the same respect they don't try to rub shoulders with people who can recommend them they treat everybody with the same level of honor I can't hear you same level of dignity and the same fear some of you have great rapport with the King but your snooty at the peasants you know how to work a room for the important people but don't know how to humble yourself for the non-important I've seen some of you get ugly [Applause] I don't understand holy Christian Grey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and no seats enemy all those home and get to tow tops did you have a seat woke up ruling your eyes and people disrespected the Levitical order not 92 I need a beer look up there you want a camera shot I stupid something I will be praising God you'll be trying to get seen on camera you want to be Pierrot every Sunday God been good to you me my dog [Applause] don't try to get into the good graces of important people look at what Paul said but enjoy the company of ordinary people watch me watch me this is what your Bible says undone you man and don't think you know it's all hi are you a holy conspiracist everything's a conspiracy you didn't figure it all out she just said this to this and that's a debt I don't know and they walk past me what they were thinking you're crazy [Applause] holy people have no room for conspiracy I don't care what you thought when I walked past I'm going to the store think what you want I'm thirsty movies hot [Applause] the top of the year I had a conflict with some people I love to death would literally lay my life down and in my mind I was absolutely right when I went to God like I'm right okay I want you to know it okay you say what they say and the Spirit of God spoke something to me that revolutionized my character he said these words to me son even if you are right listen because it'll mess you up if you get it be willing to be wrong many of you go into stuff with an inability to be wrong I think I'm right but I'm willing to be wrong which means I'm gonna come into this conflict with a teachable spirit and not just hold fast to my cue and my daughter said some of you are losing at covenant not cuz you're wrong you're just not willing to be it's that in marriage is that in friendship this is how and what I feel but I'm going to leave all the room in the world for me to be wrong you can't do that not only a issue ain't holy [Applause] but none of your relationships will last new BFFs new churches new spiritual mommas new spiritual daddy's new confidence coaches do security successes specialist strategist all of that and you are on a relation or rotation because you don't want to be wrong you must go into every relationship where the willingness to be wrong because if you don't then you leave conflict even more offended because you were right and the other person don't believe it then I say cut them off you like confirmation [Music] when that might not be applicable you might just want to decide what's worth losing relationship over and if this ain't it then stay hotel in there and fight for real connection I know you don't like it verse 17 now mama done don't ever I'm tell my husbands wives sisters brothers mothers fathers don't she ever pay evil for evil because I'm holy I don't do evil because evil was done do things in such a way that everyone can see you're honest and clear oh Lord oh here we go with verse 18 here we go Ross here we go don't quarrel with anybody however you like to argue some men you just get an anointing oh you are God wish you were gonna say ah I will read you from the Rooter to the tooter some of you love to argue you love debate but one of the signs of holiness is it refusal to be thrown listen listen you will not launch me into a ward that is not mine if you feel like arguing help yourself I'm sleeping all that time to be arguing with you I'll do where Joe's self be at peace with everyone if it's possible dear friends we're done don't avenge yourself you can't be a Christian who's retaliating leave that to God for he has said that he will repay those who deserve it don't take the law into your own hands watch this because here's what you about to get it if your enemy is hungry feed him [Applause] appreciate your white appreciate the chameleon and your middle ow if you are unwilling to feed your enemy you are just as carnal as a sinner you're not holy if he is thirsty give him something to dream and then you heap fiery coals on his head in other words he will feel ashamed of himself for what he has done to you don't let evil get to upper hand but conquer evil by doing good [Applause] that is how to be holy part 1 I started the message by saying holiness is not hard what's hard is what we think holiness is which is the major crisis of this century we have no clue what holiness is and so we're striving for an unclear goal and it's straining every area of ourselves because we fall down the stairs I think that changes our name resolve it you're not trying to win God's favor and mercy and love and all this you got it you got it before you came here and you are holy unless you're deliberately living a sinful life but if you are striving towards righteousness as those that become as holy the Bible says then it means that you are learning what God made you to be but you're in now you just gotta learn how to live like it isn't that simple but controversial cuz you think you're trying to earn it you letting me do all of this so God couldn't see me as holy but what does he see you as in the meantime almost in a little while are you a junior Christian you're a Christian in training the only way if the wild gets this message it would be so easy for people to come to Jesus and lay their lives down religion the law put an unnecessary difficulty and what it meant to live hollow and it came from people who preach like they have learning disabilities and cannot conceptualize poverty now what's in this chapter did it say anything about skirts [Applause] unless I missed it they say nothing about dressing like the world y'all did that heresy is adding to the scriptures that that is not there it's just not pair guys as much as y'all want it to be stop damn I had somebody tell me Oh today all right now I would go to your church it's a real story to many men's there what earrings in a year now for context and woman of God if you watching this I'm using you as an example [Applause] maurices woman had on the biggest wig no shade that I've seen all year and she was in a place of real offense about earrings notwithstanding who had to go through whatever they did to get hurt at him the dualism the hypocrisy of having one cosmetic standard and renouncing and removing you if you can't receive from somebody cuz they got on earrings then take off your nails take your makeup off cuz it ain't your take them rhinestones off you gonna have one standard it's got to work the comb do you think you're nodding is not gonna come Oh somebody cuz they got on earrings somebody out there is bound with a tormented spirit the only person up here available happens to have an earring and God's gonna say I really would set them free but I'm not gonna do it cuz [Applause] look at some I say is just not there it's just that's two point guys it's just and there are things that are in your church bylaws in your church written orders that Jess hey now you put it there for good intent and we honor the Lord for you wanting to please God we're just saying that ain't how you do it cuz I know you're gonna have own clothes in heaven I got time for me you'll have a caller five body and it's gonna fit however you want it to fit this is the stuff listen this is the stuff that we exclude people from the gospel we don't want you to be saved cuz you got on James or you got tattoos let me tell you what the harvest look like let me tell you the harvest got blue hair let me tell you the harvest got tattoos up they face and around a then that's what up the harvest do not look holy right now the harvest until my generation Z the harvest don't look like us if you are still stumbling over a tire you really need to check your salvation [Applause] okay what you got on you have on a grass skirt and give me the word from the law and if it's God I'm also into you it's just like there I feel bad for those of us that grew up in places that told us it was there it ain't there fresh all I look in the scripture I turn from it's all about the translation knowledge it's not that and you've got to stop putting stuff there that ain't there believe what you believe have whatever value because here's a deal as a person I have very traditional values a lot of my values are very old-school I'm just a non-traditional person and it is possible to have traditional values and not be a traditionalist I'm real old-school I believe that men should run their houses I believe that holiness is the way to God I just don't think it is what y'all say I don't think your woman should run you know [Applause] some real old-school I'm just not a traditionalist that means I don't use my value to disrespect you it can be important to me and not be important to you and not cause a stumbling block between us that's the problem this is important to me and because of that important to you you gone to hell and wicked in a cult when the real truth is you ignorant IGN amt you are aligned and you have no interest in coming into truth because you love your traditions father deliver us from this nonsense please get it all the way out of me yeah please just get it out help us to see the truth of the word of God for what it is and I even pray for those of you in the room right now that's been abused by these teachings and appears by these doctrines and been made to fear God and fear the church and fear the kingdom cuz you're not ready yet I pray for your hearts your soul your confidence in this faith that you would have your hope restored to walk in the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus hallelujah put those hands together for Jesus is everybody okay come up with those hands together for the Lord holiness without which no man shall see the Lord we just got to critically re-examine what it is amen
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 58,319
Rating: 4.9014373 out of 5
Id: _nK7yrvkhh8
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Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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