r/IDOWorkHereLady - Idiot Employee Bad-Mouths MY Business to ME! Does NOT Know I'm Owner!

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hello my wonderful friends welcome back to our slash i do work here lady where people who work at places get mistaken as not guys i hope you're all having a lovely day today wherever you may be and whatever day it may be and listen it's about to get a little bit better because you're about to hear two stories of embarrassing mishaps the first story is emailed to me by a lovely subscriber and it's about the time his employee trash talked his business right in front of him not knowing that he's the owner which is a big big oof the second story op isn't taken seriously because of his age and is actually the head boss at his job guys i hope you stay for the stories today and do hit that subscribe button for future tales let's dive in this first story is titled kid i'm actually your boss's boss i'm the owner since i was a teenager i've wanted to own my own coffee shop and recently made my dream come true i'm a 37 year old male and i open my little coffee shop in one of my city's busier streets and it was doing very well if i do say so myself before this entire virus crap in the beginning i often worked some really long days opening at 6 am and closing at 9 00 pm it was tough but i was eventually able to hire someone to manage the store full time so i didn't have to break my back as much anymore the other baristas we hired were usually students at the university and colleges nearby sometimes high school students and they came and went as one would expect the manager i hired jeremy was a good guy in his late twenties and was very easy to get along with at the time we had about six baristas who worked various hours and a couple of them would open or close during the days where jeremy and i couldn't we had a pretty good system for a few months but then a semester ended and one of the baristas had to resign which meant that we had to hire someone new i let jeremy do the hiring as i finally was taking a two week long vacation with my girlfriend after having almost no time off for over a year after my vacation i decided to pop into the shop to see how things had been i didn't get any emergency phone calls so i was pretty sure no fires happened in my absence but nonetheless dropping by for a short bit wouldn't hurt i had parked my car in the alley by the back door and was having a smoke before i went in and checking my emails on my phone i was just hanging out when the back door opened and the scrawny little kid who i later found out was in high school came out pushing a cart full of cardboard boxes and garbage bags i didn't recognize the kid so i figured he must be the new guy that jeremy hired he saw me exchanged a short hello and he unlocked the dumpster and tossed the garbage bags in then he turned his attention to the cardboard boxes the cardboard dumpster was locked but has this little slot opening where you can put pieces of cardboard in his boxes weren't collapsed or cut up yet and instead of collapsing the boxes i watched him take a box throw it on the ground and started to step on it to flatten it out then he picked it up and tried to shove it in the slot but it wouldn't fit he grunted in frustration and decided it was too much work and chucked it into the regular dumpster now this was a no-no and we've been given flack for it many times before so i spoke up hey that's not where cardboard's supposed to go i said that loudly but still kind of friendly and he said it's easier than cutting it up to put into this dumpster he started to grab the other boxes to stomp on and i said aren't you afraid you're gonna get in trouble by your boss i'm sure when he gave you this task to specifically make sure that each goes in their respective places i hinted that heavily the kid gives me a thumbs up and says if no one tells him he'll never know well that's not good work ethic so i continued and said so you're not worried about your job and doing the task correctly the kid not looking at me continues to stomp out the cardboard and says don't care i got this stupid job because my parents wanted me to get this job any job to teach me responsibility or some bull he threw air quotes into the air while he said this and continued and said it's a crap job that i had to get or else they'd kick me out of the house because i'm not in school anymore i get it not everyone likes their job or the tasks they're given but i'm a strong believer that if you're supposed to do a task at work to do it to your best ability separating cardboard from garbage is not that difficult and if he's half-assing this task who knows what else he would do i found it so funny that the kid was just openly bashing his employer like that his attitude was trash and his lack of effort was appalling in my head i was thinking there's no way i'm gonna keep this kid that jeremy hired he then told me the only highlight of my day is the redhead i work with she's a real hot piece of ass dude you should see this girl she's pretty smoking and the brat winked at me that was it that was the last straw if you're staying at a job because there's some eye candy i know for sure you're not gonna do the work properly and i said kid you know what don't you worry you don't have to come back ever go hand in your apron he looked at me really weird frozen in his task and said what are you talking about if you don't want to be here you don't have to you're fired you can go home and get away from this job go home the kids started to look flustered and angry and sad what the hell are you talking about you're not my boss actually no i'm not your boss i sarcastically waved at him and said i'm your boss's boss i'm greg i actually own this little coffee shop you work at pleasure to meet you listen you're not a good fit for our team unfortunately so just leave the boxes to me and go turn in your apron i then turned let him watch me punch the keycode into the back door and go inside i felt some satisfaction in hearing silence from this kid i found jeremy told him what happened and while i was talking to the redhead girl i watched from across the room while this kid came in red-faced handed his apron to jeremy and then walked out the front doors never to be seen again jeremy was apologetic for hiring the kid even though i told him it's not his fault because he seemed so different during his interview i guess the kid tried for a bit and then thought he was untouchable once hired after that we did find someone better and my coffee shop is doing very well hopefully that kid learned his lesson as much as i dislike my own job i'd never openly bash it to anybody i don't know you never know who you're talking to and it may come back to bite you in the end as it did this kid i would have loved to see his face when he realized that he was bashing the place he worked at to the owner this next story is titled ma'am i assure you i am the administrator here i've debated on sharing this as there's no way i or my site can be identified but the environment in which it occurred has a very hush-hush reputation for about 10 years i worked in community-based mental health and social work specifically as a staff and then a manager and then administrator of two residential long-term recovery care facilities these facilities are for folks with long-term severe and persistent mental illness we were somewhere between a halfway house and an adult foster care facility the homes in the communities are converted to have six to a dozen more bedrooms a kitchen living room and office space for staff and med pass i was in my mid-20s and the thing about the scene is that the average turnover for staff is eight weeks most staff burn out as working day in and day out with difficult residents isn't the easiest job and the pay isn't that great just lasting a year pretty much makes you management material and i did it for almost a decade so by the time i was 27 i was the admin of two sites and managed most of the touring admissions intake and discipline which included write-ups and evictions not everyone takes the kid in the blue jeans and amassed it on t-shirts seriously but it was fine with me so the story begins i did your usual admission tour with a mom and her son as she was trying to get him out of her own home as he was smoking a lot of pot drinking nearly every night to blackout and generally being verbally and physically abusive to her in the family we have a lot of rules about living in community with other folks in recovery and both of my homes were dry housing which meant no alcohol no weed no prescription drugs unless they were passed by staff at set med times and definitely no getting drunk and coming home to sleep it off etc there were also pretty strict rules about how you treat the other residents for obvious reasons during the tour the sun is already being abusive towards his mother and rude to me and my house manager my house manager lars which is not his real name was a little bit older probably mid-50s at the time a little taller than me and had the cool dad quality that i needed in a house manager since i had to be the hard ass it helped to have someone who was a little more friendly who could be the good cop and soften the blow while still saying hey op's the boss if the residents didn't like something mom took an instant liking to lars as we went through the tour and it was pretty obvious by the end of the tour and the start of the interview that she thought that he was the admin and i was just some lowly staff she was ignoring my questions to her and her son during the tour we did the interview in a private living room setting where the potential resident told me straight up that he wasn't planning on quitting drinking smoking pot and committing various petty crimes which pretty much tanked any chance he'd have at residency lars played the usual good cop while we made notes and did follow-up questions and mom did seem to have the idea that her son was a shoeing since the house took in addicts and adult delinquents and dealt with them i had made a few statements about proper behavior in the community and the residents that mom seemed to laugh at she said something like oh he's not gonna clean his room once a week he's not gonna do his chores you'll have to do that for him she had that weird smug of superiority until we went back to my office to wrap up and she watched me as i took my seat behind the big desk she said uh why are you sitting in his seat gesturing to lars who's in another chair next to my desk and i said i'm not i'm sitting in my seat this is my desk and my office i'm the admin here she replied and said oh i thought you were regular staff well while on tour lars said that this decision is up to him he's already gonna let my son move in this week ma'am i assure you i'm the administrator here and your son won't be able to move in this week i don't have any open beds at this time and don't anticipate an empty bed until at least two months from now i already have a wait list of about a dozen folks all of whom showed better manners and seem more capable of following some basic rules about respecting their peers and the house here and this is where it went crazy i'm not sure where she got the idea that she would be able to move her kids in and move someone else out of the room they had what was even more insane is that she hadn't started any of the paperwork to get her son considered for disability he didn't even have a proper diagnosis of any sort of severe or persistent mental illness which was usually required to get on disability i'm not even sure why our director scheduled the tour and the interview given that there were about a dozen missing pieces of paperwork necessary for him to be considered for housing and it got worse from there and the play-by-play boiled down to her refusing to believe that someone about her son's age was the head of the site meanwhile the sun was kind of quiet as he's realizing that he'll probably be living at home with his mom for a while longer and wouldn't be getting away from her to a new place where he'd be able to get away with drinking and smoking and behaving poorly she wound up lodging a formal complaint which kinda melted away when lars backed my side of events he was a good cop not a stupid cop and didn't want someone this difficult in the house either there were a few of these interactions each year mom and dads or grandparents and guardians who thought we were some sort of not quite jail where they just dropped off the kids that they failed to raise properly i don't say that to bash individuals with true severe persistent mental issues and obviously some of these folks had issues but it was always a weird blend of sadness and frustration when these parents seem to think that we just moved them in that afternoon without a thorough vetting process you know what i can see how she thought that lars was in charge he was much older and probably didn't wear jeans and amassed it on t-shirts maybe try changing up the apparel op if you want to avoid this in the future but hey you do you and wear whatever you want to wear guys and that wraps up another episode of our slash i do work here lady if you missed the last episode a woman refuses to believe that op is her boss because she's too young and then she gets fired for it if you want to submit a story to be right on this channel my email is in the description box below take care guys and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: DarkFluff
Views: 122,661
Rating: 4.9541402 out of 5
Keywords: Idwhl, I do work here lady, Reddit stories, Reddit idwhl, darkfluff i do work here, i do work here stories, i do work here lady stories, reddit i do work here, reddit stories, reddit i dont work here lady, reddit funny stories, manager, i do work here lady im the owner, reddit top posts, r/idoworkherelady, idoworkherelady, reddit idoworkhere, r/idowork, idowork, r//, i am the owner
Id: HUSY9aDrumg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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