r/maliciouscompliance | Boss said I wasn't qualified for a Promotion, so I did my job...

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by cop chef change me from hourly to salary to cut my pay okay this takes place in the before times when people could eat out and gather in large numbers i used to work as a chef for an owner who liked to micromanage things and was a bit narcissistic i'd been working there about three years getting good reviews customers loved me updated the menu made everything from scratch people used to think the place was open box slash sheets or food quality had gone up morale was great in my kitchen annual sales went from 850 000 to 1.4 million about maximum capacity for the space the increase in sales and income went to the owner's head he was always spending money on frivolous things in squandering cash sound system stage for the event space etc one example i needed a new alto sham a used one would have sufficed he bought the top of the line one that could be used as a smoker too twelve thousand dollars versus what i wanted could be gotten for fifteen hundred granted i enjoyed that piece of equipment which after i left they no longer used the smoker function years later i still occasionally get email invoices from a vendor and see they bring in precooked smoked meats now i was hourly but then the owner realized during the busy season i and my sous chef put in 70 to 80 hour weeks doing this he realized i made more take-home pay from his business than he did at peak times he'd maybe work 40 to 50 hours a week so to save money he puts me and my sue on a salary effectively cutting my pay by about 10 thousand dollars a year my soon at a loss of two thousand dollars a year if we were to work at our current level of effort during all of this the owner is saying he is not expecting us to work over 40 hours a week ever he even has written this into our contracts so with the extra time off at home with family it is okay i still like the job and my staff during the slower time this was great also during this time i had won a local award for my cooking and the narcissistic owner was not too pleased he was no longer recognized as the creative force in the kitchen that bears his name so as meddling and micromanaging increased it had gone from it's your kitchen cob chef do what you want to it's my name and my kitchen do it this way morale and quality began to suffer just prior to the holiday season maisou wants to go back to his home country for two and a half months november december and january peaks crazy time for us i have good help and am good with it owner approved the time off owner thinking i am gonna save him some money that holiday season by working my usual 70 to 80 hours a week nope cue the malicious compliance i started writing the holiday schedule sue was on vacation i have my 40 during key prep times and peak business times the rest of my staff gets serious over time basically the sue and i carried a lot of weight in the kitchen and could outperform most of our small staff so with su-1 vacay and i only pulling 40 full-time staff is now working 60-ish hours a week and part-timers are getting 40. things are running pretty smoothly until the owner realizes i'm not there like i always am during the holiday rush he's in the kitchen more trying to micromanage my staff give them poor advice considering my directions and timing for events screwing up the small parties my staff could handle while i'm off after a few weeks of this he realizes he's going to be paying the staff out more in overtime than he saved on moving me and my sue to salary he starts demanding i work more hours to stop hemorrhaging overtime to the kitchen staff i show him my contract where i am not expected to work over 40 hours a week now he says it's just a guideline i hold him to the 40 a week it's christmas and now i can for one spend time with my family now with my super turning i'm burned out from the constant micromanaging and gaslighting by the owner i hand the reins to my sioux and change careers after 25 years in the industry and never looked back let me ask you guys something if you're in a job that pays well and gives great hours is it worth it to stay at that job if you have to put up with an owner that micromanages and gas lights or is it never worth it in your opinion let me know in the comments down below our next story is by always the noob you're not here to think ouch but okay about a decade ago i was the new guy at the company we have people fly in from all over the world to start putting gear together before leaving again for job sites and one of the things i did in my earlier days was pick those people up from the airport take them to their hotel after work etc i pick up a guy who's going to be my boss on an upcoming job the airport is about an hour from our hq and hotel if you take the highway and main roads when i meet him at the airport he makes a request that i follow the directions on this awesome new gps app that he's got on his phone swears it finds the absolute fastest routes i'm paid by the hour and i'm the new guy so sure no problem it ends up taking almost 25 longer than the main roads would have but i'm not bothered the next day i'm asked to take him to his hotel it's a straight shot a few miles down the road but the road is always stop and go at rush hour i make a turn off the road almost immediately in order to take a route that i know is faster and he starts giving me a gentle amount of grief about not listening to his magical gps app i get him to the hotel in great time but he still just won't stop insisting that the main road which we could see was backed up would have been faster okay fine a couple days later we drive a few hours to our primary job site the trip is fine i follow his magic app and we arrive without incident it's the largest job i've done so far and i admittedly stumbled with a little bit of it boss tries to give me a pep talk at the end of day one but fails miserably one of the critiques he gave me is you're not here to think there are engineers on the job and there are techs i'm just a tech and i'm told i'm basically there to do grunt work as specked and just listen to what people like him tell me to do pretty demoralizing lecture honestly but i take it to heart once the event is over it's my job to take bossman back to the airport which i'd like to remind you at this point is in the city i live in and not where he's from we're running a little later than i would prefer to but he's the kind of guy who would rather get to the airport 15 minutes before his flight boards and as always we're using his gps which he is still raving about i don't know if the dude's friend invented the app or something but he's just seriously fawning over it well we approach what i know is the exit to the airport but the ab says to stay on the highway and take the next exit in a mile or two so i follow the app having learned my lesson from the boss and soon we're stopped dead in a tight single lane construction zone boss realizes this and starts to panic and then starts asking if i'm sure i took the right route the exit i'd normally take for the airport was a little ways back but the gps had to keep going you went past the exit for the airport his voice was raised but not shouting i went past an exit for the airport i calmly replied i'm sure this one will get us there but with the speed traffic is moving i don't know if we'll make your flight it's already a pretty tight connection he shouted at me this time what were you thinking since the car was stopped dead i turned my head so i could meet his eyes and very blankly said i'm not here to think if uber existed there at the time i think he would have gotten out of the car with his bag and called for a ride as it is i spent the rest of the trip listening to him yell at some poor airline agent about getting his flight rebooked since it was at this point that he wasn't going to get there in time and the thing is this really wasn't even malicious on my end i was just too timid to rock the boat anymore so i was doing things exactly as i was told not my fault that it bit him in the butt this is another guy kind of gaslighting you at the end for stretches of days tells you to follow the gps follow the gps this gps is so great tells you not to think and then has the gall to get upset when you actually follow the route and surprise it's not a good route this next story is by sherlock da vinci not qualified for the promotion then i'll just do my job a few years ago i worked for a furniture store in the back store my job consisted of unloading and loading trucks assembling furniture and placing it on the main floor of the store after around six months there my supervisor announced he resigned meaning his post was up for grabs i had all the technical requirements so i applied but they gave the job to another one of my colleagues who had more experience which was totally reasonable after maybe one year my then supervisor just stopped coming into work for no reason he just decided he had enough and he just left no two-week notice or anything so while the director tried to get to him i took over the role of supervisor i was the one with the most experience which means that combined with my regular work i was now the one telling people what to do when doing the schedule and all the paperwork for shipment three weeks later my colleague was officially fired by my director in those three weeks i kept doing the job of supervisor and doing it pretty well so i thought that the promotion would come to me but my director did nothing i went to see him explained what i had been doing and asked if i got the promotion too which he answered that i was not qualified nor smart enough to do this job after some thinking i just decided that if i was not smart enough to do the job then i shouldn't do it so i went back to doing my regular job and i also started looking for something else four to five days after i stopped filling in my director comes to see me in the back store asking why the freak the job isn't being done after all without me to organize it nothing was getting out of the store to be delivered to the client i just reminded him of our previous meeting and he told me yeah i remembered that what i meant is you're not qualified to get the pay bonus for the job you still have to do the job you idiot i have to admit i still wonder how he thought that would work still a bit dumbfounded i just told them that if i wasn't going to get paid for it i certainly won't do the job and that considering we were already short staffed with my old supervisor gone he should be a bit more polite apparently this was an unreasonable request a total lack of respect to him and worthy of firing me yep still don't get how that would fix anything but hey he's the boss i packed everything and left knowing that the backstory which needed five people to operate was now down to three with the most experienced worker having a total of four months it only took my boss one day to call me back and telling me maybe he went overboard and that perhaps we could arrange something for the promotion to which i replied that i would not be coming back since i had a few interviews lined up i hung up while he was still cussing at me after a few months of my new job i heard some surprising news the store had closed down after two other backstory employees resigned gotta admit that it felt good to see my old boss finally get what he deserved i'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that the store was already bleeding money pretty heavily towards the end there which is why they tried to get away with not paying you for the promotion and why the store was already understaffed it was a great decision to get out of there when you could because it was probably already a sinking ship if it wasn't already too obvious and our final story of the day is by galaxy cube 101 30 pairs of underwear i remember a lot of stories from my childhood for context my parents are what many define as narcissistic this is a rather funny example of what they would do on a daily basis i had just finished watching a movie when my mom came in and asked me when the last time i did the laundry was i looked at her and said plainly only about a week ago i had a lot of clothes so i didn't have to do laundry as often she scoffed and said what about your underwear i'm sure you've been wearing the same pair for months i tried not to laugh and told her i changed my underwear every day oh sure i know you don't have 30 pairs of underwear she frowned at me actually i do i said then show me she shouted back i smiled as she left and did exactly what she said i got a small box went into my closet and dresser and began collecting every pair of underwear i could after about 15 minutes or so of gathering underwear i walked out of my room to her and thrust the box in front of her what is this she demanded to know 30 pairs of underwear just like you asked i smiled at her she gave me an icy glare and started counting them out one by one this is only 29 she said when she was done oh my bad i smiled and dropped my pants showing off a bright yellow pair of underwear she never bothered me about laundry after that honestly as a lazy guy having 30 pairs of underwear is like a prerequisite my dresser has so many random pairs of underwear from over the years that it's hard to close it although if i was asked to prove it i would maybe show the dresser and not have that little show at the end where you literally drop your pants in front of your parents i'm not sure about that whole one i mean that's a very bold move good for op but not something that i would do that's for sure i guess the one thing you can really say about that situation is op handed it to their mom all right end of story but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 93,834
Rating: 4.9266057 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: O9nDC7uuW_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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