r/maliciouscompliance | Company wanted to change a policy so I stopped paying EVERYONE

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by tubist61 then it all went quiet back in my university days we had a long summer holiday and in the uk most students got a job to top up their bank accounts for the next year's drinking studying at the end of my second year studying chemistry i got a job as a quality controller in a food factory now the one thing i really learned from that job was the foods to avoid did you know one of the ingredients in canned tomato soup is concentrated hydrochloric acid anyhow i was significantly more qualified in chemistry than the quality supervisor and after i pointed out some problems in the way they were carrying out some of the tests in the lab i was put into the cannery where i was told to check the seams on the cans after they were littered the vacuum in cans after they were littered and also checked that the wear was working correctly it was the checkwear where things got interesting if the volume of products in each can was too high then the kins could burst during cooking if it was too low then the company could be fined for underweight products i was shown how to check and also adjust the volumes going into each can it really wasn't difficult one day i was watching the production and canning of chicken soup and noticed the line was running just a little light not below but just on the lower compliance level so i adjusted the machine to add just a little more soup to the cans this brought it up to almost the exact weight expected per can things ran really smoothly from that point onwards until we got to the end of the run there was a flurry of activity in the cannery supervisor's office and much pointing at paperwork it seems the cannery had produced around 100 cans less than was expected from the run cue the investigation turns out that by stopping the line running light and adhering to the can labeling of the weight inside the can i had cost them 100 cans of soup i was told under no circumstances should i make any adjustments to any production line and i must find a supervisor fine i was only there as a temp after all everything was good for a week or so and then came the mushroom soup run once again the line was running as close to the minimum as they could and then i noticed cans coming through the check weight underweight cue pressing the big red button stopping the canning line canneries are noisy places there are conveyors running all the time cans clattering against each other and then into the retort baskets they're cooked in in the end all of this stopped and i had the entire room standing wondering what to do i asked one of the align staff to go and find a supervisor to make the adjustments and i waited we waited for almost an hour to find someone by which time the soup that needed to be canned had gotten cold and couldn't be pumped through the canning machines and had to be dumped the supervisor arrived went ballistic dragging me into the factory manager's office he told the story of the lost 100 cans and how i had now cost them a whole batch of mushroom soup the manager started shouting at me and then came out with a gem of a statement i can't see you having a career in this industry you need to think about your options my response was quite blunt i'm afraid clearly your margins are dependent on being as close to a can of soup being underweight as possible i understand that and sought only to protect you from possible litigation under consumer legislation i was told i was not to do that and find a supervisor to make any changes in the absence of this chap for over an hour i was faced with two options either hold production or allow underweight cans to leave the cannery my career options are not guided by my temporary summer holiday job and i aspire to something more fulfilling as i will be returning to university in a few weeks i'm going to get changed and you can sort out someone else to check your cannery production bye apparently everyone in the comments is saying the hydrochloric acid isn't actually something to be concerned about in tomato soup but i'm not sure what to believe anymore if you found yourself working here would you be willing to stick your neck out to make sure that these cans don't get under filled and end up under weight or would you just go with the flow and make sure your job security is there let me know in the comments down below our next story is by a light vlogging malicious compliance changes company policy several years ago the company decided to move over to a fingerprint in payroll number clock in and out system that linked directly to the payroll program and to also pay by the minute it's a good system and for 99 of the company it works exactly as it's meant to with minimal manual adjustments required by management of each site staff have a four-minute window before and after their schedule time to clock in and out and if they do so in that 8 minute total window then they are clocked in and out automatically on the payroll system if they clock in or out outside that window a manager has to manually check and authorize or reject the clock to stop people clocking in an hour early and not working or popping out the shop then clocking out an hour late to game the system all good great system and it massively cuts down checking and finalizing the hours each day and as a manager i love it the problem 99 of the estate are normal pubs with normal hours an example open late morning closed late night when the company set up the system they decided to have the work day start at 401 am and finish at 4am the next day for some reason they also imposed compliance figure limits on manual adjustments as part of our audits to stop managers from trying to con staff out of hours and get their wage bills down again all good for 99 of the estate unfortunately our pub is the one percent of the estate it's in a busy international airport so we open at 3am so on a monday morning all my staff clocking in before 4 am even if it's clucking in at 3 58 a.m for a 4 am start or according to the clock machine working on a sunday with it being a weekly payroll run for most of them we need to close down the week's payroll sheet before 6am on a monday but those staff who clock in before 4am are still working and are on clock so it is impossible to close the timesheet since it didn't know what time they finished obviously as they were still working we quickly worked out a workaround so we could close our timesheets since without it being closed none of the entire estate could be paid if there is an open timesheet anywhere basically we manually adjusted start and finish times to make the pre-4am start times to be 401 am for everyone and then we'd manually add the adjusted time on their clockout time in example work a two a.m to nine am we'd put in that they worked from 401 am to 11 01 am so their hours were on the monday and we can close the time sheet remember the bit about compliance figures these manual adjustments took us way over those limits and for the first few months of betting in throughout the estate they weren't enforced however we would get weekly emails about breaching them and to get our act together we gave up trying to get an official answer for what we should do and just trundled along with our workaround when audit finally decided to enforce the limits i tried one last time in vain to explain our issues but no joy and we were told if we don't meet the targets we would fail our next audit and lose a chunk of bonus cue the malicious compliance that monday morning i followed audits instructions exactly no manual adjustments at all unless someone had clocked in before their shift start and sat around so come 6 am our timesheet for the last week was still open 6 15 am the phone starts ringing as payroll can't pay anybody we were hammered busy so i didn't answer as per company policy by 7 am my assistant manager was phoning my personal phone that i did answer and went through exactly why i couldn't close the timesheet i had him email me explicit instructions that i was to close the timesheet using our workaround and that he would make sure audit did not penalize us cover your butt the golden rule ten minutes later timesheet closed and all good 9am that morning i ended up in a conference call that included head of audit head of payroll and head of i.t and finally got an answer as to what we should do it wasn't quite our work around and i personally don't think it works quite as well but it at least means audit can't screw us out of bonus for failing to comply i mean ideally they would allow each company to adjust the start and end times and then bam you wouldn't have any issues but obviously that's too difficult for the system or just develop some kind of scheme that actually works around something a little bit more flexible than those rigid hour restrictions this next story is originally by dead family 88 am i the a-hole for having my daughter ride a morbid school family tree project my biological family is dead i was raised in foster care and so my friends are my family i met my late husband in college he was just raised by his mother who had abandoned him and later died no adoptive family as an adult i looked into both trees and our biological ancestors are to put it mildly really dangerous people and or dead my late husband and older son died in a car crash my daughter is in kindergarten and she more accurately me was supposed to do a family tree project for school i tried speaking to her teacher that this was not going to be a pollyanna report but she is one of those people that can't comprehend that sometimes family is a dark subject and insisted that it needed to be biological so i did it some of them like her father and my son i have actual information for aside from that they're dead but for most of my family and her paternal family i literally only have birth date death date when they would have had their kids and cemetery information unless they were cremated it was supposed to have 10 pictures but most of the pictures i have of any ancestors are just headstones i made a trip when my husband and i first married to take pictures of the headstones so i included those in there i only have three pictures total of my biological family and most of them are group shots where i could only label maybe three people i don't have any pictures of my late husband's family from before me and my kids but i put some of the old ones in there too so while the other kids had long family trees my daughter was basically introducing the concept of death to her kindergarten class now i'm getting slammed with calls from other parents the teacher and the principal they're appalled that i allowed such a morbid report and are saying i traumatized their children i don't think i did anything wrong they wanted a report on her biological ancestors i gave it and kept it g-rated i just didn't lie that people were alive when they weren't i don't raise her to think that death is taboo or something to be ashamed of anyway death is part of life most of her and my family is dead so talking about family just means talking about death and it's just something that you have to accept am i the a-hole i think considering that op went to the teacher and tried to explain the situation to the teacher and got brushed off makes it completely justified as to what they did they knew that the final result they would be able to put together would not meet the expectations that the teacher originally had for a project like this yet the teacher just totally dismissed any concerns and qualms they might have had and told them to just basically get it done that they needed to be biological there's only one person to blame here and it's the teacher for enforcing this what do you guys think do you agree with me on that who in this situation is the a-hole this next story is by morpheus j malicious compliance at the company hq first this was more funny for me than malicious but i'd be lying if i said there wasn't any malicious compliance on my part i run a satellite office of the company i work for the hq for that office is 20 minutes away i was required to be at the hq once maybe twice a week at some point the hq instituted a visitor badge policy for all visitors this is a normal practice for many office visits but there are a couple of key differences first i was never considered a visitor prior to this event i work for the company second my uniform is very unique it would be easier to get a police uniform than one of mine far easier so on my first visit after the new policy i was told by the receptionist that all visitors must wear a badge and that it must remain visible at all times cool i can do that i gave her no lip or attitude because she is only doing her job so i wore the badge clipped to my long goatee next week i wore the badge clipped to my ear next week the top of my shoe on the laces the next week the back of my collar this went on for about two months it got so that the employees there would see me and ask where is it this time i had fun with it and never said a word in any form of protest after the two-month mark i went in signed and awaited my badge the receptionist said while laughing oh you don't need a badge anymore i smiled shrugged and said thank you and went on my way two years later still no badge well i'm glad opie was just a good sport and didn't fight having to wear the badge to begin with as i think you could very easily see somebody that has a very unique uniform that works for the company being the type of person to argue well i work for the company i obviously work here i have the uniform i don't need to wear no stinking badge yadda yadda and our final story of the day is by relevant team school forbids kissing in the break area this happened in germany approximately 35 years ago my girlfriend and i were very much in love and every break in the break area we made out this is germany so normally people are chilled about it our headmaster was not happy so in the next teachers meeting they decided to change the school rules with an amendment no kissing on school's ground it was totally clear who was the target so my girlfriend and i being 18 already moved to the sidewalk in front of the school which was public property and every time a parent or teacher walked past us we had the urge to kiss the amendment was rescinded after approximately three weeks but we were asked to please be more discreet being somebody that went to high school in the usa fairly recently it blows my mind that they would even allow you to do that and it blows my mind even more that they would go and rescind it after a few weeks but considering that apparently it's not very against the rules just asking them to be a little bit more discreet is a fair compromise but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 61,283
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: hI2xyvvA3VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 24 2020
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