r/maliciouscompliance | Supervisor PUNISHED me for being the Best Employee

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hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by jingle ghost annoying my annoying form tutor at secondary school uk 12 to 16 year olds at my secondary school that i attended in the naughties every pupil was given a planner a small a5 diary that we would list our homework to-do list and any other school-related items that need attention at the bottom of each week there were two lines for signatures one for our form tutor and one for our parents guardian the idea being that our parents would keep an eye on our homework schedule and make sure we were keeping up to date now my sister had got quite good at forging our mother's signature and her form tutor didn't really check his students planners because he was about 60 old school hard man who didn't appreciate petty little things like signatures think ron swanson but with a thick british working class accent he once even removed the headmaster from his classroom because he didn't want to be disturbed while drinking his tea absolute legend anyway this story sadly isn't about him it's about my form tutor i declined the offer for my sister to forge a signature because i wanted to play a trick on my tutor for being in a hole and i wanted to do it honestly you see my tutor was all about authority and hierarchy he was a young chap who had only recently qualified as a teacher and the power had already gone to his head his classes were rarely fun and he always made you feel inferior cue my malicious compliance as anyone who has attended school in the past 30 years can attest stationery played an important part of your coolness and so every student had a spectrum of colored gel pens highlighters markers and even glitter glue sticks my form tutor in trying to assert his dominance announced that students write in blue or black ink and only i being a teacher write in red ink the first weekly planner check comes around and i show him my mother's signature in red ink well he thinks this must be stamped out immediately stands up from his desk to explain to the class about how this is a perfect example of how things can get muddled because of the wrong color ink and he repeats the claim that only he can use red ink because he is a teacher he turns to me and asks me why i think this is appropriate and i reply not only to him but to the entire class sir my mother is the headmistress of so and so school and she has also sat on the school's board of governors for the last five years his face turned as red as the ink i sat back down in my seat and the entire class learned a valuable lesson in malicious compliance i made sure every week that my mother signed in red ink just so he had to place his signature next to it and remember his weakened authority so would you actually agree with this teacher's notion that only the teacher should be writing in red ink i think mainly because they want to be able to mark stuff and make notes and point out things in their red ink that clearly only belongs to the teacher or do you think that's just too restrictive let me know in the comments down below our next stories by nightfire 3497 supervisor gave me a verbal warning for being their best employee and then complain that i'm following the rules as a result fine let me talk to your supervisor back in 2018 i started working at a delivery company when i started working they gave me a rule book that stated that all drivers cannot exceed 5 miles per hour over the designated speed limit all drivers were required to take their lunch breaks 30 minutes unpaid on the way back to our facility at the end of their first run most drivers had two runs in a day and we were also required to load our vans ourselves in the morning and unload any undelivered items when we got back our delivery vans were equipped with trackers that monitored our speed and would beep loudly if you went over 74 miles per hour malicious compliance i had been working at this company for over a year without any issue and i had quickly become one of the more valuable drivers by taking on extra runs and staying late to help out other drivers most of the time my delivery routes took me on highways that were listed at 65 miles per hour but if i was covering another driver's route there was a chance that the highways were listed at 55 miles per hour i was the driver that finished their runs in record time by not taking my lunch break and driving just under the van trucker's max speed trigger even if it meant going 20 miles per hour above the listed speed limit i did this because our company prided itself on having fast response time on same day deliveries and my supervisors turned a blind eye to my speeding that is until they gave me a verbal warning about speeding i'm not sure what happened to make them change all i know is that as soon as i got the warning i initiated malicious compliance mode i started doing everything by the book i drove at exactly the listed speed limit and started taking my lunch breaks my efficiency tanked and the company was falling behind on deliveries because i wasn't there to take on any last minute orders so they had to hire more drivers i would just sit in a parking lot somewhere listening to reddit stories on youtube during the entirety of my lunch breaks and to make things even better if there were slower vehicles on the highway i would make sure to stay behind them and drive at their speed even if it meant driving at 10 to 20 miles per hour under the speed limit fallout my supervisors were extremely pissed at me for causing them so many issues but they couldn't really do anything about it and oh boy did they try they tried changing my routes giving me only one run for the day and telling me that i was required to take my lunch break after i returned for my run i ended up getting them off my back by going to my supervisor supervisor and explaining everything to them which in turn basically made me untouchable to my supervisors i simply continued following the rules and if i ended with overtime because of it oh well that's on the supervisor's head not mine to me opie's original strategy of dealing with work came with its own time limit i think it was only a matter of time before that kind of action got shut down going way above the speed limit not taking a lunch break it was just bound to get cancelled one way or another eventually thing is and the resolution of the story is the supervisors had no ground to stand on to complain when op did start doing everything exactly by the book which is just of course way off that pillar of them speeding and not taking a lunch break to get done really really quickly our next stories by star hunter you want to give me in-school suspension where i have to spend the day by myself in a classroom okay that works bit of background here i went to a religious boarding school for high school and one of the things we had to do was go to prayers every day on time i won't explain in full the consequences of tardiness or absence there was a whole point system etc but if you did it enough you got in-school suspension for a day basically you had to sit in a classroom from nine to seven minus lunch and afternoon prayers and you couldn't leave they gave you one assignment an essay on why you were tardy slash absent so much but anything else to keep yourself not insane was your responsibility no music or phones were allowed either so eventually this happened to me and i was taken to the classroom after breakfast given my assignment and that was it the assignment took me maybe two hours to do so now i have another seven-ish hours to learn my lesson well anything to keep myself not bored an example schoolwork books works since i didn't give a crap about falling behind in the morning classes i read a book and in the afternoon i reviewed for a math test finished all my math homework wrote an essay read another book and by that time my suspension was over so for following the rules i had a pretty functional day with no class i guess that is a very positive thing you can just get all the work out of the way you're completely up to date but if that was me and i had to be in there for all those hours by myself i definitely think i would start going a little loopy and i think really that's the heart of the punishment most people are expected to not be able to fill all of those hours up being productive or keeping their minds sufficiently occupied aka you won't want to get in school suspension again this next story is by cesa siblings will get along if they share let's test this theory not my story but my dad's so this happened somewhere around the early to mid 1950s my dad then age six and his sister then aged four and a half fought like cats and dogs especially when it came to sharing food my grandmother's solution one day for sharing a treat like a candy bar was to have one sibling split it and the other sibling pick which side they wanted my dad was told to split for his sister but he saw an opportunity knowing she would always pick whichever was more my dad divided it perfectly in half down to the crumb she looked at them and scaled but it was a perfect split since she didn't have a bigger piece this drove her crazy so she threw a tantrum then grandma punished her for not sharing and my dad got the whole bar in the end i mean fair is fair right splitting a candy bar is totally fair just take perfect halves ain't no room for anybody being a spoiled little brat like that good on the grandma for teaching them what's what this next story is by pan face you want me to stop what i'm doing and do this other thing so this happened several times in my job still at it over a few years i work at kroger and was in the drug gm department after being transferred there for no reason from grocery slash dairy so fast forward a few months i'm working a pallet and a half of product on the floor to carts and then to the shelf we had an area we could hide the pallets out of the way of customers so we didn't have to work in the congested back room all the time i'm minding my own business doing my job when my store manager comes over and gets mad why are you over here instead of in dairy oh well this is my department so you know stop what you're doing and get over in dairy there's no one there a little more backstory we have lost at least three dairy managers in the course of a year for various reasons one of the full-time day shift workers quit on the spot and i would frequently get yelled at for taking too long to clean up when told to go to another department out of the blue so i get told to go to dairy okay what do i do i leave everything on the sales floor a half-worked ballot two u-boats half-full a bunch of empty boxes plastic wrap and a pallet jack i work in dairy for the rest of my shift six hours and then go home the next day why'd you leave all that crap on the sales floor well you yelled at me for taking too long to clean up so i just did what you told me maybe next time don't do that this was six years ago since then i have many many more malicious compliance stories i can share just when you thought working retail was bad enough because of the bad customers you have to deal with you end up having store managers from time to time like this that makes the whole experience doubly worse good on op for sticking it out so long dealing with that and our final story of the day is by long-suffering squid hanging chad had the story from a friend but i'll tell from first person perspective for clarity i work in a manufacturing facility i've been there long enough to learn how to do almost everything so i'm often asked to fill in troubleshoot and train new people we had a new person transferring into the department i've worked with him before and trained him on a few things let's call him chad at the current time i am assigned a station 2 and chad is assigned to station 3. to be clear i am not the boss of either station station 3 is one of the few i'm not entirely familiar with i know how to bypass it but for some reason management and quality control don't like it when i do that something about being non-compliant and the bypass taking longer than doing it the right way in the first place chad is friends with people in management so he occasionally goofs off the rest of us being team players will pick up chad slack but we're getting tired of it along comes crunch time the rest of the team is pulling 60-hour six-day work weeks but chad is married to his normal 40-hour five-day work week we're falling behind so it should be all hands on deck unfortunately for us both management and chad value their weekends an order comes in station 1 no problem station 2 a little messy but nothing unusual it's station three's normal responsibilities to clean up a bit i passed the order to chad in station three station three problem it's a rush order the end of the day but chad wants to go home well i say end the day but the rest of us will be pulling a couple hours of overtime chad could pass the order off to someone else at station 3 but then they'll get credit for it however if he pushes it back into my hands and i have to force the order to bypass station 3 the system will register him as having processed it so as expected chad approaches me with can you take care of this for me bro i've got places to be it'll look bad for the department if this doesn't get done just do your job i give chad a look thinking one management hates when i bypass stations two i also got places to be bruh but i'm still staying here for another 2 hours 3. i'm not the boss it may look bad for the department but it won't look bad for me 4. i finished my job the instant i handed this order off to you 5. i am getting supremely tired of chad's bs so i smile a hard bright smile sure thing chad i'll just do my job enjoy your weekend chad leaves i go back to my work at station 2 and the order in question sits on chad's desk at station 3 undone for the entire weekend turns out this order was for an important client it also turns out chad had gotten scheduled monday and tuesday off due to his friends in management a four day weekend during crunch time when everyone else is pulling six day work weeks to say management was angry would be inaccurate they were approaching incandescently furious on wednesday chad came in and was immediately pulled into a meeting where he was cut down chewed up reamed out told he better shape up or they were going to ship his butt out there was no help for chad from his friends in management higher managers had started to take note of the exceptions being taken on chad's behalf and chad's friends were looking to cover their own butts chad comes to me sullenly i don't know why you didn't just do the darn thing but chad i protested i did what you told me to i just did my job you can't have your cake and eat it too it was really one or the other for chat either get credit for the work and do it and stay there or pass it off to someone else at station 3 and enjoy your weekend he could have gotten to go home and enjoy his weekend and not have any problems with it but because they wanted to take advantage of somebody else for their own gain they ended up screwing themselves when that person understandably didn't come through for him and while you might be able to rely on friends and management they can't always carry you through absolutely everything you're gonna have to take care of things yourself at some point but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 49,812
Rating: 4.9197831 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: HypPzh8SNLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 53sec (1073 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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