r/maliciouscompliance | Manager refuses my Doctor's Note, gets told off by the Big Boss

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by meow schwitz in there won't let me plant sunflowers fine story happened a couple of years ago but it's my favorite lawyer story and i hope you enjoy none of the following is legal advice don't take legal advice from randos on the internet client walks into the office and asks us for a contract review he then hands over an hoa contract before slogging through a whole hoa contract i asked him what he was hoping to accomplish they want me to dig up my sunflowers your sunflowers yes i planted a row of sunflowers outside my house they branched by and said that sunflowers are not allowed per the contract i signed so i want you to tell me if that is true or not sir before anything else i need to tell you that this will likely be an hourly fee bill homeowner associations are notorious for dragging things out so these could quickly become expensive sunflowers i don't care this is america and i should be able to plant sunflowers god darn it still thinking he wasn't that serious about sunflowers i asked for a three hour retainer he immediately pulled out a checkbook and paid for four hours so i buckled down to review the alleged anti-sunflower claws just for reference the sunflowers he wanted to plant were really big five feet and all along the front of the house it was a very substantial amount of sunflowers the contract did indeed contain a clause with a very thorough list on which plants were and were not allowed to be planted the list had just about every plant i could think of in alphabetical order think apple banana cauliflower dill sunflowers included corn was not included which becomes very important later quick legal point if you write no dogs allowed it is normally assumed that you are talking about all dogs generally if you write no labs golden retrievers or poodles allowed it is normally assumed that all other dogs are allowed sometimes a not great attorney will write a super long list to pad hours read charge more instead of just writing no plans without prior approval or something i called the client back in for the bad news and explaining the above legal point i let him know that the hoa got a raw deal from whoever drafted the contract no can do on the sunflowers but if it makes you feel any better they were probably over billed by whoever wrote this contract pretty shoddy work too they even forgot to write down corn but they included nonsense like dragon fruit so yes the corn noticed sunflowers i didn't really check the contract for corn but it's not prohibited in the plant section so probably excellent that'll work i thought he was oddly happy with bad news then two or three weeks later he came in with a picture of his house surrounded by huge sunflowers what happened this guy drove out to the country and bought obnoxiously large and ugly corn stalks he promptly planted them where the sunflowers had been when confronted by the hoa he told them paraphrasing to suck it the contract lets me plant corn then after some negotiation he agreed to take the corn down in exchange for permission to plant sunflowers now we are friends he is still a great client and he lives surrounded by a ridiculous moat of sunflowers if you had a chance to stick it to an hoa by planting a bunch of ugly corn around your house would you do it let me know in the comments down below our next stories by maleficeid15 manager refuses to acknowledge a light duty note from my doctor then proceeds to get publicly shamed by his boss worked at walmart many years ago and had the shift manager that was just a tick to everyone but a select few that he liked one night i was scanning in over stock drinks with a co-worker as they were heavy cases and almost a full pallet shift manager comes by and says no i can do it by myself no excuse to have help with it i then asked if i could at least move the electric pallet jack that was left blocking some of the empty shelves but he said no as there were plenty of other ones which were above my head being young and dumb i shrugged and started stacking these cases of arizona tea gallons while trying to maneuver around this pallet jack and ended up messing up my lower and middle back and shoulder did the whole workers comp and went to their ghetto clinic and they just gave me some pain pills and told me to take it easy giving me a note for light duty when i came back and gave shift manager the light duty note his solution was to have me stock produce which involved moving around large boxes full of various things in the coolers to get what i needed and a lot of bending and twisting i told him that this was more strenuous than my typical work so he told me if you don't want to do that then i don't need you here so just go home and come back when you can work i said awesome and took a nap in my car till 7 am when the main store manager comes in i went straight to her office and told her everything and she immediately paged him to her office and then stood right there in the hallways and shooed him out so hard in front of everyone clocking in and out for many minutes dude looked like he was about to cry and i had the biggest stupidest smile watching him after that the dude wouldn't even look my direction and if he ever needed something from me he would send a shift lead to tell me instead that lasted a few months till i finally quit that stupid job i'm guessing the shift manager didn't know but i'm sure the main store manager did know how much liability they were opening themselves up to by trying to make you do all that heavy lifting that could have been really bad for the company so the shift manager deserved to get chewed out in front of everybody like that this next story is by artilleryman008 go ahead and put that punishment in writing when i was a teenager like many of my peers i worked in a restaurant i worked hard and within a few months i was a shift supervisor i always worked closing obviously because i was in school still one day in class my phone starts blowing up call after call after call it was my manager i called back in the brief period between classes he needed a supervisor to cover the midday and i had to quickly tell him i was in school and couldn't be there i went in for my normal shift that evening and was immediately pulled into the manager's office where i was told that i had been unprofessional and that i would occasionally be expected to cover other shifts then i was told i would get a weak suspension with no pay i pointed out that i was in school high school but that didn't matter cue malicious compliance our company has a policy that certain punishments would be put on a written record and the employee got a copy i brought this up and the manager was only too happy to oblige on the form i would get to explain my side and we would both sign it i wrote that i was still in high school and that's where i was when i refused to cover the shift as soon as i left i called the regional manager and explained what happened i basically said that if i didn't get to work the next day i'd be showing that paper to the department of labor when i came in the next night the store manager had been moved to another store and we had a new one who was pretty cool and this right here ladies and gentlemen is exactly why you get everything you can in writing or some kind of paper trail even if it's email even if you don't have a concrete plan on what to do with whatever you have in writing you never know when you could use it how you could use it or when it might come in handy later on down the road it's always a great idea this next story is by k7h i do what tsa says so this happened a couple years ago i was flying to see a friend up north and was going through the scanners at the airport i of course set off the scanner and they wanted to pat me down so here's the problem i had just broken my femur last week and was still very much messed up from it i mean i was on crutches and had about 30 staples in my leg no crap i set off the scanner i was very much still in pain from this injury the last thing i was going to do was let someone touch my leg 5 days after surgery when i tell this to the tsa lady she replies after an argument that i will have to take off my pants then guess what i did in the middle of security at a crowded airport as soon as my belt got to my knees this tsa officer started trying to usher me into a private room but wait my crutches were still in the x-ray machine by this point they were pretty embarrassed and were convinced i didn't have any contraband and let me go i'll admit that decision may have been clouded by painkillers but no one was gonna touch me that day i guess it's really true that when you need to assert dominance you just drop your trousers apparently that's what i've been told anyways our next stories by profile electronic want us to sit idle the entire day fine then you pay heavily the story about docking pay for being 15 minutes late reminds me of another story of hr overreach for starters i too work in a sector in india and we have weird butt hr and middle managers this happened 10 to 12 years ago the city i was working in was facing severe water and electricity shortage consequently the city decided that one day a week there would be no power supply to certain areas this would continue for over two years it began as a three-month arrangement but the city kept extending the duration the company loathed to invest in generators that would ensure full day work for over 100 users every thursday there used to be a power cut from 10 am to 6 pm i suggested that we should declare thursday as an official holiday and make saturdays as working days but this did not go down well with the powers that be i was heading a team of 30 at the time i told my team that they could take the day off and run whatever personal errands they had but since thursdays were working we would change our shift time to begin from 6 pm this was a win-win situation for all except hr four to five weeks into the arrangement i got called by hr that my team was not reporting on time they insisted that everyone had to log in in the morning i put the situation to the team and they volunteered to come to the office log in and leave for the day and return at six pm worse for me if they don't mind the extra drive three weeks later hr again has complaints the team has to be physically present in the office at all times this was taking things to ridiculous levels without power we couldn't work and it makes no sense to sit idle one day a week we decided that this would be our fun and games day nope that doesn't work either as per hr i am still supposed to hold seminars presentations and training sessions all this while we are still working from 6 pm to 2 a.m hr is aware of it q malicious compliance we decide that we will go full compliance and take advantage of all company facilities and rules on thursdays the entire team stopped getting their personal vehicles we decided to use the company pick and drop facility this was way before uber for most people it meant hiring private taxis for home drops and billing the company since our timings were passed midnight the fares were 1.5 times the regular fare since hr insisted that we should be physically present in the office from 10 am after 6 pm everyone became entitled to overtime more than 3 hours overtime drew double pay oh we love that rule plus if we worked past 8 pm company had to provide dinner earlier when we voluntarily changed our shift timings the team used to get their own meals from home now we stopped that in one month the hr and finance teams figured that it would be cheaper to buy generators for those who are wondering other teams change their delivery timelines to clients taking only four days a week as working we didn't cheat either our clients or the company by working four days while being paid for five everyone else used to idle away the day and leave on regular time only my team was trying to be diligent i mean it's a cool idea to just have to sit around and collect a paycheck but after a while of just having to sit around and attempt to be diligent you'd go probably insane i'm with op that you would try and find some way to just be productive and challenge this thing and they did and our final story of the day is by wyrin dock half pay for being 15 minutes late cue malicious compliance this happened about a decade ago in my first job it was an i.t analytics services firm in india i am from india while work was interesting the work hours were insane and folks used to work 12 hours a day usually since we always had conference calls with our counterparts sitting in the usa we ended our workday pretty late 10 pm was my usual time due to this folks used to come into the office late in the morning as well usually the entire team would only be in by noon management was not happy about this so they went ahead and decided that everybody had to be in by 10 am and if you are not they will dock half a day's pay we were all salivate employees usually managers were supposed to enforce this but they didn't care since they were in the office with teams themselves but occasionally hr would stand at the entrance to the office to implement the policy on one such day i was 15 minutes late and hr at the gate stopped me and informed me that i will be docked half a day's pay i stopped for a second thought about it and turned back hr stopped me with a shocked expression and asked where are you going i replied back home see you at lunch and went back home ignoring his feeble protest i actually ended up calling my manager and just took a day off after this incident i heard similar such stories from many people and hr stopped enforcing this policy well i mean to be fair if you show up for work and they say nah you're a couple minutes late we're going to dock half the day's pay for you i would want to mail in the first half of the day too if i'm 15 minutes late talk me 15 minutes not half the day's pay these people are just gonna stop being productive altogether for half the day if you're trying to steal that money from them like that i think it'll do more discouragement than motivation but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you do whether it's just viewing the video liking subscribing turning notifications on i appreciate the heck out of it every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more and i can't thank you enough for it so until next time i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll be right here next time on the story time channel [Music]
Channel: Storytime
Views: 59,148
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: KP-Vqwlg0Xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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