r/maliciouscompliance | Electric Bill still has our name AFTER we moved out? Hmm...

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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by alias this is expense reporting ah the bane of any business traveler the dreaded expense report back in the late 90s i worked for one of the largest software manufacturers in the world if you had a certain kind of computer that had been around for a while you used their software their reps were notorious for showing up right before a renewal was due slapping down a contract and saying sign it or 90 of your software goes away oh yeah we were loved we had an admin that handled our expense reports out of new york that was a stickler for the rules to the point she'd fedexed one back to a guy because he'd missed a one dollar local call in his hotel bill and for him to redo it yes she had the company spend 20 dollars to fix a one dollar error she was that bad anyway a new rule came down that said all receipts must be itemized supposedly because of sales putting alcohol on their meals which was not allowed not sure if it was her or someone else but reports started to be sent back even for stuff that was below the dollar threshold for expenses think mickey d's drive through for a coffee and danish for breakfast so we started to scramble to find receipts one trip i ordered chinese take out of my hotel and i asked the confused lady on the phone for an itemized receipt it showed up as the kitchen ticket entirely in chinese very evil grin after that i made a point of ordering take out from little mom and pop chinese restaurants and submitting the kitchen receipts in my expense reports i even saved them from the local restaurants when i was home so long as even the dates were in chinese and used them as filler when i couldn't get one all the folks i worked with got a chuckle out of it but believed that i'd get a nasty email or call from her i didn't eventually it came down from on high that only meals above ten dollars needed receipts and only anything with a client needed to be itemized we also found out she'd been fired for letting expense reports file up on her desk and not submitting them on time she'd also been sticking to the letter of the rules for any excuse to bounce reports back so she didn't have to deal with them would you guys have the confidence to go and order chinese every single time and get those chinese written kitchen tickets to submit for itemized expense reports or would you just kind of comply and deal with marking your coffee and danish from mickey d's for breakfast on your itemized ticket let me know in the comments down below our next story is by virtual toddler captain said get all the rust now the tank has a hole a little background first before it came to my senses and changed course i worked as a sailor on a petroleum carrier one of the many duties a sailor has is keeping the vessel from turning into a large iron ore deposit on the sea floor to do this there is a tool called a needle scaler it's a pneumatic device that consists of a bunch of 7 to 12 inch long 1 16 inch thick round needles and a hammer that impacts the base of the needles causing them to have a reciprocal action all housed in a chunk of steel and weighing in at about 5 pounds it will easily break apart most rust and can punch through thin steel with ease this will be important later i worked with a dude let's call him joe that probably ran out of freaks somewhere in the 1970s he complained constantly and was a real pleasure to work with pain in the butt the captain we had at the time was also a pleasure to work with pain in the butt who you never wanted to catch you slacking off as the butt chewing he delivered would make a marine blush so we busted bud when he was on board or he'd make our lives heck we had hydraulic mooring winches that were welded to the deck plating on top of the cargo tanks they were poorly designed and would retain a lot of seawater at their base so there was a ton of rust around the base that captain butthat took offense to the malicious compliance he ordered me and joe to chip away the rust and then prime and paint at the base of the winches joe said the rust is really thick and likely he'd end up breaching the tank he also pointed out that in two months we'd be in shipyard for a refit and it wouldn't matter if we busted through into the tanks there so the job should probably wait so captain bud hat started cussing us both out me because i backed up joe as i felt he had an excellent point and joe because he's been out of freaks longer than some adults have been alive the captain said do it or get the freak off his boat be fired so like good deckies we obeyed i took the aftermost reward for you landlubbers winch while joe went at the worst one in the middle he went to town and after only 45 minutes he comes to get me he'd punched seven large and four small holes into the number four and number five cargo tanks the winch straddled them good news was we're empty and had last carried asphalt so not much in the way of hazardous gases bad news was we were due to load in 14 hours all the tanks to their max with number 6 oil which doesn't like seawater and has a lot of hydrogen sulfide in it so i get the honor of waking the old man and get abuse hurled at me all the way to the winch there's no way we can safely load cargo with so many large deck penetrations we had to call the company and the customer to inform them we couldn't load so we set an anchor offshore until the shipyard berth could be found all in all it cost the company about 130 thousand dollars in lost time and repair charges they had to pay for another company to take the load which i don't know the cost of but my vessel's daily rate for the entire shebang was thirty thousand dollars so it was probably around that turns out that the company was going to cut the winches off in the next shipyard and replace them with electric models which would have involved removing the deck plating and adding reinforcement for the heavier units captain bud hat knew this but didn't tell us so if captain bud had had a listen to joe and b not been obsessed with giving us busy work he would have gotten his bonus that year and not a reaming from the port captain and port engineer from our company karma may or may not be real but it definitely seemed like they got some real karma in this story our next story is by eric with a c electric bill is still in our name after we move out i'll make sure we're not charged a cent we moved out of an apartment two months early school housing contracts blah since we couldn't get anyone to move in for only two months we were on the hook for the two months of rent which was a fortune to poor college students we were told by the on-site manager also a poor college student being paid in free rent that we'd be responsible for the electricity bills in the apartment over the next two months despite already doing our official move out no they can't be changed back to the landlord's name fine i'll pay the electric bills but i'll make sure they're zero so when we left i turned off all the breakers i still had the keys because we were supposed to mail them back to the property owner at our expense since i guess he lives far away and only comes into town at the beginning and end of each semester a few days later we realized we had forgotten some items in the bathroom and since the apartment was on my way to school i decided to swing by and grab them before mailing the keys back when i walked in i was startled to find someone inside it was the property owner with a box of tools looking very dirty apparently the hallway lights weren't working and in violation of building safety codes and he couldn't figure out why the security system also seemed to be non-functional it looked like something had tripped all the breakers he said i said yeah that something was me since the electric bill was still in our name he pointed out that not powering the hallway light was a safety concern and also that having the power off would ruin the refrigerator i pointed out that i couldn't care less about the safety of an apartment i didn't live in i already had a signed move-out document saying all the appliances were in good shape and also that him being there was technically a landlord violation since we were still paying rent and he hadn't given us notice that he'd be entering the apartment we looked at each other for a few seconds i was wondering if i was technically trespassing or not since i had already signed to move out documents he was probably thinking about how much time he had wasted for something like 13 cents worth of electricity and how he couldn't really stop me from simply dropping by any day after school to turn the breakers off again finally he said he'd take the electric bill out of our name i grabbed my luffa left and didn't hear anything about it ever again most importantly i never paid another cent except of course the two months of rent but small victories that definitely doesn't sound right the very beginning thing where the owner says they can't change the electric bill and judging by the end where they said that they would change the electric bill it was pretty obvious that they were trying to mooch off of the people that had to pay also the ending to the story is pretty funny and i just love the sentence i grabbed my luffa left and didn't hear anything about it ever again if i had a nickel for every story that i read that ended like that i'd have a nickel this next stories by sola greto emailed me three times asking me to correct an error so i did my company offers both a one-year subscription and single continuing education courses for professionals the way it works is that a customer orders a product subscription and we have a script that runs to change their shopper group to allow them to purchase courses for free until their subscription expires i had a customer order 30 hours of pdh today most dates annual requirements and then send me three emails within 30 minutes demanding i correct errors about dates and how many products were in each order he accidentally ordered two copies of one free course and wanted me to correct the count to one for some reason i was tempted to just send back a boilerplate response basically saying a polite version of dude they're free courses it doesn't matter how many were on the invoice when i realized something else might have happened and he was telling on himself our system only disables accounts when the correct script is run the script runs either when a customer places an order or when we run it manually at the beginning of the month i checked and sure as heck dude's subscription ran from december 10 2019 through december 9th 2020 and the orders he was demanding to be fixed were from december 12 2020. it's a known exploit but the vast majority of our customers are decent people normally i'd just explain the situation congratulate them on their short free extension and wish them well but the customer was very very very clear that he wanted the issue corrected so i cancelled his order from today and sent back a lovely email thanking him for being such an upstanding person to self-report that he had been allowed him to order after his subscription expired and offered him a discount code for any future purchases i'm just gonna go ahead and assume that this guy had some kind of ocd that just forced him to rat on himself because otherwise why would you do that they lobbed a very satisfying soft ball up for op to just smack right out of the park and by extension their free copies and our final story of the day is by billiam 201 malicious jar-headedness many moons ago when dinosaurs walked the earth and the world trade center was a tourist attraction not a memorial i did a five-year hitch in the u.s marines while military-grade idiocy proves many opportunities for malicious compliance here is one of my favorites we worked on a variety of generators for expeditionary power applications when you need to build an airport and maintenance facility in the middle of a desert for example we had them in a variety of sizes from 3 kilowatts slightly smaller than what you used for a single family home all the way up to 800 kilowatts enough to power a suburb most of our work was in the 60 kilowatt to 200 kilowatt range these generators have what experts refer to as big honking engines and as such they generate a lot of smoke when they have a decent load on them we would use a device called a load bank to test the generators themselves and make sure they worked under load they are basically massive electrical heating elements that you hook up to the generator and turn them up until the generator is working at a decent slice of its capacity well since we were maintaining these in california we were only allowed to load bank the generators for a certain amount of time each year to cut down on emissions as a result on the day we did the load banking we shot huge amounts of smoke out these greasy barely exercised 1400 cubic inch engines we get a 200 kilowatt unit going get it warm start turning up the power and one of the guys who works for me runs up yelling shut it off we get it shut down and he points up the road towards the car coming down the road with the red and gold flags flying on the front bumper the silence has been noticed by sergeant bob our incompetent sergeant who comes flying over to us forehead veins bulging spittle flying and his massive sugar bowl ears flapping in the breeze why did you shut that down i say because what did i tell you to do load bank the 200 kilowatt jennies why aren't you doing it because so fire this back up and get going but but what are you too stupid to flip start switch start a freaking generator huge engine spins to life and flip a god darn switch flips load bank switch why is this so hard since you're too stupid to do it yourself let me show you as the load bank cycles a huge plume of greasy black smoke belches from the exhaust of this generator directly into the open windows of the general's car the squeal of locking brake sounds from the road and my men and i disappear like farts in the wind leaving qa to deal with an angry lieutenant general who just got smoked in his brand spanking new command sedan from our sheltered hiding spot we watched the general and his driver walk up to qa and just tear him open sergeant bob didn't talk to us for three days incompetent is a pretty good way to describe them they got a short temper and they let that prevent them from reading the room or the road and they made a big incompetent mess up it was probably pretty darn funny for op and their men to watch it all go down from the distance but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
Channel: Storytime
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Keywords: storytime, r/maliciouscompliance, r/malicious compliance, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, reddit malicious compliance, Storytime malicious compliance, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance reddit, top posts reddit, malicious compliance stories, malicious compliance video, r/ maliciouscompliance, r/ maliciouscompliance Storytime, Storytime r/maliciouscompliance, funny reddit stories, malicious compliance posts
Id: eQ6NBHbs_-M
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Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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