r/idontworkherelady | "I don't work here NOW because we're CLOSED..."

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hello everybody my name is steven and welcome back to the storytime channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day of course i really do work here look how i'm dressed so i took my mom to get some groceries and stuff at mr walton's department store this just happened yesterday saturday being really nice out i'm wearing an old and faded black t-shirt with denim coveralls that i cut the legs off for summer mom is in her 80s and has a rollator walker so i push her card and she walks beside me i try to do the food items last so the cold stuff stays cold but mom insisted on starting on that side okay i gave in and off we went after the groceries were in the cart mom heads us over to electronics because i was telling her that hubby and i are debating buying all the avengers movies versus getting a streaming service mom wanted to see the cost of the dvds this is where we met karen and her spawn i am explaining dvd versus blue ray to mom when karen walks up and tells me she needs my help next mom is sitting on her walker while we are talking i politely told her i don't work here i'm a customer then i point out an employee in a blue vest uh no you're obviously helping this old lady to buy a dvd player i'm just telling you i am next sorry but i really don't work here i'm shopping with my parent listen here missy i know you work here now as soon as you're done with this old lady i am next one thing i forgot to mention i have blue hair right now and had my hair up in two ponytails i know i don't look like a kid but i definitely don't look 50 either i hate being called missy especially when the carbon based life form is younger than me if any of you have read other shopping trips i have posted you know my mom is a very feisty italian mom says listen lady open your ears my daughter doesn't work here look how she's dressed ma'am please i'm just asking this girl to serve me next karen spawn says mom she really doesn't work here look at her clothes and hair just be quiet you wanted to switch we're going to get you a switch if this girl doesn't show more respect i'll make sure we get a discount by this point my mom is done in italian she starts cussing out this woman my mom does not like being the center of attention but man if you annoy her duck and run just duck and run sales staff finally make it over to us since mom is getting louder the longer you let her go karen sees the employee and starts in on how rude i am and what a horrid employee i am and that i need to be disciplined for my attitude towards her the employee looks at me my mother and karen and politely in italian asks my mom what happened my mom calmly explains and refers to karen as puta i'm dying trying not to laugh karen has her say and finally it's my turn and i turn to karen look i don't know who your parents are but sweetie i could be your mother you teaching your kid to act like this is unacceptable especially right now with the pandemic and places going out of business i am pretty sure you knew all along that i don't work here and we're hoping to cause enough of a scene to get the acting manager to give you a massive discount i'm here to tell you that ain't happening today not here not in the store you think that just because i am dressed in old frayed clothes you can pull a stunt like this then tell the staff that i accosted you and i caused all the drama guess again child on top of your bad behavior towards me you have caused my mother to get upset i am so tempted right now to call the cops and have you charged with harassment and elder abuse karen left mom and i finished shopping and left in the car mom says i guess you're a little stressed today huh oh my god that was the understatement of the year man that's one feisty mother does this story remind anybody of their parents acting in a similar way for them before if so let me know your story in the comment section down below i'm 14. i don't work at costco okay i've been reading this subreddit during quarantine and just remembered a story from about nine months ago one day my mom decided she wanted to get a new computer her work was being acquired by a bigger company and she thought she was going to be fired she thought that costco was the best place to do it and i agreed to help her because she doesn't know much about computers she browsed for about 15 minutes and i told her that there wasn't anything appropriately priced for her needs here when i hear nice gentleman says excuse me i turned to see an older gentleman with an iphone 7. can i upgrade this to an iphone x i walk over never being one to not help someone with their phone he tells me that he has verizon and wants to upgrade to the iphone x i don't work here but if i were you i would wait a month or so and see what black friday deals verizon has i got my iphone x for 500 no trade-in and by that time apple would have released a new phone lowering the price even more nice gentleman says i'm sorry and thank you i will do just that he leaves me alone and i go to look at devices for a little longer but before i can even go back to looking i hear excuse me i not knowing she was talking to me go to brows excuse me i turn around and see she was standing behind me finally i need a computer me not feeling like dealing with another person tell her i don't work here yes you do i just saw you helping that man i did but i don't work here yes you do now i need a new computer no i don't i'm 14. i see my mom start walking over and i start walking towards her don't walk away from me hey mom should we keep shopping i don't think we should get anything here i turn around to see karen go pale as i give my mom a hug and walk away i tell my mom the story as we continue shopping and we have a good laugh about the idiots of the world that's actually pretty effective if you're with your parent just walk over and give them a hug i surely hope that a kieran upon seeing that would be able to snap out of it but you'd be surprised too i don't work here now we are closed i can't sell you anything now so i do not browse the sub often so i don't know if this counts because i 19 year old female do work in there just not at 1am when our reception clearly works till 11. this happened last night for backstory my dad has a small hotel with 15 rooms and a bar slash reception downstairs and i work there every summer bar slash reception works till 11 which i tell every guest that checks in along with giving them keys to the back doors since main entrance is locked every night that is the same thing i said to a guy let's call him m when he checked in yesterday afternoon that was only after he made me a scene because our rooms are advertised to be 60 and his bill was 62 because we are obligated to pay a fee to our country for every foreign citizen that stays here but it wasn't my first time dealing with an a-hole customer and i just apologized offered a free dessert and brushed it off yesterday it was 15 to 11 and i was getting ready to close and only two tables being occupied in the bar were one with three of my friends and one with five guys that work across the street and are regulars i like them because they are nice and tip well and they like me because i often let them pick music so we are friendly so when they told me that one of them just became an uncle and they wanted to celebrate and to stay a little longer i said sure and gave them two beers each in advance and they paid for them nothing in town works past 11 because the last corona measures have not been lifted yet so they had nowhere else to go my friends weren't in a hurry and said they would say two and i poured myself a beer and everyone paid i closed the cash register and turned off the computer and the printer knowing that i won't be printing any bills until morning i also washed everything and prepared for the morning shift except for the literal glasses we were using i turned off the music and sat with my friends fast forward 1.5 hours everything is good i am playing jin rummy with my friends and those other guys are talking and having fun too when m comes down from his room wanting to buy bottled water and sees me playing cards he proceeds to tell me how unprofessional and lazy i am how he will be sure to report to my manager tomorrow morning when he checks out how i tried to cheat him for two dollars on the bill for his room and some other ugly stuff now i don't care what he thinks i know i was not doing anything wrong but at that moment i am intimidated because a man is towering over me and yelling and i almost start to cry what i don't see is eight guys three of my friends and those other five regulars standing up behind me approaching and asking him if he has some problem and why is he yelling em calms down when he sees them and says that there are no problems and he just wanted to buy bottled water i say that i work until 11 and it is long past it and i can't sell anything since our cash register is electronic and one can see at any moment at which times it was used and if inspection were to come and see we were selling things past 11 we would be in trouble he asks to speak with the owner and i say that it is 1 am and that he is sleeping he is insistent and i call my dad and tell him that a man insists on calling him since i refuse to sell him a bottle of water em now starts speaking interrupting me taking the phone from my hand saying that i am playing cards instead of working and my dad says so she is sitting in a place her family owns having fun with her friends making no noise and you came in a bar that was closed and m stutters apologizing finishing the conversation very quickly this morning the guy that was working first shift says m left a huge tip and demanded that it was shared with me the worst thing is that our tap water is fine to drink and it is written so next to the literal tap he later claimed he didn't know that it sucks that opie had to deal with it but it must have felt so satisfying to hear their dad pop in and absolutely shut this guy down the devil i don't work here whammy late 2000s background i'm shy about jack squat i work in healthcare tech and i was a hospital volunteer growing up periods don't bother me squeamish men can pop a flagpole as far as i care i live near a mall a big one three floors with four anchor stories i'm a professional and i wear a shirt and tie to work every day pressed slacks nice shoes i have my work id and maglog door card on my belt i'm on my way home and my wife calls asking if i will pick up feminine products period pads guys for her i swing by the mall as it's literally two minutes from my exit and i go to a big store named for something a marksman would aim at i enter the aisle for feminine products looking for my wife's brand of pad no luck i assume that i'm the and so i keep looking scanning the aisle karen1 says where's brand i happen to be looking forward to no idea ma'am if you see any let me know what you're the one who works here not me why would i help you find your own products uh no ma'am i don't work here i'm looking for pad brand for my wife i can see you're a manager you even have a tag now help me find brand of pad i don't work here i work for a company i really work for this this is my id and door badge wanna see i pull it off my belt and show her the logo is red but it looks nothing like the store named after a block of hay that an archer would shoot at karen one proceeds to huff and move on so do i this store really missed the mark i move on down the mall to the grocery store that anchors the other end yes this mall is big enough to have a full grocery store and a department store that also sells groceries i go looking for pad brand enter karen 2. the store did have the pads i needed to get but i hadn't picked the pads up yet so my hands were empty to save space the conversation was almost identical except that she wasn't looking for the same pad brand she wanted to know where something else was and she didn't often leave she went full karen before the badge was shown well what are you doing in the feminine products aisle if you aren't a manager my wife knees that's a likely story show me your badge then here you go karen 2 doesn't register the completely different logo the store is not red themed she just wants my name i'm going to call general manager my husband knows him because he used to work here and i'm going to have you fired okay but when you do that tell him i quit karen 2 sputtering you're a freaking a-hole do you know that lazy and so it went the woman's practically spitting on me as she spat expletives i having had it and having picked up the pads by now because i'm not stopping for some baddie karen head to the only express checkout lane with an employee working guarantee follows karen two cuts ahead of me karen two assails the poor checkout clerk this man has been accosting me how dare you employ such a horrible manager i'm going to have him fired would you call security this freak has been accosting me and i'm about to lose it karen two screeched literally screeched there is nothing more powerful than delivering the worst curse word possible in a matter of a fact voice to somebody who has already lost their cool 10 miles back and is now in full cairn mode the how dare yous were almost as prevalent as the purse clutching manager comes over karen too gets the truth from the horse's mouth being karen she then proceeds to huff and say that the general manager will hear about how badly she's being treated and so forth i decline to press charges because honestly i don't want to spend any more days talking to lawyers or cops than i have to for my job twice in one day in one mall because i'm not afraid to buy period pads tampons or any other product my wife needs it's great that op is not afraid to buy those things for his wife but how really relevant is the fear of buying those things to the story i'm not trying to put the story down i'm just trying to understand the relevance of saying that they're not afraid to buy them to me it sounded more like the badge and the outfit was the fault and the karen's going crazy not the fear of buying period pads put your cart back lady a 20 year old male took my friend to the grocery store today and waited for him in the car while i was sitting there the woman parked next to me decided to just push her cart between our cars and leave it there well that doesn't sit right with me because if you give even one half of one crap you can find a cart return somewhere nearby and in our circumstance there was one less than 30 feet away so i got out of my car and grabbed her car to take it back but i also flipped her the bird well i put her card back and turned around to see her approaching me she asked me if i flipped her off and i said yeah because you didn't put your card back and it's literally the easiest thing in the world she started lecturing me about respect and the unacceptability of flipping people off next thing i know she's telling me to come along with her so we can go and find my manager well i obviously don't work here i'm not wearing a cup in the uniform and in fact i'm wearing sweats and an old t-shirt with holes in it i very bluntly state that i don't work here and the look on her face was priceless she no longer had any way to make me atone for my egregious sin she stuttered on her words for a second before asking me if i had parents who ever taught me respect i responded obviously i do they taught me enough respect to put my freaking cart back well she had no clue how to respond to it and shuffled back to her car leaving me feeling proud of my small victory against the karen hood this is one of those arguments where you know you are so in the right that no matter what you can only do nothing but the right thing and shut this karen down that would have been so satisfying in person but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
Channel: Storytime
Views: 32,435
Rating: 4.9142013 out of 5
Keywords: storytime, story time, life stories, r/maliciouscompliance, r/idontworkherelady, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, maliciouscompliance, malicious compliance, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit stories
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 57sec (1017 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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