Linus Tech Tips Was Right All Along...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and as you all know i'm a linux guy okay and every time i make a video about linux i always have to talk about how much i despise windows i made a video a couple weeks ago where i talked about why you should switch off from windows okay generally i use windows in a virtual machine and there's a couple reasons for it before anybody goes in but nuda you're paranoid the reason i use software and virtual machines stuff like microsoft windows or mac os is frankly i need these operating systems to do things like play the latest and greatest games edit my videos do a bunch of things but i know that if i only need it for a couple activities sometimes it's better to spin up a virtual machine do my thing for an hour close the virtual machine and go back to an operating system that actually is under my control which is linux okay various flavors i use mac as well instead of going to apple and buying a mac i can actually build a better virtual mac than whatever apple is selling me and use it to edit videos and do other things you don't believe me i've made plenty of videos in the past where i've built the billy rig now i actually have another video coming up with the best home build that i've ever come up with okay where i've created the ultimate computer but that's going to be sometime later this month now this video is inspired a lot by linus tech tips okay i consider linus tech tips to be one of my favorite channels on youtube in fact when it comes to the tech field out there these guys are usually pretty awesome they make good stuff and it is what it is now linus made a video series last month and basically concluding three days ago where he covered linux okay using it as a daily operating system now if you look over here he's got some serious views on this okay in fact the first video that came out 2.4 million views the second simple tasks 2 million almost video 2 1.5 1 million of course these are views that linus would expect but for something linux related this is big it caused ripples okay the reddit boards were filled with it the community was all there i even covered some of this in a couple of videos ago again where i was talking about why you should stop using windows now to understand linus wasn't exactly having a great time with this entire endeavor okay there were a lot of problems to be had but i think generally the experiment was good now listen i'm going to start off by saying the linux community and a small chunk of you you act like [ __ ] vegans of the computing industry okay i'm just going to be real with you sometimes when it comes to linux people cannot shut up that they use something like linux in reality linux is just another operating system actually gnu plus linux if we're going to be very anal about it but generally this is a free open source solution that you and i can download it comes in various flavors and once you get it downloaded and ready to go it might need a little tender love and care but generally if you know what you're doing you can actually get a pretty good computing experience out there in fact i would say for most tasks web browsing making documents you know doing boring stuff linux is basically all the way there okay but when it comes to niche things like playing video games or editing videos linux may not be there entirely so let's go through this entire video gauntlet and just cover a few points that linus had made that i really want to granularly get into now the first endeavor starts off with daily driver challenge part uno now in this one both linus and luke pick two different linux distributions luke picked linux mint which i would recommend for people who are jumping in i it runs really well good on my laptop no complaints there linus went with something called pop os okay if you don't know what pop os is it's a debian based linux distribution that uh seems to be pretty popular with the gamers these days now i've used pop os in the past and generally i've had a [ __ ] doc [ __ ] experience with this distribution not for the sake of me messing up but just generally this felt like an inferior os compared to other debian based systems particularly in the software department again that's just my experience linux distributions are like ice cream flavors some some people like certain flavors some people don't when i recommend things like ubuntu in my video it's because i generally believe that's a pretty easy distribution for people to jump on install and use for the general public now in actual linux usage i use something called arch linux okay this is arch right here you might have heard it as one of the hardest forms of linux out there it's really not the installation might seem daunting but in general i use this because i generally don't like to have a lot of bloat on my system i just install the software that i need and i can manage linux very well which means as a power user arch is absolutely wonderful for me this has been the stable distribution that i've ever used in my life okay but that's a whole story for a different time for instance he showcased the installation process as being pretty simplistic okay you went through a bunch of next options i even showed this in my video both of them had an easy install process when it came time to installing certain pieces of software that's where we had the bombs go off okay pretty well oh hey there we go hello oh oh wait what did i manage to completely nuke my desktop environment like my gui see what's happening over here chat is if you look real close linus doesn't have a desktop environment anymore linus does not have a graphical user interface this is linux without any clothes on naughty girl that it is linus has to enter a log in like the old-fashioned days and a password like the old days right now he's hitting the world of hackers except instead of a gibson he's basically hacking his brain cells right now trying to figure out what's going on and no one should be blaming linus i actually saw a few tips about it where like ah linux is purpose linus is perfectly screwing things up on purpose for drama and in reality he did it okay what linus had actually done if we go like 30 seconds back into the video is make a crucial mistake that is often overlooked by people just switching into linux in the first place so here linus wasn't able to get steam installed through the graphical user interface what he did was he actually went into the terminal like we're seeing over here now inside this section it says yes do as i say so linus has to type this phrase out for pop os to do this massive command which is install and remove packages now we're going to use some reading over here and read exactly what linus did wrong warning the following essential packages will be removed this should not be done unless you know exactly what you are doing pop desktop pop session gnome control zorg g streamer if you get rid of these packages you're gonna lose your desktop environment this explains why 30 seconds ago we saw linus at a bare naked login shell now of course it could be helpful if popos decided hey maybe not remove these essential packages maybe they should color code this in the terminal to be like full on red i think anybody that's used to seeing some warnings probably goes through really quickly i know for windows stuff i just generally click yes and go on forward it happens to the best of us elina's making this mistake yes he didn't read it and he cost himself to have a bad time but generally if you're going to make an operating system that's designed for user inter if you're going to make an os that's designed for the general public to get in first and get their feet wet maybe just maybe you should put a lot more safeguards into people possibly deleting their desktop environments and what's basically going on here is some dependency error between programs and packages that's about it now i'll see this kind of stuff happening in like arch linux or manjaro but generally less than i would see in like debian based operating systems like ubuntu and pop os this is something that's probably more pop os related if i'm gonna be honest with my own biases but this is something that you're probably bound to come across now that said when you use something like mac and windows i don't believe windows allows people to just delete their desktop environment unless certain applications could delete explorer.exe out of nowhere and prevent you from accessing the start menu that would be bad design that would be a bad time that would actually be a security issue same with mac if mac allowed any application to delete its desktop environment and all of a sudden granny's trying to figure out where the beach ball is we're gonna have a bad time this is something that linux can allow you to do and while it's kind of cool from a power user perspective obviously for somebody new jumping in you can imagine how this is going to be frustrating now luke didn't have this time with linux mint so he had a much more easier experience as far as i was able to see and of course linus actually made this work for himself in the end by switching to another distribution known as manjaro one that i've shown you in the past and of course you probably should have used this to begin with but it highlights the issue is that with linux unless you're using the right maintained distributions sometimes you'll have an issue with one distro that probably won't be reflected in the others and this is an issue this is something that needs to be fixed but i'm glad they actually showcased this now of course moving on to the next video in this entire situation was trying to do simple tasks on linux now this is a really interesting video where linus and luke covered how to do simple tasks not gaming not nothing things like making word documents compressing files moving files between folders uh taking screenshots of your desktop you know basic [ __ ] and basically they gave each other 15 minutes to do each task and for the most part each of them did their tasks really well the real difference in this entire video is how linus and luke challenged themselves and how differently they did tasks linus for instance did tasks entirely different than luke did especially when it came to like signing pdfs linus was trying to do it the right way by finding cryptographic keys luke found the awesome way of just copy pasting an image onto another image which hey for the most part works real well okay god damn now i think this is really cool in order for you to sell linux to people you have to be able to do basic stuff like this and it was interesting seeing them actually succeed for instance they even got a printer working absolutely flawlessly which even under windows may i remind you causes me some grief but generally this is where linux is right now if you're not doing stuff that's niche you're probably gonna have a generally good time utilizing linux and probably not even identifying the key differences between windows mac or linux in the first place remember for the average andy out there that has no idea about what's going on in their computer if you honestly gave them the same wallpaper amongst all three operating systems and you gave them a web browser that's open i honestly believe that somebody that's computer illiterate will actually identify between each three operating system until of course they're actually installing pieces of software which even in that case can be questionable now a while back obviously in that ubuntu video where i showed you where you shouldn't use windows i showed you how to download steam and discord from the web interface from the web app from the actual web browser and install it that way now that's the wrong way to do it okay now the reason i showed it to you like that was generally if you're going to be installing software on your operating system it has to be pretty [ __ ] easy for instance with mac which i believe is the gold standard of ease of use all you have to do is go to steam for instance on a mac download the dmg file click on it on your download folder copy the steam to the application folder sometimes even have a cool graphic in the installer to make it super easy then you run steam and you install your games honestly it does not get easier than that with windows you download an exe file you launch it and you call it a day the right way to install steam for instance on a linux device would be to open up a terminal would be to type sudo for instance sudo being the super user command pacman pacman in this case is the package manager for something like ubuntu you would use apt but i am using arch linux so pacman is mine then you give it an argument like dash capital s for you know installing the package and then space type in steam so of course you pass your root address because you're doing a system-wide change then you install steam the right way okay now again for somebody who's new to the entire system this might look daunting already but that's something that linux has covered for you there's a lot of applications like discover for instance where you could open up a gui type in the word steam and install it that way okay and it's pretty simple to manage things in this fashion you want to install discord same thing right here change steam to discord and if the package exists you can oh yeah terminate that you can download discord just as you would easily in fact this is ideal because usually when you install packages like downloading an exe file from a website on windows you may subject yourself to things like mitm attacks or potentially downloading that same software but with a little added malware this is software you're downloading from a repository that's been checked by people for malware so this is the safest way to do things of course to somebody who's jumping in they might consider this confusing but that's the thing with the command line it might seem hackerish but once you figure out how these commands work once you've done things enough this will all start gelling with you that's not to say this is the easiest smartest way to do things so when it comes to installing operating systems and dealing with things this is another thing i wanted to cover windows is a gold standard okay basically all you do is you go to microsoft's website download the iso file burn it to a flash drive put it into a computer install it click a few times and it's good to go driver wise windows will fetch them from their update servers and if it doesn't you can go to the vendor for the hardware that you have download a driver and generally it works windows solution is ideally what you want for a system that uh frankly for for systems that come in various different you know um permutations right various different graphic cards processors whatever you want to call it this is a system that works people can easily do things it's sometimes better than what linux offers now of course with linux a lot of the stuff is built into the kernel itself so when you install linux and let's say you want to use a playstation 4 controller right you connect it with a flash drive or sorry not a flash drive but a usb connection to your computer and suddenly it just works literally out of the box seriously go try it for yourself you can even use a little touchpad as a mouse a little mouse thing so generally linux does have things for it now of course certain pieces of hardware may be so unique that you probably do need to download drivers and linux usually has that covered there's a guide somewhere available but in cases like that nobody can say that it's as easy as windows see for this to work and for this to be more widely accepted linux has to become easier i generally think for linux to win in a lot of cases is to have a distribution that's as easy to manage and install as windows and that may not be something that's readily available for a while and i think for the community watching in the linux camp if you want people to jump into this world you need to make it as easy as you can when it comes to user interfaces the easier it is the better okay calling somebody a troglodyte because they managed to [ __ ] something up on linux is not the answer okay if granny is trying to install software and she messes it up because the user interface wasn't clear with her that's the ui fault okay that's the os fault if you're gonna design software okay it has to basically work all right it has to be as painless for the user as possible in order to help adoption okay that's generally the vibe that i go with and hey look with windows 10 i hate the fact that every time i update key system components i'm basically blanked out to a giant blue screen looking at this [ __ ] spinning wheel with linux there's obviously the benefit of typing in this one command on depending on what distribution you use obviously and updating your whole goddamn system with ease in the background while you actually use your computer for productive tasks like record videos so look at that bam hit yes it's basically updating the whole system in the background minimize call it a day and yes it'll actually update the entire system components in the background as well and it'll only activate them once you restart the package or restart linux itself again as hassle free as possible now in part two linus and luke started to use software that was a little bit unsupported software that was more gaming oriented things like the nvidia x server settings and actually i think this video they could have won a little harder but obviously use things like obs which is exactly what i'm using to record this video right now and it works just like you would on a windows pc anyways they also tried using software like discord and whatnot and basically all the stuff that gamers would use anyway steam discord you call it and generally i think it's cool i think it works i think it's awesome i think what they were doing was a general good idea these are pieces of software that you and me as gamers are probably going to use and for the most part things work obviously the way that they install software was a little bit different a little hazy but generally they had a pretty solid experience covering this now i think this video didn't do it complete justice okay for instance let's say you do have an nvidia graphic card i have both amd and nvidia in my system if you're using linux amd is the better solution okay a lot of their stuff is built right into the kernel but if you have an nvidia graphic card you should get the same experience okay generally linux is a platform that allows you to be more open and free and if it comes to the point where windows has a better experience for one graphic card versus linux that's not a good thing but let's look at linux for a second here's the nvidia settings right here you can get an idea of your thermal systems you can get an idea of like you know the power that you're consuming and generally if you're using things like g-sync and whatnot a lot of these features work in linux out of the box what doesn't work underneath in linux out of the box in certain cases can be things and i'm not joking with you things like hdr if you have a higher end monitor you're not going to be able to use hdr underneath linux it just doesn't work at the moment things like g-sync work just fine things like dlss work now with some tinkering dlss is a huge feature for nvidia graphic cards it allows you to get better frame rates without sacrificing a lot of that visual cost but things like ray tracing then come into the question where it depends on how certain games run it for instance if the game uses vulcan for ray tracing it works under linux just fine if it uses dxr or a directx version right now it's in infancy you can raytrace underneath linux but it's not a perfect experience it's really a game by game basis so what i think is a really great experience here and a really good example is this is resident evil village running underneath linux now i've got vkd 3d which allows me to actually enable things like ray tracing which i have right here now to show you the real issue sometimes and why it's game by game basis is as we load into the game over here which of course it runs fine like we are getting a full 60 frames the only reason it's hitching right now is because i'm recording the screen and it causes some issues but here you can see that the bvh isn't even being rendered properly like the actual ray tracing is just not working it's almost as if the game's failing in this regard and it's not because my computer isn't capable this is a 30 90. so again if you can look at it real quickly by turning off ray tracing which again we enable through experimental versions of vkd 3d which is translating directx 12 to vulcan now it suddenly works when i turn off ray tracing like the actual game renders properly so again depending on how recent the game is how it handles ray tracing you may have a decent experience or you may not whereas on windows 10 or 11 it just works out of the box obviously because that's what the software is designed for there's also stuff like nvidia geforce experience and amd radeon re-live which are graphic card tools that have a whole bunch of features tossed into them that allow you to change the clock speeds of your cards or use onboard recording software and streaming software which just doesn't work on linux at the moment there's also software like nvidia broadcast that uses the ai chip on it to actually blur the screen out maybe remove the background from your face cam and do cool things like that that doesn't work underneath linux at the moment natively now in the last video linus titled it gaming on linux is not ready now of course with a title like that it means some serious business and you know he's kind of not wrong let's cover into exactly what's happened so linus basically gives you the entire idea of playing a bunch of games on steam you know but he also mentions that while steam is doing a real good job of supporting linux there's a little bit of a problem obviously valve has said when the steam deck drops which is running on linux is going to have 100 compatibility with steam games they're not including games that you'd find on epic which there's a lot of exclusives they're not mentioning games directly off of you play or things like ea origins or various other game launchers out there see linux in that case isn't exactly the best solution if you're running games off steam it's as usually as easy as going onto steam downloading the file and hitting play usually if the game doesn't have a shady anti-cheat or a very invasive drm usually it just works out of the box for instance i was able to play death stranding just fine underneath linux i was able to play resident evil 2 just fine under linux i was able to play a lot of games just fine under linux of course when anti-cheat gets dropped in that's an issue but look listen let's say you wanted to play something i'm going to give you a good example let's play you want let's say you wanted to play something like assassin's creed origin now i didn't buy assassin's creed origin off of steam i bought it off ubisoft connect okay i figured hey if i'm gonna have to stick two condoms on to play this game i might as well just buy the one i need which is ubisoft's own launcher so i can't just go to ubisoft connect like i am right now in downloader for linux it doesn't have linux support okay so if i download it for pc it's literally giving me an exe file i can't just use this okay so what i need to do is i'm going to use a third-party launcher like lutrus which is a front end for something known as wine i'm going to be using this to help run games from windows that require launchers and various dependencies easily on linux so here i'm going to type in assassin's creed origins okay which if you look real quickly and the site works you can find that yeah they actually have the option right there so i'm going to click origins and here you can see that they've got some patches ready to go so they have a steam version for you to just if you want the steam version running through lutrus to work this way now the wine version which was last published one year and 11 months ago two years almost now i can just hit the little install button open the link and all the sudden lutrus will fire up real quick and i can actually start installing assassin's creed origins so i'm going to hit install go through this rabbit hole right here and as long as i follow the instructions you know provided the script still works it should install assassin's creed origins and i should be able to play this game just like i would on a windows system that is of course if an update didn't break it for instance i was able to play gta 5 just fine underneath linux the problem was now it's not that gta 5 is broken it's the [ __ ] rockstar launcher okay so when the rockstar launcher wasn't broken for a while i couldn't connect to my friends on gta online so yeah if a game updates in a way where it breaks the linux experience you really have to hope somebody in the community can fix up a script or maybe fix up some dependency or hope and hope blindly that the developer chooses to make it easier for linux which they almost never will because linux's market share is so small that a lot of developers may choose not to even bother wasting their time if it works under proton congratulations linux guys you get to play it if it doesn't don't hold your breath out for any developer jumping in to fix it frankly the market cap is so low and the money they would make is so low that understandably it's not worth the hassle and it sucks to hear that but it is just unfortunately the reality of the situation now what about games that are super duper popular now i'm not here to say that twitch tvs like top stream games are indicative of like the popularity of actual video games but if we look at twitch right now and just go to browse for a second let's look at some of the top games at the moment so let's go viewers high to low now of course if we skip just chatting escape from tarkov unplayable on linux because of the anti-cheat battle eye at the moment it just does not work you won't really be connecting to games as far as i know gta 5 works underneath linux of course provided rockstar's launcher doesn't break league of legends does not work underneath linux valorent does not work underneath linux gentian impact maybe works underneath linux with a weird install script but not natively supported it has kernel anti-cheat which is usually incompatible apex legends does not work warzone does not work slots oh god fortnite does not work out of the box minecraft yes it does five nights at freddy's yes it does world of warcraft i think it does asmr oh it definitely does dead by daylight probably ff obviously but you can understand what i'm getting at with a lot of games in this list especially the ones that are most played right now the most popular usually what your homies are playing do not work natively underneath linux and that's because of crappy anti-cheat now anti-cheat is a component for video games that it's required you know just to prevent as many hackers as you can pc gamers are real naughty when it comes to that but a lot of these anti-cheats are just incompatible with linux and there's probably a good chance the most the more invasive an anti-cheat is the more incompatible it is with the entire linux kernel as a whole so there are a couple fixes to this dual boot windows but that would be using windows natively and that's not something i like to do the other option is don't play those games again you know it's not feasible for most people most gamers may want to try some valorent they may want to try some apex simply quitting these games shouldn't be an option it shouldn't need to be an option the third option and this is what i do is run a graphic pass-through virtual machine now i've made videos in the past where i've passed through a graphic card to windows virtual machines and played games as if they were natively running underneath windows some people have said this is like a cheat this is a little bit of a you know hack this is not something that you should it's not real gaming muta underneath linux if you're using windows which to be honest i'm gonna say [ __ ] you okay at the end of the day if you're gaming underneath the linux kernel in any capacity it's still gaming underneath linux all right granted it's a much more uh you know comprehend it's it's a much more complicated solution i agree i admit but it's not something that's impossible it's the beauty of linux you can do a lot with it and if you know what to do you can make it bend to you if you really try now in terms of virtualizing windows underneath linux it's also becoming a situation where it's not exactly ideal games are coming with more kernel level anti cheats and with kernel level anti cheats they're preventing virtual machine users from even joining the games for instance you can play valorent right now at the moment you also can't play games like rainbow six siege underneath the virtual machine unless you hide things really well but then you're risking a ban in fact here's a little bonus here's rainbow six siege running underneath linux just fine through proton you can see the game renders correctly and it actually doesn't appear to have any graphical issues of course this is with the anti-cheat disabled the anti-cheat is not able to run underneath proton or any of these compatibility layers again unless ubisoft patches it in or allows it which apparently seems to be a possibility we're going to be sitting here without rainbow six siege playable online i guess until ubisoft or easy or sorry battle eye flips a switch which who knows if or when that'll ever be you also can't play certain titles like gentian impact without hiding your hypervisor in some ways but then you're also killing performance so there's a billion gotchas to deal with but this is the route you have to go if you're willing to use linux as a daily driver look no one said this entire situation was ever going to be easy but most of these things usually aren't i'm not here to say linux has some got to your difficult operating system to learn and use but it's got some problems ahead of it for right now niche cases like video editing like you know playing the newest latest and greatest games linux is not number one in that regard at all if you're doing things like development web development you know real basic stuff linux is already there okay but for a lot of these niche cases yeah watching that linus series makes a lot of sense and all the drama that would generate from it because linus maybe messed up a few things or he wasn't successful is necessarily not even his fault listen he's a guy that's trying to show people the average andy experience of linux people who are gonna sit here on video and say oh but all you have to do is modify this one file or you had to introduce one command listen we know this because we've used this for years i know i can work my way around a terminal but most average people shouldn't need to bring up a terminal they shouldn't need to open up a github they shouldn't need to compile software in order to use their operating system in the most basic of manners things should just work out of the box graphical user interfaces should just exist for a lot of these tasks anyways there's no reason why windows and mac is so user accessible and linux in certain cases can absolutely cause people to lose hair it just shouldn't be that way but then again i'm going to leave this video right here where it's at i think linus's series was good and frankly i wanted to really air out my entire grievances in this situation too i wanted to give my take i wanted to cover a lot of these linux you know hooplas in my own fashion so let me know what you thought about this video in the comment section below if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe just like if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,518,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qOyWtgAYbOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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