Making Friends | Lord of the Rims - The Necromancer Ep 1

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] by all accounts dunsig should have led a dull and uninteresting life the son of a cobbler born in a small town out in the middle of some nameless marsh he never quite fit in referring to be alone reading and studying in nature as opposed to interacting with his fellow man the boy dedicated himself to studying the mysteries of magic and other occult subjects this would eventually lead to him being shunned by his kinsfolk driven out into the wilds where at least he could find peace hello again everyone we are gaming by gaslight and welcome back to another episode of rimworld we're starting a brand new series today a bit more of a high fantasy type series than uh previously uh this is just it's ridiculous and i love it it's like a swamp cthulhu a friendly swamp cthulhu anyway we're playing as a lonely person who uh little does he know and by little does he know i mean he is kind of well aware all he wants is a friend but he he doesn't really get on well with other people you know he uh he just can't stand talking to other people and you know socializing and interacting but he wants he wants a friend and what better way to make friends than to raise the dead and that's basically uh that's the direction we're going in here he's going to read this book on necromancy and learn how to raise uh the soon to be dead john here who is bleeding out as we speak uh yeah that's that's pretty much the concept let's also uh have a quick jump in here now this is uh this is more modded than usual even for me uh i did a lot of uh finagling with this uh just as a quick thing lord of the lord of the rim 50 coverage uh using some of our other mods like tiny planet it's like at 50 planet size one step up on rainfall one step down on average temperature uh relatively high density of uh faction stuff because i like to have a lot of bases in case we get around to doing some raiding and stuff but most importantly i used world edit to make this in malorne forest because without finagling it's just a temperate forest and i really liked the tile placement right here and this might also be a bit tricky to get because we used map reroll re-roll like i kinda mispronounced the r there anyway it's been a long day is what i'm getting at here so lots of finagling to get this like perfect uh map with some nice uh nice mountains kind of like a sheltered valley only way in and out or is this like a really narrow crevice i mean it's narrow and everything but it's apparently not so out of the way that there's not like a road and bridge and everything someone built it perhaps this was part of a actually let's look at the world here and try to come up with a story i mean it is on the way between a couple of different settlements so you know i don't know it's a narrow path here so like these guys clearly don't interact with each other that much but there is enough like maybe uh i don't know this is a savage kingdom so maybe they raid the uh the kingdom under the mountain on a semi-regular basis i don't know maybe they do maybe they don't uh i mean yeah like there's a larger road here so there's clearly more interaction going on in this direction than here and then of course there's more interaction this way between the dwarves and the elves it would seem and a little bit with again the same kingdom and these people and so on anyway but yeah we're we're mostly just kind of by ourselves in this cool meloran forest i just like the trees and just i don't know you got the where are they you got the lorian uh deer here which as far as i can tell are bigger than regular deer and this boulder met from alpha animal animals god i can't i cannot just i can't get words out of my mouth properly today not sure what's up with that anyway uh i mean we'll we'll survive probably but oh right you should probably wake up friend all right here we go so we're gonna raise the dead gonna go as super well probably maybe all right so here we go you know chanting the arcane words of black speech dunsig has raised a dead friend now you can equip that knife and you want you equip this as a as a sidearm if you don't mind and let's see what the heck was that i'm just here inside of my open window it's kind of it's i don't know it feels unseasonably warm anyway yeah i mean zombie's job is mostly to no you don't even need to be a patient zombie's job is mostly just to haul stuff but you know he can do other things too uh speaking of let's uh maybe start hauling [Music] some things to be closer there we go so i wouldn't mind letting him just craft and [Music] my my mind draws a blank i'm gonna i'm gonna use dev mode to pop this open again later and uh and rename this in a more tolkien-esque fashion uh we'll just call this uh maybe i'll just randomize it a couple of times see if i uh thicket for by the tributary [Music] stonkly squidspawn pandos the fun campsite i'll just call it campsite for now and we'll give this a proper name later anyway while we're uh you know early on here i'm not really 100 sure what i want to do in terms of base design just yet but enemies can only get us from here here and frankly these will be relatively easy areas to block off or at least to uh trap or they could come up the river which means we should probably build like a heavy bridge and have defenses or something to you know set that off something we'll fiddle around with that uh at some point but for now i kind of think what i want to do is delve into the mountain in a something kind of like this and let's see here nine nine by whatever nine by nine make it a square we could do that and let's see because i don't like waste though you know what i i don't know i think i care more about symmetry than i do about waste which means i should also move this door at some point and yeah we're gonna we're gonna dig into the mountain which frankly is uh i know it's not the most original thing we could do i do tend to do a lot of mountain bases but i i don't know there's just there's something about about a mountain that i just uh i can't uh i just can't get over because yeah it's cool stuff it's a cool mountain anyway so this is kitchen dining area bedroom yeah that could be a bedroom since we're not playing with dubs bad hygiene we don't really need to worry about uh bathrooms or anything that would end up being interesting uh with this seeing as you know uh we're in a medieval playthrough with no indoor plumbing or anything like that and this this uh playthrough is very unlike our vikings play for there is no technology at all i even grabbed a mod that turned the empire into a medieval faction so even they're not gonna be frozen what is this exactly it's not like killing off local plants is it is it just generating random fermented mounds let's have a look decay drakes are large winged flightless lizards that inhabit places with an abundance of vegetation even though the drakes are carnivorous they release a nauseous cocktail of volatile pheromones that quickly accelerates the rotting process of plants turning vegetation around them into mounds of fermented organic matter they will consume these over hunting for fresh meat and usually get incredibly drunk in the process interestingly the creature has four separate livers in order to process the huge amounts of alcohol it is unclear whether the drakes are natural creatures or genetic experience or experiments they aren't easy they aren't easy to domesticate but if they can be coerced to accept humans they might be useful hunting companions or especially if provided with alcohol human beings been known to consume the rotting vegetation in desperate times but most people would rather starve gotcha that's useful to know but i disabled all transport pod crashes apparently not what the heck is this it's a fission mouse even though this creature is usually called a mouse it has more traits in common with the banner-tailed kangaroo rat such as a jumping bipedal locomotion fission mouse is yet another example of human genetic engineering gone terribly wrong presumably of the objective was to make the mice more useful as lab animals by increasing their resistance and longevity the unexpected result is a sterile creature with neither a tribute but a really unexpected side effect when the animal dies free duplicates are created sharing all memories of its parent rapid successive fission events are also harmful to the creature itself if less than a few years pass between events the mouse eventually perishes unable to sustain its life cycle this fission mouse is a third generation indicating the fission process has happened twice recently making it weaker a third fission event will probably kill the creature for good okay so we don't have to worry about it spawning out of control fission creatures that would be kind of scary can i get you to do something other than the lion bed dunsig i mean i know you probably want to patch yourself up but um you know it would be handy if you did some work also just uh to be clear i'm not using combat extended i am using yayo's combat for the ammo i like combat extend it but the hard part about it is that you know you need like a million patches to make it work so yeah and also i hate how uh overpowered explosives are yeah explosives in combat extended are i mean it makes sense that they're quite powerful but personally i find them more annoying than helpful in my personal opinion so i just yeah that and the mod well to be honest i don't worry so much about the mod compatibility issues because most of the mods i play with seem to have combat extended patches but not all the important things or the important thing is that the ones that i play with tend to and stuff usually works out okay anyway let's uh let's make some salt pots because we should probably start hunting at some point and also you know the sooner we get some storage to preserve our our work the better i would dare say and meanwhile i i think once we get stronger uh in our magic which we should have a peek at over here i think once that happens we end up um like our zombies don't visibly rot as much i've done a little uh oh shoot we're actually out of food um done a little uh testing off camera before starting the series and i've noticed that uh your zombie uh beings uh yeah they can just straight up rot into skeletons which is cool but i think if you or of course then again maybe it's just uh in winter they don't rot which makes a lot of sense because it's cold and they don't decay and i only test it up until about winter so yeah anyway let's make him slightly faster and also make him cheaper to maintain yeah that's gonna be kind of important okay can you get up and do some work and as you can see here yeah just that's the best part about the undead they work all day they never get tired they never quit they cannot be negot they can't be negotiated with they can't uh be reasoned with or bargained with they will never ever stop until they literally rot away into nothing or you or you kill them again that also i mean you could technically do that but uh yeah why would i why would i kill my only friend in the world well aside from vox over here at least vox says are you know a pulse and is warm and fuzzy and cuddly and does it nuzzle does it ever nuzzle me i can't it i can't just because it's uh not showing here doesn't mean that uh it doesn't it might nuzzle actually the easiest way to find that out would be to look in here does it nuzzle it diurnal what does this mean sleep during the night in our awake drink okay [Music] you'd figure i'd yeah okay it will nuzzle about once per day that is acceptable now once we uh train them up a little bit we'll be able to let's see i i don't really want to hunt anything until uh we get the salt pots go you know what i'll just i'll just tell then sig to get working get a lazy bum all right so let's see here we want to have uh ram you know what we'll say we'll also store vegetarian stuff on the on the pantry shelf don't mind uh finishing that that'd be great now my secret with these is uh you have one that exists just for the purpose of that only allows non-salted meat i also probably don't want to allow in any of these we don't want to allow meat you know i don't know if iron husk beetles will cause problems you know like mood related stuff but this stuff yeah we're not going to store that we don't want salted food that we're never going to cook into a meal but yeah you have one that only allows fresh meat and one that allows salted and fresh meat and the reason for this is because you can't like merge stacks from separate things because of course each of these is kind of like a separate stockpile but you got to make life easier on yourself you have one just for salting and then the others are for actually storing long term and i found that works pretty nicely suppose we can close that as well oh and we do technically still need a bed even though john will never sleep he does uh oh and you know what i should also turn off hunting because i don't want an alert for something that i'm never really gonna take advantage of that's just silly anyway i should actually maybe just directly level clarity i'm actually not sure if it's possible to level these things up uh like naturally or if i need specifically skill points i'll be honest i'm not entirely sure how i mean i assume it's all skill point gathering related but uh yeah i don't know you know what if you're going to make compost let's uh maybe let's uh drink the range a little bit i don't want you going out of your way [Music] what music is this succession that's from royalty i believe there's some nice uh nice songs honestly rimworld just the vanilla soundtrack the where's my yeah you see here's here's the problem if if everything is level or is high priority nothing's high priority i in some ways i have to keep learning that lesson of course then again we do have just the one uh just the one person so i guess there's there's not a lot not a lot i can do about that is there [Music] anyway you know what i should actually have a another growing zone for what else would i want to grow maybe cotton that uh makes sense that was i mean there's a lot of good things we could grow but i think cotton just to make sure that we can make new clothes as needed seems like a smart play i did actually say to mine i didn't actually set this to be mined yet not that i think we're actually gonna make any real progress on this today also a useful thing worth noting our zombies do not gain skills at all so jon's skills are going to be his forever they're never going to get any better which it's a bit of a trade-off i mean obviously i guess the dead they don't learn they can't learn from their mistakes because they're mindless mindless automatons that exist solely to serve the will of their master who is dunsig i am kind of wondering how quickly this series is going to end up running into or descending into just endless endless crimes against humanity we'll see can you be a necromancer and still be a moral person i mean there is an argument that the answer is just right out of the gate no because you're desecrating the bodies of dead people animals well i mean depending on how you feel about animals you're also desecrating animals but uh again it all depends on your point of view on that i guess yeah let's actually have powered creations do we do our skills level up i don't think anything leveled up so well he did actually level into undead number two let's see pawn possesses no intent of its own okay that's that's sensible and look at that can't talk can't hear i mean the hearing well i guess we must control him through some kind of like telepathy rather than uh you know giving him command saying hey hey john go uh go fetch me my slippers or hey john stand there with an apple on your head while i practice my archery or hey john just haul those rocks over there etc etc all right i like that we have a pet that can feed itself basically that's very very handy i i also really like this colossus just here man i can i can just imagine what it'd be like if i were living in this magical fantasy world and getting to live next to like something like this it's just a giant let's have a look at it for a second here it's what is its size six so its size is six one is a human so six means it's six times the size of an adult human male i'm assuming or just your average adult human that's that's uh what would six times be i mean if i if i'm thinking in like a linear scaling type terms i mean if your average human let's say the average human is six feet tall i think we had a discussion about this in a previous episode in a previous series but let's say so six feet tall by six that's 36 feet tall so it's about the size of a house basically a two maybe three well depending on it it's not necessarily it's all tall some of it's long [Music] which also thinking about this a weird canadian measurement system we use the metric system but we also yeah there's there's a there's a handy rule if you're living in canada to decide whether you're using metric or imperial [Music] but uh i don't know what the what the rules of that are all i know is like growing up it was always feet and inches for measuring your height pounds for your weight instead of the superior metric uh meters and grams or i guess kilograms anyway that aside um yeah this is this is our uh our happy little uh our happy little valley coat well i guess it's not a valley is it it's a cove we're living in a cove and you know what i wouldn't mind living in a cove in real life i mean heck i wouldn't mind living in a place like this oh you know we should we should haul the dead body because at some point we can pet cemetery all the dead animals on the map and then because when you raise dead animals they're automatically trained and they can all attack then you can unleash your horde of uh animals upon unsuspecting uh unsuspecting fools yes yes indeed anyway uh all that aside i suppose ah what the heck this is the first episode of the series we'll let it run a little long but yeah that's kind of our plan we're gonna be necromancers we're just gonna build stuff up i feel like not a lot is happening right now so maybe between uh this first episode and episode two i'll kind of fast forward a couple of game days maybe maybe longer kind of depends on how i'm uh on how things shake out here just uh what what is john doing eyes hauling i mean he's doing what i asked him to do he's hauling stuff there's a part of me that's really irritated with all this fermented stuff just rotting i don't know what i can do with it i just feel obsessed with the idea of hauling it all into one place maybe i should store it outside because then i can keep the drake nearby and then try to tame it i don't know and i don't want medicine in my you don't salt your herbal medicine that's just that's just silly anyway so yeah that's uh this is what things look like for us and i i don't know i'm i'm expecting a nice peaceful game where maybe we we tame ourselves some and i ride a lorry and stag they do it in lord of the rings of course obviously obviously the cool thing to do would be to uh what is it i think somewhere around here you can see like the age life stage of these things maybe am i imagining that i might be the point i'm getting at it is will this drake which is about the size of a human is this something i want to try writing like tame it write it and yeah i mean it sounds like a cool idea and is you know the first step towards getting an undead dragon as a mount that we can fly into battle and you know damn well i'm gonna do that because with lord the rims and also future mods that well and mods that exist right now i could get some mods to just add dragons to the game uh but i know there's an upcoming mod soon-ish maybe even by the time this episode goes live though you know i'm not sure on that front i there's going to be a mod from the creators of the vanilla expanded mods that'll be adding dragons specifically i believe based off of the uh how to train your dragon series but you know still it's it's dragons damn it and any dragons as long as the art style is reasonably consistent with the rest of the vanilla game i like it i want it i must have it and also again flying into battle on undead zombie dragon you just can't uh can't beat that just for uh you know style points with that mind it is probably time i wrap this episode up instead of having it uh you know just ramble on forever so until the next time as always thank you all for watching i hope you all enjoyed like with any new series on the channel it's always extra double super special important to hit that like button or maybe leave me a comment down below let me know what you're thinking and i will see all you in the next video you
Channel: GamingByGaslight
Views: 67,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lets play rimworld, rimworld gameplay, rimworld modded, rimworld 1.0, lets play rimworld 1.0, lets play rimworld modded, rimworld gameplay 1.0, rimworld 2020, gamingbygaslight, gaming by gaslight, vanilla expanded, rimworld vikings, vikings, rimworld medieval, rimworld of magic, necromancer, rimworld of magic necromancer
Id: SkknQM-VsQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 42sec (1722 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2020
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