Beginners Guide To Rimworld

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you want to know what it was like when i first landed on a room world yeah really should have picked a better starting remote had a bad case of spontaneous combustion not again today i figured instead of talking about mods and other stuff of the like we go back to the beginning after all rimworld is growing more and more popular and plenty of people want to know how they can get started hopefully this guide will be useful to those of you who are starting out in rimworld and need that helping hand do keep in mind however we are setting up this guide with the assumption you aren't using any mods or of any just mods that are quality of life like allow tools we will however later on in the video mention some vanilla expanded stuff as most people have come to the agreement it's unofficial dlc expansions we also will touch on the royalty expansion but the focus is more the first time colony and what you should do to have a somewhat smooth experience if you like this video let us know what you like best about it any early game advice we might have missed or could touch on a little better and remember to like and subscribe for every 100 likes we get we convince randy to self-tame a useful animal for new player colony as for our sponsor today's sponsor is our discord server and patreon if you want to chat with us give us ideas or all around make memes for us to laugh at then why not join our discord we have a pretty friendly community and have funny discussions so if you want to pay us for our work a buck a month at our patreon does go a long way to pay for our equipment and writers plus you get early access to videos before other people so there is that with that out of the way let's get started first off where should you build your first colony actually we are getting ahead of ourselves we have some important things to talk about our difficulty storyteller and scenario rimworld has four base starting scenarios that can influence playstyles and difficulty though keep in mind you can create your own starting scenarios or edit one of these let's assume you don't do that which one should you pick first one crash landed is what i consider to be rim world as basic you get the three starting colonies a bit of food some weaponry your job try and survive the game given you start with three different people you have options for who does that job and have extra hands to carry things and even start with a pet who if you are lucky can be trained to haul and add some extra help definitely a good starting scenario next is the lost tribals this scenario puts you in control of five tribal people meaning you start with less technology and must work your way up being primitive means early on you are more at risk of dying to more advanced enemies but your early numbers can offset any job problems since you'll have far more people to work with though i'm saying that you will have to deal with a bigger food and room demand really early on so keep that in mind i don't recommend this as a starting scenario due to technology being limited it's harder to build up if you don't know what to do the rich explorer is the story of one rich man who wanted to be on a rim world who knows why their idea of camping bored possibly on drugs it's your choice to decide why they go to this fox forsaken planet you start with one pawn so you have to make sure they can do just about every job otherwise you might not even be able to run a simple base definitely keep that in mind though combat wise you do start with a charge rifle which is a higher tier weapon not to mention knowledge of turret construction so you might be fine defense wise that is still be careful with one guy one lucky shot can end your game it's definitely not a scenario i recommend for first time players as even veterans can get unlucky and end their game due to bad luck finally naked brutality the hardest of the starting scenarios with you controlling a naked pawn all alone in the world with nothing i don't think i need to explain why you shouldn't start with this one as a first time player it's not easy next the difficulty rumble doesn't have a conventional difficulty scale instead the game has what's called storytellers who manipulate the story based on their personality cassandra classic is what many consider to be basic she starts off with small problems and then ramps them up as time goes on because the game assumes while you play you can keep making defenses earning weapons and having strong pawns to handle the growing threats though i should warn you that there might come a point where you can't handle the problem and barely survive a powerful race you won't let up she will keep hammering at you at at that point it's it's it's bad phoebe chillax is a pretty weird storyteller she basically spends a lot of down time in between big events giving you the chance to build up but her quirk is that the big events can be too big way too big you might get the combination of a raid a plague and even a mechanoid ship crashing down in your favorite heel route garden all at the same time i don't recommend using her for that and it can be pretty boring waiting for the next event and it takes literal hours a few quadrants you'd be a few in game years yeah finally randy random who arguably is the mascot of rimworld this guy as the name implies is random he is only limited by time as well so he won't spend an army of 50 pawns at your starting base he will however send a mad animal a couple of raiders some self-tamed animals and then an illness on said animal in the span of five minutes if he feels like randy is in my opinion the right way to play room world because he teaches you to expect the unexpected and build your base to expect bad things because hey he might just feel like sending an army of squirrels at you because why not now for difficulty itself there is no shame in starting off at the uv's difficulty though i recommend at least doing community builders so you can get the hang of the game and actually have some threats so now that you got your difficulty set up and your storyteller in the driver's seat next you have to decide where to start for a first time player i recommend the tempered forest it's got normal seasons and if you check the stats of the title you can see average temperature growing periods and other information that might help you in deciding if this tile is good or not for a good playthrough early on temperate forest in a small or large hill zone preferably near a road and other factions you can trade with you can tell they are tradable if you click on them and if they say they are hostile you can't trade with them friendly will always trade with you in neutral you have to work to become friends but yes you can trade with them you could in theory choose something else as a starting location like the savannah or boreal forest but temperate forest is a preferable start due to all the trees good weather and plenty of farmland get hill zones and you can have plenty of natural barriers and mineables for better future waltz now we move on to the character choice now for this video let's assume you went with the crash-landed scenario which three people should you pick out of these lovely choices i recommend going with people who a do not have any addictions this is important as it will be hard to feed their addictions early on leading to mental breaks it's bad b people who don't have any crippling health conditions usually relating to old age like bad backs cancers or too many scars unless they are masochistic then scars rocks yeah and c have plenty of passions a good future pawn is someone who will learn skills fast and love using them stuff like passionate medicine research and crafting can be lifesavers in the future so even if they don't have high skills having a passion in the skills can be a good investment skills to look out for when starting the group should be construction so you can actually make your base and make well i'd recommend making sure this person can be a dedicated builder as you will usually be busy building uh new rooms walls or repairing said walls thanks to the rim being a hive of scum ability growing is also pretty important hunting isn't always reliable and you can grow cotton for cloth and heal root for medicine very important very important make sure you don't start with anyone who can't fight early on you'll want every person able to fight unless that person has really good skills or traits that then you can try to fiddle around and make it work having two people who have a passion or are decent with medicine is also a good idea always assume the worst with pawns if one goes down you have another who can pick up the slack medicine is important in this aspect like being able to heal a wounded medic or a huge play hits your colony and you need more than one doctor working to save people there are also social skills which aren't as necessary for survival but make sure your someone at least has a passion for it make them your dedicated trader good social is great for that and one other thing we will talk about later cooking while it is a good early skill if you are playing with the crash-landed scenario there is a workaround pick upon with that skill if you want with our workaround you should be fined without one starting out mining as well as having it early on can be useful but not as necessary last but not least animals can be a useful side skill to have but again not necessary early on unless you notice a really good animal to have early on then then maybe yeah as for traits to look out for traits that either adam moonbuff like optimistic or sanguine are great to keep the peace kind so pawns remain friendly with each other and maybe get married hard worker or other traits that improve work speed or stuff like fast walker and jogger to improve move speed these mods are some of the better ones to make your experience smoother do avoid traits like chemical fascination which has pawns more likely to ignore drug orders or go on vengeance depressive which is the opposite of optimistic making them harder to keep happy and especially avoid pyromaniac trust me on this one the last thing you want is johnny firebug setting fire to your chem fuel supply because he was bored ugh also if you decide to play with the royalty dlc is i'd avoid greedy jealous and abrasive pawns as well for reasons we will get to later if you really want to take the pyromaniac pawn just make sure you have someone to follow him around when he snaps and just put out all the fires he starts and then you should be able to handle it but it's just kind of irritating oh and keep in mind if you download the mod prepare carefully it's much easier to tweak starting pawns but if you decide not to use it or haven't there is no shame in hitting the randomized pawn button when selecting from the pool not every pawn is really going to be useful but hey might be part of the fun who knows so you finally finished selecting your pawns picked out your starting location and now started the game pause what do you do first look around the starting map look for any natural landmarks you can build around like a large amount of rock and stone that can act as a natural wall do you see what looks like a giant building with no doors yeah be careful with those ancient dangers other things to look for is fertile soil which grows plants are far faster steam geysers are extremely useful in the far future so think about how to incorporate them into your base the important thing to picking out your first base is how easily you can defend it can you funnel enemies down one route into a kill box or future turret replacement if not right now how easily can you build around the rock to add to your defenses and save on resources these are questions you should think about as a little planning can save you a lot of frustration later moving on to actual starting base buildings building in barack's for now as trying to build individual rooms is a little hard to do with limited resources your starting plots of crops should be right due to growing fast if you have fertile soil put some corn on that as it will help the normally so growing crops grow faster trust me it's worth it because corn gives a lot of food when harvested and finally heel root trust me you will need medicine always if you want to have a lot of animals a plot of hay grass can be a good investment but not as needed thanks to rice being a good ingredient and making kibble for your bun you will also want to go to your icons here and click the one that prevents your home zone from automatically growing make sure auto replaces onto this means if your walls or furniture is destroyed pawns will know how to rebuild them it's extremely helpful so remember when we mentioned cooking wouldn't be as needed early on well i wasn't bluffing if you start as crash landed or rich explorer you can make a nutrient based dispenser which can take all that nice and tasty food and turn it into a nasty tasteless mush you might be asking but why would i do that when i have a cook who can make them have basic meals and basic meals that people are okay with glad you asked the reason is early on you won't have an easily clean kitchen due to lack of ponds who can constantly clean areas dirty kitchens will be the cause of a lot of food poisoning if not then just your bad cooks yes eating nutrient paste will give pawns a bad mood but it's not as bad as getting food poisoning not that that only makes them feel upset for being sick but it slows them down too makes them hungrier thanks to vomiting and the vomiting makes a mess the future makes pawns upset for being in a dirty place it's just yeah so the positives outweigh the negatives you never get food poisoning from nutrient paste and as an added bonus that one pawn who was focused on cooking can do other things all for the low low cost of some extra steel and components for the machine hoppers and the power source oh and power source wise wood generators are an okay start but remember to replace them as after a while you will run out of wood wind power isn't the most reliable but is fine early on researching into biofuel and chemical generators or geothermal power is a good investment otherwise remember animals that could be useful to tame there are plenty to look out for boomer lobes are a great animal for any colony due to milking them for chem fuel which can be a power source or ingredient in making water shells plus if you breed a lot of them you can use them as geneva convention breaking suicide bombers california can be another good one but i also love me some muffler they are great for their wool and make for good pack animals for trade runs being able to carry a lot more stuff on their backs than any pawn could do on their own but one of the better animals are words huskies or labrador retrievers they can be taught to all things for you guard pawns in combat and even nuzzle you because they're such good boys yes they are oh yes they are but if you want another animal i won't stop you just remember you gotta feed them like your colonists so check their diet finally other first day things you want to do is make a storage room i recommend having it double as a walk and freezer so add some ac units in there you can store bodies perishables and so on all in one place you can specialize where to put everything later for now keep everything all in one spot there should also be a table and stools for people to sit and eat at this is very important as eating without a table is the worst of crimes okay maybe not the mood debuff can be annoying no matter what make a chess table or a horseshoe pole set up gotta make sure your pawns are entertained finally we move on to the more important stuff getting new colonists well that's why you should make a small room with a single bed or a sleeping spot maybe a couple of them in there then set it for prisoners one of the easier ways to get pawns is capturing enemies and turning them into prisoners having that pawn who has a passion and social great as they can be a warden and talk to the prisoner and convince them to join the colony not to mention feed them so kind of important so how do you capture a prisoner glad you asked because without fail early on the game you will be raided by a single nude raider when that happens pause and check out the the raiders traits and skills see if they have good skills or traits even if they don't if they aren't completely crippled they can be a hauler or cleaner or even dedicated researcher if they are someone you want then don't use guns to fight them instead have the pawns equipped wood yes pawns can use wood logs as a weapon also bottles of beers this which is hilarious is pretty funny you can also put down a crafting spot when starting out and have a pawn make a couple of clubs they also do the trick the reason for these weapons is they use bashing damage they don't cause bleed out so your opponent is more likely to just go down in pain rather than just be killed by a lucky bullet hitting the liver harder brain or whatever granted it's not always 100 non-lethal but it's enough usually to get a prisoner just capture them then let upon heal them up it's that simple other ways for pawns to show up is through an event of a wanderer joining usually storytellers would do this early on to fill out your roster make sure you have pawns and move the story so to speak sometimes they might not be good so you can force them to strip down and banish them yes keep the clothes keep them it will cause a moon debuff however but sometimes it's necessary if they are really bad there's also a mission where a pawn is being chased by some animals or raiders with this mission you can decide to save them but it's not always a good idea without mods you will have no idea what this pawn is you might get mr perfect shot who will be your best sniper and make sure your colony survives or you might get someone who can't do anything in your colony whatsoever so do be careful with that one another way to get other people is getting a call from a prisoner or someone injured out in the field these require you sending a caravan out to either rescue someone from an unknown threat like mechanoids hostile animals or sometimes nothing then they will join you or in the case of the prisoner you have to fight a bandit hideout to get them in both of these cases you don't have to actually rescue them you can leave them alone if you don't want them so there's that some towns do sell slaves you can purchase or slaver caravan show up with them no guarantee there are going to be good pawns but it is a fast way to up your ranks oh and purchasing them do make the pawns happy to be free of slavery which is a bonus remember these ancient dangers while inside is another way to get pawns cracking them open can get you rare loot but also more than likely death by mechanoid defenders or insect toys that burrowed in so a risky venture to say the least but if you survive the defenses you will find cryosleep caskets inside our pawns however you have no idea what kind of pawns they are either they could be in different pawns to you who just want to leave hostile ones who attack you and finally dead ones yes sometimes they're just dead put the bodies in there risky but never know who or what you can find in these tombs well usually it's death but you could get people you could that's that's why we suggested it it's it's this is the possibilities there wild people do sometimes show up on the map they are savage humans who are more animal than mad so you can tame them like animals which is kind of funny especially since they have pawn mood rules so they will get upset eating raw food being cold or whatever having a good animal tamer can help in recruiting them otherwise leave them alone they don't usually cause any trouble except for stealing your food from your fields they'll come and eat your rice they'll eat your corn too oh yes they will they're evil finally sometimes ponds just crash from the sky yeah you aren't the only one having problems sometimes the pond will just fall from the sky as an event and you can rescue them or capture them make sure they aren't part of a faction if they are capturing them is considered a hostile action though raises the question how they knew about that if they aren't part of a faction capturing them is fine if you just rescue a pawn and heal them up once they can get up and walk around they might decide to join you don't count on it though so keep that in mind well there is one final way to get pods in your colony and that's the man in the black event and it's not a very good thing you only get this event when your colonists are all down with him showing up to try and fix it no idea what the skill set is or anything he might be able to fix the problem but usually if you are having your base overrun to the point that he has decided to show up it might be too late so keep that one in mind yeah now we have to talk about the royalty dlc which adds an early event related to the empire faction you can interact with you will get a starting mission where a high-ranking noble will call out to you for help they are being chased by a minor animal i'm not even joking i've seen them chased by duck squirrels once my writer said it was a chinchilla basically this job is so easy to succeed with the royalty dlc they add guest characters that are controlled like pauses your colony except you usually can't strip them of their gear and some of them like nobles will refuse some work all you have to do is keep them happy and alive for their missions just keep them happy and you can make one of your pawns a minor noble emphasis on minor until you do more work it's really the just the smallest title they can give you but hey you get cool psychic powers okay the reason we mention not to have jealous greedy or abrasive pawns is that once they get to higher ranks and nobility they refuse to do more and more tasks since they think they are above commonwealth people like that in my colony tend to feed the animals literally pawns without the trait don't feel that way they actually realize that on the rim you kind of need to pull your own weight for the most part at least we still have pawns to refuse certain tasks though when it comes to the dlc you do have another option if you ignore the empire's first job you will get the opportunity to recruit an empire renegade this person is chased by their troops but in return he will tell you where you can find side casters so you can make your own psychic though you do make the empire mad they get really mad for a first time player don't do this it's not worth doing if you don't know what you're going to be doing and the empires are constantly going to give you quests so making them happy is a good way to survive plus if you get higher up on the royal food chain you can keep one of them as a guest and for a while you'll be able to leave the planet that way so you've got an option for escape that's one way to win the game this dlc does however have other ways for recruitment in the form of refugees who show up asking to stay at your place they start off as guests but if they stay alive and happy some might even ask you to join you you have to say yes but hey you got the option you also can capture them so no seriously the game itself tells you that you can do whatever you want there will be no penalty you'd think other factions would notice that like hey that's kind of weird how those refugees you took and never left colony are they okay yeah they're fine they're they're they're in the kitchen it's all good though word of warning sometimes they will actually try and betray you so keep an eye on them and expect an attack from within there is also an event where someone falls to the ground with paralytic debraysia i probably said that wrong basically think of it as a transport pod crash event but instead of the person will automatically join you however for a set amount of time usually about 30 days they will be unable to move you have to take care of them while they recover the good news is you can get lucky and at a one percent chance it cures itself or you use 10 glitter world medicine to fix the problem either way free colonists though no idea if you're good or not that's up to randy or whoever you picked is your storyteller to decide now normally i'd end here but we are going to mention a few things about some of the vanilla expanded stuff i feel like we should talk a bit about them as they make great starting mods for new players due to being designed with balance within the bass room world in mind i don't recommend starting with the no expanded mechanoids if you don't know what you are doing they can easily overrun your bass only do it if you feel confident in your abilities same with the insect toys and thick toys in general are a pain to handle when they can come in bigger flavors it might not be worth it everything else yeah have fun with though i should bring up a couple things when it comes to vinyl expansion this mod mod series does have an event where pawn will show up and join you yeah be careful with this one it's possible for them to actually be a traitor and then turn on you after some point yeah that's not fun other than that the events are usually okay on lower difficulties heading back into normal rim world there are a few bits of advice i should give in no particular order panicking is a very good food source to keep in the freezer due to ease of creation and long shelf life if you lose power due to the soul of flare generator problems your nutrient pace dispenser won't work always have a backup plan weapon wise keep a few rocket launchers in sword if you get any a foreign emergency save the from foreign mechanoid ship chunks or a larger group of enemies bold action rifles are a good weapon in general due to decent range ease of creation and weapon use needed to really use them and decent fire rate after that a lot of charge rifles and lancers if you can when setting up a decent turret line put up one block of wall in between each turret if one explodes it won't set off a chain reaction taking out all of your turrets requiring more resources to replace you don't have to kill every enemy to win killing about half of an army will force a retreat keep this in mind if you feel overwhelmed if you have a lot of bodies you need to take care of put them into an animal pen with carnivores or omnivore animals rats are great for this due to ease of taming and breeding speed plus you can have a rat army a good early trade item is smoke leaf joints they are easy to craft very light so travel with them is difficult at all and keeping a few in case your pawns are feeling stressed can be useful remember you can enjoy drugs every once in a while without a risk of addiction just don't go overboard as they do slow pawns down unless you have storage mods or expect to go through a lot of meat don't hunt down every animal on the map it only takes a while to butcher them all but now convoys will more likely target you instead punching a thrombo nothing bad will happen i promise just punch your thrombo punch your thrombo punch your thrombo bunch of thrombo prepare for winter unless it's permanent summer always have heaters in every room outside of the freezer same with summer have some sort of acn unit installed this is especially important if you get a cold snap in the winter or heat wave in the summer keep a couple of pawns as melee oriented pawns once you have access to shield belts they can act as a front line and keep enemies from getting into the base though funneling towards them brawler pawns make the best pawns for this if you have an old pawn who can't do much and you don't want to kick them out or for some reason put them on research duty if they can sure it might be slower but extra research helps out and they don't have to go anywhere to do anything after your first few weeks on the rim try to replace your wooden walls with stone not only can they look better but they are stronger and more importantly fireproof granite is the strongest out of all the stone but any stone is better than no stone if you can put steel tiles or sterile tiles in your research room it looks good as so pawns are happy to work in there but clean environments actually speed up research time definitely recommend it if you have enough materials to go around finally remember the door fortress motto losing is fun this is a game that's not about winning but more the journey to the end you are more than likely going to lose at this game though through bad luck or just you getting cocky and picking a fight you should either way don't get discouraged if you fail just use what you learn for your next colony i hope this beginner's guide does help out someone who needs it we were all new at some point heck sometimes i'm learning new things myself to everyone watching let me know what your first experience with rimworld was tell us how that first colony went and perhaps what got you into this awesome game but before that let's laugh at a meme my writer picked out for us uh-huh we're world bonds be like he crabs with guns yeah i agree 100 that's a good meme well people i do hope you enjoyed today's video it was nice i just hope someone out there found this video useful and that they also check out some of our other videos we did and hit i want to thank our patreons as always and the people in our discord who keep sharing the laughs see you all next time i got some stuff planned involving horrible things to do to raiders sgt water thank you for being a patreon samburuto thank you for being a patreon morning moose thank you for being a patreon
Channel: Noobert
Views: 493,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld Mods, Rimworld Mods 2020, Rimworld Mods 2021, Rimworld QOL, Rimworld Guide, Rimworld How To, Rimworld Top Ten, Rimworld Best Mods, animal mods, monster girls, rimworld console edition, Rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: 8q1eGy2w9OU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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