Beginners Guide To Crafting Rimworld

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you idiot i said i wanted to find a game where i can craft a lot not craft cheese oh well guess i'll have to find one myself no wrong game no not that either no yeah that's it that's it that's the one welcome back to another rimworld guide video hosted by yours truly the awesome new bit as you can probably guess i'll be talking about crafting in rimworld in this video plus providing tips on how you can improve and streamline your crafting experience crafting is a pretty vital part of managing your rimworld colony so pay attention and strap in as i guide you through it but before we begin remember to like this video and subscribe to my channel let's get started first what is crafting crafting is a skill that allows your pawns to create items basically it affects smithing tailoring and craft work types as well as the extraction of metal from slag and disassembling mechanoids crafting also influences the amount of resources gained from these activities if you install the master of crafting mod the list of items you can craft is expanded to include medicine drugs and explosive cells which can be manufactured in large quantities it's balanced out by the fact that bulk crafting requires more resources so you can't just make large amounts at a time easily essentially you'll need the crafting skill to manufacture items your colony needs from food to weapons unless you're content to just scavenging everything not very practical but hey it's your game you make the choices having said that what exactly can you create with crafting in the early game the crafting spot allows you access to primitive weapons smoke leap joints and tribal ware nothing particularly fancy but it's enough for your colony survival you can also create an art bench for artistic works in the medieval era you'll gain access to the smithy which is able to forge medieval weapons like long swords and great bows this era also unlocks two other crafting stations the hand tailored bench for clothing and the stone cutters table for crafting the industrial era now this is where it gets fun this era blows things wide open and gives you a lot of crafting station options from various types of goods and items the list of industrial era crafting stations is as follows the fabrication bench used by smiths to create components advanced components as well as advanced weapons power armor and bionic body parts the drug lab which obviously manufactures drugs the electric smithy which shares similar functionality of smithies from previous eras the electric tailor bench for sewing clothes lastly the machining table which allows you to create advanced industrial era weapons like guns mechanical limbs and mortar shells machining tables are necessary for disassembling mechanoid corpses to retrieve steel class steel and components okay you've got your crafting stations great now how do you craft an item you can initiate a work order by clicking on the production building then the bills button this one right here a list will pop up where you can select bills to be completed work tables need to be manned by pawns in order to complete their order so i'd recommend placing a comfortable chair there so your pawn doesn't end up in a bad mood note that crafting stations use electricity like the electric smoothie can break down this is indicated by a yellow alert bar on your screen and the red flashing mark on the affected machine to repair the machine you'll need one component and an assigned pawn this only applies to electrical stations as regular crafting stations will never break down oh hey sorry i was busy throwing away i mean inspecting the items my pawns made they're pretty bad i might have to go whip them again anyway have you been enjoying the video so far if you have don't forget to like the video and subscribe to my channel for more informative content like this oh you crafted this finally someone who knows what they're doing next let's have a look at quality the quality of an item is determined by the crafting skill of the pawn that crafted it ranging from awful to legendary quality affects various item variables with the most notable being selling price and combat stats for weapons and armor note that at awful quality items sell for fifty percent while legendary items can hit up to fifty five oh whoa ooh higher five hundred percent of the base price this price is further affected by the value of raw materials used be aware legendary quality items can only be created under a specific condition though the craft has to have the mental inspiration buff name inspired creativity when this buff is present the next item structure or piece of art with a quality level as some craft items have a fixed quality will automatically have its level boosted by two if the item is at excellent or masterwork quality a legendary item will be produced this isn't guaranteed of course even the most capable crafters have only a 60 chance per inspiration buff to produce a legendary item when inspired creativity is present it becomes impossible to craft an item of poor or awful quality even at zero skill level the affected pawn will produce an item of at least normal quality there are ways to manipulate inspiration to get higher chances of legendary items since inspiration only takes effect when an item is finished you can cheat the system a little by leaving an item unfinished and boosting a crafter's skill level as high as possible in the meantime for example you can order them to stop work at the heartbeats and craft items with a fixed quality stat which i'll cover later on instead as these items won't change their quality regardless of the conditions the inspired creativity buff isn't consumed when crafting them once you're satisfied with the pawn scratching skill return to the artwork and put their newly found skills to good use keep in mind that the inspiration buff only lasts for 8 days if you want to avoid a mad scramble to create art before the buff expires the solution would be to keep an unfinished item or items in storage while waiting for the buff to occur this has no disadvantages compared to utilizing the buff normally except maybe consuming some storage space this strategy is particularly useful for work intensive projects that are always in demand like marine armor or grand sculptures once raw materials have been used to craft items they cannot be retrieved what this means is that you'll want to avoid assigning unskilled pawns to craft using valuable materials like thrombo fare mega sloth wool hyperweave or plastil you'll want to crank up an item's quality as high as possible i mean you wouldn't give a baby a diamond for their arts and crafts right if you're gonna let pawns practice crafting to boost their skills just give them something cheap to work with which leads me to my next point how to improve your crafting skill aside from item stats and value crafting skill also determines the time required for pawns to craft items extract metals from slag and disassemble mechanoids even if you don't care that much about your item quality it's still worthwhile to improve your pawns crafting skills so your base operations run smoothly each point of crafting skill a pawn has decreases crafting time by 10 percent while also increasing the resource yield of disassembly and extraction by 2.5 as mentioned the only way to improve crafting skills for pawns to make things over and over and over bear in mind you'll only be able to use crafting spots tailoring benches or smithies as practice locations fabrication benches are only available to already skilled crafters while drug production and brewing do not boost crafting skill again do not use rare or expensive materials to train crafting okay you'll just waste them instead stick with cheap materials which include bird skin pigskin light leather patch leather and plain leather in particular you'll want to avoid using cloth which needs to be bought or grown or human leather which is too expensive weapons are also not a good item class to practice crafting with as they can only be sold for 20 of the base price regardless of quality while this ensures you can't just pick up weapons dropped by raiders and turn a huge profit it also means that the arms trade isn't a practical way of making money only craft weapons that you expect to use and assign your best crafters for higher weapon stats you won't want to practice with armor either as it tends to require rare materials which means clothing is your primary option one tip to boost the amount of crafting skill experience upon gains is to slow down their crafting speed wait what how does that work it doesn't seem very logical to me why would i want to slow down the crafty suit oh yes well the way skill experience works is that it's gained over time instead of per task this means you can gain more experience per material used if you slow the learner down to do so just let them craft items in unfavorable conditions like the dark cold weather or a room without electricity of course make sure they don't die in those conditions that would be awful a little torture is perfectly fine but you don't want to waste potential slaves okay it's a nice day for relaxing and watching my pawns work themselves to near death what about you how's your day if you have any feedback suggestions or questions regarding the tips in this video feel free to drop a comment down below in fact even if you don't just drop a comment anyway to chat i'd appreciate it it's not like i'm lonely or anything the tip mentioned only really works at crafting level 5 or lower though after that the material cost and potential item profit evens out so it becomes rather pointless beyond level 8 if you want to train a competent item crafter further my suggestion would be to have them build advanced components at a fabrication bench in order to win the game and end it you'll need to build a spaceship for your pawns to depart the planet this ship requires a lot of advanced components which can only be purchased in limited numbers from traders so crafting them early is a good way to boost skill you don't have to worry about quality of these items as their value is fixed regardless of crafting skill alternatively as long as minimum skill requirement is met you can create bionic limbs and organs which also have a fixed quality the downside of this is that you may end up with useless bionic body parts as it's hard to determine which are necessary for your pawns beforehand in general bionic hands will always be useful though well maybe your pawn doesn't just want to craft devices and weapons all day maybe they have aspirations to be an artist as you probably noticed there is a crafting station for artistic items let's dive a bit further into that the process of crafting odd items and boosting skill is quite simple compared to regular items in general you'll want to have a pawn make as many sculptures as possible sculptures come in three sizes small medium and large with larger sizes consuming more resources and having a higher beauty and monetary value autistic items can always be salvaged to return 75 of their materials which means you won't make much of a loss even if the quality turns out awful and your item has a low value having said that poor quality sculptures can still be useful while awful quality sculptures have a negative beauty value and make an environment more ugly they can be placed in bedrooms they have ascetic pawns with no negative effect it's like having your child put their drawing on your fridge sometimes it's just makes it's yeah you understand well you cannot salvage most of the resources used for art it's still a good idea to use less valuable material for practicing typically wood is a good choice jade has the best balance of beauty and availability so save it for your capable and possibly inspired artist spawns that's most of the advice and guidance i can offer regarding crafting but there are a few more miscellaneous tips to improve your crafting experience in rim world one way to massively improve the efficiency of your item crafting process is to use the drop on floor command surrounding the workstation of a highly skilled crafter with materials means they have easier access to them and can craft quickly while ordering them to drop the items on the floor means that they don't have to travel the place items elsewhere and can continue crafting unimpeded apart from that you can also manipulate pawn's mental statuses to a certain extent to increase the chances of them getting the inspiration buff the more common method is to ensure their mood is high by giving them good food a nice living and work environment and well-decorated rooms at 100 mood the average rate for pawns to gain this buff will be once every 10 days at the same time a higher mood also helps them perform other tasks better so it's something you can aim for if you find your colonists mood are always pretty high that might be a good time to add more recreation to push them over the edge into inspiration alternatively you can be cruel if you have a pawn with a tortured artistry you can abuse them by constantly forcing mental breaks on them via bad conditions to potentially trigger the inspiration buff over and over and over this allows you to pump out legendary items at a very high rate with the cost of possibly driving your artist pawn insane it's fine though a true artist suffers for his eye for the sake of his slave master so that's the gist of it if you're looking for tips and tricks to craft items and improve your efficiency bear in mind that these tips may become more or less helpful as future balance patches come out they're still pretty good pieces of advice in general but you have to keep your own game situation in mind and adjust accordingly i hope you enjoyed this video if you have any feedback tips or comments leave them down below remember to subscribe to the channel share this video with your friends your parents and your dog have fun crafting items or make your pawns slave away for you noobert out
Channel: Noobert
Views: 92,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Noobert, Rimworld, Rimworld how to, Rimworld 2021, Rimworld crafting, rimworld how to craft, rimworld crafting guide, rimworld guide, rimworld basics, crafting basics, rimworld xbox, rimworld ps4
Id: v-465yzpY-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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