Rimworld : Bedrooms : Tutorial Nuggets

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and we're back with a quick rimmel tutorial on bedrooms uh bedrooms oh they seem so complicated when you first set out and you see ones involving gold and jade don't bother uh what we've got here is a bunch of them you'll see these numbers here at the top that's just how much of a morale bonus they give that's what you that's all you really want from bedrooms is morale and okay quick sleeping but we can cover that briefly so you'll see here this person has an impressive bedroom and it expires in 11 hours basically you get the bonus if they sleep in the bedroom and then the bedroom the bonus lasts for the whole day until the until they go back to bed again and get the bonus back so that's it you want to get the bonus as high as you can but there are problems this is probably the simplest bedroom i would recommend we'll go into the details of why but basically this bedroom is slightly impressive it contains one large good marble sculpture and one good bed though honestly the bed doesn't matter good excellent whatever the reason you want a nice bed is just more for the rest effectiveness actually let's have a brief touch on that uh beds the better quality of the bed is the better the rest effectiveness which means they recover the rest faster which means they don't have to spend as much time in bed meaning they spend more time out of bed being productive so better the bed the better it is for your colony next up is a quick look at all of the numbers you can see here coming off that bedroom you've got impressiveness welt space beauty and cleanliness the only one that really matters at the top is impressiveness that one the 60. that's the number that determines the overall quality of the room which tells you how much of a morale bonus you're going to get this one is slightly impressive for at 60 and once you go to 69 we've got our slight somewhat impressive which gives you a plus four more bonus but what are the break points here they are available off the wiki uh 50 to 65 is slightly impressive or three uh 65 to 85 is for morale and 85 to 120 is five morale now these numbers actually count for all the rooms so if you have a recreational room same thing applies as you can see getting up to 65 is actually not that bad if you just stick in wooden floors in this room you're good to go in fact you don't even need to floor the whole room by putting in 11 wooden floor tiles we're able to drag this all the way up to a for morale room which is pretty good you can make a large marble sculpture a good large marble sculpture an artist with about 10 in art will produce one roughly 50 of the time well good or better which means getting these is pretty handy now one of the reasons we may use them out of marble is marble has the greatest bonus for beauty let's grab some marble blocks over here right here we have the four different rock types you've got your marble blocks they have a beauty multiplier of 135 which means anything you make out of them gets a big bonus um sandstone gets 110 slate also gets 110 however limestone gets not a zip zilch it doesn't even actually show up here and the same with granite this is one of the reasons people say make sure you've got marble on your starting map because it's one of those useful materials what makes it most useful though is if you go into the beauty overlay here you'll see those walls are giving a plus one all of the walls in there are giving a plus one beauty modifier if you make the walls out of any of the other stones it won't help they won't get you any bonus and it's nice because you're going to have to build the walls anyway and adding to the room is really handy as space requirements become a bit of a bit of a premium when it comes to the floors you'll notice the floor is giving a plus one that's nothing to do with bean marble any stone floor will give you that however you can also do the same thing by smoothing the ground that is uh well it's questionable one it takes a really long time to do and it actually drives up your wealth a little bit more you'll notice this is a wealthier room 752 as opposed to 748 it's a minuscule difference but honestly you don't really get a bonus from smoothing out the floor as opposed to just putting in flooring it gives you slightly more beauty it just when it comes to bedrooms i'm not really that bothered anymore so long as it gives me what i'm looking for who cares you can also put in carpet uh still only gives you formula you can put in oh this is the supercar for the superdense carpet and this is the fine tiles that got introduced in the royalty pack these two did and they give you big bonuses this carpet here gives plus four were all up to 84 impressiveness we're actually just on the cusp of going over into the level fives however this stuff is incredibly expensive and it would not be really practical to put in all your bedrooms except for extremely late game which is why i wouldn't recommend it now one thing you can do here is we have a couple of excellent marble statues you'll notice still almost made it to the next level but can't quite do it however if you get two extra marble statues and put them in the same room as the bed and you have a nice floor in there you go all the way up to very impressive giving you a plus five bonus now of course that's two statues why don't we just go more right why don't we just go bigger well let's go to the room next door you'll notice going from this room to this room which has one extra statue we go from 87 impressiveness to 87. despite the wealth going way up despite the beauty going away up nothing has changed why have we not gained more impressiveness well this is to do with the the most important factor those four factors they're tending this beauty space in wealth if you push one up really high it just the other ones can't really the other ones drag it down in other words if any of them is lagging behind even a little bit it drags all the rest of the values down so you could have very high wealth very high beauty and perfect cleanliness but if the space requirements are too small well tough you're not going anywhere and vice versa we had great space great beauty but terrible wealth in the room which okay that'd be really hard to achieve but if you did it it still would be the same problem so we'll demonstrate a little bit better over here these are just small statues similar sort of thing two statues give you 77 three statues bring it to 83 you hit four statues you've actually lost impressiveness despite putting more into the room what happens is every time you put something into the room that the dupes can't really navigate properly or it slows them down to walk through it reduces the amount of space so you know this is a 22 space in that room 21 in this and this is actually 20. there's 20.5 i don't know it goes down in increments of a half or something like that so that means the more you put in here the worse it gets if we were to put in i experimented around there with a super large statue or is it one of these if you put a super large statue into these rooms it's less effective than putting in just a couple of large statues the reason being it takes up four space and it actually reduces the effectiveness of the entire room so this is why i recommend the room be this size it's three by it's up six tiles by three on the outside that actually measures a little bit different but just remember three by six on the inside there's other reasons for that actually i'll go over those a bit later and once you get up to two excellent marble statues you can get yourself plus five morale now that'll be a little bit down the line but in the meantime you can just throw in a good statue or an excellent statue or whatever one you want and you will still get plus four and it's quite comfortable to get there it doesn't require a lot of special materials and it should be quite easy to obtain if you pick up any masterwork statues along the way you can toss them into a room and you immediately go straight to a level five room so the odd masterwork statue that your uh your artist churns out perfectly usable makes life so much simpler so early game dump in all your good statues and as you go into the late game you're going to start getting better artist quality and you start getting the exit ones to upgrade the rooms all the way to level fives by putting in two statues what you can do with all your poor statues or ones that don't quite make the grade you can just dump them into the other rooms for example this is a recreation room and you notice it's extremely impressive even though it's got a bunch of shoddy statues in it the reason being it's got plenty of space it's because of the excess space it makes it much easier for it to break through the records now what you could do is you could start enlarging your rooms to try and prove the morale but yeah we're still at 110 uh for example where is it over here we broke the 85 barrier once you hit 85 though you need to get up to 120 to break into the next level that is a big jump that's 35 points it only took you 20 points to get to the last level now it's an extra 35 and it's a case of diminishing returns so over here we have uh well a room with four statues in it and you'll see it's up to 110. we still have not broke through and if we go up to five we get up to 112 as in we're barely gaining anything if we throw in another statue actually goes down in fact four statues over here comes in at 110 and it actually beats out the marble large sculpture four statues four large statues actually beat out one giant one just the way the game works i can't really find a use for these grand sculptures anywhere outside very very large rooms and i really wouldn't bother you're better off creating lots of these just large sculptures as opposed to the small or very large just because any duds that you get you just throw into rooms that have lots of space and you can you know fill them up and get them up to good quality extremely impressive it's only got two statues and both of them are good that means anyone staying in that hospital gets a nice impressive mood boost for almost no cost now next up we're going to cover end tables and comfort fast forwarding a bit here we have poor sora 3 has gone to bed now when she goes into bed her comfort levels immediately starts to rise max is out at 93. the reason it maxes out at 93 is if we look in here you'll see that the comfort rating of this bed is actually 93 right there which means once the person gets in this will keep rising up until it hits 93. the better the bed the higher this number will be what you can though though do is you can add on an end table end tables just dip on around the top one second end table slip on around the top like this and as long as we put that there now we can check in on her again and you'll see that her comfort has gone from 93 all the way up to 99. the end table adds on another five points or five percentage points so now we've gone from 93 all the way up to 900 and well 99 however i don't even i don't recommend doing this for one reason pawns in bed their morale their mood does not change while they're sleeping the moment they go to sleep their mood is frozen meaning even if they get hit by a bunch of calamities in this instance poor sora's uncle and mother both died while she was asleep giving her a mini minus 50 moodlet debuff and you'll notice nude still frozen rock solid comfort still 93 we remove the end table and absolutely zero effects now the moment she gets up that will of course start to kick in so let's maybe make a few changes here all right we got rid of those debuffs but what we're going to do here is we're going to keep her away from any comfort comfort basically goes down over time while she's asleep it doesn't matter but when she's awake it actually gives her that nice where's the luxury and comfortable bonus of plus 10. where you can see the little arrows here that go along so once we go below that next line right there we'll actually lose that 10 and it goes down to i think it's eight and then it's six and then it's five and then once you're down here it's actually neutral but we are going to get sora to go out and hunt all day long so while sora is out hunting her beauty stat is going to go way through the floor because she's out in the wild also her comfort stat is going to go through the floor mainly because you know she's not sitting down doing something comfortable oh my god that was a butchering in half well i'm going to cue up some more animals and the longer the day goes on the more her comfort goes down and as you'll notice her comfort rating has gone through the floor she's now at level four comfort and this is down to 64 and how long has it been it's only 12 o'clock in the day here's the important bit now when they come back for food they're going to go and grab a package survival meal over here but they should take it over to the dining table and sit down in this instance and when they do their comfort level is going to start rising back up again the reason being when you sit in a chair it drives up your comfort levels chairs this is just a normal wooden chair anything fancy and it still gives us 70 comfort so the moment she sits down that's all going to start driving back up again but if say someone was in the field all day so there's an eclipse right now so everything looks very dark it's actually 2pm and didn't come back and actually ate out in the field which happens often hunters then comfort doesn't matter to them by the time this end of the day is over by the time it hits about 2 p.m they're going to be well below the the cap anyway so giving them an end table doesn't help if you see these two over here their comfort levels are all perfectly fine that's because they're sitting on nice comfy chairs their comfy chairs are what's keeping them happy comfort is only really viable for people are going to be exposed to lots of comfort all the time as in sitting down the moment they hop off it or regularly throughout the day if it's a crafter or something like that it counts for everyone else not so much and if they are sitting down in the first place then you don't need that extra five percent from the wooden bed because the moment they sit down whatever the chair is that's what's going to affect it more and what happens in the bed doesn't matter because well they were asleep for most of it and had absolutely no effect on their mood so end tables yeah no one really uses them for that reason and oh and wooden dressers same problem in fact it's even worse when you combine the fact that when you put them in there it reduces the amount of space in the room because it takes up space therefore you reduce the amount of space meaning you might need more beauty or you might need a better room so long story short no one really cares about comfort in the bedroom it's pretty much a moot point uh one last thing though i would like to mention this uh using two large excellent statues made out of marble will definitely bring you up to the required amount to get you into the next next morale table but there is a downside it won't work for double beds double beds take up so much space that it actually reduces the amount of space in the room and you're only going to get up to 82 impressive it's not the 85 required so you'd be stuck at level 4. however i consider that a reasonable trade-off reason being if a couple is sharing a bed they're going to get getting some loving bonus so anything from the bedroom is actually small fry in comparison that and losing one morale i'm not going to care about it just for the convenience this offers and the reason i go with rooms of this exact size is oh it's to do with this this is a 17 by 18 tile room it is 18 tiles down and then it is 17 tiles across and then it is repeated so you've got basically a rectangle here and then i usually stick them in two of them together there that's sort of like the base building block i like to use there's a few reasons for this namely because there's some things in the game that will never change the first one being later on in the game you are going to get into using one of these beacons for orbital trade beacons now you'll notice that this is a little bit too the room's a little bit too large for the orbital trade beacon i used to make these rooms one tile narrower however there's a reason i stopped i made them one tile wider but we'll cover that in a minute as well as that if we make in this exact size you can fit in precisely three sun lamps meaning this can be turned into a greenhouse that will fit three sun lamps perfectly with no wasted space or you could put in hydroponics whatever you want yourself so they fit in there nice and neatly and finally the main reason i made that one tile wider was this is a solar slash wind grid now if we just wall that in there you'll notice there's an awful lot of solar panels here an awful lot of everything in fact it is entirely covered except for these four tiles here and here which have since been filled in with wooden barricades the reason i started doing this was i was sick of my power supplies getting destroyed by drop pods if a room is completely full or if there's nowhere for the drop pods to land they can't land in here so because there's barricades here sandbags also work no drop pads can add in here because they can't land on top of the solar panels the wind turbines or the wooden barricade sandbags so they land outside and if they land outside then as long as you don't mess up and you have a bedroom that's easier to access than this place they won't ever burrow in here and no one will come in and destroy your solar just nice and it fits in quite a large chunk and it's nice and modular and by doing them in these four square sizes you sort of do it like this and then you end up with three tile wide corridors in the middle except around the solar that has to be one tile wider than you would like but normally i would put that on the outside edge to be honest but this means that if someone shows up you can at least have a three-tail white corridor to fight in or if you're doing a melee attack or get attacked by man hunters you can you know basically choke point them here that's my preferred method of dealing with it and because this is the room size i work with this is the bedroom sizes i ended up with it was just the most cost efficient sizes for the room you were given just a tip i find very useful is when i was first trying to design bedrooms or any rooms for this game the hard part was it was analysis paralysis they call it or just you're flooded with options since you can make the bedroom any size it's too hard to choose but once i had decided on the actual room size that i was going to go for for these it just meant i had to fit in the most cost-efficient bedrooms inside there and these are the ones that i think work out the best now in theory there are some minor modifications and by minor i mean we chop off a few tiles as in this does not need to be quite so big we can squish this down just a little bit these are the exact same room designs but all we did was we've switched it up one tile so they're actually five tiles by three instead of six by three now it is a little bit trickier here we're only at 59 impressiveness here so it's going to be a little bit harder to get up into the the impressive zone somewhat impressive means all of these rooms here still give for morale you will not be getting five though even with two excellent statues you're not going to make it it's just you're a little bit too small what you're doing at this point is you're committing to having only four morale out of your bedrooms tops unless you want to start putting in gold or jade or silver and honestly i wouldn't recommend it the amount of wealth you'd be dumping in just chasing one or two morale points is usually just not worth it unless you're going for an ultra late game base in which case just gives them bigger bedrooms but what this allows you to do is you have a much wider corridor to work with and you can just turn it into a dining room there is an extremely impressive dining room just dump in a few statues and this is sort of modular again there we go that makes more sense this is what it would look like normally it would be split in half but if i was putting two bedrooms together like this i would normally get rid of that wall in the middle to make it all one big room because we've split this it's actually reduced the impressiveness which is going to mean someone gets a little bit less morale out of it however you've got two heaters in here sticking some coolers on the walls and you can keep this nice and temperature controlled all the rooms come with vents to make sure that everyone stays temperature control during winter or summer so that they don't get the too hot or too except in the heat or slept in the cold debuff just a nice way of doing things this is just one of those options you have be aware that you can squish down smaller if you want to but after a while it's going to get so small you won't really be able to drive up to morale late game you need at least four i'd like to get at least four from my bedrooms five would be preferable but your your needs may vary depending on what typically level you're playing on and what map you're on you may not have access to marble or you may have to buy all your marbling it could be trickier to obtain uh oh whether you want to put way too much uranium which sometimes happens yeah you can definitely make uranium statues they will dump an enormous amount of wealth not as much beauty but an enormous amount of wealth into rooms one last thing to note this sort of a modular block system it is i just like to maybe push it a bit and point out the usefulness of it is if say for example you started it normally when i had started i would build one room and that would be kitchen dining room it would be everything all in one and then what happens is as you expand you change things so my kitchen might be say up here and then eventually it would consume the whole room or the kitchen would get moved somewhere else everything is movable if for example i needed to turn this into a hospital and a dining room i could rip it out and just move the bedroom somewhere else all the equipment just moves and everything's everything's replaceable if for example good for you want to rip out all the solder something you could rip that out and turn that into dining rooms if you needed a dining room in an area or a hospital everything's just movable and you know exactly where it goes i find this much easier for me i know a lot of people prefer the organic look i just prefer knowing where everything's going to go i think that covers most of the pertinent details to do with bedrooms use large statues made out of marble use floor as well you don't have to use floors straight away you can start with dirt maybe upgrade the floors once you get into cleaners uh just use large statues for everywhere use your dud statues in other rooms it's pretty handy don't feel the pressure to use lots of jade and all that stuff that's just way way way too expensive will drive up your wealth way too much you want to keep your bedrooms cost efficient otherwise you d you need you want to keep your wealth to dupe ratio and nicely balanced otherwise you won't have enough firepower to stop attacks anyway i'll stop yakking here before i'll never stop i i hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 193,359
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, tutorial nuggest, nugget, bedrooms, beds, rest
Id: ybHLtGwWEF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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