Rimworld : How to manage Infestations, grenades or fire : Tutorial Nugget

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and we're back with a quick tutorial on rim world and dealing with infestations this one here is a pretty decent-sized infestation law depending on the stage of the game around it's 45 mega spiders 45 Stella peds and 34 those little baby mega scarabs what we're trying to do here is show how you deal with them depending on the stage of the game you're at the weapons you have that type of thing now well later we'll cover how you actually try and prevent these from happening in the first place if that's your intent but we wanted to show you how to deal with them as efficiently as possible if you do have to do with them or if you want to farm them for resources can they kit because they can be quite useful one of the main questions is what type of weapons should you use when you're using this type of setup there's a lot of different suggestions out there from auto shotguns to mini guns to heavy machine guns to world molotovs and grenades so what I do here is just sort of well narrow it down so that you know what's the best for what stage of the game you're at because it's highly like you're you're gonna be able to equip all of your pawns with Auto shotguns area on in the game so what's the best weapon for the situation in this stage of the game is what we want to try and determine as well as that these these people here they're all equipped with just what they random you had on this is a live colony so I just grabbed up the closest pawns to the one here in the front line and that's yeah that's the whole thing dealt with I notice here everyone's got a few injuries on them on the front line especially Sur white they tanked a lot of that namely with your face it looks like so let's let's try a few weapons two different weapon types here and just equip everyone with a mono weapon and see how it works out in this we've got the four highest touch DPS weapons in the game as listed by the wiki we have the auto shotgun the heavy SMG the machine pistol and the charged rifle and that's the order they're listed in however in testing that's not quite how it worked at know the testing here was all carried out at double speed just and that's had the seconds worked out so we had 47 seconds for the shotgun which means it comes out well ahead of all the other contenders that's not really a big surprise considering how well it's recommended for this though I will admit the SMG being that close it was kind of a bit of a shock as well as that you'll notice on the tiles there around the kill zones you'll notice that the auto shotguns and the charge rifles have a tendency to chew up the surrounding walls very very quickly yeah there's four tiles gun on both the older shotguns on the charged rifle section as G hesitancy to preserve the surrounding environment a bit better which is a lot handier however the machine pistols despite being so highly rated for toast damage they don't have a lot of armor pierce and all of these bugs they all have a little bit a little bit of carapace pace armor at least which makes the machine pistol just a little bit too weak sauce when it comes to this type of scenario my advice if you're facing off against bugs maybe just leave the machine pistol behind in this scenario we're just testing four of the other guns I thought would be interesting to try after you assault rifle because it's pretty much ubiquitous and very easy to get your hands on especially like early mid game and the LMG because I've never really had a chance to use it very much the minigun of course because it is quite a fun gun to play around with and the pump shotgun because I have never ever had a chance to use them like the moment I get any other gun I usually upgrade and that would appear to be a good choice the machine pistol does better than the pump shotgun in this scenario you think the pump shotgun this is literally the scenario designed for shotguns and no no the pump shotgun is still worse than the machine pistol if you have a choice between a pump shotgun and a machine pistol take the machine pistol the assault rifles do pretty well and they managed to preserve most of the surrounding wall segments pretty good however 65 seconds not too respectable LMG same problem it's basically a weaker version of the minigun and the minigun while it does read the walls into pieces drawers with your soul shotguns at 47 seconds that's actually really really impressive I was not expecting the minigun to perform so well especially with the stats that are available on the wiki it just seemed unlikely but it just seems a target-rich environment like this the minigun just comes into its own fact a minigun despite be maligned lot quite a good weapon whatever way you slice it in this scenario we introduced grenades there really really helped cut down on the difficulty with daily with infestations by a huge margin now the only thing you really need to know about them for now is they have an a potential enforced miss radius of one meaning you want to aim right here that way if you miss by a bit you'll only hit one of these surrounding tiles which means you still won't hit your own walls and then what you do is you activate that will send in the bugs and then bugs will come charging at us as so now what's going to happen here that really helps us in these explosions also system the bugs it basically staggers in themselves and down that means the bugs trying to get in here to attack our melee Paul get to slow down there's whole seconds here where a million people are doing nothing where they don't have to protect and that means they have time to through we Riera before the speak some of the bugs to finally reach the front line they get a triple whammy to instantly so in the auto shotguns everyone is equipped with and this is all seemed quite a nasty massacre quite quickly all of the bugs just get absolutely slaughtered hope your white went down that's not really good sign by and large though this is never a good indicator bugs can do miss pence off your armor to whatever so trying to indicate this directly by pawns going down injuries I've tried it's just it's too much of a random roll of the dice we've managed to get our kill time down to what 37 seconds that's actually pretty good it's not ten seconds off the 47 so putting us in the lead however let's do before I show you a different slightly different version using a more grenade heavy orientated version we're going to have to figure out exactly how the the calyx of grenades work right here we have two sets of grenadiers one of them is set to fire to that location over there which means they'll hit in that spot and they have the potential to hit an even one spot around it so this just means that no matter where they throw it seats up there in the top left they can't actually damage any of the surrounding walls because they're not going to be able to hit anything there's just an enforced miss radius you've won on them then down here we've got a second one they're drilling at how much closer distance to about there and you'll see the same thing they've live it in force miss radius but they won't actually damage any of the walls because it can only miss my one doesn't matter have fire had close to through it in force miss radius is one meaning the maximum miss you can get is one which is great however there's a few things that start making this more complicated the first is if you start extending the walls any distance when it comes to throwing grenades they can throw them quite happily for a distance of four tiles one two three four and they won't tip any walls on the side meaning you can have them in a one tile wide tunnel and they're just fine however if we start say increasing this like so and we'll just put them back to firing what'll happen is ya see that grenade flipped off the wall and stuck there despite the fact it's only got a one tile miss radius when you start throwing them down a narrow corridor they will have a tendency to start clipping the walls so yeah now you've just messed up your whole system so yes whatever you do just make sure that you don't make them fire down at corridor that's more than four tiles long now how this relates to over here when we were dealing with our bugs is well we can't fire the grenades to fire because will end up whipping off the walls on the side but there's some modifications we can make take advantage of which but a couple of other things to note one is this dupe here has where is it trigger-happy which means they fire 50% faster well they aim 50% fire what this aim 50% faster and what this works out as is they actually fire 6 grenades in the time it takes and a regular poem to fire 5 so you having a someone who's trigger-happy with grenades very good if you're gonna use grenades give it to someone who's trigger-happy do not however give it to someone who's got the the opposite trait careful shooter careful shooter will just slow down how quickly the fire and you get no bonus remember there's an enforced miss radius here also when it comes to extending the corridor on if you have someone who is a careful shooter and has very high shooting skill they'll be less likely to flip the walls they will be less likely attempt to walls but they still will do it there's just it's it's just the way the numbers work out so even with 20 in shooting and a careful shooter they'll still clip the walls which means you can't go beyond that point reliably you can reduce the shooting skill on this person down to zero and give them trigger-happy and still they're going to clip the walls but they won't clip it any closer than here which means you've got four tiles you can definitely work with using all the knowledge we have picked up what we do is we just set up two grenadiers is this time both of them are set to fire right here but we have narrowed the walls down a little bit the reason being this Grenadier here the one in the back line if we try to have three wall segments and have the MAME here they'd have it they would tip the walls on the side the reason being it's one two three four so they could aim for Tower safely if there was another wall segment right here or what happened is they would occasionally trill a grenade into that wall and start damaging our own walls by trimming attempted to wall segments though we're able to get away with this and in this scenario well you know what let's just fire it up and you'll see I have also made sure that one of them here is trigger-happy so they fired their grenades faster than normal and the other one is just normal because well you know I don't wanna go too overboard here but that means that the grenades end up sort of staggering they'll end up occasionally overlapping but by and large they won't hit at the same time which gives us more of a nice stun hit on top of them they sliced through the enemies so quickly it is absolutely ludicrous just insane now one downside to doing it this way is you will end up occasionally well incinerating all the corpses you've you're basically throwing down grenades and the explosions will constantly keep destroying the corpses is a downside you don't get as much resources out of us unfortunately but this would probably be my preferred setup oh wow sir what went down again what happened how how that that was like 27 seconds of fighting and testing never mind at 27 seconds the auto shotguns plus grenades will do an absolutely monstrous job but you don't need to be that well-equipped same scenario again only this time we're using machine pistols reason being machine pistols have been the worst so far well not the worst the pump shotgun was actually worse than them by about three seconds but they came in at 69 seconds before we throw into a couple of grenades leave everything else the same and suddenly they dropped down to 30 seconds as in you could upgrade all of your pawns to auto shotguns but just equipping a couple of them with grenades does more and the great thing about grenades is you're cheap we could buy a better class of bug hunters by just throwing a couple of grenades onto your bug hunting squads and you're done you can solder through them and we didn't even scratch the walls that badly those granite walls will get some people out there to repair them and this has been an almost a zero loss just to take care of a massive infestation and sir white is standing this time for some reason do be aware though here when you're shooting through people these pawns can shoot over the shoulders of two people so this pawn here can handle a shoot over these two people's shoulders without hitting them unfortunately they may hit this one which is why we give them shield belts yes all the people on the front line get shield us and that's why I normally go with this sort of box formation you can put a fourth row or a fifth row back here and usually I don't get any damage to my frontline people but it can happen depends really how massive the infestation is put realistically this could take care of the enormous infestations the bigger gets though you might want to get tougher walls maybe throw in plasteel or something like that early game when you don't have access to you know well you haven't walled in your entire base with a wall the entire way around you can just waste a day and build yourself a little closer you don't have to have them like this you could just of course build yourself an enclosure for your pones wallet in and then lure the enemy in to lure the enemy in send one poor net with a gun and get them to shoot at the enemies you do have to keep tagging them if it's a really long distance they will lose interest in chasing you so you're going to have vacation to keep tagging them to draw them all the way out now assuming you've bothered to kill them all next up it's harvesting time once the infestation is dealt with get everyone who's not injured or close to a mental break and immediately send them in to start wiping out the nests the reason being these nests will keep spawning and believe me if you leave it for a few days you're certainly going to have to deal with another infestation which can be a little bit of an annoyance now I believe they patched this recently so that they actually although target nests so you can just sort of run them in and they will just start shooting at anything random they don't tend to target the closest unfortunately which is a bit of an annoyance so you're gonna have to run around and manually get a few people in it depends how bad the caves are as you kill these nests they'll actually drop more insect jelly now all the insect jelly is extract by default and that's really a good thing you don't want your your whole are suddenly running in here to pick it up only to find that a some of these bugs have spawned every so often they actually pop at a bug however if you keep killing all the bugs that pop out eventually they will degrade and just sort of disappear though that does take a while you're better off just going in and not letting a lot of it and making sure all of the insect jelly is done for ya once that's done let's group everyone up here you need to add all this insect jelly to a zone so we'll just drag a zone out here once you have all the insect jelly in it maybe just make sure that you set it to an extremely low priority so I've cleared it all and the only thing I let in this is insect jelly and then what we're going to do is we are going to untag all of these and then we're going to go to the world map and start making ourselves caravan then out here we form a caravan and select all of the poems that are involved in the well re currency in the tunnels I just take a screenshot with the windows was it shift windows and s lets me just take a grab a quick snapshot and then I just use that picture to remember the names this should be a simpler way but there and we'll just grab all of that and add that into the caravan choose route has no idea doesn't make a difference anywhere at all except confirm yep everyone pick it all up no they should go around they should start collecting all of that lovely lovely lovely jelly the reason you wanna collect this all so quickly is this jelly will go off very very very quickly so we need to have it moved to storage as quickly as possible come on grab it I'll grab it I'll grab it all and last one has grabbed it perfect today and we take all of them and we remove them from the caravan so now what they'll do is they'll run straight back to base and you'll see they're running all the way back in here I've set up a storage area insect jelly will go off so put it in a refrigerated area if at all possible and that's it you've managed to make yourselves an enormous amount of money what is that it you're too deep infestation never mind I'll go take care of this but will let's have a quick look and see how much jelly we've got out of this and how much money it's worth since the caravan was cancelled they've dropped everything off in storage I set this up is preferred so we can see and we managed to pull in about two thousand four hundred and forty using the debug tool adjust magic to sin a book good traitor well just any trader will do and then what we can do is we can go in here and sell our in sexually for twelve thousand two hundred and eighty that's how much it's worth you can make an enormous amount of cash harvesting the insect as well as that all of this down here this can all be collected as well at the same time you can just sort of go in here make sure they're all allowed and then normally what I do is I either turn it into a complainant with hay to make kibble or I just turn it directly into chem fuel one or the other it depends what kind of place were you running but the corpses are worth something and the insect jelly is worth something so there's no reason not to harvest it however if you do want to avoid infestations there's a few things you can do especially if you're doing a mountain base first and simplest thing to realize is you need to look for overhead Mountain for example you'll see here this is overhead Mountain it comes in this especially dark greenish color I don't know people have different names for that color but I'm going to call it Turkish green for this purposes this Turkish green color is overhead mansion and you can see in here that I've walls in pretty much every area that's covered it like there that yep you don't want that I have turned it open there there's more overhead Menten infestations can spawn under any overhead mountain section so long as the temperature is above minus 17 degrees Nonna's here this entire area of refrigeration units is all below 17 degrees this is to ensure that we don't get any infestation spawning here because that would be very uncomfortable I'd hate to have to start tossing grenades in there it would be rather messy now you'll see that all the tones out here are all different colors there's yeah but what we have over here is what's called a little bit of a honeypot the reason this is a honeypot is this is all overhead mention at the same time it's been heated up I've thrown a heater in here specifically for this purpose to make sure that it's a good place for infestations to spawn let's grab up the map there is a debug tool you can use here to draw infestation chance then when you come back at the games were going to be very chugga SHhhh very very triggers and this here the darker the blue the more likely the infestation chance is for a spawning event to happen and if we grab open the overview there we can check the temperatures in this section temperatures are minus 6 now a few things to realize about this this infestation chance is mmm if let's say there was only one mountain tile in the entire one overhead mountain tile in the entire map that was minus 16 degrees below zero and that was the only tile that overhead mountain and was above minus 17 and an infestation was had the chance to spawn it would 100% spawn in that tile it would have no other choice so while you can say reduce the temperature of say these rooms down to minus 15 and that would mean these paces would be much warmer and more likely to spawn here it can still spawn in there if map effectively looks at all the areas too they can possibly spawn and then picks one at random based on percentage chance so you really if you want a 100% ensure you never get an infestation keep your overhead mountains below minus 17 which is expensive in terms of cooling at the same time you can do honey pots like that are down here but though this one doesn't seem to be activating very much the other thing that needs for the other thing that is necessary for infestation spawn is there needs to be some sort of building or something you made beside it so wall tiles like these that I've used to wall in this whole area they're what's helping make sure that it triggers in here now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna turn off that infestations phone because it makes the games so slow but it shows in those chances so that's how you determine whether or not you're going to get infestations so good idea make yourself a honey pot the reason this honey pot is here is to do with an accidents will happen in an earlier playthrough this map set it actually only has about a 50 mm half the year is a growing period the other half is winter so outside at the moment it is minus 21 degrees yeah it's chilly outside so all of the mountain tiles outside have no chance of spawning an infestation however if we go inside here and we check these ear tiles you'll see look minus 22 minus 22 21 these all look perfect so why do we have an infestation spawning well it's to do with this tile right here this one this tile has overhead mountain and it is minus 15 degrees this is the only tile on the entire map that has overhead mountain and is above minus 17 therefore the in-space infestation had to spawn here it had no choice just from the way the mats works at so that means this infestation is going to spawn in here now excuse me while I get some pawns out of the way all right so bearing in mind that this was just a complete accident and I did not um there should have been no chance of an infestation spawning here this is what happens when you mess up there is 103 mega spiders that spawn right in the middle of your base all because of this one tile here that's it this is what can happen so be incredibly careful if you're building under mountains this is not this infestations only happen once every year and a half maybe a little bit less but if you have to deal with something like this spawning in the middle of your mountain base all the time yeah it's going to be quite expensive even if you set up kill traps and you segment off rooms and make sure you have the ways together dealing with this much of incest station every so often is crippling I barely survived this it was basically a fire that killed them all another way of killing them is to use fire then eventually have attacked this cam reactor and blow themselves up they eventually burn themselves down but this does lose me all of my infrastructure advanced components all that stuff it's incredibly expensive so my advice be very careful but infestations and if you're gonna build under mountains then you best make sure you have a handy supply of grenades next up fire because fire is always it popular method of destroying these especially when it's early in the game and you're down on weapons or pawns you just don't have a lot of options simplest thing you can do is just throw down some tables some wooden to floors and then try and sinner ate them however there is a few things you're going to need to worry about nope straight about there perfect and then we'll close the doors behind us first you need some sort of way of sealing them in you can't just well start to fire it in the open for example out here is the outside world say outdoors you can see it down there in the bottom right of the screen it says outdoor -19 it doesn't matter how much heat you put into the outdoors nothing will happen you need a sealed room so this is sealed off because these walls have been put in here what you can see is the temperature in here is slowly starting to go up well not so slowly actually damn that is actually getting you can see up there ninety one hundred the temperature is going up however this starts to drive the bugs a little bit crazy they're going to start attacking the walls and doing things that are you know unpleasant however once the temperature gets high enough and by high enough I mean two hundred and I think it's 250 C yeah they've lost it once it goes above one is it I think is it 200 once it goes above a certain amount they realized that this is an attack and then they just go nuts they start attacking everywhere and anything but we don't care so long as they all die of heatstroke the problem might be is if they might break through a wall say over here or over here they could potentially break through equalizing the pressure with the outside world at which point this stopped being in furnace and they just have a normal life and are real most done yet not quite as you can see here their heat stroke is progressing eventually they all pass set and then because the temperature in here is above 250 C it needs to be higher than 250 C or is it 240 250 C things start spontaneously bursting into flames so bodies hives insect jelly all of that stuff starts to burn now you're not going in here but you directly could but you'd have to open the doors even if you opened the doors the heat doesn't rush actually let's demonstrate that now doors are a bit funny they don't it's not like if you open a door it's not like you've certainly just exposed the room to the outside world it does allow heat to pass too but not instantly as in the temperature in here still 500 it's it's still going up namely because even more things have gone on fire and even more things are starting to burn now this is an efficient and cheap way of getting rid of a lot of bugs but you don't get any money out of it unfortunately and it just cost you a bunch of tables or whatever you use to incinerate the place usually tables and wooden floors are a good choice or wooden shelves with wood on them also another good choice that's much more compact some closing notes on dealing with bugs and well it of a summation of the whole thing in general you don't need to go too overboard you don't need a lot of exotic weaponry some cheap grenades will take care of most large infamouse enormous infestations it needs to be when you're up when are you doing with smaller infestations you have smaller numbers of pawns you can get away with just having one blocker sir White was pretty much my main blocker who faced tank God knows how many insect infestations at the start just make sure that you give your best in armor to the person in front because the air the one who's good to take the pounding also as well as I only have one blocker make sure the person behind them is ready to slot into place just in case the person up front falls you want to make sure that your shooters are at least one tile removed so they don't accidentally start using the butts of their guns on things their main source of damage is em shooting but the incredibly important thing is keep your grenadiers safe they're the ones that are gonna do the bulk of two damage if you're doing it right I one time had the very bright idea to use molotovs my thinking being mullet else would set him on fire and it would result in to me having lesson difficulties to worry about because you know they'll be running around confused to none fire technically it kind of worked a little bit one of the downsides of having all that fire is the bugs tend to actually start running through your people and coming out the other side and then you have bugs at the other side that occasionally stuffing on fire and then they start attacking your people as you can see it it's just taking forever people are on fire sort of white is down yeah I thought this was going to be a smart plan when it did the first time I looked a bug actually managed to run all the way through this just results in death do not use molotovs in this scenario stick with grenades infestations get a bad rap but by and large from what I can see assuming you have a decent setup it can actually be a really valuable source of resources farming them is totally worth it now some people will say you can go didn't steal their insect jelly at nice and do that yeah there's people who say you can do that and then there's people who have actually done it you don't want to try that because if you mess up your timing you have pawns in the middle of a shredder like trying to harvest jelly when they wake up it doesn't go well the moment infestation spawns you need to get around to killing it in the next day or two if you've left it longer than a week it will probably get out of control and it might be too big for your colony to handle so definitely get around to dealing with them sooner rather than later but if you do very valuable resources can be obtained oh yeah I hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music]
Channel: Francis John
Views: 166,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tutorial, bugs, infestation, fire, grenades, tutorial nuggest, nugget
Id: 4zBikWY8U74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 09 2020
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