Rimworld defeating massive infestation
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Channel: FTR
Views: 230,262
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Id: VicfS3ws190
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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Jelly season!
I can only imagine what 3 rows of miniguns could do to that mob.
Lol at the guys going over there to try to clean in the middle of it.
I tend to just block off the area with all the damn spiders in in and put 14 wooden chairs in and set them alight. I feel like it works better in most situations, but your method works too.
I thought you couldn't be more than 3 pawns deep without shooting your own guys?
Did you purposely dig that cave out to spawn them there instead of the base?
Did you send your pawn directly to rest without making right click to create menu on hospital bed?