Recreation : Rimworld Tutorial Nuggets

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and we're back with some more room world and today we're going to be tackling recreation now if you're anything like me you've never bothered really looking too deeply into recreation you just throw it into buildings and it seems to sort of work and do its thing in the background however there's a lot of optimization you can do with scheduling and with the actual rep recreation types you use and the buildings to go with them if you just put in that little bit of effort you can really maximize what you get out of it now the first thing to realize is see these little four notches here if you go above this line plus ten mood above this line plus five below this line minus 10 below this bottom line you get down to minus 20 mood that is crippling however if you go above this line the decrease per hour it's about every 10 percent you use about 10 recreation every four hours so to go below this top line you need to have it need to have recreated it not recreated at all in the last six hours when you want to get to 100 it'll take six hours before you lose that minus that plus 10 moon buff and to get down to the next one of course takes 12 hours which means you can keep at least plus five mood for 12 hours once you max at your recreation bar that's pretty awesome not only that though if they perform the recreation in a room and that they take that room's impressiveness into account for example this year has a very impressive rec room so this pawn here is getting a plus five recreation room bonus that lasts for 24 hours that's incredible like just the two of those combined means for the first six hours they're going to have a plus 15 mood for the six hours after that they're going to have plus 10 and for the next 12 hours after that we're still gonna have the plus five from the impressive rec room bonus that's really really really powerful and you can optimize this in quite a few ways one of them is well we'll get to scheduling later but let's just go over the different types of recreation there are because there's actually seven or is it six seven never mind we'll cover in a second this here is social recreation can only be performed at two places one is the table and one is a campfire any table and a campfire so long as this is ticked it is by default they can come here and socialize however that tick also means they can party there so maybe you're going to untick some of these to prevent them from partying in places you would not like or gathering around campfires you're using for heating or something like that but this is the only way to get social interaction doesn't matter if there's no other pawns around it's classified as social interaction as long as they're standing around the table doing it then next up i thought we'd cover this one this one's very unique it's telescopes and telescopes are literally their own recreation type there's just telescopes to study there's no other variants for example over here we've got your uh your dexterity play but your dexterity play can consist of either a hoop stone ring or horseshoe pin or a billiards table uh over here there's a few others but telescopes absolutely unique in that they do well bearing social of course they're unique and they're the only building of that type of recreation that you can get now one thing to note cut a hole in your roof first you have to remove some roof tiles here you just use the zoning tool uh remove roof your pawns will come along and eventually remove it and then you place the telescopes in here otherwise you're going to end up like i did placing the telescopes outside and that won't get you the room bonus if they use the telescopes inside a room they can get the room bonus for being in what's this an extremely impressive recreation room actually this is an extremely impressive tomb but we'll we'll get to that in a little bit a little while anyway this year's dexterity dexterity play you've got your wooden horseshoe pin and your hoop stone ring which one you get depends on which side you start either tribal or city but the wooden bullets table is only available to the non-tribal side and this has a recreation power of 130 this recreation power number counts because it it determines how quickly the pawn will gain recreation out of the building so hoop stone rings and only have a recreation power of 100 same with the horseshoe pins same with the tables for socializing telescopes are 120 however wooden billion table normal if you get a excellent will you wouldn't build your table that goes up to 161 percent now the material it's made out of doesn't matter but the quality of the table does improve its recreation power and like just for an excellent once you get 161 that's incredibly powerful oh this here is the tribal board game of ur it's meant to be the sort of equivalent to the wooden chest of the chess table however its recreation power is only eighty percent meaning it's worse than a hoop stone ring this thing is the worst recreation building i believe in the game so if you're a tribal and you catch yourself with a wooden chest table out there somewhere go buy it 100 recreation power uh that's assuming it's a standard if you get say a good one that goes up to 112. poker tables by default have 130 for cerebral play and if you get a say a good one that goes with 246. so sort of what you want to do here is once you get your hands on pool tables maybe phase out your wooden horseshoe pins and your hoop stone rings your pawns can still use them and they'd be better off using these because they gain the recreation faster meaning they waste less time and will get a higher recreation throughput for the hours spent same with chess tables and poker tables the moment you get a better one usually phase out the old ones these are expensive though so you might need to have a few of them the only differences between these is these wooden horseshoe rings they can support up to four pawns using them at the same time billiards tables only two chess tables can support two pawns poker tables can support four then we get over to tube televisions these are actually their own type as well television watching regular gives you uh was it 120 recreation these give you 140 and then you get your mega screen televisions these can only be purchased from merchants and they give you 160 percent do bear in mind that a wooden builders table gives you 161 percent just for an excellent one so it's not like they're super duper but they are quite good for what they do now you'll notice if we click on here you'll see this area here this is where they can watch television from the smaller televisions give smaller radiuses i've just outlined them there so you can see what all of them sort of stack up against each other that is five types of recreation you got your social you got your telescopes you got your dexterity you got your cerebral and then you've got your televisions so what's the last two well the last two are social and chemical now for chemical that's basically beer you can see here under recreation they've got chemical consumption 18 that's tolerances we'll cover those in a minute but if you drink a beer you will gain 17 of your recreation back in fact if you eat a fine meal you'll get about 4.5 percent of your recreation back it seems but let's cover something that seems a bit odd in the uh wiki it tells you that you can't you have to have your chairs facing a television we'll notice sorry here is quite happily watching a television and she's sitting on the chair well effectively backwards and you notice that the recreation is still going up quite happily while they watch the telly oh and i just notice it gives you you can see the flickers of light ah okay did not know that animations you miss so that is six of the recreation types and the last one is solitary now excuse me when i pop to the wiki this here is the activities table as listed by the wiki so you've got your study for telescope relaxation is social television etc but here is the solitary ones and there is six star sky gazing meditating praying oh meditating and praying is both done in the pawns room so the better the room is they'll actually gain a bonus to their recreation for doing it in the room if they have a room bonus uh going for a walk and building a snowman nothing you can do about those and then visiting grave if you have a grave in your in your recreation room you can also gain the room bonus for them visiting the grave inside so if at all possible you know have them a decent room and make sure that the graves are located in a recreation room help yourself out while you're at it now down here you'll notice the consumables table you know beer gives plus 17 ambrosia is barely there and in the rest of this is not actually so much chemical recreation is gluttonous recreation pretty odd one so how do you take advantage of this knowledge to give yourself the maximum in recreation very simple put as many of your recreational buildings in an excellent room as you possibly can that would be the first step have an extremely like just convert your dining room into a recreation room or have it it's dual purpose your dining room and your recreation room should be pretty much one of the same especially early on later on you're going to be spreading it more and you'll have multiple dining areas but for the time being the moment you have a decent or good recreation room start chucking all your buildings in there that includes hoop stone rings hoops rings and horseshoe pins early game yeah the moment you get a decent room throw them in there where you can grab the bonus that means you're also going to want to put your telescopes in there also keep an eye out for the telescopes you can only purchase them so grabbing one or two of those when they show up is a good idea they're not even that expensive uh at the same time put your graves in there also you can use the gray graves in that section so if they do do that solitary recreation they at least get the room bonus while they're at it you can't really control where several of the solitary ones happens but there is something i would like to try and that would be splitting up the recreation one thing you want to do is do your recreation before they go to sleep the reason being when ponds are asleep the recreation meter does not go down so what you kind of want to do is max out the recreation meter before they go to bed they pop into bed and they will have the plus 10 on them that means when they're asleep um this is to do inspirations the higher their mood is when they wake up the more likely they are to get an inspiration on that morning so having them do their uh your recreation before they go to bed maxes out their mood before to go to sleep increasing your chances of getting those nice and powerful inspirations at the same time i'm thinking we're going to go for a second recreational bar right in the middle now this is uh well this will depend on your play style of course for example if you are running a build and you're trying to do a giant perimeter wall around the outside of your base you don't want your builders coming back halfway through the day walking all the way into the center of the base to do some recreation before walking back out again but for anyone who would be say working in some sort of crafting or tailoring capacity this would definitely help keep their mood up all day long or anyone who has low mood in general and you need to keep them happy stick them in an extra recreation section right in the middle of the day this is eight hours away from wake up and eight hours before they go in for their second batch of recreation this will help keep them maxed out at the same time if they do on one of these go for an annoying solitary recreation you don't have to worry so much because when they come back for the second round they will be bored of the solitary recreation and instead they'll come back and do a different type of recreation which should put them inside one of your impressive rooms that will allow you to get that nice recreation room bonus going i'm going to update the wiki to reflect that you can use the television even while sitting backwards in a chair however i'm gonna hold off until this video goes out a few days so if you have any comments as to why i shouldn't update the wiki or maybe there's something i'm missing here because as far as i can tell this pawn can quite happily sit on a chair facing the opposite direction and still watch the television and as far as the word they can also use chess tables that way as well oh and that's one good thing when you're putting down your tables maybe put the chairs like this and then stick in the chest tables in the middle only two people can use a chest table or a game of war so it just allows you to well use them quite conveniently oh i do remember poker tables only four chairs required i completely blanked that music is actually a form of recreation now since the expansion so playing music can actually be used as a recreational activity if you check under here this is a recreational power of 100 for a normal harp a good one goes up as high as 112 you can also get a harpsichord and a piano they're basically just more improved versions of this though an awful lot more expensive one last note on beer is a form of recreation consuming a beer is a recreational activity but it's also a food activity however if you consume a beer you'll go to the nearest table to consume it but that counts as impressive dining room not impressive recreation room so we'll refresh your dining room mood bonus but it won't refresh your impressive rec room bonus one final note when it comes to recreation do remember when you're using this that only a limited number of pawns can use each device at a time so it might be a good idea to only have as much pawns on a schedule as the recreational buildings can support at which point you might want to start offsetting the schedules for example there's those six pawns offset from each other by two hours so that they come into the recreation room at different times this way they shouldn't overload things however this is uh this is just an example with six realistically you'd be looking at about 12 to 15 pawns before you really start worrying about this and it actually becomes an issue and you can always just counteract it by building more recreational buildings in fact in this colony here the corridor system is in fact its entire own room you'll notice here that there's doors up this section but there's no doors at these other intersections so this entire area is just one giant enormous extremely impressive room what this means is any tables placed in here any people eating at them will get an extremely impressive dining room bonus uh by the same token you could put in poker tables billiards tables that type of stuff you can put in all the recreational buildings in such a hallway so just remember when you're thinking about rooms it doesn't necessarily have to be a big square room you can elongate them or just use them as an entire corridor system and place in what you want where you want it does make it a lot simpler when you can just plop down the building wherever you need cuts down on travel times anyway i uh hope you enjoyed and good luck [Music] so [Music] do you
Channel: Francis John
Views: 44,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Telescopes
Id: CLababDFLtg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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