Ridiculous Toys Designed for ONLY Boys or ONLY Girls

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
(rooster crowing) (animal roaring) (Wheel of Mythicality clicking) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Who you talkin' about? This is when we read a comment that you left on our videos but we don't know if it's about me or Link. This comment is from Monbebean. Says "blank would be the kind of person "to accidentally end up in the Illuminati." - I think you would intentionally end up in the Illuminati. I mean, if they invited you, wouldn't you graciously accept? How do I get to that part in the woods where I do the ceremony where I'm naked and I'm painting a tree to look like-- - Already in the Illuminati now or anything, I mean. This is you, man. Accidentally. Link, we're both guessing Link. What's the answer? - They don't know. Will, come on in. - Link. Link would accidentally end up in the Illuminati. - That's what you think you have to do to get in the Illuminati? - You go into the woods? - Naked and paint a tree? - We talked about, welcome Will. - That's where he's gonna be accidentally in one. - Will's gonna take us through some, what, these are toys that are supposed to be for a boy and a girl? - These toys are gender specific toys and they're either real or not. - Okay. - Okay. And the undercurrent of this entire bit is that we're poo-pooing gender specific toys. - Yeah, yeah, 'cause why? A kid is a kid and a kid who ain't a kid ain't a kid no more. - Let a kid play with what a kid wants to play with. - Right. - That's what we used to say in South Carolina. - But, to answer your question, (Rhett laughing) I don't know 'bout that. You were asking if you get, we talked about the secret society of leaders who would go to like the Red Woods and they would do this-- - Bohemian Grove, right? That's it, right? - That's right, Bohemian Grove, and they would do this like-- - It's not like I've been there or anything. - Weird ceremony and it would involve like old men nakedness. - And painting a tree. - I don't know if that part's true. There were trees there and there was something-- - Yeah, because it's the woods. - You don't have to like kill your best friend or something? - Well if I show up accidentally, I don't wanna be sacrificed. - All they really do is they light a fire and they have a discussion about different things to how we can-- - Did you say we for a second? - He did say. - He said we. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm new. I'm in training, so I haven't learned how to talk about it. - Give us the first one. - All right y'all, don't look at my cue cards. Don't look at my cue cards. - Why would I look at your cards? - Don't look at this. - Oh, is the answer on them? - Yes. First up, Careers for Girls. This board game is for girls only and it includes career choices like super mom, fashion designer, and school teacher. One space on the game board says "tell us the names of your eight children." One career it doesn't include? Game maker. Because a man definitely made this. Real or fake? - Okay, do we know the time frame for these games? Is this in any time, could have been made at any time? - [Stevie] Any, any, any. - Any, any, any. - Sadly I think this is real. - Tell us the name of your eight children, that sounds pretty old. - I feel like those jokes are almost too good. I have a little bit more faith in humanity. I'm gonna say that it's fake. - Well, I said it's real. - And it's real. - No! - You can get Careers for Girls. - And we have it. It's sealed. - And we paid for it. - We took it off the market. - We took it off the market from Parker Brothers. - Does it say what year this came out? - That's a great question. It looks old. - '90? - Do you want to, what do you want to be when you grow up? - A school teacher? - Maybe the animal doctor will show how she delivers a prize colt. - [Stevie] An animal doctor. - [Will] Girls of all kinds. - You know, 'cause girls-- - Girls can't understand veterinarian, of course. Okay, I was wrong. - Man, you had faith in humanity. Learn to not do that. - Humanity's worse than I ever thought it was. - Oh yeah, oh yeah. - Approximate playing time, one hour. - That's pretty quick. - That's how long it takes to give up on-- - It's like Monopoly-- - To give up on your dreams. - To get your kid to get a job. - Let's hear another one. - What's the next one? - Next is Hero Play Time for Brave Boys. This bright blue toy chest is filled with a set of classic hero uniforms for your little boy to dress up and play pretend. It includes items like a police hat, a mini police baton, a fireman's hat, and a mini American flag to represent the freedom your little one is pretend fighting for. (Rhett laughing) Not included, the freedom to cry or talk about his feelings. Real or fake? - Ouch. And all this is in a chest? Is it boobs? - It comes in a set of boobs. - It's filled with a set of classic hero uniforms. It says nothing about the outside of the chest. - I was wrong last time, but I'm still going with fake 'cause these jokes were even better than the first ones that weren't jokes. - Yeah, I think this one's fake. - You guys think it's fake huh? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - Well, it is fake. - Yes. - Good. - But if it was real, those babies would all be charged for impersonating a law officer. Every single time. - Every single time. A cop would just show up, they would just know. - Stop pulling me over, baby. - Something in the game that alerts them. - All right, next we have a Girly Girl Binoculars. These binoculars are perfect for the little girl who wants to see far away birds but also aren't too masculine for her soft touch. The binoculars are painted pink and covered with flowers because boys don't like flowers. Which is a fact. Real or fake? - I got a telescope when I was in late grade school and I would take the telescope and I would go out in my front yard and it had a well. I'd go climb up on the well. It was a covered well, it was like a mini house in front of my house. I'd get on the roof of that mini house that was a well and I'd set up my telescope and I'd look right in the neighbor's window. - I mean, what else can you do as a kid? - I didn't even try to hide it. I was just like in my front yard. - I thought you were gonna say I looked right into the well. And that seemed even more Link. Little Link. Look at that boy lookin' in the well with a telescope. - I think this is real. Pink binoculars. - Yeah, this gotta be real. It's gotta be real. - It's real. - Let's see it. - Let's see it, yeah. There you go. - Girly Girl Binoculars, from Wild Republic. - When your little girl wants to be a creep too. (Rhett laughing) - [Link] Warning, not suitable for children under three years. Contains small parts. - [Will] Yeah, they also can't see. - Toddlers can't handle the stuff that you can see with binoculars. - They absolutely can not. - Their minds explode. - That warning is printed in at least 24 different languages. Girls of all languages can use these binoculars. - And not do the wrong thing with them. - Next, we have Just for Boys Tattoos. Has your little boy always wanted a sleeve of temporary tattoos without having to also question his manhood? Well with this kit, he can finally have it with boy specific images like dinosaurs, insects, and more, your little man can decorate his arms like a real deal tough guy. Perfect if you want your kid to pursue a career in a, sorry guys, this is a tongue twister. Perfect if you want your kid to pursue a career in electronics music. - Yeah, you got it. - Here we go. Perfect if you want your kid to pursue a career in electronic music or improv. Real or fake? - Okay. - Just for Boys Tattoos. - I mean, this isn't that sensational. - Improv? People have sleeves? - Yeah, if you're a really good improvisor artist. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - All of them have sleeves. - You haven't been to UCB lately, have you? They're all sleeved, they're all tatted. Some of them are legged as well. What do you call a leg? - Improv energy. - A leg sleeve? - A leg sleeve. - Why don't you call it a legging? - Can we talk about improv energy for a second? - Improv energy. That's the new club I'm opening up. - Yeah, improv energy. - Let's talk about it. ImprovEnerG.com, but it's EnerG and it just ends with a big capital G, there's no Y, because improv energy with a Y spelled correctly was taken. I didn't want to go .biz because .biz is for losers. - Yes, and, I thought you meant like an actual club. - Yeah, you see what I did there. I just did some improv. - You did, the whole thing. - Yeah. - You didn't make me feel weird enough to believe it. - I didn't believe it either. - Right, real improv makes me feel a little weird, like I need to go to the bathroom and then not come back. I gotta go to the restroom. I'm just not gonna be here for the rest of this improv. - You're not an improviser. Real or fake boys? - Real. - And it it's real. Bring me them little boy tattoos. If my little boy wore tattoos that weren't this, I'd be real upset. You better have you a dinosaur, a insect. - Just for boys. - Just for boys. - [Link] Very inclusive. - If my little girl had a little dinosaur on her, I'd have to take her into the room and be like hey, Hillary, this is what I'm naming my daughter, no dinosaurs. - You'd take her into the room. - I'd take her into the room. I'd be like don't come over here with an insect tattoo, you're a little girl. - Just to put this in perspective, this was made in 2011. And they made it over in Torrance, just right down the road in Torrance, so just eight years ago, somebody right down there in Torrance was printing this out and was thinking. - It just doesn't need to say Just for Boys. - Yeah, I'm going with that. - Boys only. - Just let people, but why are you limiting your sales? - Yeah. I wanted to give my little girl a tattoo but this one has insects on it. - From Small Mind Creative, I mean Small World Creative. - All right, let's hear another. - Next, we have, oh, I just read that one. Next up, Jars for Boys. When your little boy wants to work on his motor skills, there's nothing more fun than opening jars, which come in handy whenever a girl needs a little help. The jars come with adjustable strength levels so you can practice opening them on easy or difficult setting. They also hold actual things in them, so your little boy will have somewhere to store his inflated ego. Real or fake? - Fake. - That's fake man, but it's a good idea. - It's fake. - That's funny. - It's fake. - Might get them to sponsor Improv EnerG. - Hit us with another one. - This one wasn't it. Finally, "For Boys Only", the biggest, baddest book ever. Wanna read but you're afraid the other kids will think you're girly? This biggest, baddest book is here and it contains tips on all the things boys need to know, like how to land an airplane in an emergency, how to fight off an aligator and more, all in a 250 page book that girls aren't allowed to read, though that's redundant 'cause girls can't read anyways. Am I right? Real or fake? Girls don't be reading. - I feel like this is real. - Got any jars to open? - That's the part. - Real. But hold on, I'm gonna lose if it is real because we both, so I'm gonna go, just for the tie, and say it's fake. - It's gotta be real. - I like how it says how to land an airplane in an emergency, 'cause only boys can do that. No one would ask the girl to do that. Sorry y'all, but it's real. - Yeah. - It's real. The "Boys Only Book". - That's the biggest part of it. The "Boys Only". You don't even care what it, who cares, I'm a boy, I'm gonna get it. - Boys only, oh, all right. - Let me read a little excerpt and close it. - Yeah, let's see, 'cause this is just for us. Ladies, cover your ears. Okay, you can't know about this, secret knowledge. - Often compared to U2, Coldplay is one of England's most popular bands. (crew laughing) - Wait, is this telling you all the bands that are cool? - That's a fact for boys now. - And how much money they make? - They are known for supporting many political causes and claim to give 10% of all their earnings to charity. Claim. - Boys gotta know about Coldplay. I already knew this. We talk about this at the meetings. - So you wanna be a rockstar 'cause you're a boy. (Rhett laughing) - That one's funny, that one's a good one. - [Rhett] Need some new accessories for your pup? Look no further than our Mythical Pattern Pack for Pups available now at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 517,129
Rating: 4.7711172 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, gmmore, good mythical more, good mythical summer, Hilarious Baby Gender Reveal Fails (GAME), Ridiculous Toys Designed for ONLY Boys or ONLY Girls
Id: C9-Givrp-Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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