Hot Toy or Deadly Toy? (GAME)

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Are these toys hot or deadly? Let's talk about that. ( rings ) ( fire roaring ) Good mythical morning! Big ol' festive show today, guys. We're gonna be building a ginger-beard house. - That's right. I said "ginger-beard." - Yay. We're gonna be having a rap-off, the likes of which you have never seen, but first, it's the holidays, and the main reason to celebrate the holidays in this wonderful materialistic, capitalistic world is people buying you prezzies. - Prezzies. That's right. - Prez-tents. There's a prezzie Grinch, Link. I'm talking about World Against Toys Causing Harm. It's an acronym for WATCH. Or, actually, WATCH is the acronym for that. And they basically have sucked all the fun right out of the holidays because they've released their annual "10 Most Dangerous Toys" list. Ooh. Now, according to the Mythical crew, it's difficult to tell which toys are on the "Most Dangerous" list and which one are on the "Hot Toy 2017" list. We're going to find out just how hard it is by playing a game. It's time for... Okay, we're going to be given a toy to play with, and just by looking at it, we're going to have to decide if it is on the WATCH "10 Worst Toys" list of 2017 or the Toys"R"Us/Geoffrey's top 20 list of hottest toys of 2017. Yes, so we're going to evaluate them and at the count of three, Link and I will vote whether the toy is hot or deadly. ( elf giggles ) Oh, the first one's a baby doll. Yeah, we have these cards, which explain what this is without telling us where it should be. Can I-- Can I hold her? Yeah, this is the Brianna Baby Doll, 20.99... Oh. Oh, she goes to sleep when you-- - Yeah. - When she lays down. She can suck her thumb or her pacifier and lie down or sit up just like a real baby. - Okay, so-- - That's not just like a real baby. I've had two of them, and I know they do not behave like this, and they are really never that small. This is from the manufacturer. I'm looking for sharp parts. This sweet-smelling, soft-bodied baby doll is just waiting for a little mommy to love her. - Now, I will say-- - Why's it gotta be just a mommy? Can't it be that Daddy can love her, too? The daddy can love you. Most sexist toys of 2017. ( chuckles ) Different list. Now, I'm trying to-- I'm trying to put the index finger in her mouth, so if she wanted to suck that, and that won't happen. So that-- that's not dangerous, I guess. It's just an observation. Well, it say-- it says that she's sweet-smelling. Oh! I see the danger now. If you're smelling her, - then this gets sucked up your nose-- - ( gasping ) ...or in your mouth, you could choke. You could choke on one of the ponytails. And that makes this very dangerous. This is-- I don't-- There's nothing dangerous about this. I don't think a kid could get lost in that. I don't they they could get-- so they could choke on a part. I mean, how-- Is the head on pretty good? Head's on real good. I cannot pull the head off. I'm trying-- Yep-- Yep, don't-- Hey-- - What? - Okay, go. I mean, a child-- If you can't do it, can a child do it? - The neck's longer now. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I could not pull the head off, so the child's not in any danger. Um, I can't-- Maybe the eyeballs pop out. Here's the-- Here's the prob-- - I can't-- - Choke on those. I can't see how this could be a dangerous toy, - but I also can't see how this would be a hot toy. - ( grunting ) - So we need to vote. - Okay. Hot or deadly? Woman: Okay, here we go. Three, two, one... ( together ) Hot. - So hot. - Can't be deadly. Smelling hot, baby. Woman: Brianna is a deadly toy. Wha-- no. According to WATCH, these huggable, soft dolls have removable clothing, and the pink ponytail holders are also removable, presenting the potential for ingesting and cho-- - ( gasping ) - ( Rhett laughing ) Hey-- - Woman: As demonstrated. - Don't play around, man. - Oh! Half a-- - Oh, no! It's not working. We got it. All right, there we go. ( elf giggles) Okay, Link, this is the Tolo Pull-Along Pony. It's 19.99. It helps babies master crawling and walking. - How? - So it's a teacher. How-- Oh, look. The pony can crawl. So can I. It is not crawling. As the pony moves, its head nods, and I makes a fun "clop clop" noise. How fun is that noise? Let's listen. That's-- That's mildly fun, but it doesn't take a lot when you're basically just a-- - Now, I'm looking for-- - ...a little, teeny child. I'm looking for removable pink hair bows. Well, first of all, the first thing I'm seeing is this right here. Oh, that right there. It's-- ( gasping ) ( both gasp ) I don't know why I'm choking. - ( mutters ) - It's just sympathy choking. You're right. This string right here makes this thing friggin' deadly. - That's super deadly. - The rest of it just makes it stupid. Nothing-- Nothing has-- about that pony has to do with learning to crawl. I don't get it. I don't know, man. - I-I-- I'm ready on this. - Maybe this is misleading, but this has got to be deadly. Woman: Okay. Three, two, one... - Hot. - Deadly. I tricked you, man. I tricked you with all this... (gasps) Woman: It's deadly. You guys were right. It is the cord. It chokes you. - Oh, I was wrong, actually. - So yeah. - I switched mine up, so... - I'm right. So Rhett takes the lead. ( elf giggles ) - Okay, whatta we got here? - What do we have here? We have "LOL Surprise! Big Surprise Doll." This is-- I'm being told this is a doll. "79.99." L.L.-- "L.O.L. Surprise! provides the ultimate unboxing experience." - What? - Oh, unbox it, Rhett. "50 never-before-seen prizes inside. One reviewer said, 'Can I get on before Christmas?'" I think they meant to say, "Can I get<i> one</i> before Christmas?" They added an "s" on Christmas but took the "e" off "before." You don't know how to unbox it. Well, I'm not-- I don't have an unboxing channel. I don't know. - Turn it over. - This way? Link: It's like a lid, yeah. I don't know. - Another reviewer said, "I--" - ( gasping ) What is that? Look at all those things that you can choke on. "Pick me." "Pick me." "Yoo-hoo." "Keep going." What is this? "Scratch here." What? Oh-- And then you-- Look. You unbox this. Scratch where? Oh, look. And then there's a little-- What is that, a candy? - No. - You're-- Couldn't eat that one. - Must see this one. - But what are these, though? I don't-- I don't even know what you're doing. Two things. It's... - I can't-- - So many choking hazards. This is clothing for, like, a little doll. - And if the kid is ever in any-- - Like a Polly Pocket. ...ever doubting that they should keep eating this stuff, it says, ( high voice ) "Keep going. You're doing the right thing putting all this stuff in your mouth." - Okay. - You can't confirm that with a child. And this thing-- This is-- Oh, crap, there's even more. For the big kids. 15 surprises? What is-- - This is like a... - First of all, I'm gonna-- - ...charm fizz. - "Add water for surprise." This is-- You know what? Oh, and look! There's even bigger ones! - Oh, gosh! - What the crap? This is the most awesome, hottest gift of the year. This is a super hot toy. Yeah, I'm gonna play with this later 'cause I'm very excited about it. Woman: Okay, here we go. Three, two, one... ( together ) Hot. This has "gimmick" written all over it. Oh, yeah, this is such a smart idea. You are both correct. It is hot. In fact, it is so hot, the creator and CEO of this company is worth $1.17 billion, and we also have him to blame for Bratz dolls. - Oh, really? - Right. - Genius. - Because-- Because there's so much you can open. It's like gift within gift within gift within gift... ( elf giggles ) I wanna know what's happening here. Okay, these are Hand Fidgetz-- with a "z"-- spinners, $2 each-- - Can we stop them? - ...premium ball bearings. The manufacturer says, "Spin it once and watch the long-lasting action." "Sweet and sassy." "Never stop dreaming." That's what these two are. Now, this-- I mean, this was a hot toy nine months ago. Is there something special about these particular ones? Is this just a fidget spinner in general, or is this a specific brand? Woman: I think it's a specific brand of fidget spinners. - Rhett: Okay, all right. - Woman: With a "z". These are going to be in a lot of stockings, or, like, grandparents are going to give these to grandkids not knowing that it's over, I think is what's going to happen. So, I mean, I don't think Geoffrey at Toys"R"Us is stupid enough to put this on the hot list, but what can be dangerous about this? Choke on it. Y-- I think it-- it could come apart. ( gasping ) ( garbled ) It's stuck. I'm gonna have to grab it out. It catches on the sides of your cheek. Try it. - No way you can spit that out. - ( gasping ) Hey! You just did magic in your mouth! Did you see how you turned it around? Yeah, I did a fidget mouth spin. All right, let's vote. Woman: Okay, three, two, one... - Hot. - I think it-- it's too late to be hot. Woman: Link, you are correct. These particular fidget spinners are deadly because of their premium ball bearings, which present potential small-parts hazards, choking hazards. - Well, that's-- - Small-parts hazards. ...that's true of all fidget spinners. We've been living in th-- crazy world forever. - Now we're tied. - ( elf giggles ) All right, we got us a... ♪ Red sheet over here ♪ - Okay. - Is this... These are Razor Jetts Heel Wheels. - Ooh. - 25.49. "Sparking wheels for your sneakers." Transform your ordinary sneakers into the hottest way to roll. I put them on my shoes, Rhett. You know what that means. So, Link, you're putting them on over there. I'm gonna grab-- oh-- one of them out of here. So this is kind of like a-- What are those-- wheelies? What do they call those things where there's, like, a wheel inside the shoe? - Woman: Heelys? - Heelys. That's right. Yeah, and one review says, "They work best if two adults surround the child and hold him up." Boy, that takes all the fun out of it. Doesn't it? All right. Try them, man. I've never tried actual Heelys. Where-- Where are you-- Woman: So, Link, you need the cinderblock, is what's gonna spark, - not the-- not this floor. - What are you-- I'm trying to hold onto you. I know. I want you to do a real test, like actually-- actually just-- You gotta just run and then just go onto your heels. It ain't that easy if you've never done it. Boy, it looks so fun. I'm not-- I'm really afraid to actually Woman: Link, it won't work on this floor, so... you're gonna need to go to the cinderblock. Oh, so it's not just about rolling around. It's about s-- It's about making sparks. Oh! There you go. - That seems safe. - But what about-- I would think-- So you can't just roll on them? Like you don't feel like... I don't feel-- I feel like I would just hit my head on the ground if I tried to roll on these. Well, let's find out. Okay, yeah, seems a little unsafe. - See? - Seems a little unsafe. It would be the fire that I started, and then I'd fall backwards into the fire. There's so many ways that these could be dangerous. Yes, there's no way... this is not deadly. Woman: Three, two, one... Syke! Changing to hot. I faked you out, man. Woman: Oh, come on. These are totally deadly. - Yes. - They are? - Yeah, man. - But they're pretty cool. - Pretty hot, too. - Yeah. They're hot at the same time. ( elf giggles ) Okay. What do we have here? A three-wheeled something or other. "Power Wheels Boomerang 12 Volt Ride On." I'm riding on it. $350. - Oh, gosh. - Perfect for your-- Is it for men my size? It says "Ages 12 months and up." - I'm up. - Are you up? I'm up from that. - Okay. - Okay. - Crank it up. - ( whirring ) Oh! There we go. Go in reverse. Oh, how do you go reverse? Hey, hit-- I don't know. - All right, uh-- - There we go. Oh, yeah. - Oh! - Oh! Oh! Oh! - Hit the-- - Okay. - Go in forward, man. - Okay. Here, pull me. I took the camera with me. Whoa, whoa. I'm trying to go with the wheels, man. - Back up. - Okay. Back up. I think you're supposed to fit a little bit better than this. Back up here. Oh, stop, stop, stop. - Okay. - Now. I'm gonna do my wheelies. Let me-- Let me reposition myself. - Let me do my-- - Sorry, camera. I'm just gonna grab right here. Is this okay? Aah! All right, back up. One more time. This is fun. Ho! - Okay. - It's not dangerous at all. ( grunting ) - ( panting ) Okay. - Okay. All right, that thing will go up to five miles an hour. He's doing donuts. I'm out of breath and I wasn't even on the thing. There you go. Here. Are you trying to hit everything? No, I'm tryin'-- I'm trying to drift. It's not really-- It's not really great for a three-point turn. Yeah, I need a-- I need a larger area. - All right. - Woman: You ready? Three, two, one... - Hot! Yeah. - That thing is hot. It's missing a wheel, and it's hot. Woman: Yeah, of course these are hot. Haven't you seen the adult versions on the road? - Yeah. - Yeah. The Spyder. Right? Pretty cool. All right, so, Rhett, that means-- - Is that-- So, wait-- - I win. And that means I get to keep this frickin' thing. Yeah, Rhett's gonna be driving down the 101 this afternoon. Yes, I am. Click through to the next video to see us make a delicious gingerbread beard-- that's what I said-- with a very special guest. Rhett:<i> Let's talk about that some more.</i> <i>Download the latest episode of our podcast "E-A-R Biscuits,"</i> <i>available for download on iTunes, Spotify,</i> <i>or wherever you get your podcasts.</i>
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,382,604
Rating: 4.904171 out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, gmm, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, mythical morning, Season 12, mythical, rhett hot toy or deadly toy, link hot toy or deadly toy, gmm hot toy or deadly toy, hot toy or deadly toy, good mythical morning hot toy or deadly toy, rhett link hot toy or deadly toy, watch list, hot toy, deadly toy, killer toys, kids, toys, deadly toys, deadly toys wonder woman, most deadly toys, 10 deadly toys, danger
Id: 9Sm_VYWoj-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 16sec (856 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 18 2017
Reddit Comments

I know this got downvoted and everything, but this is one of my favorites.

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