Ridiculous excuses that were true

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teachers of Reddit what was the best excuse for being late that turned out to be true a kids apartment burned down overnight he was a little late but still came now that's dedication told me he got pulled over by the cops for wobbly driving on his bike and they thought he was drunk turned out he was just dodging all the slugs on the street one of my organ students told me he was late arriving for his lesson because he got stuck behind a lengthy funeral procession on road to the cemetery I knew he was telling the truth because I had played the organ for the service earlier that morning and the church was packed this happened to me as a pupil a very quiet unassuming kid in our class came into German with about five minutes of the class left we went to a Catholic school and the teachers were all quite strict and intimidating classes were usually silent especially in junior school when this boy came into class at the end of the lesson that day the door flew inwards with such force that the teacher gave an audible gasp it had been raining heavily outside his hair was plastered to his fore heed his blazer was dripping in sodden he had mud caked into his trousers up to his knees and he was breathing heavily the teacher exclaimed Brendan what happened we all stared up at him and shocked silence this quite unassuming little boy let out her big sigh and just said I took a shortcut and went straight to his seat that line became iconic in our school four years afterwards that kid had obviously been through a whole coming-of-age movie and this was the last line before the credits rolled I like to think he took us seats smirked slightly then look straight at the camera as it faded to black in my hometown if you walked into any where late and said the phrase sorry brain trainee were never challenged it was extremely common for 50-plus carriage trends to run through the middle of town we have the same thing in my home town except it's the bridge was up that bridge is notorious for not following a schedule and always being up when you're in a hurry not me but in my class this was in college student turned in work late after not showing up for two classes to classes amounted to four weeks it was noticeable professor looked at him and said I hope somebody died for you to be this late does my dad count honestly I've always heard you can hear a pin drop and never really thought anything of it but yeah you could hear a refine pin cut through the air after that a way too friendly taxi driver asked me and my sister why we were so quiet did anyone die he yes we're just on the way back from our dad's funeral he didn't say a word for the rest of the drive I was leaving the hospital having picked up my mom's stuff after she died the super friendly cab driver asked who I knew there and I said my mom he asked me how she was doing and I told him she was leaving today for the first time in over a year technically true he was so happy for me I could have said that she had died I wasn't in denial or anything it was her time had been for a while but I knew that if I said that his whole demeanor would change and honestly I like the genuine happiness I got to have the last light and fun conversation I would have four weeks after you lose a parent everyone walks on eggshells he tried to set me up with his son promising he was a good man I'll never forget that right a kid missed my first period class one morning but was in school later that day when I asked him why he hadn't arrived in time for my course he said his cow was birthing it scarf that morning so he'd picked being in the barn over English made sense to me his essays weren't going to win any ribbons at the County Fair but his calf could we had an examine my class and the teacher got a message from a student saying that he was going to be late because his car had a flat tire the student was known to party the teacher didn't think it could be true so as a joke the teacher asked him to bring the tire back he brought the flat tire back in the middle of the exam needless to say the professor didn't expect that you K a student couldn't submit an assignment on time as the whiffy was down on the mega bus when I was in college my psych professor told us that the only excuse for being late was a funeral procession any other reason you wouldn't be allowed to come a few weeks into the semester I was headed from one building to another which involved crossing the main road lo and behold there was one very long funeral procession going by I got a short video of it as proof then stood on the sidewalk to let it go by unfortunately the procession made me five minutes late to class I knocked on the door and the professor came over to start to tell me off I showed her the video well I'll be damned C Mon dayum I'm an English professor and one year a pretty good student showed up without one of his two major term papers he explained that his safe had been stolen by a contractor who was working on their house his laptop was in the safe and that's where his paper was I genuinely believe him because he'd been a really good student then over the next few weeks he started to show up to class looking very tired he said that he was on a hunt for the person who stole his safe and he was spending late nights with his cousin driving around looking for the guy because they knew his van now the student and his cousin were both recently back from tours in Iraq and had seen combat experience they wanted to find the guy to beat the SH out of him and get the safe back because his wife's wedding ring was in the safe as well as a bunch of cash he rewrote the paper and turned it in apologetic that it wasn't up to his usual quality but he still kept coming to class looking like he hadn't slept after a little while he came very happy to my office hours and he reported that he found the guy after a long search that involved breaking into a meth den shaking people down with baseball bats and even bribing some prostitutes he said that they found the guy's van at a Taco Bell after getting a tip from a prostitute and they cornered him and waited for the police to come I read in the news that he had in fact done a citizen's arrest and stopped the guy at a Taco Bell and that they ended up calling in the Secret Service because he used the cash that he stole from the safe to buy a bunch of counterfeiting equipment Secret Service apparently investigates counterfeiting so the whole investigation happened because this guy who I dubbed the white shaft track the scum back down through the bad side of town late at night to get a wedding ring some cash and his research paper it all turned out to be true he got the ring in the laptop back they gladly accepted his original paper and it got a much higher grade than the rare right I had a teacher who showed up about halfway through the class apparently her car had slate intense snowstorm the night before and she had walked the last mile or so that's dedication to students MTV paid me $50 to fill my backpack with cement and carry it around for the day I accepted that excuse student later regretted it as a replacement backpack and college textbooks far exceeded $50 but he got his moment of Fame and I didn't penalize him for his study gotta live a little but did he have any concrete evidence my best friend and I used to roller skate to school and one day we both forgot to put our shoes in our backpacks so we skated to the vice principal's office and got to skip first period to go home for shoes we stopped at Taco Bell on the way back for breakfast because we figured we were already excused I had a six-year-old turn up late to her lesson and blurt out sorry I was late I had to color in a bunny seems fair I was the student my neighbor had a really social goat and she figured out how to escape her pen in order to come over and hang out she escaped and followed me to the bus stop and when the bus came she tried to follow me onto it I couldn't actually get on the bus without her being right behind me so I had to get off bring her home and call my dad to bring me to school she had to take her sister to school and drive her mom to rehab she was always late to class because her mom just wanted to sleep in problem was if the mom was late or did not go she would have violated her probation and gone to prison I never marked her late if she missed anything important she could come in at lunch or after school to make it up not a teacher but a friend said his house blew away apparently tornado I was one of about 20 kids who were late to school we showed up at the school office as a group and when questioned why we were late we said the school bus blew up they questioned so the engine blew up the kids know the whole bus in flames it blew up there was much conference between the teachers all of them thinking we embellished the story next thing you know one of the admin staff has the news website open very obvious image of an entire bus on fire with a bunch of kids in our school uniforms standing in front of it our late slip forecast read school bus blow up literally today child missed my first our class notes said car accident on the way to school and would be coming late kid comes for second our pictures on his phone of the rollover accident WTF kid go home rest take care of yourself my car got hit by lightning it did in the school parking lot at ours were melted to the pavement she had to go out and deal with a tow truck called her parents et Cie it was pretty dramatic I was the student when I was in college I opened my front door to see SW 80 teams and D agents outside of my house the one who looked at me was holding some kind of a R I went back inside from what I heard there was a multiple sting operation that happened around my town and my neighbor's place got raided I missed half of my classes that day not me but one of my good friends she went to the Royal Military College of Canada where they wear their uniforms and there are often tourists visiting the campus apparently it was completely normal to be waylaid by tourists looking to have their photos taken with students in uniform that all they had to say when they walked in late was tourists and the professors would let it slide she always wondered how many family photos she was actually in over her time spent there after nine strokey 11 my small town high school received bomb threats every week for two months and they decided to make us attend school on a Saturday myself and about five others showed up for our classes and every teacher said something like I can't wait for the excuses on Monday most of the excuses were something along the lines of family plans or whatnot but one kid was made to read his dad's note aloud to the class because our first period teacher thought it was hilarious in the most down-south accent you can imagine it went something like my son ain't too smart but he knows you ain't supposed to get punished for someone else being a dumb bus bought in a six-pack so he was drunk y'all can f off I wish we had smartphones to record back then so I could share it me my bus hit a bird and the whole windshield was cracked we had to wait for another bus to pick us up student told me he couldn't do the work because he was delivering oil from 3 p.m. until 11 p.m. in middle school he wasn't lying dad has broken his both of shoulders and one clavicle said his grand Marant pregnant mom was switching off driving pretty sure he was doing most of it at night and he was hooking the tanks to the oil I called all his teachers and had his workload lightened and got permission for him to come in an hour late each day as he was providing the only income for his family of eight as he was the oldest tutored him so he could pass seventh grade I paid cost of oil only four years until I moved out of the area not a student but one of my teaching assistants when I ran a preschool in West Philly sorry I missed yesterday my friend shot my mom naturally I'm a little speechless oh no it's okay he was aiming for someone else not school but I got robbed at gunpoint and my car stolen the previous night and was talking to cops detectives until the early hours of the morning but being the dedicated corporate slave I am I showed up to work the next day albeit an hour or so late even in public accounting they understood and even said you know this is clearly an appropriate reason to not come into work right looking back I probably should have taken that day off if anything this made my co-workers think I'm some crazy person for just rushing the whole incident off as no big deal and coming in to work your brain was probably running on fumes at that point I can understand not thinking it through and showing up at work student here I headed into school early to get some studying done in the library before my night class I was one exit away when I was caught in a three-car accident most of the expressway afterwards was gridlock with only one lane left open I did eventually make it in to my lab class 15 minutes late with a few scrapes and bruises my professors reaction was simply oh that was you [Music]
Channel: Redditors
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Keywords: reddit, best of reddit, reddit stories, ask reddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, funny reddit, teachers of reddit, teachers, updoot reddit, reddit funny, reddit story, funny reddit stories, askreddit, tz reddit, teachers share, best reddit posts, r/askreddit, teacher, reddit and chill, people of reddit, reddit stories 2019, askreddit funny, reddit teachers, funniest reddit posts, askreddit teachers, r/askreddit teachers, teachers of reddit share
Id: brbnwmmgkcA
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Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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