Richard Pryor Carson Tonight Show 1979

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okay folks moving along here rubba hiya my next guest I am a big fan he is also is starring the new Neil silent-film California sweet and on the 9th of February motion picture call Richard Pryor live in concert is gonna be opening in theaters all over the country which ought to be crazy because he is oh but he's looking so uh Oscar you mean it's for the theater son television apparently they must have Thornbury sheet when he was working in concert yeah and he is a funny man would you welcome Richard Pryor well here we argue yes are you rich I'm fine thank you thank you your life good yes everything's wonderful Johnny this is great just great huh yeah really have been doing any sniping for the new year or anything like that okay just keep life interesting and I haven't been doing anything I'll just uh you know you're talking about the earthquake it happened we watch the game in yes I was I was I was in bed watching them the kids my kids run in there and they were really scared and I don't know why I brought that up well that's lucky I remember that in the Bickman wouldn't had a big earthquake I lived in a building on Sunset and it was a 14 story building and I lived in on the third floor but it was in the basement and and and it was early in the morning and I was I was in bed and I was I was naked and I was just laying there and the windle's start popping out and I said god this is it and I grabbed a samurai sword and 5th whiskey and we went out in the streets and everybody after that earthquake everybody started getting very friendly with black people yeah your figured we knew God as usual you don't mess with a cat with a samurai sword in a bottle of whiskey hello say hi neighbor there were going with a lot of people going I know just was really weird people's like the Valley Village of the Damned or something people really just they hadn't they are franking those things yes people back II say don't know then they think it's gonna fall no they think it's like in the movies really funny is hurts I just saw your I just was bombing your shoes there glomming my shoes yeah is that anything like looking at it looking at clothes yes it's a yes it's my shoes and look at gold yes gold 14 karat 14 karat gold things going real good yeah no I don't know anything to talk about my mind left me when I walked out here I walked out my mind said scuse me yeah I'm on a show nothing new went to the bathroom on me that's okay put it on hold I mean I'm just sitting here in a great deal of panic sometimes that helps yes it does last night a moment of sheer panic I starts to whistle whistling to my nose really Ramona for no reason at all I just went by since why we hid out there with it so uh what do you been doing now I just uh you know my mother is the only person will you ask that I have to laughs my mother's the only person the world who calls me and says what have you been doing lately come on every night yes she'll call me if I don't call every week says what have you been doing lately is it same something mama the old television show like what is your mother feel about what you do I mean is how's he look at you I think parents and children sometimes they know you so well as a person they have it nothing nothing special particular they're proud like your parents are and Tim's parents hmm but they don't treat you like the general public jealousies yeah yeah Richie Pryor Jim Connelly well not when you go home you don't get that do you not at all if kids look at your kids look at you say hi dad or whatever Mike is they'll go see somebody else I remember when I was writing for Red Skelton years ago I was doing a local show I didn't really want to know Johnny I told you I told you a lot more than you really handed us whether we know that I'm now that I'm rolling I was writing for Skelton and I had a local show on KNX tea and incomes Red Skelton kids and run over to me at the shows you the thing I was her dad and when the biggest stars in the world but they'd see me on television that's all that's the thick Gregory told me one time he was walking with his kids and the man came up mask for his autograph and his children said what they want you autograph for her you ain't nobody yeah that's the whole latitude my kids were in the car with me driving my kids were they said I asked them that they've been making obscene phone calls you know cuz when you're young you call people up and go hiren or anything to say something to hang up in the guest book yeah and my kids confess that they didn't a that my daughter said I called up somebody we had a radio contest in us and what was is it well I asked this person said who's the funniest guy in the world you win $50,000 and the guy said Steve mind I said that's right and almost ran off the freeway yeah they don't see you in that light this is well Steve you got to get him to get you something for Christmas he'll take you to the park next week right and a nice vacation cuz you're gonna be home I'm gonna do this we're gonna come right back so that's a promise remember your last time once you talking about your dad my dad yeah he said he was a strong disciplinarian lauranna oh my father would just say things that make you pee on yourself that's tough yeah tough that he could call me would he disappear huh yes it was playing fear knows your mother well mother was my mother cougar she knew she could tell him hey look at me no I'm going to tell your father and I'd panty cuz my father had an approach about things you know you just say things like he'd be reading a newspaper give me a piece of paper Yeah right he be reading a newspaper and he wouldn't ever say they go trouble writing a man next door the kids next door door was really panicked their father was you mean cuz the man would come out and the kids if they did not hear him come out on the porch and go if they didn't hear that and get home in three minutes that was it and that's all you would say you go and kids we'd be playing basketball can't be going what yes yes my grandmother used to my grandmother used to give you know them trees with them switches but if you ever have to break them off yourself to get a my grandma used to make me go get him you know she's a good boy go get me some to beach it would be the longest walk in the world I would be hoping it would snow work and you get to switch and be coming home and it'd be killing the wind right if you know and it make you start crying before you get in the house and my grandmother she would just get mad and just whip you with anything like you know old douchebag cards it hurts Oh men's Big O hot water bottles that's what they called him right I thought about this hold eight gallons of wine it was embarrassing I'm telling the truth people went people wonder what's bad cord yeah get it but maybe they did that out of love oh sure I know it had to be love no how are you with your kids all you good job Mike you you have to discipline dude I'm not very good at first I started out spanking I tried soon you realize that but I'm not in her face cuz they can look at you so I spanked me and I would feel awful so I tried talking to him you know and and my kids are um real life stuff if you don't mind I hope you can blink it out right I mean my kids but one day my daughter rain just came in to me and she was talking about my grandmother had been took her for a ride and I was talking to her it was a lot of pressure for her you know she's eight years old yeah she looked at me said daddy I just wished they'd get off my back there is known as a child's please of course even on you can understand that that's that's communicated you know what's on her mind right away yeah she said she said I think I think grandmother's is a racist no because every time we go down the street and she says honky dissing honking dad and my mother's white right I say okay now what am I supposed to do okay so now what am I supposed to do I say well go tell your grandmother how you feel I tell her the truth walk right in and tell her I said but there's a price for telling the truth to your grandma I said she is going to Beach she went in there not saw her in the yard with a switch later dumb well I think that's it that's the direct and the parents can understand that kind of birth so I talked to my kids I said look I don't like what you did and I don't think you respect but you still love but you still don't know they got my heart man they can just do stuff to you sitting in your lap and just all daddy and that's it y'all feel this finish well guys our push always usually for a little girls oh man they're just so beautiful in this is sharp and smart and they're full of life and they make it happy they say good things to you yeah tell you they love you so against bought a rock Oh can't help it a little that's beautiful huh you were the spanking now no usually when you spend you doing an anger and they said yeah no I thought I was doing what my parents did to me and that messed me up and I just want to mess them up to saying well I'm messed up but I don't want to do that mmm that's not to love children okay we'll take a break we'll be right back with some more eight-year-old dialogue exams with dr. Kim finally mr. Pryor well I mentioned earlier about your concert being in film Tim Tim asked me I wasn't sure whether it was a live performance it was confident other words they filmed your your concerts you do worse no filmed a couple of nights at Long Beach Dryden when I was doing my things for the court and our things indeed all go through the court thing odd just about I only have I have to do 400 more concerts and very good so cool hopefully and know they film the concept I wanted to you know Bill Cosby and I were in California suite together right right and the the movie I think is very funny and they really got after Bill and i's performance not for us but for what they thought and thought it was a racial slur against black people to have us in film and I heard it and auditioning to talk about and then and that we were in the film and we'd only black people and we the only ones doing slapstick comedy and they the reviewers these white men find this offensive for black people they got a consciousness all of a sudden and it's not fair to people like Neil Simon heard Ross Ray struggle Bill Cosby or myself or Gloria Gifford and Sheila Fraser you know the people that were in the second that we ran because we loved it doing it I thought were less than was slapstick and that's what it was supposed to be and not that anybody cares but I wanted to mention case you do care and that that I would love to I would work within people anytime because I think the man men were a lot of principles and we in no way meant to do nothing would be funny and that's what I thought we were will you see if for white people would have done that same sketch nobody would have said anything but see this it was like she was working and they didn't like it in in defense of the reviewers you know they are they are really a nice people I know you know when I go out and have an interview or something and you know you're cutting their meat for and I first of an intelligence has a right to say what he feels right you know so you feed him a little bit and they write a review audience I should have done that yeah Oh life is review finally life's a thong show that's what you do life is like going on you're being God is gonna say this is a whole box all it is and they lead y'all well I don't believe that well you're entitled I mean you know yes I don't where were we here we are we're here we're here yes my mind just came back how a rich Oh so anyway here but not in my concerts usually when I I did one concert one time I walked our station was nothing but white people in the audience and scared me to death I did this I walked I usually go I have a line usually I open and I look at the audience and say white people you know because it's hardly like two white people in the audience so it's really funny but you walk out as all white people that ain't funny away you go sure and usually when a lot but usually when white people come to see me work they usually take notes or look like they're doing some kind of sociological research what does that word mean okay is that really do they talk like no you've got a good mix of an audience I think yes I would I would look I think that I have a good mix of an audience was that your question yeah yes I think what I haven't used I recently and I throw it in I think I have we been black people are here I only save it through a bunny look sorry um mmm no well I do I have um I have a mixture boys not many Chinese people they're talking real tough yeah they're kind of hard to laugh they really don't laugh or seagull laughs will gee z town how would you like to go to China now I would all now bow down go to China I would feel I would just love I just think Chinese food is so great and I don't know how we'd love to go to China comes Chinese people probably got some weird ideas about black people you know goes anyplace usually where white Americans go they always say by P where tales you know and things like that and Chinese people probably be looking at your dumb no no I just think China meanness of billion people you should be friendly with a billion of anything I mean that we are do we all get you I went to Chinese restaurant wait a minute Johnny and the funniest thing I've ever heard in my life the Chinese waiter that stuttered I mean the man was staring in Chinese and his friends was trying to help him they would get mad anybody talk we go to China I want to go with you Conway Pat McCormick oh my god Harvey karma we all go together okay they will probably in their diplomatic relationship with the United States the next week for a week it would be all be fun be an awful lot of fun cuz it be fascinating people did you say you got a billion of everything I hear the premier of China spits in a platoon right the guy has a spittoon and they tried it asked the networks to edit out that part when they showed the film because he's talking to the records eagle what see mister please edit those parts are down you know cause of him it's not those really folksy yeah well thank you breaks will be ready right in right back
Channel: Archy L
Views: 1,453,471
Rating: 4.7477975 out of 5
Id: 3Y1AP5D8HjQ
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Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2016
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