r/Hmmm · ciggy crab

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um i want to hate this but i kind of like it but the girl looks so grossed out and the guy's like come on honey take a breath it looks nice and tasty what's up my dude and dudettes welcome back to easy peasy my name's cougar and today we're diving into r slash things that make you go hmm let's get right to it ah this right here is a normal hand when you marry your cousin ah i guess you could say that air jordan is on air get it because it's plugged in ah amish and the furious coming to theaters 2021. you know what if this is what atms look like i'd honestly let him keep my money because it's kind of like oh you want your money hmm tell me more huh guess you're gonna be playing a lot of games a half caught on this one man that's really well designed you know i really want to hate this one but i bet it's like a birthday cake for someone's cat so i like it hey there guys can i come inside and sit on your bed and eat your porridge huh uh i don't know if this is a real thing but is this like a special carrying case for pigeons that like i don't know pigeon breeders use i don't know but it's still kind of cool but if not why'd you do it oh the house is upside down why oh their house is also upside down that's pretty cool and i wonder what it looks like inside i really want to take a trip there okay you see i appreciate the braids because i personally have done this for one of my horses for horse show but i really can't stand the fact that you put glitter on it because i'm not sure that's the healthiest thing ah yes who needs a toaster when you have a bread toast toaster encyclopedia britannica or should i call it encyclopedia my broomia you know some photos i can just taste in my mouth and this is one of them this right here is what we call the redneck special we got us gt with a pickup truck and a nice hood flap yeah you know i actually really wish i lived here it's really nice and peaceful and it's probably photoshopped but if it's not that's a really fun and magical place to live do you think this is like a doctor's office where the tv's here for the kids you know what i'm not gonna say anything this guy's just resourceful and i really appreciate that because if you look that's obviously unfunded school because look at that uh like white strip up there it's all crooked i respect this teacher i'm going to poop the snoot and i go to the home to my parents charles stop playing with your food ah fine danielle i'm gonna die oh so that's uh that's what hair cancer looks like just no i would say burn it but that'd be bad for your health i've actually done this with the hair bow cola gummies and let me tell you it's just as gross as you think it is let's see i forgot my mask that i wear to the store what can i use can't pull up my shirt hmm can't use a napkin oh i know i use the 1980s monitor i keep in the back seat to wear one traffic cone nah nah nah nah that's great oh sweet i didn't know george rr martin was writing a sequel to game of thrones game of consoles who shall reign victorious instead of the dragons coming it's just gonna be updates that's a frat boy next to his good boy and god i love it look at how happy they both look look at the little smirk on the dog he's like oh i've always wanted to go surfing this is either the start to a fan fiction or a doujin crab side pickup you know i really like you good sense of humor restaurant you say walking in your high heels is hard try walking in these chicken heels with a horsetail this is just all wrong please burn these shoes even though i know it's probably art oh sick dude that's a pretty sweet acoustic computer you got there how how on how on god's earth did you like flap from sea just to go get the cheese how are you here little buddy go back to the sea even though you're dead now the cat looks really really worried and that concerns me even though this is a cute photo ah sake pizza my favorite let me just slap these bad boys in the dishwasher real quick again another photo you can just taste by looking at it and it makes me wanna i have sleep paralysis and this is scarier than any of the things i wake up to terrified every night boy that police officer sure is screwed the second he drops his banana he's going straight into that median you know when the building catches on fire somebody's gonna think this is the fire escape in the panic and just whoop ah at least you died quickly by falling this dog is a piece of art so yes yes i would prove not gonna lie when amazon drone delivery is a full thing this is gonna be me i'm gonna get me some free christmas presents okay let me tell you why this is so stupid to replace a windows roughly two to three hundred dollars two hundred dollars if you go to the right place the pack of cigarettes you're buying every day is probably five to ten dollars so if you stop smoking for 14 days if they're you could afford it you could afford it and you wouldn't have to do this but no you choose this why dude jesus christ what the heck dude why would you do this like i i appreciate the craftsmanship with the french fry legs and antennae that are specifically burnt to be darker and the fact that this is made out of bread and like meat i think but also why who could actually eat this looking at it like oh yeah that's delicious over here it's not a doggo it's not a doge it's a and it terrifies me e t phone home we got some puppies yup that's a face and a lot of faces and it's terrifying especially that top pillow look at it's like staring directly into your soul this isn't real but i burn it with fire ah just a tinfoil man using the internet gotta keep the aliens out of my brain man but i still gotta update facebook mr mittens this is wiggles i'm in you know i don't lie the inner voice actor me is like that make a pretty sweet sound booth with some alterations just move the fridge out bing bang boom new setup my god i've cracked the gas code i'll never have to refill again dude that's a lot of jurassic park you got there are you sure you don't need to go get some more ah yes we call this gross where i am from you know what nate is actually pretty cool 10 out of 10. i wanted to make a furry joke but the duck in the stroller is just too damn freaking cute man i want to make a stick nipple joke here but honestly i'm a huge nerd so i know this is from touhou's film king kong escapes and it's the second king kong film made by them and it's from mecca kong shut up nerdy just get back to the jokes all right then he's got stick nipples moving on honey does this dress make my butt look big nah girl makes your butt look thick now we know what you're saying you're like oh it's a guitar case it's gonna be a nice little guitar in there it's gonna be in like a gibson or something but you know what nope it's a puppo case gotcha that is uh that is one extreme comb over there's no apparent way to get up there so however he did it is pretty impressive if unless that's not a real person i can't tell okay again i kind of like this because basically you could just be sitting there in the morning be like nothing like my cup of joe while i'm on the morning john ah you know as someone who grew up on a farm it's a good way to die a real good way to die you know the cat obviously wants no part of this and you're gonna cause it vision problems by that like because you look at the screen and it spins around and you're just recording it and that's not cool dude not cool honey i don't know i think i should go take the jeep to go get a little bit more ice there's still that little bit of space in the corner can't run out of ice with uncle fred coming okay dear off to go get us my us mobile doo doo doo this guy was obviously really into mr freeze i'm here to haunt your nightmares hmm this guy looks like he's packing that thing right there i don't know how to say american more than this photo because you got the kid in karate you got the baldi going you got the cross in the background ah yes karl marx teach me how to overthrow my human compatriots huh kind of like it i actually really kind of like it good job dude good job hey man if you're in a bdsm this is a pretty sweet boot to be rocking you know i know you're probably thinking this is a cursed image but no it's for anybody of any height to open their business's door that's really smart marketing my friend okay um this is this is breaking my brain and look at how thick those laptops in the back are but that's pretty sweet but damn dude mad respect for doing this huh i thought they were trying to stuff it into like a tupperware but they're cutting the grass and oh that that's actually kind of cool but also really dangerous for the dude's fingers okay this is pretty sweet imagine if you asked for like a lemon drink and this came in it i'd i'd be stoked ah yes the escalator to nowhere except for death coca-cola it lights up your life dude you could have died screwing that in stop dude you got some big feet you know what they say about big feet you must have big socks you know what they say about big socks big shoes get your mind out of the gutter if you thought i was gonna say anything else ah nothing like pooping directly in the sewage again i appreciate it you save water it's good for the environment but also you know creeps are gonna be around the corner like um yeah i love living here take that poop buddy mr krabs i we talked about this you were supposed to stop smoking think about pearl she's your daughter i i yeah i know i can't stop you know two jokes can be made here one put your money where your mouth is two it's a bread bread sandwich get it because money's bread if i'm not mistaken this is how you tell when wine is fermented i may be wrong i may just be dumb but who cares you know what's really embarrassing i the same wood paneling in the trailer i grew up in i had long hair like that with a dyed purple streak the exact same vans off the wall shirt and i did this with clue you'll know i'm not going to lie nate is pretty impressive friend oh look at the little llama with the uh with the heavily armed soldier it's probably just convention though yeah it is look at the helmet you had me tricked for a second but i saw through your ruse ah yes here in mother russia we don't have finding nemo we have finding carl he is like nemo but he a car ha this game's unrealistic netflix doesn't have jaws or akira on it do you think he gained his superpowers from getting bit by a radioactive newspaper you know dude you can like whatever you like whatever but i can't stop looking at all the cursed mouse pads in the back and the furry mystery box down at the bottom what this al's faces is what my face looked like looking at the joker at the furry convention oh you didn't know this is the cat that inspired garfield too you know it's a good thing then it asked me to make these planes there'd be a lot more plane crashes it's a little puppy birthday puppy birthday the hats make them kind of look scary um actually that's a rat not a mouse just saying ugh you still have an iphone 6 table poor gross you know i still use an iphone 6 so this is a shot at myself okay there's only two steps to making pickle pups and eating them one freeze pickle juice two throw it in the trash i guess you could say he's looking into the future i went there why why did you have to make this p pineapple on pizza i can stand but this is a monstrosity oh look at the little pink pigeon that's kind of cute unless they used hair dye then it's probably gonna die this is what we call russian they see oh boy which one to catch which one to catch i got the normal house counter i got the pokemans over here hmm i'm gonna choose the normal house cat who's ready to square off with the pokemans for anyone who doesn't have sleep paralysis this is basically what you wake up to oh dude that really sucks because you probably thought it was a parking spot it's like oh i'm gonna pull in right here down into the thing this right here is what we call the abusive buzzfeed punching bag now with realistic boobs and booty is this like a scene from a movie what is going on here i'm mothman here to go towards the light and die oh sick dude who needs a vape when you got portable hookah you know this kid's probably like i can make it i can make it and then the shovel's just flying at him about to wreck his life oh one apple airpod cool thanks ripoff iphone i paid 147 dollars for is he a part of the uh sit down movement yeah i'll go oh long sliced bread i never needed to see that and i never want to again okay this old man has the greatest idea ever i i love this i love this look at the smile on his face too he's having a great time huh huh yeah yeah that's uh that's a little person being smart fat on top of a blue four-wheeler not really sure what to say hey look it's a porcupine car that's pretty sick actually that'd be pretty sweet to drive it somebody scare the crap out of them yeah this baby's got some pretty sweet aerodynamics what can i say it's my subaru presence she's pretty sick you know i actually don't see anything wrong with this i kind of wish my bathroom was like it's like you're walking down to a little adventure every time why do you have this i have so many questions that i'm never going to get the answers to also can you turn the one painting around so the green part of the flowers next to the you know so they're both on top yeah thanks yeah mcdonald's customer service um i think one of your employees vaped in my hamburger jimmy jimmy is that you oh god they turned him into sushi also this is basically like the movie paddock or paddock i dare you to look it up it's the darkest version of finding nemo you ever watch yes welcome to papa's self-defense what can i get you today in the means of sword self-defense sir you know you might have had me with this one but i've been to this art exhibit i know those are mannequins this is baby's first think we get them young and luscia hey that dude's breathing some pretty fresh oxygen probably no kovid for him this is the uh tin man from the porn parody of wizard of oz the tin man is packing one big tin can chika chikka yeah that just looks like it hurt your butt when you take a poop and this looks like you time travel when you take a poop all right then oh the kitty's watching tom and jerry that's adorable but please stop laying like that yeah quarantine's got us all missing human affection but i'm not doing this with my toilet paper ah cool the live action remake of the little engine that could's looking pretty sick the fair is just like yes take my picture this is my good side this is the type of elevator that a horror movie starts in don't get in it oh dude look i bet he had to jump out real quick look the door's still open and everything i hope he's okay i got some jorts i'm a tortoise some jorts on my tortoise wait did they glue the dog tag to him huh huh i guess he was mad you made him wear jorts this car right here is an enigma and i don't like it do you think two cars just drove into each other and made a new car okay this is a very scary photo they're all staring into my soul but i do like that there's a power rangers villain sitting in the background over there oh man this guy's basically a walking mullet he's all business up top all party down south look at that frickin what are you wearing dude this right here is what we call redneck ingenuity ah so this is how the antichrist was born these two had him okay death and destruction has never looked so adorable that is the cutest bunny i have seen in a long time look at his little face he's like give me all the carrots or die i love that little dude well everybody i hope you enjoyed feel free to like comment subscribe let us know what you'd like to see more from us down in the comments at easy peasy and remember have a great day and be good people
Channel: EzPz
Views: 82,415
Rating: 4.9454632 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit top posts, reddit best posts, reddit top posts of all time, top posts of all time, top posts, best posts, posts, reddit posts, reddit funny, r/, subreddit, top all time, reddit true stories, r/hmmm, r/hmmm top posts, r/hmmm best posts, hmmm, reddit hmm, emkay, ezpz, ez pz
Id: Yh03bJ2Puno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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