RG35XX PLUS BOXART Tutorial On Stock OS

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good morning Retro Game fans welcome back to player retro I'm very excited to bring you today's video in today's episode we'll be adding boxart to the brand new RG 35xx Plus on the stock OS as it is the only firmware available right now so let's get this booted up drop a like if today's a beautiful day to play retro games all right so I'm going to show you how to take your games list from looking like this all boring and sad nothing really that interesting to maybe something like this WOW would you look at that this is a four image mix we have a 3D box heart with a cartridge a screenshot and the title of the game you look at that or maybe that's not your style maybe that's too many pictures maybe you don't like the frame let's show you something else how about something like this just a 2d box art with a nice little frame around it check out Tetris tell me that doesn't look great Shante for my Pokemon fans here it is wow would you look at that let's let's check out another one how about a two image mix something like this with a frame around it or maybe you're not digging the the whole gray B um gray filling here show you what that looks like move over to Dreamcast this is without the filling inside we can also remove the frame I'm going to give you options you guys can decide what you want to do all right let's have a look at these Dreamcast games and that looks pretty damn good if I do say so myself so yeah without further Ado I want you to grab your micro SD card reader your SD card put your tinkering hats on and let's get on the computer okay guys so we're here on the computer I want to give a quick shout out to my viewer let have a look at this goes by datatron he says @ hobby playay retro you've crafted a video that was eagerly awaited by many myself included thanks to it I've already prepped my SD cards and now I wait to the arrival of my RG 35xx Plus in a state of Rel relaxation I love this little Emoji here with the with the couch uh it's truly fantastic and here it is if possible could you explore creating a video on how game art operates within the stock firmware I'm certain it will be well received at least by me okay this is the post that inspired this video as I said this channel is dedicated to you guys you guys leave the the requests and you know I'm here I'm going to do my best to answer it so in today's video I'm going to show you how exactly how you can add boxart to your RG 35xx Plus on the stock OS okay so let's start with some preparation let's move this over um wait a minut let's get this looking a little more clean so prep what you'll need you're obviously you're going to need your SD card reader you're going to need your micro SD card with games already on it and your bios files and stuff obviously you can use the stock so for example if you've already copied over your stock card to a new card if you watched my last tutorial um maybe you just added a new game but that game doesn't have boxar it's not formatted correctly this is the video for you or if you did method one where um you just used uh where is it or if you use my My Method one where you cop copied over uh Axel's modified stock OS image where it's a blank image um and you you just added your own games but you have no box art this is perfect for you so um you'll need you'll need two programs you're going to need scraper and you're going to need uh image magic so as always I'm going to leave my links links for everything will be in the description um below and basically I'm going to run you through how you can actually do this so let's go over here to your browser you're going to head over to scraper.com load and you want to download for your system I'm I'm pretty sure you're going to be on windows so just download for Windows give that a second um and then you're going to run the exe file right over on scraper actually you have to click the okay so I'm going to I'm going to run through the the Wizard entirely from the beginning so you guys can see it I already kind of had it set up and stuff for when I was doing it but I'm just going to restart it so you guys can see it from the beginning so basically you're going to want to head over to this website um you're going to want to hit sign up click sign up it's going to link you to um W screens scraper dfr and you're going to want to register you want to put your email here password and you know make a make a login this is really important as you're going to probably need a lot of FES if you don't register you you'll have a very small limit I'm not sure I'm not sure exactly how much it is but you want to register so after you you've registered you want to come back to screen scraper you want to say I have an account put your credentials in there validate boom so it's going to say one scrape engines enabled um obviously you want to be connected to the internet if you're not connected to the internet uh it's going to give you an error you're going to press next so the next step it's going to have to download a bunch of resources I already done it so it hasn't taken me time but it's going to take a while um before you get to this screen so just give that I don't know maybe like 10 15 minutes to do its thing because it has to like get all all the stuff it needs and then you're going to get hit with this screen um I go with none of these kind of align correctly so I go with generic emulation because it doesn't really matter and then so you want to actually put in your your SD card into the computer now so I have my SD card it's newly formatted with the modified image uh Axel's modified image of stock OS so I just added some games in there which I'll actually show you hold on one second continue without scanning okay so uh for today's example I'm just using six systems and I put 20 games in each one so I got uh Game Boy Game Boy Advance Game Boy Color we're going to do NES FC uh sfc where is that uh SNES right here and then last one we're going to do is Mega Drive uh AKA Sega Genesis okay so I have 20 games in each one uh that's what we're going to do for today's uh box art demo okay obviously yours is going to be different I'm just doing a h a very short list so this doesn't take forever as it does take a little bit of time so you want to basically just click here on this folder icon you want to navigate to your to your ROMs and then you want to go to click on the actual ROMs folder that holds all your games press okay and it's going to read all the all the folder detects you press next leave this alone and just press next or finish right then you're going to get onto this screen if you're familiar with scraper this is probably going to make make sense to you um I prefer not to have all this stuff so I'm just going to go ahead and just delete all this stuff and then add it manually back okay so give me one second to do all that so I've only left uh Game Boy Advance Game Boy Color and Game Boy here so we're going to add the ones we're missing I want you to uncheck show categories that way everything is in alphabetical order now I want you to scroll down to the systems you want so in my case I already have Game Boy Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Color and we're missing um NES should be Nintendo Entertainment System right here okay we got Genesis right here am I blind what the okay okay so now I have my six systems here now we're going to just configure them all one by one um you can do all systems at the same time why does it say five okay I let's just configure them all one by one so first you're going to start in this tab games and front end okay and I want you to navigate to the correct folder you're going to go into your ROMs uh your ROMs SD card and then into the ROMs folder and then just click the folder that is correct in this case it is correct I'm going to press GBA okay then screen scrape our account you're going to leave that alone games list um so actually let's do all systems let's change the games list to no backup create new or existing unfortunately for this there's no option to have none so what we're going to do is just it's going to create a games list and we're going to just delete it later okay so leave this to this we're going to go into metadata leave this alone we're going to go into this media so now this is where it depends uh it really depends on you okay whatever you want to do you're definitely going to want to take out this one so click here press the minus and now you're just going to be left with one image we only want one image as it's going to take up too much space on the on the card so here we have our four image mix um you can have a three image mix a two image mix or just a best screenshot whatever works for you you can use any of these options um or you could just do one image you have a screenshot you have all these different options my favorite as I said before is this 2D box art so that's what we'll be doing today um over moving on from this when you've decided what you want to use for your for your box art you're going to want to come into right here it says output folder and all you want to take off here is right up into the The Backs slash you want to just write capital i m GS okay and I would just leave that alone all right uh we're not resizing anything here okay so just leave that how it is because we still have to do one more step after this then you're going to go into the miscellaneous Tab and I just want to uncheck this see it says regions use ROM region first I would just just uncheck this I found it creates a little bit of problems so just just uncheck it so yeah that's basically for all our systems but now we want to go into each one individually and just make sure everything's correct so this this this folder is correct this folder I believe is correct this folder is correct this one is wrong Sega Mega Drive this is now where I have my my Genesis games so you're going to go into your ROMs and you're going to go into MD click okay um and yes this is incorrect as well so for for people who are new in simulation um NES and S NES are usually labeled either FC for uh uh fam famon computer or family computer or sfc as super family computer or super famon okay so this is NES so we're going over here to FC press okay and now that's in the correct directory and then last one to for the SNES same thing ROMs and sfc okay all right so obviously you may have a lot more systems than me again this is an example um so I'm I'm making it short to not have this take forever but just keep adding until you're done with how many systems you want to do okay so yeah moving back to this um media everything looks good okay so now we're going to go click on all system and all you do all you need to do is run the scraper press play right here scraping all systems may take a long while continue okay so you're going to see here it's going to do its thing this is going to take a long time so just let it do its thing we're just getting the Box heart it's not the correct size yet so after this we're going to have one more step so after you've downloaded this while this is running actually grab this this is called image magic display so I want you to head over to click my link you're going to go over to this this download section and you want to go to the windows release Windows binary release grab this one right here okay soon as you download that you install it um you don't really have to actually mess with the program like you're not going to actually click this so I'll show you exactly what we're going to do with it when this is is done so yeah it's going to show you this little preview right here of what's actually being scraped so you can see here so we had six systems and the total number of games have found is 120 games so obviously depending on which um which type of box art you want if you get a the more images you have like a four image mix is going to take four times as long as getting a a just a 2d box art so for that reason I actually prefer this um and also I think it's a little bit clean but every it's up to you just keep in mind if you pick the four image mix or the three image mix it's going to take a little bit longer so just be patient guys you know let let the let the program do its thing so you guys can get the results you want now in the meantime I do want to share with you am bernick's boxart secret formula it's right here which if you click it it brings you to this so what is this right what what am I looking at right this is basically a line of code that we're telling the program to resize the image to this size right we're telling it to make a copy we're going to add a frame right around the image and then we're going to extend it out to the size of the display of the rg35 xx+ and then we're going to move it over to the left and then we're going to make sure there's no background that's essentially what this this command line is doing all in one step and I'm going to show you that right after um this is done okay so this thing is finally done you heard the jingle um all you want to do is press this check now we're done with uh with the scraper application so you can close this out if you want I'm going to close it out and now we want to use this box art secret formula right here okay so I'm going to give you two versions right you have this one this is with a border and this is without a a border right here so take out this composed copy frame extend we're going to take out this whole line and this is just this is the version I'm actually going to write it down here no frame and this one we're going to call frame okay so now I'm going to actually show you how to use this so you want to go into your your ROMs um you're going to see there's a folder now here called imgs okay and then in this folder you're going to have all your pictures all your box art okay but it's the wrong size so what do we do right so first I want you to make a backup folder just in case something goes wrong you want to click this make a folder on your desktop call it images backup and now really quickly I want you to just create folders for all the different systems you made so here we have GB okay so this is the Mega Drive um so we're g just make a copy over here okay um then do the same thing for each every single one of these systems real quick perfect now you have a backup of every single one of of these images just in case this park goes wrong so you do have a way to reverse it okay and then you can try again so now we're going to go system by system one by one and we're going to run this this command prompt um this this uh this lineer code so I want you you to just um press copy and now holding shift plus right click and you're going to scroll down you're going to see 1 2 3 4 five six seven lines down you're going to see open Powershell window here the only way you'll see this option is if you hold shift and right click okay open Powershell window here and now I want you to paste that uh that that line of that secret formula into here and all you have to do is press enter and now I you really need to wait until you see this so mine was really fast if you have a lot of games this might take a while until you see the second line do not close this or basically it won't finish its job and you'll only have like a half the amount of games okay so make sure you see this right here the second line of the second line of code this will indicate you finished okay so now we're done with uh s sfc and let's see how that actually turned out so this this is what it's going to look like it's added the frame and it's moved it over to the left I know you can't see it that well on this so let's open it actually in paint so where is it open with paint so this will give you a better idea of what it actually looks like so this is actually right here this this white area is transparent and it's been moved over all the way to the left and it's basically taken up half the screen so the stock OS will automatically move this P will position this picture where it needs to be but it has to be like this and this is perfect this is absolutely perfect this one's this one came out wrong I don't know why the this picture came here but that's fine most of them came out good okay so let's close this one so if you have like an inconsistency like this this is I'm pretty sure this is a this is a Japanese game it's like a fire emblem translation prob probably so that's probably why this happened but um if you have an issue like this I'll would download the the picture individually and I'll actually show you where you can get that so I will leave this in the I will leave this in the description as well if you need like one picture so you can go in here go to Super Nintendo um then go to box art and then look for the game there it is so for some reason it was rotated wrong we're going to go ahead and save this image to I guess I guess pictures basically you want to run this through the same thing so I would put this in a folder let's make a new folder here we're going to call this correction okay and we're going to move that um that picture we just downloaded so here it is we're going to move it into correction and just run it through the same thing you want to hold the shift right click it open Powershell window paste enter and that should be good so let's see how this came out and there it is now this should be better than the the one we had so we can go ahead and overwrite it so you're just going to go into your folder now we're going to go into the corrections folder and just drag it over here and then you're going to hit replace this file boom now everything should be good let's look into it again if you have a lot of games this is going to be annoying cuz there's going to be maybe a couple that didn't come out right so just keep that in mind all right now let's move on to let's do that for every single system let's start with uh let's do NES next right we already created a backup all you have to do uh shift right click open power shell window paste uh you going to hit contrl V if you don't know that shortcut to paste then press okay give it a second when you see that second line of code you're good to go you can close this out and let's see how this one turned out looks great looks great looks great perfect let's move on to the next system let's do Game Boy shift right click sorry shift right click open power shell window paste enter here and it's done let see how this one turned out okay kid dony Kong looks amazing perfect all right close this out again out again let's go and do Game Boy Advance okay we're going to hold shift right click open power so we got some sort of er error code for one of the games that's kind of weird but everything came out good okay okay now we're going to do Game Boy Color shift right click open pow show window here paste enter close out of this let's go ahead and see how this one turned out I'd say that looks pretty damn good to me okay so let's close out of this and now you're done so I've safely ejected the SD card let's put it into our device always remember it's the top one and it goes like this okay for the new owners out there ignore this if you're not a new owner okay let's get her booted up okay so now we're in the games room and let's go down to those systems we uh set set art for and boom there we have it beautiful box art for all your games look at that and it's perfect you see this Edge right here just it's slightly spaced over the the stocka will will do this by itself so you just got to make sure you use that that secret formula I showed you guys okay just SN yes right here and again this is going to look like however you want it for um depending whatever you decided to do on the on the scraper so if you did a four image mix it's going to look a little bit different here we have Genesis I'm sorry UMES Genesis should actually check that one that we corrected so let's go to where is it Fire Emblem right here it's a little small but it's fine uh Game Boy Color and lastly Game Boy and there you have it guys um let's show some love to the stock OS everybody's always about custom firmware but I know there's a lot of people out there who actually enjoy the the stock experience um just the Simplicity all the nice features you know it has a a game pad tester search functionality history favorites it's got a lot of nice things going forward so let's show some love drop a like if you actually enjoy the stock OS um drop a like if this video helped you out subscribe for more content you know this this channel is all about you guys definitely leave more more more comments for requests you know I read every single comment also I want to thank everybody I just hit 100 subscribers I know it's small and everything but it means it means a lot to me I I'm happy you guys are enjoying the videos and I'm I'm really doing my best to put out the content for you guys so definitely leave your requests if you have any questions you need any help you know I'll do my best to help you guys out so yeah stay tuned for for my my next review and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching
Channel: Javi Play Retro
Views: 10,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: retro gaming, retro gaming handheld, rg35xx plus, rg35xx plus boxart, boxart rg35xx, box art, Anbernic, boxart tutorial, retro handheld tutorial, emulation, emulation boxart, new rg35xx plus, rg35xx plus starter, rg35xx, stock os boxart, rg35xx stock os, rg35xx plus boxart tutorial
Id: B4H6OzDrBzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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