Super Fast CFW ⚡️| MuOS Starter Guide for RG35XX Plus & H

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play [Music] rro Hey guys you're watching play retro thanks for stopping by if you're new here welcome my name is jav and today I'm going to show you guys how to install muos a new custom firmware for both the rg35 xxh and the rg35 XX plus so the really cool thing about this is that this firmware is interchangeable so you can load the SD cards into one system and you can swap them out and put them in the other and they will work just fine you can just go through the menu and then swap it from the h to the plus and from the plus to the H just like that and I'll show you what that looks like in a moment really quick I want to discuss what you can expect from from this video so first of all I'm going to show you what this is going to look like in a second so I'm going to just have this booted up real quick I do have a custom theme going for this so first of all I'm going to show you where to download and to install um uos as well as that I'm going to show you where to where you're going to load all your games all your content your games your bios files and your save files if you have any of those you want to transfer over I'm going to also show you where you can get box art so in this example I actually just used a tiny best side go that someone already pre-s scraped so you can see here what that's going to look like and it's a three image mix looks pretty amazing show you one more system let's go with Mega Drive so yeah this is a a mix that someone already made but I'm also going to provide you the files in the description below if you want to make your own uh box art and have it preconfigured to fit in that little corner uh as well as that I'm going to show you how you can add any any uh any themes that are available or to create your own theme which you can go into here and just easily switch into theme manager that's built into this OS so right now I'm I'm using this one right here called capin frappe uh product send regular this is not preloaded however there are some pretty good ones in here this is kind of like a um famicom one looks really good this is another popular one let me show you what that looks like so it's kind of like an aliens kind of theme we go into content manager this look pretty cool I love this theme it's like a bunch of colors and stuff yeah let's go back really quickly I'm also going to show you what systems are supported I know a lot of people usually have um questions like how many systems does this thing support compared to the stock Os or even badera or badera light which is on also another custom firmware available for this these two devices I'm also going to show you some issues with this custom firmware uh as it is right now because obviously these um custom firmwares are still relatively new but they've gotten to a point that they've become good and they're getting better every day but they're still ironing out certain little things here and there so I just want to make you aware of those things before you install this custom firmware let me show you what this is actually going to look like and discuss some of the perks of this custom firmware first of all let's talk about um it has a very very fast uh shutdown and very very fast bootup now if you did not like the 45 46c boot up of bacera you're going to love mu and this is the kind of os I really like you just saw that how fast that was to just get into the menu amazing also it's very minimalistic very simplistic very reminiscent of something like um minui except it's it's uh a little bit more you also have Port Master support in here you have retroarch right in the in the in the menu that's not something in menu ey you have as I showed before a theme manager also a very very big perk of this operating system is the fact that you can have games on both SD cards so usually in these um operating system you have to choose one or the other normally you end up putting if you put two you're going to put all your games on one card and then the other card you're just going to do the operating system on this operating system you can actually play games from both SD cards so all of your space can be used and that is an amazing amazing amazing perk of this operating system so I'm going to show you what that looks like and I'm also going to answer a couple questions so I know this there a lot of people thinking that this custom firmware cannot play NDS or N64 or PSP any of those higher systems Dreamcast that is not true at all I'm going to show you right now so first let's go into Dreamcast real quick let's go into um Crazy Taxi I really quick want to show you every core available into in this custom firmware you can see here you have I'm going to let you guys look through this list you have all your PC stuff Doom look at that DS game boy Game Boy Color Game Boy Advance NES N64 SNES Pokemon mini uh Virtual Boy pico8 Pocket CD CDG Dreamcast Game Gear Master System and when you go into any of these folders for example let's say Dreamcast which we're in right now you can pick between which core you have available to you so you have Fly cast and Fly cast extreme in this example so that would be the core that's assigned to this right now and let's go ahead and play some some crazy taxi or actually let's play some project [Music] justice so these are all going to be retro our cores that's something you have to keep in mind these are not Standalone emulators there's only a few Standalone emulators and that's something you guys have to know so the performance is not going to be as as good as a standalone emulator but that is fine you're going to see the performance is is pretty good on retroarch some of the retroarch cords are better than um Standalone emulators in some [Music] cases [Music] [Music] okay so I don't want to spend too long on that another benefit is that because most of the most of the cores are retroarch cores you have retroarch across the board so every time you open the menu you're going to see retroarch menu which is awesome so I did want to show that really quick so you yes Dreamcast Works N64 Works NDS works we also have um drastic so we do have a standalone emulator for NDS for anybody wondering you also have melon DS for um retroarc and you have pspp the retroarch version not the Standalone for for PlayStation Portable for anybody wondering and that is off SD card 1 and SD card 2 I also have a bunch of games as well so you can see here so you can use all the space and that's amazing another really cool perk about this operating system is the fact that you can name your folders whatever you want look like look at this this is my this is the tiny best I go this is exactly how it was named I just copy pasted it into um an an an SD card formatted to ex fat put it in here and then boom I can just direct the system to where my games are doesn't matter what the name is it could be like if Game Boy Color if I wanted to name it my favorite system of all time I that could be the folder that where my um Game Boy Color games are it does not matter which is really cool it's not a feature you see um on every system so like here uh let's say you're not a big fan of MD or Mega Drive you can call it Genesis or same thing with uh let's say you just like the naming convection of of Super Nintendo instead of super famon you can do that you can do whatever you want maybe you like snz you you can name the folder whatever you want however you want you can put it wherever you want and you can direct the folder to you can direct the system to the folder however you want which is amazing the SD card is is interchangeable so I want to show you that I want to demo that really quickly so on this desk um on this device I do have um I do have Basera so look I took out tf1 put in tf1 in this one and then TF2 into TF2 and now I can power this thing on just like that because they're essentially the same device right um minus the sticks obviously this one has sticks this one doesn't and all you have to do is go into here and you can change device type right here and then you can you can change it from H to plus and boom just like that now you've changed the the operating system you can use all your games and everything play them just like the same look at this all my games are still here it works just the same it boots up in the same exact amount of time tell me that's not amazing now I don't know how useful this is going to be for for most people because I don't think everybody has two both of these devices but there's something I wanted to point out and uh uh just uh a cool feature of this of this system I love this let me know in the comment section below if you guys want want to see a comparison between the two because internally they are almost exactly the same but externally they're very different um just from like design wise and some of the features and stuff this is still one of my favorite devices of all time um and I just got this age so um I'm messing with this one right now so I can get ready to to drop a review but but yeah let's get this booted back up but yeah every time you swap between the two you do have to change the device type just so you guys know and yeah these um themes are really easy to install it like literally drag and drop into a specific uh specific folder it's really easy then boom let's go back to H boom done you also have Wi-Fi Bluetooth is not working for anybody uh wondering HDMI out works but there's no audio so there's something you have to keep in mind um for anybody uh interested in those features you might want to stick to stock uh stock for now and then aside from that you um it's just the fact that it's customizable right this theme manager right here is really really cool and something I absolutely love about this not only changes the way the front end looks like the the system but it also changes the boot logo it also changes the sounds so the theme is an allinone thing this is a lot of people's favorite game boy dark um I will demo what that looks like maybe later but yeah um there's new themes coming out every day there's a bunch of other stuff in here too you have a real time clock you have Web Services Port Master as I mentioned before um where you have tools as well hold on So You Al you also have an activity tracker right here you have you also have an input tester that's always handy look at that freaking awesome yeah it's it's it's so far I'm pretty impressed with a mu mu OS and this is version version 10 there's version 10.1 coming out pretty soon and that is why I'm recommending a two card setup for anybody interested in in installing this custom firmware so yeah I know this is not for everybody I know this looks a little bit simplistic for some people um for those people I recommend check out Basera I do have a video on my channel on on bisera light and there's also a new version called just plain B s a full build um for the RG 35xx I still have to look into that if you're a person that you value Simplicity you appreciate fast boot time fast navigation just a simple interface get to your games um and all these additional perks I just mentioned easily swap between devices if you really want to um you can put games on both SD cards which is really cool as well Port master and um among other cool features so yeah if this if this sounds like something you want to you want to get installed I'm going to show you how to do that so without further Ado go ahead and grab your micro SD card reader and let's get on the computer okay guys so welcome back to my computer as always going to start with a little bit of preparation for anybody not familiar with this you're going to need a Micro SD card reader you're going to need either a one a one SD card or two two SD cards I'm recommending two for for muos only because there's going to be another version coming out soon called 10.1 and this should introduce an easy way to easily update to a future version so it may it may introduce um over theair updates or you or you may be able to just drop a file into the the OS and then do some sort of configuration and then have it update very easily for you instead of having to reflash every time so for right now I'm recommending a two card setup but moving forward if there is a over the a updates I will recommend the one card setup for the people that like one card so yeah you want to for two card setup you want a 16 gig or or 32 GB for the OS you don't need 32 but 16 gigs is hard to find nowadays and then I'm recommending a 64 GB or higher for your games as well as that we're going to need a couple programs I always use the same ones as always we're going to need Rufus uh we're going to need mini tool Partition Wizard and we're also going to need seven zip as far as downloads we're going to I'm going to link you to both of these downloads you're going to need the meos version 10 release and I'm also going to give you the the tiny best set go artwork uh that's pre- scraped for for this uh for for this uh operating system so without further Ado let's get right into it so the only way you can actually access this is through the Discord but I'm going to give you the direct link to this so here's here's the download link brings you to this page you're going to click download here uh click this and then this is I'm give you a direct link to this page right here so you can so you're going to grab this right here um MOS 2403 uh it says plus and H version 10 so the there's only one file for both systems just you know you can configure it within the system which is really cool about muos so it's one One OS for both uh operating for both uh devices so go ahead and click that and download it I've already gone ahead and done that as you can see right here and then once this is done you just want to extract it so going go ahead and uh you want to have it in in the downloads folder go ahead and extract all and then click extract and then you're going to have it in a separate folder I've gone ahead and done this already I'm just showing you guys as an example so this is what it's going to look like so normally I take this and I put this on the on my desktop whatever so yeah I'll take this and I'll just U throw this on on my desktop so now that you have the image that we're going to flash let's go ahead and get our SD cards ready you can go ahead and insert your SD card number one into into the PC or your only SD card if you're just doing a single card setup that is up to you um and I've already kind of set this up but I'm going to go ahead and do it again as you can see it says meos already um so you want to go into your mini tool Partition Wizard okay and then whatever this is you want to delete this partition you're going to right click go to delete apply hit yes okay and then once that's done you're going to go ahead and uh right click again create and then right over here in file system go ahead and put F 532 um this doesn't really matter cuz it's going to get renamed once it's installed but I just leave it to just change the letter change the letter to anything doesn't matter go ahead apply yes now give this a second to do its thing and boom just like that it's ready to flash so we can close out a mini tool Partition Wizard right now we're going to go into our rofus on rofus you're going to click right here make sure you are on the correct SD card we obviously don't want you to lose data uh as you can see this is the correct one right here uh this is the only 32 GB I have in inserted into my PC and then right over here I'm going to go into my desktop and find that um OS go ahead and open that and all you have to do here is press start it's going to give you a little warning press okay and now just give this a second to do its thing okay and just like that it is done so let's go ahead and now you can safely eject this close out of this close out a rofus you don't need rofus anymore and we're going to go ahead and safely eject our muos okay guys so I got for this example I will be using my rg35 xxh okay and I got my SD card right here let's go ahead and take this out of here and you're going to go ahead and insert it into this slot right here called tf1 internal remembering the orientation of the SD card it goes this way kind of not facing you okay now once that's in there you going to go ahead and power that on now guys let keep in mind uh the first boot always takes the longest so I will put some sort of timer on the screen it's going to ask you which device you're using in this case we're using the H go ahead and press h it's going to ask you a time zone now right here you want to press b instead of a to confirm it so it says b to [Music] save oh okay and this thing is finally done guys so like I said it does take a little while you want to give it some time maybe 5 10 minutes to to really do its thing it's like 5 minutes really to uh do the first install and once you're done it's going to look like this you going to have explore content favorites history information uh configuration you can change your theme here as well so a bunch of them in here already preconfigured for you you can choose from so you like something like uh uh something like this and then just like that you've changed the theme looks really different and really cool I personally like the the the the stock one but again these are going to there's going to be new ones that come out we're going to actually install another one that I just recently saw I really like yeah for now let's just power this down and let's let's get this loaded up with our our games and our bios files and maybe in TR transfer over our saves and then add some box art okay okay guys so if you're doing a two card setup go ahead and insert your uh your 64 GB your TF2 into your PC if you're doing a a single card setup put back the same the same single card back into the computer okay so once you insert your uh your SD card into your computer go ahead into a mini tool Partition Wizard okay it may look something like this um so just go ahead and delete this partition go aad ahead and apply yes okay and now we're going to create a new one and this can be either uh under file system you want it to be either fat 32 or ex fat in my case I'm going to go with ex fat and this uh Drive letter you can assign it to whatever you want I'm going to go with um G for games and I do like to label this card just so I know for in the future so this I'm going to label it um uos go ahead and press okay and press apply hit yes now this give this a second boom you're done okay so now we can open up our file browser go into that SD card and now all we have to do is to copy over our uh tiny best set go so I have both the things right here so we're going to start with the ROMs then we're going to do the BIOS and then we're going to do the box art so this ROM's right here so you the cool thing about muos is you can put the FI the the folder structure however you want so I'm going to just go ahead and copy this right here and I'll give this a second to do its thing Okay cool so this thing's done we have most of the stuff in here okay so now we're going to close this one we're also going to copy the 64 gab expansion right over here and just go ahead and copy that ROMs over into the same one now we're just going to give this a second okay guys so this thing's finally done go ahead and close out of this so if you're doing a one card setup go ahead and leave your your SD card in the PC if you're doing a two card setup like myself go ahead and exit out of this and you want to safely eject this SD card out of your PC and now grab your tf1 in your console and now let's insert that into the PC if you're doing two card setup so now in here you will see first of all it's going to be have a little nice little label and it's going to be labeled muos ROMs so in here you can also put more ROMs if you really want to um so for example like I just filled up my 64 gig I can still use the 32 gigb in here and then direct like some PSP games N64 whatever I want into this uh SD card but right now we're really focused on just getting the BIOS in here so I want you to head over into MOS and then you will find a bios folder right here so yeah just copy paste all those bios files from the tiny best set go copy all of this into here so I'm going to go ahead and skip the ones that I already have close out of this and you also want to grab the expansion bios as well if you are also using the expansion okay and with that you've just finished the BIOS now in here you can also um put your your save states and whatnot if you if you have saves you want to transfer over you will find a save folder in your tf1 if you're using a two card setup um and now let's do uh the box art so I'm going to give you this link so this is the link right here uh tiny bests side go artwork so it's going to look like this you're going to click over here on release and this is the I'll give you direct link to this you want to grab the complete right over here so just go ahead and get this one right here it's going to look like this as you can see I already had it downloaded so once it's done give that a second okay once it's done it's going to look like this you can go ahead and right click seven zip and then I like to extract to the folder or you could do extract here so if you extract it it's going to be right here in a folder called muos and it's going to direct you to the way the directory so so I already have this right over here so you're going to go into muos just like this into info catalog and now you can copy paste all of this so I mean this should already be preconfigured and you PC engine yeah you could just copy paste this entire folder and then just give that a second okay and just like that this is done and yeah now we can close out of this close out of this and then just safely eject this out of your computer and let's check our results okay so you got your H or your plus let's go ahead and insert our tf1 into tf1 and now our TF2 SD card number two into TF2 external and now let's boot this up check out that super fast boot time okay so in explore content you want to go into SD card number two and then you're going to have it's creating a directory for this and then boom you're going to press select and you're going to assign a core to this we're going to do M 2003 and now you can launch those games and you want to do this for every single system so in here let's say this is uh NES right here give this a second [Music] let's go ahead and sign a core to [Music] NES NES right here Nintendo NES famicom and Let's do let's do nestopia okay so now basically go ahead and do that for every single core so Game Boy my favorite emulator for Game Boy is gam battle I'll actually put in the description recommended core for each system um Nintendo Game Boy com comat and as you can see do have our box art ready to go so here you're going to press select select again in advance I like gpsp but you guys can use mgba do whatever you want and as you can see now the box art is right in front of you looks great let's do GBC so you have a lot of games this might take a while to sign a cord to GBC I also like gambat for this as well I don't know if I always pronounce it gam gam battle but I know that's wrong so but yeah you would do that with every single one of these and then as soon as you do that you'll see your your your games are populated they have nice box art you have the [Music] the whole library in here and you can go fast with the shoulder [Music] buttons really quickly I want to turn this off I want I want to add one really cool theme to this card so let's go ahead and back out and shut this down okay you're going to need tf1 for this okay guys so I'm here on the uh the themes tab on the muos Discord we have a bunch of cool stuff in here um stuff that's not on the SD card right now so you can look through these if you want you find something really cool one of my favorites right here recently released as of 13 days ago um by this guy called shout out for creating this um I don't know if you guys remember this on garlic the cat the puchin frappe uh theme that was kind of like a rainbow kind of dark theme really nice and there's a bunch of options here with different font you have comic Sands you have regular um kind of if you don't like these fonts you can change them you have this font right here and this font whichever one works for you I'm going to go ahead and take I believe the first one I think I like this one the best go ahead and download that and it's going to look like this so once that's done we're going to go ahead and put that into our into our SD card so to install a theme you want to go into muos then you want to go on to info and then you'll see theme go into theme and then here you'll find all your themes you can just go ahead and drag and drop these in here so I have this file right here just like that I've installed the theme okay guys so I loaded up the that capucin theme let's get this booted up and let's change our theme to that and this thing's going to look amazing okay so let's go into configuration let's go into theme manager there it is and boom just like that we now have our c put in theme installed it looks pretty cool one of my favorite themes I um from from garlic OS right over here on on OS so here guys there you have it that's how you install um OS for the rg35 xxh and the rg35 XX plus so um let me know in the comment section below if this is a a uh custom firmare you guys are checking out or are going to install into your uh devices also let me know if you run into any bugs for anybody who wants to scrape their own boxar I will leave a link uh in the description below on uh the files that you will need to to upload into your scraper so you guys can configure your own uh you know your own ROM set to work with this custom firmware which is really easy if you guys want ask me I may make a video dedicated just to that topic if this is a a custom firmer you guys like also I want to give a big shout out to the creator of this custom firmare uh he goes by Axel this guy's a really talented developer and he's been working really hard to make this uh this custom firmer reality and so far it's so so so good and I can't I really can't wait for the future versions to come out he says that as of right now um there's certain quirks that are are not perfect for example like the Wi-Fi um you can't just click the Wi-Fi to find uh to search for whatever Wi-Fi is in the area you actually have to type it in which is kind of annoying and on top of that there's no um OTA overthe a updates as well as of right now but those things will change very very soon and that's why I'm saying guys please use a two card setup that way you can easily reflash the first SD card for now separate your games and then when we get one that you can you can update the firmware easily with all over the a updates boom from there on can just continue you guys can just use this um guide as a reference to go back and learn how to install the firmware which is very very easy as you guys saw really quick I did want to let you guys also know about my giveaway for anybody who missed my post my community post I am doing a giveaway on the channel for reaching a milestone of 3,000 subscribers I want to thank every single one of you um for all your love and support um and getting us to to uh this goal uh I will be giving actually one of these devices away maybe not specifically these I will buy a brand new one for whoever wins um it's going to be rg35 xxh or a plus and also what my xu10 I will be giving that away um I will leave a link to the to my Discord all you have to do is go to the give back uh Channel and just write whatever you want in there doesn't matter what it is and yeah uh in like a week's time maybe less than a week now um I will just use like a bot or something to randomly select two uh commenters and then those people will be chosen I'll send out those devices I'll contact them personally and yeah give out some free devices you know you guys have given me a lot and and I really want to give back as much as I can you know that's one I want to give away too and if I could give away more I will um maybe one day my Channel's a little bit big but yeah guys um if you made it to the end of the video thank you so much for watching um as always my name is jav and I appreciate you guys I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace oh
Channel: Javi Play Retro
Views: 22,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JF551LBCD1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 1sec (2161 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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