RG35XX Plus Tutorial | How to Flash New Updated Stock OS 20231221 | 2 Card Setup

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[Applause] hey guys welcome back to play retro if you're new here welcome my name is Javi and in today's video I'd like to show you guys how to flash the newly updated stock operating system just released by by am bernick this firmware is dated for December 21st 2023 so and this is their most recent update for the RG 35xx plus I already made uh a tutorial on my channel and I given you guys two methods but those two methods have quickly grown outdated there's been like three updates since and I feel like it's finally gotten better to the point where I can recommend this this newly uh released update so I'm going to put on screen some of the benefits of this firmware along with the other changes from the other previous updates so things like so things like Dreamcast PSP Naomi you can switch the d-pad in the joystick by pressing the power button I've also heard they fixed the Sleep they've increased the Wi-Fi password character limit to 40 characters before it was very limited I think to 16 they've also added an app section with a lot of nice things you can also set the LED light indicator to on or off during sleep whatever you prefer you can also um you can also use a stylus in the in the DraStic emulator for uh Nintendo DS so that's handy as well so uh and overall across many platforms emulation has gotten better so I actually want to show you some of that stuff on screen real quick first I'll go into the settings and let me show you we are actually on this version right here so there you can see RG 35xx plus 2023 December 21st okay you can see they've cleaned up the settings menu it's a little bit smaller now in network settings now we have Bluetooth together with Wi-Fi and Moonlight U they've changed the the text for button sound to on and off now so it's a little bit more easy to understand instead of open and close in clearing record now you can clear your history your favorites and core Association in here they kind of to put this into like a folder and here is that led light indicator for Sleep which is this right here so when you go into your sleep mode it is on right now but if you turn this to off and now when I press it the light is off so that is nice if you if you find the light Annoying Couple nice things I have also heard that the sleep function has been improved a lot you're going to drain a lot less battery while using sleep mode I have to still do do some testing myself and then let me show you one of those um features I said like pressing the the button to change it on Dreamcast so I actually have a game favored for just for this example so this game is called Metropolis Street racer for Dreamcast okay guys let's lower this a little bit so this game is a perfect example of uh a game that if you don't have analog map to d-pad you can't play it without changing the controls so if you press this works but the d-pad doesn't so now am bernick has made it so you just press the power button one time and that switches it and now when you press it not honking anymore and now let me show you that again I'll turn it off and it's back to the horns and this is um set of cameras and then press it again and and now we can actually play the game so this is pretty cool I I really like that Amber bernick is doing this and this is not just for Dreamcast originally they just did it for PSP but now they did it for for Dreamcast Naomi so that's pretty good um it's just a really good quality of life uh change also I have heard um Dreamcast emulation has been improved I don't know how true that is I still have to do some testing but I just wanted to show you that real quick as well as that um from the old updates you still have the all the all the pluses of the old update like for example when you go into the retroarch menu uh the text is a lot more legible now which is really nice I believe this is also a more updated version of retroarc you also have this neat app section you can turn off bezels you can go into night mode for retroarc so you can lower the the screen brightness even more if you like you have a quick shutdown now where you press the power button and it will shut down instantly um you have other things like change a vertical arcade rotation so instead of going this way you can go this way so here we have the Pokemon Platinum right you're a person you love to play um DS games you can press this now press the power and you have Stylus control with your d-pad which is awesome can also switch screens [Music] there we go we are on the bottom screen if you have to do DS stuff you can click on the screen and all that pretty cool little handy feature you press it again now you're back to regular controls so yeah it's pretty cool unfortunately the DraStic menu is still tiny that's something I want them to update but you know one step at a time now without further Ado I'm going to show you how you can actually do this let's start with what you'll need so you might need your your stock SD card if you want the games and stuff from the stock SD card okay you're going to need a Micro SD card reader you're going to need two micro SD cards so you're going to need one for your operating system I'm recommending this one right here a 32 gab a branded card either SanDisk or Sam or Samsung and then one for your games so the smallest capacity I recommend this 64 I'm I'm using here for this example a 128 okay so without further Ado let's get on the computer okay guys so welcome to my computer so let's start with some preparation here I have everything we'll need as I mentioned before you're going to need two micro SD cards um you can do one if you really want to in this video we're going to do a two card setup because I think that's ideal for most people so you need one uh 32 gig uh for your OS and you're going to need another at least 64 gigs for games and then of course your micro SD card reader um and then ask for programs you're going to need three programs you're going to need mini tool Partition Wizard you're going to need rofus and you're going to need seven zip okay uh again I will provide links for all this stuff in the description below so you guys have to worry about that uh looking for it and then I'm going to give you two two images they're basically the same uh this is the one directly from am bernick and this one is a modified version of this one that just cleans it up a little bit and makes the size a little bit smaller so a user on Reddit uh goes by the name I'm going to butcher this Tom Daman Mel and this kind person has created a a modified version of the latest RG 35xx plus stock image so he's he's taking off basically like 10 gigs of wasted space and then this this one has no ROMs partition at all so this is important because the system will only read ROMs from your second card and then that way there's no annoying menu in between asking you which card for where your games are so all your games are strictly going to be on your second card so in my opinion this image is actually better than the one we got we get from amernick but for the people that don't trust modified images I will have this one as well so you're going to go ahead and use my my mega I will provide links for both of these I've I've uploaded both versions here onto my mega soon as you download them uh they will be compressed you'll use um so as soon as you download them they'll look like this so you have this one and this one one of them is going to be raar and one of them is going to be szip so all you're going to do is um get make sure you have seven zip in installed you're going to right click it and you're going to go to seven zip and then just hit extract here okay and then once you get that that image I just want you to grab it from wherever it is you can filter here by um by the type you need in this case it would be like image if that makes it easier to find the the iso and I just want you to move it over here to your desktop and just do that for whichever one you decide to choose um you can go with the one that the official one from amernick or you can go with the the modified image that has a couple improvements so as soon as you have that so go ahead and insert your SD card into your computer and then I want you to go into your mini tool Partition Wizard and your SD card may look something like this if it's not fat 32 what I want you to do is just delete this partition and then hit apply and then you're going to create it create and then when it says file system right here I want you to go to fat 32 and just press okay so that's really important you really want to format the SD card to Fat 32 and that's going to be for both SD cards your for your operating system and also for your games and you can close out of this for now and then you want to go into Rufus and this this is super easy make sure you're on the you're on the correct SD card right here so you can see here is D I only have this inserted to my PC so I know it's this one and now we want to select the uh image file the iso so mine are located on the desktop so you can see them here I have another ISO for my own custom uh image for this example I will be using this one RG 35xx plus this is the modified image go ahead and open that and all you have to do here is just press start it's going to give you a warning it says all data on device will be destroyed to continue operation click okay just press okay so give it a second to do its thing so quickly I just want to show you the size differences between these two if you look at them side by side the one from amberi is actually about four about almost 15 gigs and and the modified version is about 6 gigs so there a lot of wasted space on on the am bernick version so it's just something to know if you end up using this one this is going to take a little bit longer to Flash versus this one [Music] okay okay so this thing's finally done we got a little error message but that's fine we can close Roofus for now and now I want to show you what this image actually looks like I'm going to go into mini tool Partition Wizard and this is what your image is going to look like you'll notice there's absolutely no ROMs partition okay if if you choose the modified image and this is exactly what you want this is perfect put out of this and now you can eject safely eject your SD card okay so now we're doing SD card number two for your ROMs and your games so when you insert this into your PC and you go into your mini tool Partition Wizard you'll notice your SD card may look like something like this so once you take this and I want you to delete the partition press apply yes okay and now you want to right click create again we're going to do fat 32 the drive the drive letter ideally you want to change it I like G for games or you can use R for ROMs whatever you want okay and now we're ready to go so now you can safely eject your second SD card okay so you finish flashing the stock OS onto your 32 GB SD card and you've also formatted your other SD card to Fat 32 so now all you're going to want to do is take the smaller SD card and then in here you'll see tf1 int insert it this way okay and the second one same thing you're going to put this one on the bottom into tf1 external this is where your games will go okay and now you want to power this thing on okay and once you got this powered on you'll notice this is going to be empty and that's on purpose okay so all we all we're basically doing now is allowing the system to create the necessary folders in our ROMs partition so from here soon as you powered it on you can just turn it off stick is coming off so yeah when you see the LED light turn off you're save to take out the TF2 and now we're going to put this back in the computer okay so we are back on the computer I've just inserted my games SD card back in my computer the 128 GB micr SD and now you'll notice you'll have two folders in here one is going to be labeled ROMs and another labeled save okay you can go into your ROMs here and inside you will find all your systems and this is where you're going to put all your games right here you can also add your bios files so you want to create a folder called [Music] bios it's not case sensitive so it doesn't matter how you type it so you want to take your stock SD card and just copy all those bios files okay so it should look something like this and then inside you'll find all your all your bios files okay now we're going to do the games I've already have everything ready I can literally just copy this entire folder in here but if you're doing um systems by one by one I do want to show you what that's going to look like um let's take for example GBA you want to make sure all your games are unzipped so they're like this gbas okay this is what your your games list should look like so no no no folders no zip files just games okay so I'm going to go ahead and copy all that real quick okay so this thing finally finished so now you're pretty much done you can just safely eject this and now let's get off the computer okay so you've safely ejected your SD card now put that back into your TF2 external slot and let's get this booted up and there you have it there's all your games now you can just check if everything's in here and of course we have to do a little test [Music] [Applause] [Music] game [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what [Music] and there you have it guys it's that easy that's how you flash the updated stock OS and now that you finish this part I want you to go ahead and get yourself a little little [Music] beverage for all your hard work so yeah that's going to be it for this video guys uh hopefully this video helped you guys out this time I I wanted to do a two card setup cuz I know last time I did a a single card setup so whichever image you decide to get both are good like as you can see on the modified one you don't get that that in between screen to ask you where where do you want to see your games on tf1 or TF2 so this one in my opinion this one's a little bit better but you can do whatever you want so yeah if this video helped you out definitely consider dropping a like subscribe for more content I'm trying to drop at least maybe one or two videos a week uh let me know in the comment section below what videos you guys would like to see on the channel uh definitely leave your video recommendations in the channel I read every single comment let me know in the comment section below what you guys would like out of the next update from amberi let's voice our opinion so they can hear us and hopefully they give us what we want I personally would like to see Bluetooth audio as always if you made it to the end of the video thank you so much for watching and I'll see you in the next [Music] one
Channel: Javi Play Retro
Views: 34,165
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Id: E00QuRx2s0o
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Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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