The RG35XX Plus Upgraded (Sort of) - Garlic OS 2.0

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the RG 35xx plus is probably one of the best handhelds that are out there at least at the time of this recording the price to Performance ratio that's there is just in my eyes unbeatable I mean there's obviously more powerful handhelds that are out there but you're going to be paying so much more money than what you would pay for the RG 35xx plus I've already done a full review video talking about that handheld and you can go and watch that over here click one of these uh icon thingies if you want to go and watch that but when it came to it there were a lot of people that were talking about garlic OS 2.0 in the comments and how to install that into their handheld now I do want to go ahead and preface that there's a lot of functionality that isn't available in garlic OS 2.0 because it's in its Alpha stage right now so there are things like uh GPU functionality Bluetooth functionality um increasing or decreasing the screen brightness uh things like that that just aren't available why you can't connect to the Wi-Fi it's just there's so many drawbacks when it comes to installing garlic o 2.0 that I don't really recommend it too much but I do understand that the aesthetic and the overall layout of garlic OS 2.0 is appealing especially if you are going to be playing online if you aren going to be connecting to Retro achievements and if you're just going going to be playing games that don't require a GPU to run properly or run well so if you want to go ahead and do this let's go ahead and go through all of the steps I also do want to go ahead and share some of my experience with installing garlic OS 2.0 and some of the pitfalls some of the things that you should go ahead and watch out for yourself some of the things that are needed to install garlic o 2.0 onto your handheld are a Micro SD and then a Micro SD card reader of some kind and a computer that way you can go ahead and get everything up and running in the description and the pin comment down below I do have a bunch of links to all sorts of resources including where to find garlic OS and some of the materials or Hardware that I talk about in this video if you buy anything through those things then I'll get a kickback those are affiliate links but the first thing that you have to decide for yourself is whether or not you want to use a branded uh SD card if you want to flash everything from the card that came with your handle to a new better uh performing one in contrast to what was already there now a lot of people they are much more comfortable with uh either SanDisk or Samsung or any other branded uh SD card in contrast to what comes with this Handel because they tend to break they're really fragile and they're relatively inexpensive they're cheap especially in comparison to that but if you go ahead and buy two of those then you can feel a little bit more comfortable now for the sake of this video I didn't even bother flashing it because I did get a new RG 35xx plus mainly for my son that way I can Flash garlic OS onto this and get things running so he can go ahead and play on this as well the first thing that you're going to want to do is actually go to Black s's page and then from there if you scroll down you're going to see all the devices that are supported you're going to want to click on the RG 35xx plus once you go and click that it'll take you to the garlic OS 2.0 GitHub page first things first you're going to want to download the boot loader from this page it's the first thing that's at the top once you go ahead and click that it'll download a zipped folder go ahead and unzip that and take the files that are from there and copy and paste them into the root folder of the SD card that came with your plus now you're going to grab that second micro SD card that you got for yourself I went ahead and grabbed random 128 GB card that I had lying around go ahead and plug that into your computer and format that as xat once that's done create a boot folder in that micro SD card from there we'll go right back to GitHub scroll all the way down to the bottom where it says creating TF2 bootable micro SD cards on number three right click on garlic Os from there you can click save as and then you can save the file but you you want to delete the txt extension on the back go ahead and delete that and then where it says save as drop that menu down and go ahead and click all files from there you want to make sure that you actually save this within the boot folder if by any chance you just save it in the root that's okay just drag and drop it right into that boot folder now we can move forward with step number four click the garlic OS link that's at the end of number four and that'll take you to the assets page for garlic OS 2.0.1 scroll down all the way to the bottom and you're going to find a file in that asset section that's Read armhf rootfs download that and get that into that micro SD card slot in that boot folder extract that there and go ahead and delete everything else that's extra once you're done with all of that take the file that's in that armhf folder and bring that up so that it's at the boot folder alongside with that init folder it should look like this from there remove the micro SD card from the computer and plug that into the TF2 slot on your rg35 XX plus boot it up once and the system will automatically create a directory on that second card from there turn it off and plug that micro SD card right back into the computer to go ahead and add the games that you want to add now here's where things got a little bit interesting at least when I was adding things onto this card because I instinctively just added everything into the folder but unfortunately that wasn't the right way to go about it you actually wanted to add all of those ROMs or all of those games onto the libraries and put them onto their respective platforms also I wanted to mention that zip files if you like to keep your games in zip files versus just having them as their native files that doesn't work also if you want to go ahead and just unzip those game files and just have them into folders that doesn't work either you actually have to have the game file itself on the actual ual platform that's there so if you want to play Game Boy games make sure that the file is right then and there right inside the Game Boy Library folder not the zip not a folder but the actual file itself if not garlic OS 2.0 will not be able to read it and you won't be able to see your games unless you go into Retro Arc now that you have all of your games on your micro SD card all you got to do is take that out of your system and put that into that TF2 slot on your rg35 XX plus boot it up and we can go ahead and start talking about the OS experience now that garlic OS is finally installed on your amernick RG 35xx we can go ahead and talk about the OS itself what it's capable of and what it's not capable of so one of the things that I first mentioned was the lack of GPU functionality and really the only way that I can show you that is by going into Retro Arc so when you come here uh it'll load into resume there's favorites library retroarc and so on and so forth um the library I love the way that at least aesthetically however everything is I've only loaded on here Game Boy and Super Nintendo titles Super Nintendo mainly to go ahead and test that FX chip and uh Game Boy just because I love uh the Game Boy Game Boy Advance Game Boy Color I'm a big fan of the titles from that era but um favorites you'll uh see any favorites you go ahead and uh favorite from there so if you go here um let me go ahead and go into Super Nintendo if you uh hit the menu button on here it'll tell you uh resume restart favorite change time date or change language on the game itself self so from here if you want to um go ahead and uh favor something you can by going into the menu and then from there uh you can go ahead and favorite it uh from here it's pretty much about as basic as it can be one of the things that uh I mentioned earlier was about making sure that the file was uh set in the proper folder and the reason why was because if you were to uh go into the uh category itself so let's say you know I wented to the Game Boy the only game that you see here is the Legend of Zelda links Awakening DX but if you go into Retro Arc it'll go ahead and boot up and we can go into load content and um there uh is uh media directory and from here we can go into ROMs where all of my uh games are or go into library and from here you know we'll go into Game Boy and right here you'll see that the only file that's here is Legend of Zelda links awaken but there's a bunch of other games that are here as well and if I wanted to load them up I could all I got to do is hit that load archive uh pick the emulator um let's go with just Game Boy Advance and boom there it is it runs I don't really have to worry too much about anything and um it's you know ready for me to go ahead and uh game on now if I were to go into resume uh this is where all of the games that I've last played are at um I did want to go ahead and show you all how the FX chip worked on here um the reason being is uh for those of you that don't know the FX chips were uh built into specific uh SNES or Super Nintendo or super famcom cartridges because of the um amount of power that uh these games required so Nintendo they would go ahead and uh put these chips on there just to help the performance of the titles whenever you're emulating uh something a lot of these games they have a hard time keeping up with things especially if there isn't a GPU to help with the processing on things I'm not sure if the mic is going to pick this up but the way that the audio runs on here is uh pretty pretty [Music] bad and again this is one of those things that I like I look at and you know it just immediately tells me that the system is struggling to handle a game from the Super Nintendo era whereas you know something with a stock OS could just run just fine now one of the biggest features with the RG 35xx plus was its improved performance again this is a sub $100 handheld so there's really only so much that we could expect but you would be able to play N64 as well as Dreamcast and some PSP titles without running into too many issues with its frame rate and performance when installing garlic OS 2.0 you do have to take into consideration that there is going to be a lack of GPU functionality as of right now again it's Alpha I'm sure that that is going to come with future builds so I put in some s64 titles on the micro SD card that is on here just to see if it runs I couldn't find it in the library on the handheld itself so I went into Retro Arc and when I went to load in the content I went into my ROMs folder and went straight into N64 to see if it actually loaded up and here is Super Mario 64 to see if it works and unfortunately it just goes ahead and crashes every single time that I go into to load any sort of N64 title this is the same experience over and over again so again if you are interested in getting this up and running on your handheld take into consideration that you're essentially stripping out your GPU functionality entirely as of right now and only going to have CPU functionality essentially making this a miu Mini Plus so to speak there is no sleep functionality with this as well so if I go ahead and turn this off it literally goes ahead and just shuts off entirely so I go ahead and I go to turn it back on and it has to go ahead and boot up entirely before I can get back into my gaming this isn't something that you know is a deal breaker for a lot of people but it definitely is uh something that should be just a basic feature again this is a an alpha OS so I don't expect this to run seamlessly or be topnotch but it is something that uh I definitely miss whenever I'm you know in the middle of things and again there really isn't too much here when you're in the main menu all you have to do is hit the menu button and there's change date and time change language and then there's a battery and then the timer that's there or the uh time so there really isn't too much functionality that is in this OS aesthetically it's beautiful it's very pleasing if you're going to be playing 8 bit or 16bit titles you don't really have too much to worry about with this it'll go ahead and handle it with ease but if you want to play something that's a little bit more powerful or even some 16-bit titles that are a little bit more powerful it just leaves a lot to be desired in the grand scheme of things so what do you guys think of garlic OS 2.0 is this a game changer or are you going to wait until this is fully baked let me know in the comments below I'd love to hear your thoughts and let me know if you have any questions about anything if you want to hear my thoughts on the RG 35xx plus then click this video over here and if you want to hear my thoughts of the RG 35xx versus the Miu Mini Plus then click this video over here I'll eventually update this link to go ahead and uh have a comparison between the plus and the plus the Mi Mini Plus and the RG 35xx plus but subscribe that way you can go and save today and until next time guys I'll see you on the next one peace
Channel: Baldly Rudy
Views: 25,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how-to guide, retro gaming, retro games, handheld gaming, anbernic rg35xx plus, handheld gaming console 2023, how to install garlic os 2.0 on rg35xx plus, rg35xx plus review, rg35xx plus garlicos, rg35xx plus setup, rg35xx plus garlic, rg35xx plus unboxing, rg35xx plus update, handheld gaming pc, rg35xx plus, retro emulation, handheld retro gaming, handheld retro emulation
Id: joY6tsxvUV4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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